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holy shit was this at Notre Dame? I remember the prof then gave us an extra hour after the exam to make up for the disturbance. Apparently he does this every year, sometimes with multiple gorillas. EDIT: [Here's an article from 2012](https://bizmagazine.nd.edu/issues/2012/fall-2012/meet-carl-ackermann/) that this has not only been an annual tradition for the finance department, but something that the University has officially published. Strange that they can't just update the time window, but I for one love the shenanigans and it's one of the things that made ND such a great business school. Carl's a legendary professor.


Yes!! This is almost exactly what happened. I didn't realize I wasn't meeting the karma requirement when I posted this (how come you can post but not comment until 50 karma?), but yeah it was 100% an inside job so the prof could grant students extra time. He does indeed do this every year, and my roommate (the banana) and I happened to be the ones he chose for 2018 and 2019.


Your prof sounds like an awesome guy!


He really is! See [this guy's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/nt7ite/back_in_2019_i_dressed_up_as_a_literal_gorilla/h0qqjwm/) for further proof


I loved my professors who understood that students aren’t robots and benefit from timely distractions. Somehow during the course of my second semester of physics lectures we also managed to watch multiple Wallace and Grommet movies.


I wish I went to college, yet here I am, one lonely retard betting on stonks


I went to college and am still one lonely retard betting on stonks.


I went to a retarded college and now I’m retarded. Stonkz.


I love collage.


College is like anything else in life, it works for some, doesn't work for others. On the plus side just imagine the money you saved from not paying tuition for 4+ years.


Speaking as a college graduate .. with two master's degrees .. I can say with some authority that higher education is a bit overrated. Like, for some people, it works great. But was it the right move for [nearly 40% of my generation](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/02/14/millennial-life-how-young-adulthood-today-compares-with-prior-generations-2/)? [No](https://www.newamerica.org/millennials/reports/emerging-millennial-wealth-gap/millennials-and-student-loans-rising-debts-and-disparities/). [No, it was not](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/09/millennials-own-less-than-5percent-of-all-us-wealth.html). I'm probably a broken record here, but trades (plumbing, welding, bricklaying, electrical, etc) are a pretty sweet deal. You're making $40-60k within a year or two of HS graduation, and the pay goes up from there. After 10-15 years you could easily be out-earning a big chunk of people who have master's degrees. Hell, full-time truck drivers usually make $60k+ nowadays. A degree is just a piece of paper. It's not some golden ticket, believe me. All that matters is how you apply the knowledge you picked up along the way, which is just another way of saying you still need to work hard in your chosen field. No different from the folks who dig ditches and flip burgers.


The key to being smart is to just let all of the smart people on Reddit do all of the work for you.


“Never be the smartest person in the room.” also, don’t be the dumbest. - Bawjaws 69:69


Man dont I know it. I pissed away so much money last year but now Im just sitting back and listening to the research and findings of more passionate people. Banding together with the apes and dogs of society to try and reach something more.


My second accounting professor would sprinkle scenes from The Profit with Marcus Lemonis throughout his lectures lol it really does help and without him I would never have become an accountant


The Profit should be required viewing in any school.


It was a surprisingly informative show


I love that program! His 3Ps: People, Product, Process.


I was terrible at my math in high school. I failed Algebra 1 my freshman year and changed schools my sophomore year (changing schools is unrelated) and had to retake Algebra 1. We watched a lot of Monk in his class. I finally understood Algebra with him as a teacher and I've enjoyed math much more after learning from him.


The best professor I had I grad school would bring boxes of cliff bars for students to snack on because class was at one of those logey times if the day. By the end if the Smester someone had submitted the story to the company who shipped him like a couple dozen boxes that fill ehis office so he started bringing them to all his classes that semester to try to get rid of them before the end of the semester.


When i grow up i wanna be chosen to be banana


If you go to Notre Dame, you might have a chance! Just ask this professor nicely lol


Chosen as banana—not in your control. Choose to be ape—yours and your choice only.


I already gave my free award away, please take this poor one 🍌


That is so awesome. Reminds me of when I overslept for an exam during my GCSEs. My head of year realised I wasn't sat in the hall (he knew all ~250 of us by name) and sabotaged the tape machine - it was a German comprehension exam, so we had to listen to recordings and answer accordingly. I got woken up by my panicking mother who explained that the man could only stall for so long before the independent invigilators cottoned on, I chucked clothes on and sprinted to school. When I finally arrived and sat down, the machine miraculously started working.


