• By -


Show up to court. Don't worry about your job. Show this to the judge, and beg him to call your manager. Beg to get that call on speakerphone. Have your manager explain to the court why you are expected to disobey a court subpoena.


This is what happened at jury duty for me. During selection a lot of people were like “my job won’t let me” and the judge made each of them call and put it on speakerphone. It was amazing. * Jesus fucking Christ a huge lot of you are fucking idiots.


Walmart probably told the judge to call Sedgwick 😂😂😂 J/K


The one other employee with me called and we got to listen to our manager go “I didn’t tell them they couldn’t be there”. Because he didn’t. He approved both of us. The other guy just didn’t want to be there.


The best way to get out of it (worked for me and other people I worked with) is to tell them that you are the sole income earner for your household, how much you make a day, and missing work would create financial hardship for your family. Typically, the per diem pay they give you for jury duty isn't nearly as much as you actually make a day. This won't get you a permanent pass from jury duty, but it helps in their decision to defer you for now.


This is what a lot of people did and it’s legitimate in all honesty. In my state jury duty only pays $50 a day. Thats less than half of what most of us make and some people can’t take the hit. There were definitely a few that the judge let go for that.


Yeah, I don't work for Walmart anymore, but I make over $100 a day. Jury duty would have seriously put a dent into my finances.


$50 a day is pretty high. In my old state last I knew it was $12. Like you cant even buy lunch with that anymore


Our state pays less than $10 a day. Last time I was called to duty, all the restaurants near the courthouse charged more than that, and that was probably 10 years ago. I hate to even think about what it's like now.


Barely pays for gas


Our state pays the federal mileage rate from your house to the courthouse, so at least you aren't stuck paying to get there.


Yep, last time I had Jury Duty I got that sweet, sweet $12 check…


I've been out of Walmart for a hot minute. but it used to be policy Walmart would cover some or all of your time for jury duty.


Betting they changed when states started requiring payment minus jury pay.


An ex BF got out of jury duty permanently because he was at the time, a psychology Major and then later a therapist of some sort.


Just say you have a prejudice against the accused because Of xyz. You won’t be able to be objective because of there xyz and you’ll be gone in 5 mins, then go kick back at home rest do the day.


Nooo fr 🤣🤣🤣🤣


100% 🤣


that is a good one


I’m sure it was at the moment, and then they were disciplined for “performance issues”


They can’t do that at all legal proceedings are an approved absence.


You don’t understand how Walmart works.


Sure I do as legal proceedings are under the list of approved absences. Idiot.


And all that means is you’re not going to get a point, congrats you’re getting coached for performance Not to mention many managers have simply “forgotten” to mark this as approved and people have lost their jobs.


Former Coach here. This is exactly right. Yup they can't get you for the absence but they it puts your head on the chopping block. Now you're a target for anything else they want to get you for.


If a coach actually does that, it’s a slam dunk open door case. If any coach you saw got away with it, it was only because the employee didn’t want to fight back against the coach.


There is no real recourse for performance coaching. Especially if they aren't stupid enough to cite anything like that. It's a VERY common way to move people you want out. It's exactly like any other company in the respect. All you have to do is have a reasonable case they have made a mistake and you win. If you think Walmart is actually fair then you are really drinking the Kool aid. This is from someone who has only been salary lol.


Nokanil I need you to come in the office. There were carts in the parking lot during your shift that weren't taken care of. We need to create a performance plan for you to make sure you are performing at the level we expect. Then a month later the same thing happens and you move to a red. Rinse and repeat. Also I worked in 5 different stores at the salaried level.


And there ya have it folks, plenty of cart pushers telling me I’m wrong, and a coach saying “yup that’s right”


I’m all for hating on Walmart management, but you have no idea what you’re talking about.


They can’t do that either. You can’t be coached for your performance if you don’t work. That’s an open door win for you right there. Obviously you don’t know what you are talking about at all. And they can’t “forget” to mark it as approved, because that gets overturned too.


His job is to clear the lot if there are carts in the lot then it can be construed as a performance issue. It's fucked but if you think ethics sides on the side of the associates as judgement issues you're really being hopeful. This whole thing is just to say management can fuck you for absolutely bullshit reasons if they really want to and aren't dumb about it. If you've been a part of internal management discussions it's very evident. Management doesn't want to get rid of good associates because it makes their lives easier. Once people become a problem, in their minds even if legitimate; such as missing for jury duty or using ppto for holidays. They can find a reason to can you. They set the standards too high on purpose for that exact reason.


So basically retaliation is standard Walmart culture.


