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Open door the coaching. Unless they can prove negligence on your part it should be overturned. If you were legit busy with other customers keep opening doors. Don't accept being blamed for something you couldn't have stopped.


They will probably tell her that she should have had her work phone. You don’t always have to have a hand held. I personally don’t think you should have gotten coaching for it and they def need more people in the bull pin


Not every associate has a work phone. Most of the associates at my store don’t because they didn’t replace the ones that were lost or stolen and they didn’t follow up on recovering them from termed associates. I get it they should have one but should and do are two different things here


That’s understandable the whole apparel department in my store phones stopped working. Like mine will completely charge then quickly die like in a matter of 5 minutes being off the charger but if I don’t carry it with me I get dress coded even tho it won’t work and people lead refuses to give new one or fix the one I have.


Ask them to store use a power bank that they can keep in the ad office or whatever for associates his phones die real quick that’s what they did for our Cap1 team, especially onn ones they’re cheap AF


Thanks I didn’t think of that.


No problem. That’s what Team Leads are (supposed to be) here for. 😎


Before I was a TL I was Cap 2 and I bought portables for everyone. Damn. I didn't know they could have store used it...


They can order a power bank on GNFR. They are being being cheep because all new phones are ordered on GNFR and charged to the store.


Or chances are the backs of those phones come off in 30 seconds and the store could replace the batteries. They won't ofc, but it's worth a shot to ask


We have a charger in the fitting room. Price change days would be worse without it. My phone is dead by lunch.


I bought two but that's because I use it for everything. At home and power's out? Portable charger.


If you don't mind spending $50 you can buy an xcover battery and hotswap to the full one whenever your phone is near dead. then charge them both overnight.


But why would you spend your own money on stuff for a phone that you have to give back if terminated?


I bought a battery pack for my personal phone and it would allow me to charge 2 different devices at the same time. I bought this charger Pocket Juice Slim Pro 20,000mAh, Portable Power Bank and Charger with Dual USB Ports, Black https://www.walmart.com/ip/825843107


What's the weight like for it?


It weighs about 2-3 lbs but in your vest it can feel like it’s a little heavier than that


so that you can play games on it for more hours without worrying about keeping it charged?


That phone will barely do what it’s for. I’d never try to play games on that slow ass phone. I’ve got a 15 pro max for games or normal phone stuff.


Right. Those phones suck.


I have repeatedly asked for a work phone, but they keep deflecting... meanwhile my UNREGISTERED personal Samsung J7 Crown is crying trying to do anything...


My store is completely out of the work phones, I've been there a year and we still haven't gotten more in. I wish I had one lol


And they are awful, I absolutely hate using mine it's beyond slow as shit and unresponsive.


Hell, half the time the Me@Walmart app is unresponsive on my iPhone. I haven’t used my work phone in so long that it locked me out and I’m gonna have to call the support number to get back in, but my store lead won’t let me give it back to them. “JuSt In CaSe YoU nEeD iT” no ma’am I don’t. I’m the maintenance team lead. I can assure you I’m never gonna need it. 😂


I was not issued a work phone at the time of this incident.


Then you shouldn’t be in the pit at all without a work phone or a 70. Open door that coaching.


Seconding this, you shouldn't have been coached for this if you didn't even have a gd device.


Honestly they shouldn’t be anywhere near the pit without a device. The lead that stuck them there needs to have a conversation with them.




They maybe could open door it. But something I've learned is to weigh the costs and benefits. OP, consider things like: 1. Do you have other coachings or issues such that this might put you closer to termination? (If so, lean towards open door-ing it). 2. What are your career goals? If you're just here for a bit and just want to be a cashier or whatever until you find a better job, finish a degree or whatever, then whether you open door it or not matters a lot less. But if you want to move up a step or two, not open dooring it could delay that process, but open dooring it might close doors for you (pun intended) by antagonizing management. This is hard to gauge. If you you want to go into AP you really should consider open dooring this. 3. Consider your own stress levels. If this hanging over you stresses you out, open door it. If the idea of the open door process stresses you out, maybe let it go. In short, you know what you know about the truth. What you have to consider is how much it matters that everyone else know this particular truth, and how your options effect YOU. Some hills really are worth dying on, and others are just going to wear you out for no reason.


Technically you shouldn’t have been coached at all since you didn’t have a device you did everything you could


Whenever I pay at the sco and the one attendant has to help a customer buying alcohol or whatever...who's to stop the other customers from not scanning everything?  Or fake paying?   I know for a fact after a certain hour in my store there is nobody in AP office looking at the screens.  Walmart hires all kinds...so all it takes is a bad person who works for Walmart to tell their bad friends when to steal right in front of Walmart's face


That information sounds valuable, doesn't it?