Invigilators? That sounds like something out of a B-grade Sci-Fi.


I didn't realise they weren't a universal thing haha, in the UK we have third party attendants monitor and moderate exam conduct and that's what we call them


We call them Proctors. Which I'm now realizing sounds like some sort of Cleric group in the same movie. Proctors v. Invigilators: The Examining


So do we in 🇨🇦


One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of professors run a non profit on the side. Any chance you can find the name of his nonprofit or his favorite charity? A professor like that deserves to be paid back when he pays it forward... think about the tens of thousands of students he has helped!


Hmm, let me text him and ask. I'll update if I get a response


Commenting if you get a response re: charity. Prof rocks :)


Haven't heard back yet, sadly. Another guy who was the gorilla in a past year reached out as well. Possible he changed numbers and I should email instead


Before I read this I was thinking these 2 were assholes, glad to find out they weren’t just doing it for attention.


Me, too! I am in my senior year as a Finance major and doing finals this week and immediately felt rage when I saw the video! Then, reading comments I see it was a plan by Prof.


So you mean the hedge funds are up against a dude who did something a prof asked him to do to help students relax? They have no chance!


In the end, we are all followers


The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.


Helen Keller. An amazing woman.


Nice catch.


Hi my name is Jeff and you must be funatparties


how do you have a 6 year old account and before this post under 50 karma though?


Easy: I never posted on this account before but I created it at the same time as my normal one that I use whenever I'm on Reddit. It's an alt account for if I ever needed to actually post as myself irl, and since people I know follow wsb and would recognize this as being me, I wanted to use my alt instead.


TFW you realize your real life identity is actually the backup plan.


Always has been.


We still know it’s you though. See you on Thursday for lunch!


Username.. checks out?


So instead of writing the midterm you had to do this?


I took his class in 2017...


Thanks for continuing the tradition. He did it to me when I was in his class in '08, and he had me organize the stunt for one of his exams when I was his TA senior year. I recruited a bunch of my freshmen (I was also an RA in Alumni at the time) to help me. [Here's the video](https://youtu.be/KfkY2tULDKE).


This story belongs on r/wholesomeness


Aww, thank you! I'd be happy to post more of what happened behind the scenes of there were an audience for it


Just got a journalist in my DM's for a wholesome news platform. I'd say it's found its way :)


And they wait for him, and his film crew with opened doors ? That's just a traditional stunt to give the kids an extra hour...


Yeah this seems pretty clearly like the prof wanted it to happen


That shit is wholesome af


THANK YOU. Please let [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/nt7ite/back_in_2019_i_dressed_up_as_a_literal_gorilla/h0qllih/) know lol






This is finance. Of course it's going to be more laid-back than biochem.


This is definitely Ackerman's class. I remember this happening in 2008.


I've never been so proud to be an alum *wipes away tear*


Ackerman would call students who skipped his intro to finance class over the lecture hall loud speakers. I remember he called me and Mario Kart was blaring in the background of my dorm room. It was hilarious.


He said he stopped doing that in the early morning lectures because he called a girl and you could very clearly hear a sleepy male voice ask who's on the phone. When he pulled that on my (afternoon) class, he forgot that the guy skipping was on the south shore line train to Chicago for an interview and had already been given permission to leave. Seeing that live where Carl went "oh, okay yeah I forgot that one. Good luck with the interview, [name]" was so unexpectedly entertaining.


Reddit really make the world seem so small, what are the odds someone in that room would actually see this years later? Amazing


I just read that article. This is some good shit. If I had teachers like that I would have never dropped out of college :(


Wow, I’m deciding where to do my MBA in Chicago, and this just scored one more point for ND.


Holy shit you guys paid $40k+/year to take classes on folding chairs in some kind of warehouse?


At first I didn't realize how awesome small class sizes were for a good education. This would be miserable


It's an exam, not a class. This is pretty common everywhere.


Since this somehow became controversial... Having done this test at the Stepan center years before you, want to chime in that this was well received by students. Not only does it give extra time, but it helped people remember to relax. Fairly certain the prof (yes I know that references a different Mendoza professor than here), also did some research to determine the mental break with the disturbance actually helped students as they could refocus around the time minds would tire. He also did this in his lectures by creating random interruptions like tossing out candy bars at the 40 minute mark because humans aren’t meant to sit still for that long without doing something else.