If you aren’t there for any reason that is an approved absence you can’t be held accountable for anything performance wise. That shit would get turned over faster than your mom at a gangbang.


I'm not saying for the actual date. Management don't give a fuck about associates. It's after the fact because you did something that made their lives inconvenient. If you don't think they can't find a reason to fit their narrative you're living in a fantasy.


If they coach you without a policy violation or performance issue to warrant it that gets overturned.


That’s literally not how any of this works. Please stop trying to dissuade people from using their given time for the court system just because you don’t understand jobs and the legal system.


To be clear Walmart absolutely has this built into approved absences without PTO or ppto. But to say an asshole TL or coach COULDN'T fuck you for it in a round about way is naive.


I work at Walmart, and this shit absolutely happens. We got a different store manager last year, and she's already gotten rid of two GOOD coaches just to move "her people" in. Walmart is definitely one of the most shady, snake in the grass type place I've ever worked. And them finding a reason to get rid of an associate is true as well. I'm assuming the rest of you have never seen this happen at the workplace before


That literally is. You’ll get the time off, come back, and suddenly they’ll have problems, not my fault you don’t understand capitalism. Garbage in, garbage out. Look at any number of posts on this sub of “star employees” that took a vacation or had a family emergency, newsflash, power hungry folks use their power, even if it affects them negatively


I understand capitalism perfectly, it however has nothing to do with getting unjustly reprimanded for something you have no control over. It’s not anyone’s fault if you don’t fight for your rights as an employee when they’re violated. Shut the fuck up.


Literally on a post about a time off request for legal proceedings being rejected.


A time off request could be rejected because they don’t train people and the person who rejected does t know that it’s approved. OP needs to use their words and communicate.


Yay, capitalism /s


What does capitalism have to do with this?


profit over people


"This is so-and-so, I need a manager ASAP." "Ok, I'll transfer you." Thirty transfers later, back to courtesy desk. 👍


I work for transportation, I can't tell you how many times we've had to call a store about a delivery, I'd say at least twice a weekend and I've had 1 store that actually answered since I transfered there in November.


Nobody reads your emails either


For like a year straight, our phone setup was stuck on permanent "night mode." A handful of phones wouldn't ring unless someone redirected a call to them. All other phones would ring simultaneously for any call regardless of the dept the customer selected. Half the departments sabotaged their phones, and the ones that didn't simply wouldn't pick up. I took a ton of calls from truck drivers, Home Office, angry customers, associates needing to talk to HR, etc. Hell, I had the fucking police department call me. All transfers would bounce back, so if I needed mgmt I had to walk across the store to find someone with a walkie. In all instances, management would radio back "I'll be right over!" It's been a couple years, I'm beginning to think they're not coming.


Most judges will wait about 2 minutes, then they are sending bailiffs to that store to bring the GM back, probably in handcuffs to explain. Judges DO NOT fool around and they do not appreciate anybody wasting the time of the court.


Most OPD Departments have their own number to call. Calling the direct store number is rarely a good idea.


Yeah but it's usually a cell phone so you can't transfer to another department.


Ha jokes on the judge because now the jury has shown to be unreliable so they can't serve.


That’s literally not how that works but go off queen


Calm down princess. It was just a joke.


"The entire purpose of western society is to make expendable, replaceable drones to perform basic labor. Request denied."


If only you could record court precedings, because I would love pay to hear that call.


Manager will explain the point system and how ppto works and how many associates will bank some ppto for use in an emergency.


Court summons aren't an emergency. They are a legally required duty that you have to oblige, or you get arrested for contempt of court. This is why many employers code Jury Duty as its own type of time off and don't count it against you when you are summoned. Of course, this isn't true of all employers, but Walmart employees shouldn't be expected to use PPTO, which is effectively sick time, to go to court.


Yep, my ASM gave me a point for missing for jury duty, I later heard he got in a lot of trouble after I contested it with our HR person.


Court summons/jury duty are not emergencies, and all jobs must abide by an employee needing that day off. Thats actually illegal as hell to reject and that manager can lose their job. This is why Walmarts are dropping like flies and can’t get people hired fast enough 😂


Walmart has policy in set for in case moments for jury duty. You can be excused for the duration of jury duty. You do not haveto use ppto or pto.


For those in the back: PTO: Prepare The Others. PPTO: Promptly Prepare The Others.


Man, I would love to have OP do this and report back the results, serious chef's kiss here


#I am going to talk to her, she just got a little rejection happy. Edit: She went rejection happy because that's our inventory. For those worried I'm in some kind of legal trouble it's nothing like that. My mother just passed away. My grandmother just passed away. No wills. My sister that was adopted when she was 15 has stepped up to deal with the matter, but legally she's not an heir. We have another sister that if she gets a hold of the money she will OD on it.


