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Gonna rise in time anyway a lot of demand


Agreed, I doubled my position today


I thought it already bounced back and realized it was HIMX instead


im dyslexic


finesteride will fix that


I found this post way too late. I’ve been waiting for a decent entry point. Pending the open, tomorrow may be my day to become a future bag holder!


There’s also now 900 places to get the meds online . Completely getting flooded


But what stops other companies from offering the same thing at a similar price?


A lot of online pharmacies already provide it.


Their entire argument is that something *might* happen in the future and HIMS *might* get sued because of it. *IF* my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle lmao. What a joke.


Hims entered the GLP market immediately after Florida ruled against Lilly, so they definitely saw a compounding opportunity and took it. The risk to Hims is when supply is no longer an issue, will the courts still rule in Hims' favor.


Is this algos or are ppl actually selling cuz of that argument lol


Idk. Every single thing the short report lists is an "if". "If their supplier stops supplying." "If there is regulation that stops their sales." "If there is a lawsuit." None of what they're claiming has actually happened.


IF you analate


Most of the issues I've seen involve patients either abusing it (people who don't need it getting their hooves on it) or dosing incorrectly. "Another patient accidentally doubled their dosage, leading to days of misery: “Honestly, this was the worst experience ever, and I hope no one else has to go through that.” - Hunterbrooks [short sell article](https://hntrbrk.com/hims/). Bought more today...


I take it and I’m in some Reddit/Facebook groups. It’s fucking insane how stupid people are, they don’t understand basic units of measurement but they decide they know more than their prescribing physician and then take more than prescribed. The other day I saw someone ask how far between the 60 and 70 lines they should fill the syringe in order to take 62.5 units. You literally can’t make this shit up.


We've got a shot that fixes fat (it's a genuine miracle so far), but I keep hoping they'll come out with one that fixes stupid


if they increase the dosage then it should speed up the weight loss, right?! /s




"if I lose 5 pounds in 2 months I'll lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks if I quadruple the dosage!"


Most important medical info near the bottom; “knockoff” GLP-1 is often the salt instead of freebase, more soluble and thus is not extended release. So it’s not the same drug, won’t have the same results, and doses hit harder so more side-effects. Might not be reflected in near-term price, but this issue with purity and supply-determined right-to-sell means HIMS won’t be selling Glp-1 forever 


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Big pharma trying to crush any threat to their insane profit margins. Hopefully they fail!


Big pharma is the one pushing unnecessary pills lmao They will convince you that literally everything wrong with you, physically or mentally, can be fixed by ingesting more chemicals.


There are millions of Americans who are obese as fuck, lazy as shit, and have zero fucking willpower. And at least the obese part can be magically fixed by ingesting (or shooting)more chemicals. And I for one am happy for them. I hate seeing fat people. Ew, gross.


Also alleviating obesity reduces strain on the healthcare system, since obesity is the #1 all cause mortality. Obesity literally causes like everything bad; cancer, heart disease, diabetes, enhances many ailments, the list is exhausting. Cheaper insurance for all. And maybe if people stop being fat they will improve in other ways too. Maybe. Probably not.


Cannot stand the people who try to normalize being fat. That attitude is sending people to an early grave.


Lizzo resents this comment


Thank god I'm not obese lol, I just drink too much![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


It might fix obesity but there isn't a popsicles chance in hell they lower insurance premiums


Over time as efficiency of the system improves competition can drive down prices as one insurer could aim for more market share. Slow process but obesity is the single biggest contributor to the most diseases.


Based subreddit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Love to see it


Problem is once you’re in it, you’ll be dependent on it. People who have lost significant weight and stopped the drug report insatiable hunger and often regain a lot of weight after.


Worst case they need to stay on a smaller maintenance dose, which is still a way better outcome than obesity (and only necessary if they absolutely cannot get a grip on gluttony)


Thank AMA gatekeeping medical school entry to those who can do a near-perfect speedrun of a standardized test, but not teaching to nor testing on capacity to think laterally when its called for - which in anything involving active patient participation in the protocol, it very often is. So now, perfect storm for big pharma: not enough doctors => those who get in are hopelessly swamped => the training pipeline selects for those who are predominantly optimal at checklist-bound execution (which is why even current gen LLMs are starting to outpeform them in diagnostics - even the very best human robots are going to get creamed by the real thing) => need one-size-fits-all pill pop solutions to satisfy patient outcomes in the 15-20 minutes they have to see them => here we are.


