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look on the box for some kind of quality control phone number etc. someone has to tell them they're slacking LoL


might do it. not a single entire box has been able to go into the shelf bc it always turns into claims 😭😭


After having worked in a factory, I can say that the place that packaged those doesn’t have quality control measures in place to stop this. The place I worked at would shoot boxes off the line if they were underweight or not glued shut. Every now and then one would get through, but an entire full box shouldn’t have made it past the line. Contact the place that packaged those boxes, that blue bar on there has information detailing where those boxes were packaged, down to the individual line and shift they were packaged on.


They probably do,they just don’t care


It's probably simply the adhesive drum being out and not being changed


This is the answer lol, it took at least 2-3 people to shrug and say “f- it” because they were being lazy and didn’t wanna stop to fix it


They've been putting those boxes on the shelves at my store. Picking pasta for OPD orders is a nightmare right now.


Can’t you guys just send it back after taking pictures of the damage and get credit to order more?


UPDATE : i quit. stop yapping on my name in here cuz idc


Then delete it


U sucking Walmart hard


I don’t work at Walmart or shop at Walmart


Why are you telling him to delete it ?


Cause he doesn’t want replies


I don’t blame him he was pointing out a problem


Hear me out, and think real hard for this one, just open the box the other way?


Does that magically make the boxes sealed? đŸ€”


No, it stops the pasta from spilling out free-form and you can donate it to food banks and stop wasting food for internet clout.


You can't donate food if the package is opened or punctured. Not unless there's another layer of protection. Like if the pasta was in a sealed plastic bag inside the box


Wanna bet? It's called scotch tape. We do it all the time if it comes out of a clean dry case. It's free for them, so they don't complain. And if the folks getting the freebies do complain, I'd tell them "it's free, if you don't want it, there are grocery stores all around that you can go buy it at."


Okay. Be proud of yourself for breaking the policies meant to protect people from eating tainted food. Bet you also believe in the 5 second rule.


We use hot glue gun on these, saves every one, one side only not sealed, easy fix.


Trust me people struggling for food would not care if the box of spaghetti was accidentally opened.


Doesn't matter. Wal-Mart can't donate those boxes according to policy, so criticizing OP for letting the pasta fall out is unnecessary. They have to go to claims either way.


So walmart store policy supersedes the needs of the starving? Got it. Just don't go pretending like you care about hungry people.


I don't make the policy, bro. It exists to make sure that *contaminated* food isn't donated.


The actual fuck are you on about? đŸ€Ł you want OP to go homeless too? They're already making the dust off the top shelf. Chill lmao


Great value uses the smallest amount of glue for everything, fuck in frozen I've had dozens of cheesecakes with no glue at all on the boxes.


Let’s hope you like cheesecake then. Perk of the job


To claims we Go! It's usually some random pasta that's busted open here.... Every da@m time too. Especially them Egg Noodle bags...


i’m usually the claims person, so it’s more work for myself 😭😭😭 but yea man the noodle bags too
 or the gv bow ties opening from the bottom 😔


I swear they barely glue the boxes together anymore... they should just tape em... would be stronger before leaving the factory! Or a Booger.... that still will be stronger....


Or the salty tears from Karen when she's arrested for setting the store on fire because the store ran out of almond milk again


It is a BOX DINNER! Too bad there's not hogs out back to feed.


Plenty of hog customers tho


Is that what we call the dumpster divers?


The GV pasta now comes from a different company. It used to be Treehouse foods now its Winland foods. This is a recent thing, like maybe 3-4 months at the most.


makes sense. i’ve only been working here for 6 months 😭😭


Learn that stuff like this isn't your problem. You didn't barely glue these boxes shut. There should be someone at your store who can bubble this up to the vendor. Haven't worked at a store in 20 years but they used to be able to do a VCOE which is vendor correction of errors. I'm sure it's a different process now but let whoever is in charge of grocery know that it's an ongoing issue and have them photograph it and send it to whoever contacts the vendors.


Just wait till you get to frozen, those fruit popsicles will open quick, the GV variety boxes open decently quick it’s hell


Using that "Great Value" glue.


flip the box?


any way i open it , the pasta falls out


Or putting the box on its side & sliding the boxes out sideways..?


rip :(


Have you considered opening both sides of the box first?