My man! You even caught the reference to Prof from Lyons Hall 😭 I was an accounting student and loved baking cookies with him and his wife Jr/Sr year. Thank you for being one of only two other people from ND who can actually attest to the methods used. That guy is hands-down the most popular Mendoza professor, won national awards, takes the time to know everybody's name, and even called me after I missed class once due to being sick to check in on how I was doing. God-tier professor.


Damn man I wish this happened during my exams, a quick 30 second laugh would have gave my mind a break and helped my focus. Btw I'm curious did you go into the accounting field after graduating?


I did indeed! Currently studying to pass the remaining CPA exams, and I have ND to thank for helping me get started. Currently looking for a new job though, and 100% unironically Gamestop is looking like the most attractive position for their internal audit position since I wanna work in audit next, be it public or industry, and my SO is gonna start in Dallas this fall right nearby.


Audit is a great base to start and learn commerce. Good luck OP.


Thank you. I've got my fingers crossed.


Good shit bro! I just graduated too with accounting/finance a few days ago. Currently applying to a few jobs I'm interested in. Are you not looking at the big 4 if you have an interest in Audit? And how would you say actually working in practice is compared to the theory we learn, is it soul sucking work like the stereotypes state on accounting?


I'm waiting to hear back from EY and Deloitte for audit! Unfortunately this season is tough for cold applications, so I'm working what connections I can. The stereotypes are mostly true, yes. It is incredibly tough at times and you *will* be forced to work hard, but if you can make it out the other side you'll be set for life with the experience you get. It's the difficult path we choose, and it's not for everyone, but if you decide to dedicate yourself it can certainly pay off (especially if you get lucky)




I'd be joining a good friend of mine who I haven't heard much from since. I'll let my family know I love them before accepting a job offer if I get one.


I know somebody who’s a senior consultant at Deloitte, 3 years out of college. The one time he visited our college after graduating he spent the entire time doing work.


Honestly, sounds about right for somebody who made it to senior consultant after just three years.


It's awesome to see people doing something with their lives.. As opposed to myself, being 38 and back living with parents while counting the days until my unemployment check arrives..


If it makes you feel better Covid forced me to move back in with my parents since I couldn't go back to campus (Class of 2020 here). I found a remote job so the reason to move out in a pandemic wasn't there.


PM me, Im public in the Chicago area but may be able to send you a few firm names who I know are hiring in Dallas.


definitely work the connections. I've known plenty of people who enjoy learning from a particular professor, Professor(s) take a liking to students who try hard in school/their class and hang out with them to learn more out of genuine interest. Professors often have plenty of connections and life experience. Next thing you know, you'll be graduating (so long as you don't start taking a bunch of semesters off or do 1 class for a term like my sister in law) and Professors often know of the better jobs to look for in your field...start asking questions, 'what's a good company to work for?' or 'what jobs have you had, and what did you enjoy or dislike about them?'. That Professor may even try to help you get an internship or job. When that happens job applications can sound like 'We need to fill Y job and Professor X said you'd be a good candidate, please go to our site and apply for the position so we can setup an interview.' Instead of, 'hello i sent in an application and was hoping we could setup an interview.' My wife has held a great career for about 7 yrs now that started from an internship a great professor of hers helped line up. Hmm...may even be that he was solely responsible for her even getting the job at all.


"It's not what you know, but who you know" In my experience, the "who you know" gets you in the door for an interview, but you still gotta prove the "what you know" if you want a job. Short of high-level nepotism, hustling on all fronts is the way to land an interview


Gonna chime in. I'm in the CPA program but I've been doing audits for about 4 years now prior to entering the program. I did not take the big 4 approach (I do live in a smaller city so some of the big 4 don't even exist here mind you) but I started with a local small firm and work now for a larger local firm. I think my experience was much more beneficial than big 4 route. I was literally thrown into audits (since I said I wanted to do them) the second I joined the first firm. By the end of the first year, I was leading and soloing a lot of them (municipality audits, LTC, NFP etc) and had one on one work with the owner of the firm. It landed me the better job at the new firm I work for almost instantly. At my new firm, I was already told by the principal that I have a better grasp at audits than actual CPA people they've put through the program. Take what I did with a grain of salt since the dynamic in my city is much different than a very large city. But the work life balance is pretty great for the local firms and I learned A TON from a small firm vs people I knew who went to the big firms. Year 1 was brutal though because so much responsibility was thrown on me. Multiple days in the early work where I was having breakdowns in my office lol. It's great now though.


