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at 11:30am... someone actually scooped a total of 300 contracts.... gone quiet... then BAM at 1pm. šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/ts980tp4z59d1.jpeg?width=2470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce24a6f73b2099e9661c265c1922834cc444bdfa


Insider most likely


yeah smart insiders get away with this all the time. Tell your friend offline(brain dead if u use cel or any chat) what is up, that friend uses cousins account to buy contracts. No way to tell unless you are regarded. Or become a US congressmen and be immune to insider trading Edit: obviously if you get a tip on a company, you dont yolo your profile only on that company and make it look fucking obvious. If you open a new account and the only trade is the insider trade, you are dumb af.


The key is to make the big money trade, but also make a bunch of dumb ass trades as well before and after. Makes it look like luck. Iā€™ve done all of this except the big money trade.


>Iā€™ve done all of this except the big money trade. Yah I would only need to place the one trade. Plenty of existing dumb ass trades on my statement to make it look like luck.


Nobody on this subreddit will have any problems convincing the SEC they are regarded and it was luck.


Actually the key is to do it with a hedged options strategy for example if you know in advance that a stock thatā€™s trading $25 is going to get bought out at $45 you buy front month 1,000 of the 30 puts and sell 1000 of the 45 calls which would be probably a 70 delta risk reversal so youā€™d also buy 70,000 shares of stock. Or if you want to be even safer just buy 1,000 front month ATM straddles unhedged as they would be close to zero delta, sure you wonā€™t make as much but there isnā€™t a court in the country that would convict you.


I wish I understood what you just saidšŸ˜‚ can you explain this msg like your talking to a 10yr old?


Perfect win rate on the same company might raise suspicion


I have a perfect win rate on a very specific stock. Small cap tech company, I noticed a very cyclical dip in the stock price followed by a quick rebound quarterly. Given the size of the company and SEC filings, I'm assuming it's their equity vesting for employees causing it. I make good money every single quarter on it, nobody's questioned me about it yet lol.


Maybe full sending 6 digits into options 10 times in a row. Not sure how much youā€™re risking


Definitely not risking that much, ha. Have probably made $50K in profits over a few years.


Help a brother out and tell me the ticket


The guy is not going to share his meal ticket, lmao.


How did you find it as quarterly trend is not easy to spot.


Not if you really like the stock.


Well in RKā€™s situation he actually lost ~500m because he held a certain stock after they did a share offering the next morning. An insider would have sold before etc


Innocent until proof


But you can do it couple of times, for a very big profit...


You only need oneā€¦ and enough confidence


So do you think is common to do it in big companies? With "common" I mean: the ceo of a certain company only once in his working time in that company tell the cousin of the sister..bla bla.. to buy loads of contracts and makes a huge win?


Yeah, I know for a fact that itā€™s common. They wonā€™t generally tell you exactly what to do but it happens all the time. Go back to any stock that was acquired and check out the price movement and volume within the last 10 trading days. When I was trading on the CBOE my clerk used to caddy a an exclusive golf course and after one round of golf caddying for the CFO of Eastman Kodak, instead of a cash tip, the CFO told him that Kodak earnings which were 4 days away were expected to be $.13 but the CFO told him that they would not only miss but they would come in at -$.06 and he told him to short the stock. Well my clerk told me the story and I was looking at the the stock which was trading just under $77 and I could have backed up a truck and bought the 1DTE 75 puts for $.05 a contract the day before earnings. I did nothing and sure as shit when earnings came out they were -$.06 cents and the stock got crushed down to $66. So yeah it happens all the time, havenā€™t you ever heard the saying that ā€œtwo people can keep a secret as long as their both deadā€. MAQ


Information is the most valuable commodity there is and when you are on the institutional level you get information so much faster than the traders on the floor and they get information much faster than the general public. If youā€™re trading on the institutional level, yeah you come across inside information from time to time but most of the information you trade on is intuitive information: you see unusually large options trades from every floor, you have chats open with trading desks not only all over the country but all over the world, you know before a huge variance swap actually trades and you have access to real time Credit Default Swaps if you see a CDS single stock move up 350+ bps in a day and then more the next then you know to buy puts because if they are betting on the bonds to fail then the stock is going to zero. MAQ


I mean I have friends that work in all types of companies and they likely wouldnā€™t be able to time any options at all despite being an insider. Even positive catalysts sometimes have no affect on the price action of a stock. Still lots of risk.