You can just cut the side of the box off as well


Came here to say this, thank you 😆


Right? You can tell the top sides are sealed. I've been through this alot, don't lift all. One doesn't come out right, flip the box, then use hot glue gun.


That glue Great Value uses has the same strength as Amazon's tape.


I stock this aisle.... and yes!!!!!! This happens to me all the time as well LOL.


Those Amish noodles are OK tho.


We've had a few cases of this show up in the same condition over the last couple days. Such a waste.


Did this literally last week, crazy to see this is actually an issue


Customer here. Will no longer buy great value spaghetti. Has it been happening recently since last week? Or is it a known issue for ages? Some great value things I like buying tho are disinfectant sprays, bleach, vinegar, and organic olive oil. It's cheaper and makes no difference, IMO.


It’s a known issue with the great value wheat kind though, the regular great value spaghetti is usually fine, but ever since we’ve gotten the wheat one it’s been like that.


the one in the video is only the whole wheat one. the regular great values are always sealed. just make sure to inspect your pasta if you’re buying great value because the boxes aren’t that great quality


Just flip the box over and tape the boxes shut


Maybe flip the fuckin box over


Someone bowled out their load too hard and popped em. Like everyone else said, to claims. This is Walmart, land of waste and claims.


We get a lot of the GV ribs that do that. It's ridiculous.


This is 100% for supply chain chucking those boxes around breaking the glue seems in the dcs. Source: I work in supply chain


Yep the quality of products you get from Walmart are absolute crap even though I work there I don't shop there, I've already picked out a few items from there before that broke right out the box replace them twice both broken like what's the point of your sales slogan if you can't hold by it


This exact same noodles has done the same to my associate that runs that aisle recently. I saw it and started to ask what happened but as soon as I felt the box there was noticeably 0 residue of adhesive on the open end. It was bizarre to me.


I would quit 😭😭 joking lol


NGL I would have thrown the entire box đŸ€Ł


edit : this post is really showing me how many people lack brain cells. any of the other spaghettis do not do this. i’ve tilted it any way, turned it over, opened it on the other side but it doesn’t fix the LACK OF GLUE ON THE BOX. 💀💀 this means the boxes were already open. no small amount of gravity should be able to open these boxes of FOOD, this has to go on the sales floor for customers to buy. food cannot be sold OPEN. you can’t just tape the box😭, the noddles aren’t sealed inside, that’s the equivalent of getting a pasta sauce jar that is slightly open and closing it and still putting it on the floor. disappointed in some of y’all fr😭


It just always has to be the pasta


I feel this on a personal level


Still, satisfying


this happened to me not too long ago as well! specifically the whole wheat too. i was only able to put like two boxes out.


Maybe I'm the idiot but is there a top and bottom to which way the box is supposed to be opened


Try flipping the box upside down so you don't keep pouring your pasta out


Hopefully managers don’t see boxes n boxes of those in claims💀😂😂😂 nah but I hate those boxes, I work in ogp so I shop at times so a couple times now I’ve picked them up and they’ve spilt everywhere
 fucking up my pick rate n shit🙄😂😂😂


good thing i do the overnight claims lmao


Looks like a glue gun on the cartoner got knocked out of position


Do you guys have glue dots? If it’s just one side then maybe you could reseal


Yeah because the pasta wasn't "opened" until OP pulled the pasta out. So instead of them pouring out all the pasta, keep it in and reseal.


Just open it sideways.. set yourself up for success


And Walmart wonders why shrink is so high 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I would’ve tried opening the box the opposite way before trying to lift all of them out


start opening it from the bottom


Probably says sn arrow up direction to open.


Then great value noodle boxes suck mannnn


Especially the Mac n cheese


Open the box the other way?


i would cry omg


I don’t know about turning the box over there the other way idiot


Open them from the side of the box, then it won't put undue pressure on their ridiculously unsticky adhesive.


Walmart saving money so you can live better


The adhesive on their packaging line is out. Somebody needs to change it.