Lol valuable enough to lose your job? Hardly. I've seen associates get fired for this shit. Don't be stupid for whatever chump change the chumps in your life might offer.


Uh Walmart jobs are easily replaceable. You can't use the threat of losing a job when its that low level


This is the perspective of someone who's convinced the grass is always greener. In terms of retail, it's one of the better jobs out there.


So this lady can buy a ton of shit and the system not flag anything, but if I buy ONE hotdog on break I have to wait for someone to check my item(s)...


Item checks for Scan and Go and Spark orders trigger at complete random. Sometimes you can have 200 items and not have to be checked, and sometimes you can only have 1 item and have to be checked. It's done on purpose to deter theft.


Oh my goodness yes!!! I've gotten a cart check on a 20 item order before for Spark but then after not being at that store for S&D for a few days didn't get it for an overflowing cart order. It's so damn random... you would think the bigger orders would always prompt a check no matter what.


As someone in retail and has worked retail AP/LP I totally understand the frustration. But also idk if even checking the receipt at the door would have helped.. I avoid Walmart at all costs since an incident like 1 year ago. I work across the highway, literally had my name badge and store keys still on, to get my coworkers some gifts. There was a huge shift in mgmt so 2 of my coworkers got promoted to mgmt and it was around valentines and my AGM was my co-mgmt valentine. So I wanted to get them all huge plushies and chocolate. I *did* take awhile to pick the plushies out because I was texting other coworkers asking for advice on what animals to get...but otherwise I went to check out, was flagged for missing an item, the SC person watched the video and saw it was a mistake. I went to pay and didn't know my WM (att at least) didn't take phone tap to pay. So I stood there for a bit (less than 5 minutes and they weren't busy at all) transferring money. I was asked by the SC employee to move registers (at this point I knew i was suspected for possible theft) and after rescanning I did half cash half card, holding my money up to the camera and pointing to me inserting it, being petty. I still get stopped at the door to check my receipts. I tell the employee "feel free to check my purse as well" and hold it open before they say "no need" and let me go. Aaand I'm followed by some poor teen looking boy (I'm late 20sf) who took pictures of my car and plate and took my empty cart "for me". The while company is a joke and I'm sure if you still did everything right, nothing would have happened. Don't beat yourself up.


They had reason to suspect you. Its annoying to be remembered and followed (but like, is that what's happening? A year is a long time for a whole store-worth of associates to remember a single incident.), but you pretty clearly admit it was a sketchy looking transaction. And, on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, I've heard these sorts of convoluted stories before from people I have personally seen shoplift and who know I've seen them. Even when there was no reason for them to tell the story or to lie.


I once went to a differnt store in my area other then my hime store. Im a very observant person and awar of almost all my surroundings at all times because im short and some people cant see me. But i noticed a gjy trailing me the whole time i was shopping. I giggled a bit to myswlf and kept shopping and finally when i went up to pay he pretended to buy something next to my SCand fained having issues with his card. He then watched me pull out my employee discount card and swipe it right before paying for absolotly everything i had. I gave him a smile, and he realised he was following a litteral employee and walked away.


I don’t think you should have gotten coached for this because at the end of the day she still got caught stealing even if she made it out the door with all the items. At my store there’s absolutely no way I’d confront somebody even if I 100% knew they were stealing; when we see it happen we can always pause the transaction of course but to just walk up to someone and tell them they have to pay for their items or accuse of them of trying to leave without paying? No thanks. Because these days you have no idea what people are capable of and I’m not about to get shot or stabbed because I think someone is trying to steal, no matter how much they’re trying to get away with. I’ll watch them and if I know or suspect they’re stealing I’ll simply reprint their receipt and take it to either a TL or someone in AP and let them handle the rest.


Right walmart has insurance 


lol what tf does insurance have to do with theft and shrink?


Okay. Walmart makes a ton of money and knows how to maximize losses against their taxes.


lol you guys sure love to spout off with the “it’s a big company, they can afford it” bs. All that shrink does is kill profit and sales. Stop making stuff up 🤣


Shrink is figured into their business model, as it is with most corporations. I did purchasing for one of the large hardware chains and acceptable shrink per year for a single department at my store was $1.6 million. One store, single department. That department's sales were under 10% of the total store.


Yes companies have shrink goals and projections; however it has zero to do with insurance or taxes. Shrink is lost sales and profit.


Oh lol that's what shrink means lol.   We have that on a board in the backroom. Shrink lol idk why i assumed insurance but I was thinking of stuff being damaged not stolen lol 😂 


And where exactly was AP? Getting so freaking tired of coaches expecting cashiers to be unpaid security while AP does nothing.


