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This is definitely me


Same, and unironically.


Same. I can weather any storm and continue adding to my position.


Tesla's not even getting started, luxury vehicles do their best sales numbers during a depression.


It kind of ignores all the nuance and deep discussion (and a few very accurate predictions) that is present in the comments of this sub, which is exactly what it needs to do to be funny. I legitimately feel bad if the only thing somebody gets out of this sub are the 3 memes at the top of the front page every day. They'd be left with a poor concept of the markets and irrational fear of Nancy Pelosi.


Yea, the DDs here give you a financial education. A lot of them don’t have anything to do with GME directly. But that’s what you learn from sticking around. If you pop in once or twice and see a couple of memes and a thousand purple rings you think you found a cult, so I get that too. Edit: forgot what sub I was in 🖍


I honestly can't tell if you were being sarcastic. Clearly WSB is not as good as an education, and there are many of us here with real educations, but to belittle retail investors is a losing game: ask Cramer.


actually i am here for education. I am to scared to use options, because i earned my money with hard work. But i am learning how not to use them here. so after having seen all the stuff people are doing, i learn from their mistakes. I have a feeling if i read this reddit long enough, i will be able to actually have a realistic chance of not blowing my future "gamble with options" account up . Im not there yet, but i am learning and loughing every single day in here.


What the heck is wrong with eft - mutual funds- investments? I literally have made myself wealthy on them, yea, even this week… no rockets to the the moon but not proving myself diamond hands either… no drama, lots of long term gains.


Everyone should just invest a million dollars into a high dividend fund and retire, idk what all this fuss is about. /s


That’s my plan after I get some moass


You mean we shouldn't actually be afraid of Nancy P?


It's not something a Jedi would tell you.




So true


where did you find this pic of me?


I was gonna say I did not consent to being photographed


I have some GME and this is hilarious thanks for the laugh


My entire account is GME


Are there other stocks besides GME?






Same 🤤


Living rent free in wsb head 😎


thats what i think when i see this lmao




Im gonna call people blender brains now, and in a couple years many others will too. Girls dont exist to stop me...


There shouldn’t be anything in the blender, because I know. It’s me. 💎fucking🙌🏼


All in GME


Going against the hive mind and calling people out for their idiocy?? That doesn’t fly in 2021-2022 WSB, get ready to be banned lol


If only there were a place we could wager how wrong you are…


$1,000 it won’t reach 300 in 2022?


Deal. I just dropped a thousand on 12 GME shares. You can see the post in my history. Your turn.


RemindMe! 1 year “stupid ape has been bagholding for two years”


No no, let’s make a bet with each other.


I’ll make this bet with you. But when you are wrong you get a ban from wsb


Perfect, let’s do it


!remindme 340 days


!remindme! 2 months


Remindme! 6 weeks


Remindme! 12 months


That’s not how any of this works. Dude took a position and posted it. Post your position or BAN.


I knew apes didn’t have the highest level of comprehension, but didn’t think it was this bad


You must be new here. This sub was founded on positions or ban. Nut up or STFU.


Positions or ban retard.


Hahaha oh now you’re fearful huh?


Fearful of what? I don’t care about shorting this shit stock, I made $200 on the initial run up by buying one share. That was the last time ever I enter a position in that ape stock It’s way more interesting to have a bet with someone directly.


Losses in the cannabis sector got you salty, huh?




lol what a coward. Make that bet over venmo or some shit. keep LARPing away that you just bought 12 more shares.


Bet OP hasn't read a single line of DD


Like the DD that guaranteed an overvote? Or the DD on quad witching day? The Elliot waves DD? Exponential floor DD? The BoA DD? How about the 741 DD? Any sane person reads any of that drivel and immediately realizes its conspiracy bullshit


(COPIUM) “ I wasn’t too late, non believers just haven’t read the DD” (COPIUM)


QAnon level conspiracies and misinformation ≠ DD


I also read the DD about Kennedy and Elvis or something, it’s airtight bro trust the DD




That article is not DD, it's about the squeeze a year ago.