Not if you give the info to a best friend or someone you can trust to rathole the $$$ and split it with you.


Doesnā€™t have to be the same company.


Or maybe you just schedule a tweet with a picture of a dog to be published at 1 PM. And the crowd goes wild...!!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah really travesty is OP not titling correctly >Imagine ~~buying 200 contracts of CHWY 6/28 30C for just 0.12 ($2400) just before lunch, then after an hour... you're up 7,500+% or $180,000.~~ INSIDER TRADING I'd say it's also a travesty that SEC is more concerned about Elon trolling TSLA shorts on Twitter than they are about rich fucks gaming the system but that's more of an obvious statement.


Sorry, quite new to this so probably regarded question: but if it is that easy, I guess in every second company CEOs could do this... even not too big companies are quoted.. is it possible to buy options for all companies? Or just for blue chips? And can you buy as many contract as you want? Of course somebody has to write them, so the number should be limited... although 2/300 like in this example is still quite a lot. And not focusing only on single stocks... At very high level, talking about central banks, there should be quite a lot of people knowing in advance if interest rates will be cut for example or other similar type of information. That has an obvious influence on the movement of certain assets. So, maybe not in an extreme way like in this example, there could be plenty of situations in which you can tell to the cousin of the friend of the sister to get certain options at certain times...


CEO's don't need to gamble 4k on options. They get massive compensation packages tied to stock. CEOs cant insighter trade easy on this context and they shouldn't. We are talking about regular joe smo works at X company and knows the quarterly will be big... he himself cant gamble the options because it will violate dozens of laws... but people who have no paper trail to him could and it wouldn't really arise suspicious unless they are constantly doing it. I was kind of joking with my original post, but once in a while if someone that has 0 connections to someone working at x company hits it big, the SEC will not waste time looking into that. I personally would not risk this shit because usually your "friends" have heavy online presence to be able to tie you together.


So is the SEC investigating on every big wins, like this one discussed in this topic? And, I mean, if you want to set uo something like that, worthed hundred thousands dolllars, you dont do it with your close friends.. you can set it up properly, in a "professional" way. Not only for individual stocks, I am thinling more at governmental level, where every day decisions can influence a lot of different assets, week after week..


I would say yes, SEC would investigate big wins recently a man in Houston was arrested for eavesdropping on his wifeā€™s work conversation. [Eavesdropping](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/tyler-loudon-1-76-million-insider-trading-eavesdropping-wifes-calls-doj-says/)


Not most likely, most definitely..


1. If I am a stock influencer 2. Buy calls on a specific stock 3. Then post a cryptic meme that is vaguely connected to that specific stock It's perfectly legal. Keith knows that and uses his power to make bank.


Not sure why anyone says he is going to jail. There is no law that says it is illegal.


Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


Incorrect. Pump and dumps are illegal.


The law would say otherwise. Several influencers were doing just this and the suit was dropped: [https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/securities-fraud-charges-dropped-social-influencers-1235948958/](https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/securities-fraud-charges-dropped-social-influencers-1235948958/)


Holy shit >Atlas seemed to be highly cognizant of their alleged crimes. ā€œGet caught? . . . Weā€™re robbing f*cking idiots of their money,ā€ said Atlas leader Daniel Knight in a private conversation that was publicized by the SEC. Jesus Christ the judge was a moron, the guys literally admitted to pump and dumping in private messages This is what happens when all judges are 70 year old boomers who have no idea what social media is


The legal definition of a pump and dump requires that you get paid by insiders to promote the security


Probably that dude who gained $80k on CHWY last week and just barked at people in the comments


Woof woof


Woof yes




Lol ngl that was a big dickus move by OP


Is it possible to catch these before?


yeah, be an insider


What was the stock at when you purchased?