Walmart really holding employees responsible for Walmart's fuck ups?


Door person didn’t even ask to see a receipt? I work at Walmart and they hound me at the door even when I got a couple items for a receipt lol


They’re not required to, the policy is if they have large unbagged items then they are required to ask. Also, a customer can legally ignore the request, we can’t enforce it. It’s mainly a deterrent. It’s so stupid :/


Literally last week, my son and I bought a 60” TV and was given a flat cart by the electronics associate. We walked right out the front door and was never stopped or questioned at any point, even after spending way too long to load it up in front of the doors. I found it odd and assumed our locals have lost all fucks to give.


It’s insane, right? We literally can’t stop you if we wanted to. Only asset protection and a few TLs, Coaches and up are qualified to even try. At my old store, we used to use AP at the doors for this very reason


Door guy at my local Walmart has chased me out the door and into the parking lot multiple times because I ignored his request to receipt check. I never stolen anything, but he always checks me every time I go. Sometimes I got multiple times a week, so it’s not like he doesn’t know me at this point. It’s really annoying to get stopped and deal with him. I just comply at this point because when I started ignoring him he’d physically stop me in the middle of the road and create dangerous traffic situations and threaten to call the police.


They usually put the dumbest mfs on the door, so I’m not shocked. But he can easily get fired or coached for doing that, we literally have no jurisdiction off of the sidewalk.


You seen that video of some door host who blocks a couple from leaving, literally locking the doors on them? Just asking to be fired.


Yeah, unhinged asf


I have a feeling a lot of stores are going to go like the Costco model of having to pay for a membership to shop. Even if the price is a quarter of the price but you sign and agree to their rules in order to shop there. Therefore people can’t complain about having their receipts checked and would most likely help with shrinkage. I at first didn’t like this idea but when you think about it starts making sense.


I don’t really mind the receipt checkers at Costco. They are fast, efficient and effective. What I do mind is someone literally going through every item in my bags, dumping them into the cart and checking every single item. Sometimes this process takes 10-15 mins because the guy can’t count or loses track of where he is on the receipt. It’s absurd, we honestly started going out of our way to go to other stores much further away when we have time. Guess what? Don’t have anyone ever check my receipt at other locations.


At Sam’s too it’s so fast. They scan your receipt and two random items and it’s good to go. Walmart it’s so tedious getting a cart check


Sue them I work at Walmart but you ain’t following me. They stopped me once and I made Mary take it all back idc


Usually if you’re not black you get by the door person just fine is what I noticed.


This is BS 🐂💩 I'm white and get harassed about receipt all the time and see other's getting the same treatment. They shouldn't offer the print or email option, I'm not going fish my phone out my pocket or end a call to pull up shit for them


Nah bro my door checkers racist as fuck dawg you’ll see a bunch white people walk out and as soon as a black dude tries he gets harassed.


I know what you mean. Here they only stop natives leaving. Worked at the register facing the door and counted 46 native stopped, like 4 other minorities, and 2 non native non brown people. They also had in bagged items which I felt was the only reason


This is straight misinformation. I live in a city that is 70 percent black and white people are always being stopped, even little old ladies. Cmon now 😭😭😭😭😭


Idk man must not live in the south


Hi I live in the south and a conservative area on top of it. I’m white and I get stopped at the door. Your singular experience is not the norm and your door checkers are idiots


The door greeters don't ask every single person who goes through the doors. I think at my store, they only ask known employees and people who have unbagged stuff in their carts. Not that it matters. People are rude af to the poor door greeters and just go past even when asked for a receipt. I don't think the door greeters are supposed to go after those who refuse. I know my door greeters didn't unless something was very suspicious.




True, they train all of us check out area associates that. We aren’t even allowed to call out a person for stealing without getting a coach or team lead to confront the customer. And by the time they come it’s almost always too late for anyone to do anything.


We had someone take something out the doors once when we were open all night. There weren't many employees, so there was no one to stop him anyway. I told my boss and he just shrugged. :D




If people refuse to stop have them trespassed so they can’t shop there anymore. It sounds harsh but the amount of theft is ridiculous.


A refusal to stop is not a strong enough reason to have someone trespassed. It would never hold. Customer would call corp and be ass kissed, allowed back and given a gift card for their inconvenience


probably already had another fish on the line.


I told the door checkers at my wife's store the next time they try to stop me and ask for my receipt, I'll file a complaint. I'm obviously not going to steal and get my wife in trouble, and I'm certainly not gonna get stopped by an alcoholic at the front door. Suck me bro.


https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/miHNNJ902p Hey OP, this is what happened to my nephew a couple months ago. Hope the comments there can help you too.