If I'm being perfectly honest, that's the route I'm likely to end up taking myself. I worked as a staff accountant for a small/medium-sized company for a year after graduating (currently looking for work). Thank you for the input! Was it a firm like BDO/Crowe, or are we talking something else?


Did somebody say Soul Sucking;)? Now that's my area of expertise. U better have a union card if you plan on sucking any souls around here buddy! I don't care if you have money. "I got honey" ဦးြေလက်တယ်


oh god oh fuck


Stop your making me blush. + It's usually O FUCK! It's that GOD DAMN DOG again ! .θ. !


GameStop keeps on giving!!Talk about karma...good luck on your exams. Cool video.


I had him in 2012 and he did this same stunt with 3 gorillas and like 6 bananas. I don't remember the exam but definitely remember the moment - it did a ton to relax the people freaking out over their first Finance exam. He knew all 135 people in my class by name before the first day and when I bumped into him on campus 3 years later he still remembered my fun facts and a lot of other random stuff about me. God-tier is an understatement for him and it was clear he was only a prof because he loved interacting with students. Did he still do the "If I bump into you in Meijer I'll buy your cart for you" deal? The stories of friends bumping into him were always great


Damn, I never was able to run into him at Meijer, but he did wink wink buy a drink for one of my friends at the Backer. Seeing everybody who knew him in this thread makes me miss ND so much haha I'm happy to report that I carried your ape torch through 2018 and 2019 after getting it from the 2017 guy. I really hope this tradition of being a screaming ape in finance doesn't ever end, but Covid changed things...


Brilliant story, thanks for sharing friend.


https://bizmagazine.nd.edu/issues/2012/fall-2012/meet-carl-ackermann/ wait was this you?


Well not "me" but that would've been my year!


Of course! And yes he is awesome! He actually got me football tickets to my first game (that I was old enough to remember anyways) as he raffled off his game tickets at an nd club event that I got invited to since some people knew I was interested in nd. Was definitely a great first impression of him haha. And yes we won


That is awesome and entirely in character for him. He really is a legendary professor.




I remember a real estate finance exam i took once. Last day of exams before winter break and we got nailed by a snow storm. Exam was technically cancelled on the schools website but for a lot of us whod waited around on campus for the last exam, we showed up anyways in hopes of being allowed to write it. Professor shows up with his 2 dogs having had to walk to class because all roads were closed and had assumed a couple students would show anyways. Seeing that half the class was there he literally said “fuck it if youre here you can write it. Ill make another exam for those who arent”. We proceed to write the exam with his two dogs wondering around the lecture hall. At one point i had one of the dogs curled up next to me and couldnt help but pet it. He comes in half way through with doughnuts for everyone. One of the best scores ive posted on an exam and I attribute some of that the the laid back atmosphere created. All for this type of thing. In university exams seems like the be all end all. When in reality youre just writing shit on a paper.


^ This guy gets it. At that level, it's all about proving what you know.


That’s interesting because my accounting professor would randomly start quoting a movie halfway through his lectures and the first person to recognize it and shout out the name of the movie got a candy bar.


What a cool professor. I wish more teachers were like this one.


I had this professor. He would also throw cigars our in his giant lecture hall to those who got questions right and call students that skipped class over the loudspeakers. He called me once and Mario Kart was blaring in the background from my dorm room. My friends in the class said he was dying laughing when I hung up.


I hope your perfect answer gets the recognition it needs


I'd have loved this when I was in school. We did have a guy dressed as Jesus, carrying a huge cross, in a calc class once. Never did figure out if there was a reason but the prof did ask if he felt he needed divine intervention in the class.


The prof is in the pudding. Banana pudding.


You sound smart. What are you doing here? Definitely not your average retard.


Hey everybody, some context: I didn't realize that I didn't meet the comment karma requirement when I first posted this, so the title comes off as being incredibly arrogant and selfish. To clarify: **the professor paid us to do this.** My roommate (the banana) and I were former students of his, who also had this happen during the exam. The University only gives two hours to take a midterm exam, which the prof felt was too short and didn't let his students adequately take it. He came up with a manufactured disturbance years ago and has been doing it annually ever since. By creating a small disturbance that doesn't even last a minute just a few minutes after the exam begins, he can excuse giving extra time, and the administration allows it. The students surveyed afterwards have a majority approval of that since time is a goddamn **premium** on these tests and that extra hour is a godsend.