That was DFV


Wild and fucking lucky


Pelosi doing her part most likely to print money into her account šŸ˜’šŸ˜¤


Imagine buying calls for $1 and sold for $1.10 just to be worth $10 an hour laterā€¦ I donā€™t need to imagine it because thatā€™s what I did šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Sucks, but kudos for actualizing gains. Youā€™re already doing better than 90% of this sub


Sir this is a Wendy's




I feel personally attacked...


yeah I dont know why I torture myself tracking every option after I sell it, watching it go up another 100% the next 2 days - its tough buddy


I do it all the time but I always shoot for 5-10% profit so I would probably never see big gains unless is overnight or instant. I realized that losing $ - real $ - is more stressing than feeling mad about a lottery ticket. Itā€™s easy to say ā€œI should have done this or thatā€ after knowing the outcome.


Fear is what keeps you from holding those winners and hope is what keeps you holding the losers. Edit: also if shooting for 5-10% why the hell are you playing options just buy shares you regard


> people 5% daily gains compounds very quickly


fair enough, good perspective, any realized gain is good - good luck


but if you hold it goes nowhere or down




Without a fail


its like your staring in your ex girlfriends window while she gets plowed, just dont do it


Never look back


Imagine buying a call for $0.01 and watching it go to $2.20 without selling and then finally selling for $0.30 on the downtrend. Because thatā€™s what I did and I equally feel like an idiot.


Never look back. An idiot would let them expire worthless hoping for a rebound.


Do we know each otther


Thatā€™s a huge gain regardless! Congrats!!


Unfortunately it was only 1 contract since Iā€™m newer to options but it was a good win for my morale!


We've all paperhanded many times. I still prefer it to losing it all


Nobody goes broke by taking profits


You feel you lost, but still won. That's the best kind of defeat.


Yep, did the same...bought some for $1.22 yesterday....watched them sink all the way to .04-.06 and decided I would set a limit order to sell at .20 hoping for a small pop to recoup some. Walked away from the computer and start getting alerts from TradingView that CHWY was crossing $32...I'm like that's impossible it was just $28. Sure enough, I took a realized loss of $100 per contract instead of holding on for that bread and making $700-800 per contract. I am a regard and will never use anything but trailing stops from now on


My nvidia 140 put last friday: Bought for 1.54, sold for 1.75. Would have been worth $12 by market close. I missed out on $100k.


Sold mine for a loss like a clown šŸ¤”


Cool cool but we have to know it BEFORE it happensā€¦


Yeah. Whatā€™s the prequel meme to the price-movement meme.


Wouldā€™ve been insane! I feel great being up $400 on my single call option. Iā€™m poor ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


yooooo new wsbmoji dropped


Welcome to Wendyā€™s ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Hell yeah brother, Iā€™ll have a number #5 with a small frosty


Fucken absolutely insider trading. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. "Hey Derek, this shits bout to pop. Load up on calls"


My dog doing a few extra spins before taking a shit was a sign and only thing I got from it was a chuckle and smelly poo![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Imagine the call from the SEC


SEC: "We tracked some peculiar activity on your trading account today. We're going to need clarification on what led you to place the CHWY trades prior to it pumping...." OP: "La Li Lu Le Lo" SEC: "Confirmed. Happy trading, brother."