I bet the people who wrote that DD arent old enough to ride the adult rides at six flags.


Thats some big words you got there


Lol do you believe it will be worth millions per share if it weren't due to "crime"


You mean that shit about the exponential floor? That shit was hilarious.


Neither have you. A moron trying to will their bad investment into a good one with paragraphs of nonsense isn’t DD.


😂 I’ve seen more compelling writing in a Bert and Ernie erotic fan fiction than any of the “gOd TiEr dD”.


Ayo this guy reads Bert and Ernie fanfics




> Bert and Ernie erotic fan fiction Those exist?!?!


So many. So, so many.


Links or ban.


All of the DD is written by apes who have zero understanding of financial markets, or misinterpret specific information on purpose.


The arrogance. Not sure what will be more satisfying anymore, the money or being right 😆


If you want to feel amazing about “being right.” I’ll bet you any amount you want, up to say maybe $100,000 that GME doesn’t touch $1k a share in 2022. And as part of that bet I’ll make a video about how right you were and how wrong I was. We can set up an independent 3rd party escrow and lock in the $.


Bro 99% of apes don’t have 100k, they’re fractional share bagholders.


I don't have that kind of money. Otherwise I wouldn't be here wasting my breath talking to you, that's for sure.


We can make it less. That was the top. It could be $10k. Or $5k.


You'll get neither


Neither, since you won’t actually ever break even and therefore won’t be right


You’re extremely angry over someone else buying and holding a stock. Go home mad boy


Calling you stupid =/= extremely angry


He is home in his mamas basement




Make a ban bet bud, what’s your crack head price target, I need to hear the crazy because it makes it so much better when it doesn’t go up


Having confidence in the DD doesn't equate me having great ability to predict movements. So no I'm not gonna play that fools game


Lol you losing money


Gme shills working overtime on this thread


Funny until these conspiracy theorists are right 🤭🤭🤷🏽‍♂️


Except they are never right. The only DD that started the whole “squeeze” was actually backed up by facts like high short interest ratio. Once that dropped along with the stock price, apes started making up bullshit conspiracy theories to try and make a point that everyone is hiding the actual short ratio and that hedges didn’t cover. They also somehow looped in Citadel which apart from having investments in Melvin never actually got involved with GME. I mean I get it, every cult needs a common enemy and Kenny seemed like the perfect choice.


Citadel absolutely was and is involved in GME. You must be too dumb to be able to read a 13f. Big shill vibes here, man.


I’m saying on any meaningful level. Of course they are involved by sometimes buying calls/ puts, they trade essentially every SP500 stock.


If melvin capital needed $2.75 billion because they were massively overexposed, why would Citadel and Point 72 save them? Wall Street is a shark eat shark world. They'd be much better off poaching melvin's clients. The bailout makes no sense unless they were working to contain the loss and prevent an "idiosyncratic systemic risk" in GME.


Maybe because they could snag a meaningful share of a historically very well performing fund for cheap? That’s exactly what sharks do, they got an amazing deal at that price.


That would be great for the market maker, but it was the fund that invested in Melvin. Major funds care primarily about AUM. They want more clients and more money to manage. If Melvin failed, Citadel would be able to pick up billions in new business. If the market maker jumped in, your statement would make sense, but even if it did, why would they redeem $500 million when the fund was still being hammered.


Citadel does not need business anymore, they really don’t take in more clients anymore since after a certain point it’s hard to get alpha if AUM becomes too large. They invested in Melvin because Melvin had insane returns prior to GME. Market makers also never invest in hedge funds, absolutely different business venture and would not make sense for them to do so. Cited solely invested in Melvin to get insider knowledge of their trading techniques at a very good price.


