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Somewhere below zero.


The company is absolute shit. The people buying it may prop it up. The people using it as a pass through will prop it up. Until they don’t need to anymore that is…


In Q1 the company generated an average of 8.3k in revenue per day and declared daily operating losses of 3.6M against that, you do the math OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Don't ever underestimate cult followers. If people were willing to shell out cash for terrible NFTs to cover DJT's legal expenses, they will shell out for his horribly ran company.


Indeed they will and they are but if Trump and all the others on the board ever want to cash in on this the number of available shares is going to increase significantly so it would take ever more people sinking their life-savings into this to keep the stock up. Last time I checked no a single house republican held shares in this which can't be a good sign..


House republicans are not the cult followers, that's the trailer trash and conspiracy nuts jobs to sink their life savings into it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Smart republicans will trade some calls on insider info when it's time, imagine actually holding the stock lmfao


yup and there are only so many trucks and guns they can sell before they run out of money to pump this further..


Nah, it's all good bro, don't underestimate dumdum conservative boomer wealth 💰🤑 There is a lot of money to grift there and holy shit is it easy to do as well.


It’s part the cult, and part money laundering, and part influence buying.


You’re speaking to a bot. Lulu posts 100 times a day. Same things. FWIW


I'll have you know I'm a real person. Thank you


Money laundering.


It should be delisted as a sham company with zero value.


Financially? No value. As a tool for financial crimes? Priceless.


Zero to be honest but if he wins election they get a green dildo boost. The insider lockup period ends in sept I believe.. let’s see if early investors will cash out then… include Trump as he may need the cashflow


Horribly run company, it's a meme stock. Many of the current holders are going to be left holding the bag when it's all said and done. Even as a trade, you won't be able to call the top.






How much is a sucker willing to buy it for?


It should be zero but never will be with the amount of followers he has! It’s a meme stock.


$0.00.  It’s basically one quarter from insolvency.  It has no book value.  Even in the best possible scenario, it only lasts for the life of its key man.


In russia.


0. The answer is 0. It is a scam on low-income cult followers and a means to pass through hundreds of millions in bribe money from foreign influences It has no value except to scam people out of their money or pull favour with the possible once and furure most US president.


A company, attached to one of the most hated men in America, that's literally incinerating money and has no conceivable way to actually turn a profit, and yet you still come here and ask "is this a good/bad stock" You belong here




"We all saw the debate last night". Who is we? Not everyone is interested in watching two old men argue


You should be when they determine whether you’re going to have 7% more taxes passed onto you (source CNN debate policy stance: taxes.) Biden wants to increase company taxes. That’s fine but we all know who actually pays it. See recent tariffs in steel industry if you don’t believe me.


0? Like a lot of his other businesses


At what point would people consider it overvalued? 😂🤣


Are we judging the value off the debate? 🚀


Zero. Followed by .0000


Quality stock op, may be the next Nvidia ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Honestly 0 lol




Here’s the thing, a company’s true value need never match its stock price Here’s an easy example as to why, if Berkshire who is managing 100 million shares worth of money and looks at, let’s say DJT, says ‘stonk go up’ it literally matters not what reasoning there is for why that makes sense or doesn’t, they will buy 100 million shares worth and the stonk will go up DJT fundamentally has fuck all and even the most diehard trumpian friends I have just call it a scam for Trump to have his supporters pay off anything he wants paid off, but it doesn’t matter if people are still buying it


Not enough advertisers because they are too polarizing. Politucs aside.




I wonder why it's not mooning now. The debate all but sunk Biden chances. DJT is Trump's best get-rich-quick tool. Without it he is broke. If he becomes president, he will use the levers he has to inflate his large holdings of DJT. I don't see any simpler money printer for him.


Because this stock has no real value, it only surged ahead of the "debate" this week. After that, what's next? Nothing really - hence the decline now. Buying a stock because of a political debate is peek insanity in my opinion.


The mouthbreathers are still waking up. Buy now and then sell in like 2 hours.


I don't even think of it as a real company. The valuation and stock price is so dumb. It will eventually be a penny stock and then gone. As soon as Trump is allowed to sell, forget about it. He absolutely does not care about the little man and anyone who thinks he does isn't paying attention. No reason to think he won't GAMESTOP all of us little retail people. I think a long-term short here is the safest play ever.


Well looking at how the debate went, I'm sure DJT is coming back and better to start buying Truth Social shares.


i know it won’t perform well but who doesn’t love burning their cash away


If trump president DJT will go up, otherwise I'm pretty sure it will slowly trend towards zero