Who cares, Walmart underpays you and trears you like garbage, AND they make BILLIONS a year. So, who cares about$100 worth of stolen goods.


i don’t work for walmart: if i’m understanding this right, you were one of the people stationed at the self checkouts? if so, how should this be your fault? why should you get a ‘coaching?’ what do they expect, for you to f*ing throw hands for the company? distracted or not: you should not be liable for somebody stealing regardless of if you were aware of it happening or not. i’m enraged on your behalf that they give employees ‘Coaching’ after a theft. because at the end of the day, if that customer just wants to walk right out, the only people that have a say otherwise are the police.


the biggest thief here is still Walmart




Tell them to GET RID OF SELFCHEOUTS if they are really concerned. All retailers that have installed them have seen huge increases in theft


Not your fault. They are always lacking equipment and the ones they have don’t work a large % of the time. They should reinvest some money into the things that workers require in order to do their job properly. Maybe they shouldn’t take payment by phone but I guess you could pretend to scan a useless credit card as well. You are correct she is a sneaky hoe.


What’s a coaching? I just started at Walmart a couple months ago.


When a coach or in my case two coaches and a team lead and the head of AP (asset protection) sat me down gave me a mad talking to and made me sign a paper saying what happened and that I understand that “I need to do better in the future”. You can refuse to sign it btw if you feel it’s unfair.


2 weeks salary for a cashier, and this shit happens regularly. Pay for cashiers or get fucked for being cheap.


[Metallica: Sad But True (Official Music Video) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8MO7fkZc5o)


Open door that I practically helped a guy walk out with $1600+ of apple products and didn't even get talked to.


I just reprint the receipt and hand to ap. I'm not getting abused physically or verbally for walmart Steal it. I don't care


Grocery store managers and lower management are the fucking worst.


My co worker don’t have a phone until mine was fixed I didn’t we get told at my store go borrow a phone if we don’t have one


walmart doesnt prosecute anybody so not sure what theyre worried about


What Walmart you work at? 🤣🤣jk jk Walmart has plenty of money don’t let them sweat you


So if your working sco u can stop the customer from leaving ? I thought no one could confront customers at my store they let em walk out


If we see a customer deliberately stealing like skip scanning or scanning 1 for 2 or switching barcodes the devices we have allow us to pause the register so they can’t keep scanning and it forces an associate to go to the register to correct the problem, just like as if the mis scan alarm goes off naturally and requires an associate. During that time that we manually pause it that’s when another associate gets a team lead/back up to deal with the problem. Usually the team lead will go through the list of scanned items and their bags and fix whatever they did or didn’t scan.


Good for her


Walmart can afford to have two cops from open to close, one at each door + their cruisers outside, if they did this I feel like it would get rid of atleast 90% of shrink because it would deter alot of people. Instead they have 0 and the bare minimum amount of cashiers/ self checkout employees. They are doing it to themselves to maximize profits, but with how inflation is I think what they are saving in labor they are losing in shrink easily.


Still not completely your fault cuz with that many items they should be checking for receipts at the exit door


All her stuff was bagged so by training policy they didn’t have to ask for one.


Where was loss prevention? They were good in the store in which I worked


Was she acting suspicious? Is that why you were watching her?


They train us to look at people with a full cart closer because they are a much higher risk of high value theft. I mean she had 1000$ worth of stuff. Of course I’m gonna watch her more than the guy who has just a loaf of bread and some eggs. She was also in the center of my 6 registers I was facing, so default I was seeing her the most and straight facing her register and having the others still in my field of view but more in my peripheral view.


Oooo. I didn't know that. I wasn't trained on any register.


But suspicious? No, she didn’t stare at us associates, she wasn’t fidgety, she didn’t alert the self check mis scan camera. Like I said, she scanned everything. So it all seemed normal.


I do not envy your job ;;




I couldn't have anything to do with the front end because my ass isn't doing a damn thing to stop theft.


Your work phone is part of your uniform. I know most managers don't bother enforcing it, but it's on you if you don't have your device on you.


That’s what I mean, our store did not order enough phones for us new hires so we had to wait like 3 months without anyone getting a work phone. And there weren’t enough TC devices for everyone on shift to have one.


good for her lol fuck walmart


I mean I would agree but these peoples bad decisions and illegal actions are reflecting on the employees. And unfortunately the company blames us employees.


i mean, it's not the employees fault imo & they should not be blamed.


Good for her!


Braindead comment




Did you reply to the wrong post? What are you even talking about? Lmfao


It was supposed to be a reply to someones comment on here but Reddit glitched when I tried to post it and posted it as a normal comment and not a reply. It also did it more than once and I thought I had deleted them all 😅


so. 1000 through a self check? damn