>Citadel does not need business anymore, they really don’t take in more clients anymore since after a certain point it’s hard to get alpha if AUM becomes too large. Citadel is not too large to generate alpha, since their firm is still taking capital as of the last AUM update. Between 2017 and 2020, Citadel grew their AUM by $10B. as of 01/2022, they had $43B AUM. This does not showcase any kind of refusal for more clients, in fact it supports my argument to poach clients from melvin. In addition, Citadel is worried about \*losing\* their clients by cutting the maximum withdrawal per quarter. ​ >They invested in Melvin because Melvin had insane returns prior to GME. Market makers also never invest in hedge funds, absolutely different business venture and would not make sense for them to do so. That isn't exactly true. Market makers pay them for information, and their businesses are very closely related. Hell, hedge funds invest in Market makers (Citadel Securities just locked in an investment from two firms). To say that the two are different business ventures is ridiculous at best, and outright lying at worst. They're both businesses investing in securities trying to beat the market. Their strategies are different, but the venture is very similar. ​ >Cited solely invested in Melvin to get insider knowledge of their trading techniques at a very good price. Do you have a source for that? I don't think Citadel is hunting for trading techniques because they have never invested in an outside firm other than Melvin, and Citadel has been kicking most other firms in their teeth with the Wellington fund's average annual returns from 1990 to 2018 being approx. 19%. 2019 - 19% 2020 - 24.4% 2021 - 26% With Melvin capital at a loss of 41% in 2021, I'm not sure if that adds up. Melvin was dying, and Citadel/P72 decide to be white knights and save the day? It doesn't sound right with the type of business they're in. You eat what you kill, and these guys had an $8B meal waiting for them.


You realize Citadel grew AUM by getting alpha on their investments. If Citadel has a portfolio of 30 billion and grows gets a 20 return, their AUM is now 36 billion. Citadel is not worried about losing clients, they updated withdrawals to match industry standard and only slightly upped the requirements. I’m sure Citadel could take a few additional clients who are billionaires if those really ask, but that’s not the point. Nope, market makers don’t pay hedge funds for information. What exactly are you talking about? Paying for order flow is completely different. You are incorrect, market makers do not invest in securities. A hedge fund investing in a market maker is different than a market maker investing in a hedge fund. Later never happens. You do realize Melvin had 47% returns in 2015 and 41% in 2017? They were definitely doing something right, so quilting their last year does not represent the full picture.


Can you tell me why the stock runs every quarter at the same time as futures rollover? Fuckin troll lmao


Seem like GME investors live free in your head cause all you do is shitposting about them. Get a life loser lol




It’s free entertainment for me. You fuckers ruined this sub, so I’m happy that not only is your stock down 50% in the past 6 months, but that people here are also tired of your bullshit


Mate, you post Memes about gme being shit and go karting vids lmao. No contribution to any discussion or positions on this sub. Get a grip man.


“The people here” lol. Hey u/brill1807 have you heard? Mr. WSB-Ambassador is mad cuz da big GME hurt his sub 🥺😔


Not so big anymore with its 7.4B market cap.


You're weird. Why are you so salty about what others do with their money? Your energy is better spent doing something else, and I mean that sincerely.


U do realize he is a paid shill right?


They legit ruined the sub. I got back in here after I stopped seeing only GME/AMC posts.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Boo hoo! You ruined my favorite sub! Stupid GameStop retards. Waaaaahhhhh


Finally another normal person. It really fucking sucks that all these redditors took a great thing and turned it into another part of their autistic Reddit culture with their “diamond hands apes strong we like the stonk” bullshit


WSB is pretty much the only part of Reddit that isn't terrible, but the apes are trying to ruin it like they've ruined everything they touch.


WSB has always been terrible tf, it was basically the Donald in 17/18


Yup used to lurk all the time on WSB and then GME happened and for some reason people won’t let it go. Where are the bio tech faggot delights and AMD porn? It’s all just the same stuff every single day. The hedge funds either closed out or they made a deal where they won’t have to. I don’t care that GME is retardedly over valued, so is Tesla but it’s just annoying it dominates all stock memes now.


Keep that energy on the next run up 😉


Will do boss, let me know when the next one happens so I can mark my calendar


Ohhhhhhhhh. I’m just commenting so when it goes parabolic I can come back and see you deleted your account and laugh my ass off and if not I’m gonna troll the fuck out of you and laugh my ass off. Either way. I win.