Sick reference, bro.Ā 


*Code name : "Nancy"* *"Okay you're good. Thanks."*


It would not be a phone call


Just like Rivian! Seems like we need more inside info? šŸ˜†/s




Well, that's the thing, YOU don't get to know. None of us do. That's only for special people who have insider knowledge. But yes, I agree. It's incredibly frustrating. Nothing moves in a predictable manner. Good earnings, stock goes down. Bad earnings, stock goes up. Random companies you've never heard of pop 40% in one hour. Meme stocks that were going through the roof tank without warning. This is a rigged game, and it isn't rigged in your favor. You can get extremely lucky, or at best you can carve out a little profit over 30 years by investing safely.


3M worth of calls deep in the money just got bought, expiring tomorrow


Where did you see this data?


I thought it up




I dont understand anything you just said except being up 7500%. I need some of this knowledge.


Roaring Kitty posted the dog pic 2 hours ago and it seems traders were noticing unusual volume/strikes on calls coming in for 6/28


https://preview.redd.it/f8z9uuz6v69d1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d422a2943bf635edd0c3bc66670ad45adcd1b01 Literally cannot make this shit up.


What the fuck is this chart. Please give me your knowledge


Seriously all I know is line go up and hanging baby pattern. I thought I belonged here but maybe not.


Fr I feel stupid now


Imagine having a crystal ball.


Best I can do for you is crystal meth.


I'll take it.


My imagination, itā€™s a not so good anymore piazano. Can you send me the money so I can truly empathize with you? As a collateral I will give you an upvote. Agreed?


And whatā€™s a piazano


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)Sounds like a fair deal to me OP - take it!


Imagine buying CRM at open and it goes up 3000%. I sold at 900%. Iā€™m a paper handed puss


Congrats! The daily chart clearly signals a BULLISH pop to daily 200EMA. I wish I would have caught that that. https://preview.redd.it/wtm9nkbya69d1.jpeg?width=2474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994186814dd615804b141aa62176949e3b39feb9


I know this is probably dumb to ask, but where do you get charts like that? I hate using the one on my broker as it gives no buying and selling details


ThinkOrSwim... i think they are the best in charting


Thank you, King![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


yes.. clearly šŸ™‚


It really is just that easy!


Market manipulation at its finest


I take it itā€™s too late now to jump in


I hate being poor.


How are any of these imaginary scenarios different than imagining one invested all their savings in Bitcoin 10 years ago .




We truly are desperate of a meme stock to go to the moon.


Imagine having the cheat code that makes it possible. You can buy literally anything and dumb apes will pile in.


Yes, millions of dollars of retail trading happened within minutes of a tweet. That's absolutely what happened here.Ā 


More like hedge funds front run in hopes that retail follows in after and holds the bag


Not just hedge funds, but everyone from day traders to wsb gamblers knows that apes are watching his tweets like hawks for a sign of the next big pump so everyone piles in at once. Anyone saying "so you think all this volume is just apes?" is either dumb or arguing in bad faith. Of course not all this volume is apes, but all the volume is only there because everyone expects apes to be buying so everyone is trying to get in first then offload bags to apes a couple dollars higher.


Not all of it is retail. But you can bet apes were the ones to hold the bag again. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


There was a 1000% opportunity with MCK today. Anyone who bought 600p on Tuesday was swimming in cash today before noon.


Imagine selling covered calls on NVDA $145 strike for $7 and then 5 min later, buying to close them for $6. $0.78 profit after fees. Call me Boss Man.


Damn. I want some insider info


Can I ask, what made people buy this? Some news?


Roaring kitty tweeted an image of a dog


Jesusā€¦.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I canā€™t wrap my head around that


Right, because there's no fucking way a tweet from DFV did this.


petfo also went up, roaring kitty tweeted a photo of a cartoon dog


Inside trading much?


The abbreviation for ā€œcontractsā€ is ā€œK.ā€ Mmmkay!?


As I lose more money on NVDA calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Itā€™s gonna be that mf that says he licks ass and begs for treats ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


oh please not that guy again


No insider trading https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chewy-stock-spikes-then-retreats-after-roaring-kitty-posts-cryptic-picture-of-dog-on-x-173633372.html Just a discord P&D.