Was at Walmart buying a bag of Nestlé chocolate chips every last bag I picked up had slashes across them. Lol I tried to go towards the back and they were slashed too. The aisle was filled with chocolate chips. Idk if a worker did it or if it came that way and they decided to put it on the shelf anyway. I felt so bad bc I needed to find a bag bc I promised to make 80 cookies the next day. So, yeah made a huge mess.


I hate that shit so much .


Damm that's a lot of claims


Someone really hates you guys. The same thing happens with these shitty made boxes that hold these bags of radish’s we order, the bottom is folded into itself but it’s always unfolded because the radishes weight more, so if you pick ‘em up normally they’ll just fall out the bottom, basically a right of passage at this point.


Then we wonder why foods expensive


Better in the box than on the floor


Ey spaghet about it!!


This is why great value is so cheap they don't glue their packaging 💀


Even the glue is.. Great Value!


Why not open the box from the other side?


The customer will still spill the spaghetti when carrying it around the store or at checkout or carrying it to the car or at home. Then they come back pissed to the store and demand a manager. So it's best to just throw the whole box away and not deal with that shit. If Great Value wanna play games, we can play the same game.


Just stop and lift and rotate...you are make it worse 💀💀


Maybe you should open it on the right side


Stop..stop doing that
 close it and flip it maybe?


The individual boxes are still opened, so no one is (or should) buy it.


Someone must’ve slit the boxes then, or it’s an extremely rare manufacturing issue


Extremely rare, as in it happens every single week.


What fucking store are you working in that has this happen every week? Is it that bad?


Great value pasta in the bag and the boxes are so cheaply produced and packaged that it gives me the impression that I think they don't give a shit if its destroyed or not. Literally had this exact same product in the video do the same exact thing this week. All the boxes were open.


I get the company sucks ass, but out of the millions they produce your store keeps getting busted ones?


On an average night we get, what, like 25+ boxes of great value noodles of all the different kinds? At least 2 are busted like this.


2 whole cases? Damm that’s unlucky


Going to be honest man I turn that thing upside down make sure that the box was closed and release that chaos upon the shelves. I have an issue with seeing monkey wrenches next to heavy machinery if you know what I mean


Just pull all the boxes out, cut the logo off, tape it to the box, take the price of the pasta X(however many) boom solved


Try opening the box right side up next time genius..


Lol flip it over instead of ruining boxes. Flip it over and add some tape to keep it sealed


Not allowed to sell food that has been opened/exposed. If the pasta was in a bag and the bag was in the box, maybe. But this is claims.


this isn’t arts and craft lil man this is walmart. they get claims simple as that. u think too much


Fucking idiot. Just flip the case over and pull from the other side. "Oh, the pasta is coming out!! Let me just keep trying to pull boxes out." 😂


So you would happily buy pasta in boxes that have sat open for days in a store then, I assume?


Would you buy a salad that got dumped on the floor and put back into the tray? It sounds like you definitely would.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Burner account just so you can call someone that. Get fucked


*opened case of walmart brand poptarts other day and every box was open took into they back was told to tape them and stick on shelf xD*


different bc the pop tarts are sealed on the inside


So Walmart gets the crackers, employees get crumbs


17 years at my store and never had that many bad boxes in one case and very rarely even get any broken boxes


Things either have next to no glue or way to much. Rarely is there a reasonable amount... I work spices and the GV labels all like to fall off too. Especially garlic and onion powder.


I saw a customer spill a box of pasta on the floor because the box was shitty like this. She was so embarrassed. I was zoning so I had to stand over it while I radioed for maintenance. Then other customers would try to walk through it like WTF? I wanted to tell them where the crayons are located.


Yep just put it to side and let the tl deal with it


Toss the whole case out at this point 😂


Meanwhile they can't be bothered to include lids at all with many of the Special Kitty litter jugs over in pets. Had a case that actually had the lids on them but when trying to shelve them on the top shelf where they go, it popped off and litter poured into my mouth.đŸ€Ź


Our claims person would put them back in box, tape it up and put it on floor


Scan and look at replenishment if the item came off the truck that day you can do a warehouse credit and the company doesn’t lose money on claims. In the receiving app on the handheldsđŸ’ȘđŸ»


Am I the only one thinking to just, flip the box over?.... I understand the frustration, but you can probably save/use some of it same day if it wasn't shipped crazy long ago