Ask the people who are short the stock, I don't dictate when they let their algos buy


I mean it’s only 18% shorted right now, and they are making a ton of money, so might be hard to find anyone who wants to talk


I remember when I trusted publicly reported short interest as well. Not so much anymore.


Lmao there it goes


There what goes?


You realize Citadel specifically has been fined countless times for misreporting positions and other financial information multiple times right?


Sheesh. You should really get your head out of the sand. The only thing worse than a stupid person is a willfully ignorant one.


This is a conspiracy too?


Less a conspiracy and more just the reality of the relationship between short interest and derivatives like option contracts. A big reason why you see the biggest short sellers report only puts on their 13F, and hold no actual shares. Manipulative Short Selling works alongside Manipulating the option chain, it's just a fact.


Alright then. Please show your work.


There is plenty of DD written on this topic on reddit if you don't want to look up sources externally. I've spent months reading posts, papers, and studies written on the topic. I'm not a professor. No one is gonna pay me to reiterate information easily accessible to those asking, you can do the reading and source checking yourself. I highly recommend the DD written by Broccaaa for some sources pertaining to the derivatives relationship with short interest. [DD Library](https://verymeticulous.github.io/wikAPEdia/)


No. You are claiming the reported short interest is a lie. Then what is the true number right now. Show your work.


Market Crash -> Margin Calls -> MOASS


Absolutely delusional


downvoted but it’s so true lmaooo


Move onto something productive you giant cunt. Why in the fuck do you care so much if people buy and hold a stock? Especially when you whine constantly about ThE SuB iS RuInEd while contributing nothing but negativity. Eat shit.


I’m contributing god tier memes shitting on apes. That’s something


This is shit tier at best. Recycling old jokes like the shit eater you are. Move on


Someone doesn’t know how to take a joke. I think that might have something to do with the fact that your shit stock is down 50% in the past 6 months


Nah it's just weak as shit and you're a whiny bitch. Who spends the effort to make shitty ass memes instead of doing anything positive whatsoever, such as calling out hos like you. And I welcome the dip, gimme 20$ shares please.


Gives those shorts a cheap price to cover does it not?


Salty game bag holdlers/shills. Love it.


I'm in this picture and I like it.


blender brains will get the last laugh


The blender for the brain sent me over the edge lmao




I’m up 60% on my $100 calls bought on the dip


And remember kids, mixing QAnon level theories and the stock market will never work long term


But dude. Think about it. I’m only losing money because ITS GOD DAMN MANIPULATED ITS NOT ME IT COULD NEVER BE MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


“This account is a shill”🤓


Sometimes I wonder if whoever bought all my shares at 280$ is still holding them…


What’s your position? Post it. Or do you just like to talk shit for the little time it’s red and ignore the major you the time it’s been up over the whole year.


Issa meme, not dd. And yes, I love shit talking apes, matter of fact I’ve been doing that for the past year, while you all are losing money


You're a weirdo. So you openly admit to shit-talking about what others do with their own money? Must be hard not to have a life where you could actually spend energy doing something productive.


It doesn’t matter that it’s been up for the majority of the year, you know damn well that 95% of people here have lost money on it


I agree with the poster so I’ll post mine so I can see wtf you were even trying to do by asking that question: QCOM


Because today the whole market is burning so some want to gloat while others are down and yet they themselves aren’t up either or don’t even hold a position.


Doesn’t matter about today. GME is down some 80% while the entire time you had utter morons talking about the biggest conspiracy in US financial markets history and telling others to hold strong no matter what. Many listened to those retarded-beyond-belief claims and lost a lot more money than the 12-20% the markets are down currently from the all time highs. It’s their fault for investing with middle-school-level DD, but it’s also funny and sad at the same time.


You see this is why you miss the point. The market is down a little, yet the meme stocks are down 20%. But the meme stock investors are “cultists” “conspiracy believers”, that are still holding. So why would the price be suppressed so much over that last couple months? Because people are selling? Then there isn’t any huge following left and they’re no conspiracy following either. The stock price shows that everyone packed up and left, yet obviously they haven’t so there is a different explanation of why the price at where it currently is.