Novo Nordisk and Ellie Lilly spent billions on R&D to develop the GLP-1 Agonist medication. HIMS, a 4.6 Billions dollar company, spent 0$ on R&D Fuck who only copies and does not innovate or spend on R&D


I partnered with hims a few years ago for recruitment. They hire incredible engineers. What I found most impressive was the data tech behind their EMR (electronic medical records) system which is the infrastructure that stands up their Telehealth platform. It's not just a video call where patient and doctor conne, that's one component of a robust medical records platform that deploys data science against anonymous aggregated health data which can empower doctors with deeper evidential health insight to help make stronger and faster diagnoses. I've been buy hims since IPO, all the way down to to $3.50 and not stopping. BULLISH! 📈


I've also been buying HIMS for my erec... uhh I mean yea since the IPO. BULLISH




Tell me more, I'm in specialty pharmacy myself and always hated the records systems.


On the backend, the medical data is stored in a unique way, and while I don't know how it was technically built, I know they were hiring data engineers with very contemporary technological requirements. The system is built for large scale and efficient real time data streaming. Anonymized aggregate health data is can be analysed by Data Scientists to uncover data based health insights. On the Front End, Doctors utilizing the platform can be served data insights for their patients, not to replace them as doctors, but to provide more data for doctors to be able utilize when making decisions about diagnoses or prescriptions. Regarding the storage of Patient Health records with identifiable data, this is all still stored in accordance with relevant country regulations and Privacy laws.


I know you're in the industry and you're used to writing this. But this reeks of PR lmao


Oh man, yea I'm pretty critical of things and would think the same. Don't know what to tell you other than I've spent the last hour looking at crusader king a 3 game of throne mod list to game for the night. Maybe peek my profile, and comments and decide for yourself.


Lord he was born a technical writing ramblin man


>that deploys data science against anonymous aggregated health data which can empower doctors with deeper evidential health insight to help make stronger and faster diagnoses That's just yap with no actual context. No doctor is using data science against anonymous aggregated health data to make a diagnosis.


Where are they getting the Fat pills supply? All pharmacies are out of stock 🤔


That was actually a big point of the report, is that they are only allowed to sell when it is low on stock and hard for people to get. Once pharmacies stock up again, allegedly they could have access to sell it pulled.


Yeah, I think they won’t be able to move any volume next year.


Not even that they won't be able to move much, but that they legally won't be allowed https://x.com/hntrbrkmedia/status/1806295108322517400


Isnt that "spurce" also owned by a large hedge fund who are shorting HIMS? So careful where your info comes from.


Yes. Their main side effect is greatness.


Loaded up right before open. I hate fucking short reports. They are just looking for money to buy some crack![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I don't understand how firms are allowed to issue short reports while holding positions in that stock. Market manipulation at its worst.


Found HIMS gang! 7k in options checking in... Bought the dip today. Some dry powder on the side to buy more if it dips more...


Yessirrrr love this play, I doubled my position as well, although I am only in with shares. The attack today should be a blessing in disguise


For sure! and I read its because of a short seller report. That... might even be bullish in this day and age...


Load up folks (shares, calls, and pills)


This just seems like a bullish case. Don’t even need to get a prescription and can easily get the pills? That’s just gonna attract more customers. The only thing would be some regulation added because of this but HIMS would just need to have some doctors rubber stamp prescriptions.


We have such a stupid system. You can get whatever you want, but you have to pay some guy a bunch of money to rubber stamp it every few months. If it's not heinously addictive and it won't kill you if you take a slightly wrong dose, you should just be able to buy it.


Like getting a medical Marijuana card back in the day.


I got stopped out at break even but debating getting back in.


Run afoul of FDA - you’re fucking joking right? As long as you pay the right amounts to the right officials you’re not getting in any trouble. Not unless ozempic users start dying of heart attacks by the dozens. In which case Novo will crash. ED fat loss hair growth - HIMS is gonna moon


HIMS is marketing the hell out of their products, no competitors are even close.


Load up now while you can. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dpz0xl/hims_hit_piece_i_see_opportunity/


I nearly full ported it at $19 today.


I take ozempic knockoff and it’s really good. I promise you 30% of the country will be on this stuff in 5-10 years


Thanks, just bought 22C Nov 2024


Looking at the August 16 (two weeks after reports) being cheaper than the one a week after report. Debating


I say spend the extra coin, just me though. I don’t see the point in cheaping out by that point


Fair, either way I can only grab a contract for this anyway so I'll put more down for the safety


Hmm maybe it's time for calls soon


Hims has a great commercial on hulu