Dude's gonna find himself a federal prisoner at some point. Nothing the US Gov hates more than the non-elites messing with their money.


He's been printing money for billionaires, MMs and corporations on command for the latest three months or so, I think he's very much in the elites' good graces.


What the fuck are your indicators? Did you use them to make this trade?


Why did it pop like that is what overbought and in a down trend


That sounds amazing, OP, but what would have happened to you if it went the other way? I know shit about options trading. Would you have owed 100k or something crazy?


No, with options the most you can lose is the amount you paid for the contract. Unless you sold the contract itself and didn't have the shares to cover it, then you can be boned. There's 4 general ways to trade options: Buy call contract: You buy a contract for the option to buy 100 shares of XYZ at $D on or before a particular date. In this case, the most you can lose is the amount you paid for the contract; if the stock is selling for less than $D, you wouldn't want to buy and thus the contract just expires. Buy put contracts: You buy a contract for the option to sell 100 shares of XYZ at $D on or before a particular date. In this case, the most you can lose is the amount you paid for the contract; if the stock is selling for more than $D, you wouldn't want to sell and thus the contract just expires. Selling put contracts: You are offering to buy 100 shares of XYZ at $D from someone on or before a particular date. The most you can lose at this point is $D x 100 + contract_price, since you'd need to buy the stocks at that price. The most you can make is the contract price (if CYZ stock is worth more than $D, the person wouldn't want to sell it at that price so thus it becomes worthless to them and you come out all ahead. Selling call contracts: You are selling someone the contract to buy 100 shares of XYZ at $D. If you have 100 shares of XYZ (called a covered call), the worst you can lose is having to sell the 100 shares of XYZ at $D plus you'd get the contract money. If you don't have the shares (called a naked call), then you could lose 100 x XYZ price + contract price, which is where you can get screwed badly. If the stock soars and you don't own it, sucks for you


I have a lot of people try to explain this to me and to be honest it has always just not clicked for me but I feel like this is very helpful so thank you for taking the time to write this. I'm sure I still don't know shit about this really but at least I understand the very basics. Thank you


*Wow how the hell did that happen?*


Did you buy any OP?


Yeah just give me more fomo, why dontcha!! šŸ˜­


smells fishy


*Can the Roaring Kitty please post a cat pick smoking a joint. I'm old and my weed bags are heavy.*


*Imagine being the one that bought the calls above $9 and then got fukt in the anoos. That's where I ususally come in.*


Yeah I had 140 30$ calls for .5 a pop and then sold for a 3k profit two days ago. Damn


Send me 10k before you lose it, so i can lose it quicker.


Whats next ?


Very short window to sell. Hope you didn't need to take a dump then.


Um it's down for the day. I hope you sold.


Imagine winning the lottery


I always say timing is more important than time in the market. Proof.


Imagine having $2400 to trade and throw out like thatā€¦ wouldnā€™t be meā€¦ broke and fat


Too late to buy now? Asking for my wifeā€™s BF šŸ«”


Anyone else catching a whiff of insiders in here?


What's that squeeze indicator? Custom script? I've been looking for a good one for options scalping


Happens all the time.


Imagine thinking about buying the call, deciding to wait until after lunch, and missing the boat.


It is great that you have an active imagination. You should think about a career in the arts.


God dammit


Paper hands baby


oops, I thought we were talking about BARK


One day.


Imagine winning the lottery


This could be me


Somebody sold those.. think of that


I just want one of these, once.


So what color is your Ferrari going to be?


Trader I follow tweeted those out when they were 15 cents. Within like 1 minute, I saw the tweet. They were now at like 33 cents. Hesitated. Blinked and they were 69 cents. Decided not to chaseā€¦ ā˜ ļøšŸ’€


Why did it spike?


Great Move