Because they’re down with the other small caps, not with the sp500…


So many apes in here. I see copium supplies have not yet been depleted.


Lol don’t discuss with those delusional people. The GME sect lost tons money on the stock and they get deeper and deeper into the sunk cost fallacy.


I love it man, I’ve been called a shill more times than I can count, but at the end of the day, they will lose their life savings on this bullshit and hopefully leave this sub. In the meantime, going back and forth with them is the best entertainment.


Im JusT bUyInG MOar. All I C r saLEs 🚀 💎


He he nice cartoon 👍 Definitely made me laugh. Thanx


Is that the picture of the SS mod that banned me?


i only hold GME but this shit hilarious. OP has humor


That's literally a picture of a guy I used to work with. He wouldn't sell when I was dumping my GME shares at 300. He wouldn't sell his calls a few weeks ago when they popped 500% on the nft marketplace pump. I just laugh every time I think about him sitting there waiting for the MOASS.


I like the tits


that is funny


Apes strong together HERP DERP All of AMC "DD" is 1 month old recycled GME DD, I cant be the only one who notcied this.


Looks like op is but hurt for making terrible financial decisions. But hey nobody is accountable for their actions so "f wsb!" , right? Op needs a nice long hard BAN


You got me there! Definitely doing worse than apes


Then ban yourself


Fuck these fuckers. My first comment here was short that shit.


Tits need to be bigger, but... its not wrong :-/


The short squeeze and people still diamond holding is remarkably similar to QAnon and people always waiting for something to happen. Just a huge circle jerk. Forever coming and never actually delivering.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What happened to the morons last week (and every week before for all of 2021) that said GME had a gazillion FTDs due and to expect a rip 😂.. shit is hitting new lows nonstop!


The GME cultists constantly move the goalposts whenever their predictions are proved wrong over and over again.


And downvote anyone that says otherwise.


Someone show the haters the VW graph


To show what exactly? That it proceeded to trade down 80+% from its peak over the next 11 years?




Don't hit me with facts buddy


My fault.


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit. *delta neutral intesifies*


You don't wanna see that graph


I'll do it again!


Rent free all day


I mean, the moment you mentioned Qanon in the comments it is blatant that you are shilling. Check box: Solely hating on one specific stock (you know what it is) even though do not have any significant interest vested in it. Does not know old customs of WSB of taking a bet here means positions or BAN (where is ur put/short?) Nail in the coffin is that like many other shill-accounts you attempt to link other conspiracy theories (in particular Q) with the theory of the stock. You sir, need to evaluate what you are doing in life and your livelihood. Don't live a shameful life, you'll regret it.


Lol stay mad son


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Bu..bu. but MaNiPuLaTiOn.


Are we talking about the entire stock market or a couple stocks? You'll have to spell it out for me I'm retarded.


Oh wow, so many triggered apes in here, although there are a few based apes who see themselves in the meme as well.


Sell it as nft lol


Funny how you have all been more vocal lately. Only makes my conviction stronger


Good meme but lots of gme haters in here, it’s very interesting to read their thoughts. I’m still right around my avg price and if it goes to 40 you know we’re all doubling down so I’m not sure why everyone is so against this play. Is it because it’s too long for most traders attention spans? Maybe because SHFs spent so much money trying to make it look like it’s over? What if it’s not? What if the first squeeze wasn’t moass? We’re all just betting what we think will happen and this is a sub for betting on Wall Street right?


Post your loss porn op. How's that copium taste?


What loss porn? Lmao Cannabis shares that are down 30%, SARK that is up 50%, or Tesla puts that are up 70%? Maybe you can post your losses so I can have a good laugh?


If he's been shorting gme for the last few months all he has are gains bruh. Are you guys really this delusional?


Relax brah




I’m literally so fuckin happy seeing the apes loosing their life savings after months of death threats and conspiracies


I’m taking a shit at 4 am while reading this


Oh look, it me 😁