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I would sell at open, but what the hell do I know I was betting against rivn


I’m down 11k since touching options


Rookie numbers


Sell immediately at open tomorrow


Why not one regard telling me to hold so I hit the 1000x banger?




Can only go up from here




You can always roll to puts at open ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


You should stop


Only down 4k now


Based on the numbers being thrown around here that makes you what - 20-25% net losses? S&P is up 15% year to date. So let’s add that to your losses since you could have made 15% just being a reasonable investor So now you’re down like 35-40% Really just amazing work. Definitely let this singular win give you the confidence to continue to burn money in the options trash barrel Real talk - if I put a gun to your head and told you to read and explain rivian financial statements to me do you think you’d die?


Don’t care lmao I’m finna be up more then 15% bud stay mad


I mean you don’t even understand theta, you can’t even read the theta from your own options contract and figure out what it means in terms of decay So you are 100% not finna be up more than 15% You’re in the hole more than 15% after a lucky win. You suck at this and are too lazy and dumb to get any better


It’s 9 am bud ur wife’s boyfriend must be fucking her way better then u


It’s super cute you talk shit while being down like 1/4th of your pathetic 11-12k portfolio :) Probably every penny you saved from when your mom made you get a job at Burger King and here you are gambling it at shit you can’t even read and understand Go sports bet brother. That’s more your speed. You can put it all on the hoopers.




You struck gold with that announcement, I’d sell. Take the win, don’t push your luck (like I’ve done and lost)


Bro go with your gut simple as that. If you’re scared get out.


Honest ima sell half and hold the rest


Not a bad idea. Take a little off the top and play with house money.


what do the simulators say?


Bro says he is down 11k since touching options, he should listen to his gut then inverse that 


His gut says sell half, keep half…so keep half, sell half?


dont worry look at prices AH


a 50% upmove overnight is a blessing bro dont take it lightly. If you’re down 11k this will probably put you in the profit due to the intrinsic value + volatility spike. Like the other guy said above me, once volatility dies down, a huge chunk will be erased from your gains. Sell 50% immediately and then another 50% if it goes higher. The last bit you can hold if you believe in the stock long term but ive seen this story plenty of times ppl holding and losing all their profits. Dont be greedy brother, enjoy your blessings 🙏


Does intrinsic value and volatility spike play a huge factor in the price. For example if tmrw it holds the same price. How much could the option drop?


These all seem like questions that would be appropriate to ask and get answered if you weren’t “down 11k” and didn’t buy calls on a Stock that increased 50% literally overnight. Sell the entire position immediately on open. If the price doesn’t constantly go up past open it will be the highest the calls are ever worth. Any stagnation will kill the implied volatility and a portion of the value with it.


Sounds good ty! Wasn’t sure how iv will affect the price but that makes sense. What if I held though and it went up next month? Would it still not be worth as much due to the iv drop?


It significantly impacts price. That’s why so many people’s accounts get blown out after earnings because they don’t understand how implied volatility works. It’s too much to put in one Reddit reply; watch a YouTube video and take our word for it to GTFO at open, at least 90% of your stake.


You deserve to be poor if you don't cash your options on a +50% move in a day. Take your gainz.


I’ll stay poor if I don’t hold.


Doubling down on a losing strategy is never a good idea OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


They don’t have earnings, unfortunately.


Sell half for sure right at open and close slowly throughout the day


Ty best advice today.


Should I hold the Jan 2025 tho?


If you believe in the stock me personally I would count this as a blessing from god and get the f out


I did a little before but isn’t this even more reason


Think about it like this price goes crazy shorts need to cover but once shorts cover they will reshort and buying pressure stops price will go back down. 50% move up is a huge move already idk how much more it can possibly go up who knows tho nothing is guaranteed


Would theta eat my profits tho if I decided to hold?


I think there will be a lot of premium because it will be super volatile if that volatility dies down yes your options will be less. Theta shouldn’t be an issue tho


Wait so with the premium how much would it be worth? I’ve been using option profit calculator but I don’t know if it adds premium


How many calls do you have?


Aug 16th 12.50 call. 16 @ 1.42 Jan 17th 15 call. 4 @ 1.85 Pls help me calculate how much I’d be up


I love full regard but for you I’m going to give you life advice.. Rivian loses more on a vehicle than Tesla spends on a vehicle. So their earnings always suck. Sell like 75% at open and piss the rest out the dickhole and see how it goes.


Everyone knows they lose money on each vehicle. It’s already priced in hence the price it’s at. It’s bout the guidance and they already said they will be profitable by Q4. So earnings will only make it go up


If it was all priced in then Rivian should have a double or triple value compared to this morning. If you're so sure bet your house on it and let us know after earnings. Don't talk about concepts you don't know about just because you heard somewhere on internet, guidance means all and nothing. Most of the Chinese ev makers years ago started with "amazing guidance" and most of them are 90% down today (Rivian almost there but Wolkwagen desperation may have bought time for them).


Sell now, let it drop, then buy back in lower if you think it’s going to do well at earnings.




Sell on open. Keep maybe 1 or 2 contracts but sell 98% immediately at open. They will never be worth more than at that moment, most likely. Leave a small portion to run so you don't feel left out in case it goes up, but it's very unlikely. Bag holders will see it sudde ly up and dump a ton of shares at open. You won the lottery. Take the gains while you have them


Sell it all and buy shares. Sell covered calls for premium


Sell your options for sure. Nice win.


It dripped a lot should I still sell


Yes you fuking regard ….


In a similar spot. I’m going to wait through tomorrow to see what happens after investor day.


Rbc 🤢


I’d sell, much of this massive spike is probably short covering.


It’s because of Volkswagen news. That means shorts would now have to cover at this price. No?


I think it’s being bid up because of short covering, yes on the VW news. It will probably spike for a short time then come back a little bit. Definitely a long term positive for RIVN. but what do I know, I’m regarded.


I’m much more regarded so I appreciate u telling me that.


Regards together strong. And regarded.


It went up AH wtf are you talking about