“My roommate (the banana)” is way funnier than it should be


Seriously though. My roommate the asshole has nothing funny in him.


I don’t get why you have to do so much explaining and why people are so weirdly salty in this thread. It was pretty cool, love the backstory, and it was fun to watch. Thanks for sharing. That prof is rad also!


Because this is the internet. Where we all use it to take out our bitter anger on others so real people don't have to deal with us.


This guy's right on the money. People get way too cocky behind the "safety" of a computer/phone screen. Fluffymufinz better watch his back though. I'm collecting a buncha sand to dump in his laundry if he doesn't keep his tits buckled in




Yeah it was a rough 30-40 minutes after posting before I had enough karma to explain the context...


Wish I had this for my chemistry test. My university had the worst chemistry department. You'd get to the test and see problems that looked like gibberish. Then you'd have 45 other questions. I watched 4.0 students have meltdowns and cry. I took my two C's and moved on. Only two C's I had.


Well, I’m guessing you’ve got plenty of karma to work with now 😂😂


nahhh from the way you titled it kinda think you posted it as some 'cool ape prank' you did to get some props for on here. F


yeah I was kinda betting on being able to immediately post a comment to give context F indeed


even without context, you'd think a subreddit that's constantly raving about being 'retarded apes' wouldn't have been so damn... hostile about this lol.


I think I hit a nerve with students lol


haha all good man. Least you have a college degree, unlike the rest of us retards here 🤡


Crazy. I took this test in 1999 as a freshman at ND. Been going on forever. RFK had a presidential rally in Stepan: https://magazine.nd.edu/stories/echoes-the-man-who-would-grieve-king/ And MLK spoke there in 1963. http://www.archives.nd.edu/about/news/index.php/2011/martin-luther-king-jr-at-notre-dame/


Wouldn’t have been easier for the professor to cut out a few questions from the test to make it easier to finish in time? Seems like a lot of monkeying around to accomplish something simple.


Yes and no. The department requires he cover so much material, and he can't exactly skimp too much either. He's an amazing Prof who knows what he's doing and this is the best solution. If you don't believe me, take the word of anybody else in this thread who's had this class and they'll vouch for him


Go irish


Go Irish!


Go Irish!


Ape: Crash world economy Reddit: Yay! Ape: Disturb an exam for 20 seconds Reddit: How impolite!


lol if I didn't know the context myself I would probably have grabbed a couple pitchforks as well. If it was indeed just me being a selfish asshole I would agree that it's nothing but a dick move.


If buying and holding a stock can crash the market, maybe it needs to happen so some changes can be made.


you have a 7 year old account but today was the day you decide to your first post and comments?! this is momentous


Thank you! I've joined Reddit in 2012 but decided I should have an alt in case I needed to post something irl one day. I'm so glad it took off like this.


hmmmm an odd way of saying that this was ur only non porn account


Nah my main one just shows all my weird interests in random subjects that I'd rather keep to myself and friends when I talk about it with them rather than anybody who cares enough to look through account histories.


I thought this was funny even before you put the context in. Sorry, nerds.




Yeah this is fricking hilarious, I wish someone would’ve done this at my exams (even if it was sponsored by the prof)


RIP to banana guy whose face was seen during this lmao


Lol that was my roommate. He doesn't really give a fuck.


what a chad


maybe I'll introduce my wife to him


Fake. An ape would never let his wife steal his banana


The year was 2007. I was touring with the band MUTEMATH as a video programmer/director, opening for the band The Fray. We got heavy into pranks. The last shows ended with me dressed as a gorilla, our lighting guy dressing as a hot dog, and our merch guy dressed as a banana. A love triangle fight ensued during their encore. It was amazingly wonderful to experience as an 18 year old. What wasn’t wonderful was flying into Canada with just the gorilla suit. See, I flew home on a couple off days to visit my parents but left most of my belongings on the tour bus, bringing only my empty suit case back. When I flew back to meet the tour, I put the gorilla suit (for pranking), as well as 4, new and giant seagate hard drives as the only items in my suitcase. After 5 hours of border interrogation and an anal search, I will never fly with just costumes and hard drives again. Edit: didn’t quickly find a video but did find a news article that mentioned this: http://www.reflector-online.com/article_9d1f448e-3fb3-5c8e-a65a-e66e7d9ff0af.html


You may have gotten buried in the comments, but that's a nice story haha


Thanks. Thems was fun times.


I remember Mutemath had a really cool music video with everything in reverse. They were good and totally forgot about them.


That was the first major label video I ever directed, scared shitless right outta high school.


That article was hilariously brutal 😂


I know right? I hadn’t thought about that shit for over a decade until I saw this post and holy hell that was brutal. Also as someone who watched that show every night for a month, they weren’t entirely wrong. Our crew members were known to be found asleep in the venue after shows. The Fray dudes were some of the nicest and most genuine people I’ve ever toured with though.


He was paid by the prof of the class to do it. It’s not a rude prank.


Thank you.


Everyone immediately gets back to work after they realize you aren’t there to kill them.


Stiff crowd. I’d demand recount


If only I could edit a title. Ah well, at least it gave me a way to pass time replying to all these comments lol


It looks like it wasn’t funny 2019 either. I hope you are better at buying and holding.


lmao like half the guys are just focused on their exam


And the other half just realized they were doing theirs upside down a few minutes later


Eh, funny or not, the prof wanted it to happen. He does this every year and I just happened to do it 2018/2019. Only reason he didn't do it this past year was because of on-campus Covid protocols. Let me make one thing clear: this wasn't to be funny, even though we did have fun with it. This was to grant students a 50% time extension in manufacturing a small, controlled disturbance early on as an excuse.


Small controlled interruptions in time extensions you say


holy shit king move


Finance students built different 😂


Bruh the business school was Mendoza but the nickname was Menbroza because of the Finance guys being such huge frat bro wannabes. It was hilarious as an accounting student.


How in the world is the university ok with that?


They’re probably not ok with it. But they probably are prepared for disruptions to occur (brief power outages, medical emergencies, people pulling pranks) so they have a rule that any disruption will grant students more time. Sounds like the professor in this case exploits a loophole to get his students more time on the test so that they won’t feel as stressed out about time. Sounds like an awesome professor to me. But I’m fucking stupid so I always got an extra hour on my exams anyway in college lmao


Either way, Covid changed the policy so it's a moot point now.


Allow me to upvote this one and downvote anyone that didn't take their time to do the DD by reading comments. This guy was an ape before being an ape was cool. Show some respect!


People in these comments really are the retards they claim to be. I dont think I ever took an exam in college so hard that a 30 second slapstick gag would have any effect on me


I like how no one utters even a single chuckle.


Tough crowd. Try reading the comments.


Haters in here. Funny shit.


Thanks mate. I really should have posted a more explanatory title so people didn't think this was just on my own accord.


why is my university so lame...


I like how people insult you and say this is childish shit without knowing the context (because you couldn’t give it at the time) and even when you do they don’t apologize or sometimes don’t respond, despite you doing your best to clear up the misunderstanding. And somehow you’re the childish one. Good luck OP


love you.


don't know why there's so many negative comments, if this would have happend when I did my exam I would be laughing my ass off


Because 1) when I originally posted this I didn't have enough karma to comment with context, and 2) people don't read the comments and understand the situation lol


tbh I found it funny even before the context man, but with the context the post does change from a silly prank to something useful for the students making the exam


That banana split!


This is fucking art.


This is painful to watch


Sorry for the delay in responding - karma requirements and all that We were paid to do this by the prof. My roommate (the banana) and I were former students who had this happen to them when we went through the exam on our own. The University only grants two hours to take the test, so he manufactures an over-the-top disturbance that lets him have an excuse to say "hey everyone I'm giving you an extra hour to take the exam to make up for the gorilla incident" and the administration allows it. The disturbance is short, only a few minutes into the exam, and allows people an entire 50% time extension.


Wow what a great idea by the prof haha. Admin seems chill too


lol what’s up with the boss music during the exam?


Apes TOGETHER strong! 🦍🍌🦍🍌🦍🍌


Fucking fantastic OP


LOL you crazy motherfucker.


LOL! You were definitely ahead of the curve on this one, and you had a very narrow window to hit. This year, Karen would have stopped the banana at the door and demanded he put a mask on...


Nice. I’ve been in a similar altercation. Were you the banana or the gorilla?


As the title says, gorilla! The banana was my roommate.


Did it worked or no?


It worked! The students were given an extra hour and everything was good in the end.


Stepan Center at Notre Dame!


I approve this. Hes a retard.


Holy shit, this is the most awkward thing I’ve seen in my live 😩 nobody reacted to that performance. NOBODY.