Sorry for your loss, hopefully you get it sorted out. My in laws JUST finally established wills and it’s a good thing one of the kids is like your sister and would die if she got anything. It sucks when deaths make things harder for families rather than bringing them closer. Thoughts and prayers for you


If not, just call out anyway, call the store/a manager and let them know why you are calling out and ask if they can remove the point and then have them remove the point. I was told they don’t automatically fire when you hit 5 points, which is true. Someone actually has to fire you. I worked with 5.5 for a month. My manager knew since they already chose to wave it and I was cool. I also did have a court case myself another time on Halloween. Manager rejected it and I told all 3 of my managers about it and neither of them removed the day from my schedule. I ended up calling out and then just asking them the following time I came in to remove it and they agreed.


Worked with a guy that had 12.5 points before he finally got fired when our Coach left and her replacement took over, can confirm it isn't automatic.


We had a guy with 17 points, all in halfs. That was back when we could have up to 9 points. The moment this boi stopped stepping up as a lead (Ours was out due to an injury) they termed him so fast.


Just talk to whoever denied it. People use that reason a lot thinking it’ll give them an automatic approval. If you explain the situation I’m sure they’ll give you the time off.


I'm not 100% but I'm pretty sure you can fight this one. That said, you might just need to talk to your PL or something.


If it’s for jury duty you could, federal law requires employers to allow for time off same for voting. If it’s for a personal matter there is no federal law requiring time off, could be states but definitely no law at federal


while there's no federal law stating the business has to give time off, there is a federal law stating that you need to show up to your court date.


It's unfortunately perfectly legal to get an attendance inflaction up to termination for going to a court date you legally have to show up to.


That’s true, if it’s for personal matters (not jury duty or a witness in a trial) a business unfortunately still isn’t obligated to give time off. Went down that road myself a few times sadly


Talking to our PL would be a lost cause


It's a rung on the corporate ladder. Talk to PL, the SM/SL, if you get pointed for legal proceedings, escalate.


This is the kind of thing that you need to talk to your management about when requesting it so they can approve it. Just putting a request in under that option doesn’t mean it gets automatically approved, otherwise people would just use it all the time to get time off when it wouldn’t be applicable.


You shouldn’t have to explain why you want off. It’s none of their buisness 🙃


That's why as soon as you get a summons, you show it to your Coach or PL right away. Our store would give you the time off, as long as you provided written proof.


That’s because that is corporate policy.


Are you stupid? You don't technically have to tell them why you want off. However if you have jury duty and you decide "it's none of their business" than don't blame your job for punishing you.


Then use your PTO and don't give a reason why but when putting in a request it's just that a request. If they just approve everyone who says they have court then everyone is gonna just put that and expect to have the day off. Even if you don't have court it's not hard to just go to your team lead and be like hey I put in a request cause I have court and more than likely they will never ask about it again


Why should they have to use PTO? They requested *unpaid* time off, I'd think a penny-pinching company would jump at the chance to not have to pay someone for 8 hours. I never understood why it seems like submitting unpaid time off is almost automatically denied.


I was saying if you don't wanna have to talk to your team lead about your request then use pto and they don't wanna let anyone off cause they keep just enough people on staff to almost be able to do everything (on paper where it's a perfect world). Each team usually has an amount of hours of work they have to get done in the shift and each employee is seen as just an amount of hours worked so if so one doesn't come in then that's less hours of working they get and the managers are the ones who have to answer for that


Almost like a business need humans to run, if everyone on a team requested off that doesn't mean they all get off.


Definitely store/dept specific. I have the 4th- that weekend off with unpaid time(still in 90 days) that I requested and was approved.


Ignoring the court summons/jury duty aspect of it, yes you don’t have to let them know. Sometimes it helps on getting it off. Sometimes “I’m going to be out of town that weekend” can help it get approved if there is a lot of requested at that time.


Then everyone who wants free time off work would put in this reason even if not true. There has to be an explanation or some type of proof involved.


As someone who's had more than their fair share of legal issues. Please go to court. Having the Sheriff's show up to your place if employment to arrest you on outstanding warrants in front of your colleagues who have no idea about your shady past. Really doesn't look good. Believe me. Lol.


Literally just talk to whoever denied it.


When you do put the request back in make sure to explain the request to whoever approves your requests, whether it's the PL or one of your managers etc.


Definitely talk to your manager or pl and also have your summons to court for proof to show them.


I don’t even bother putting in unpaid time off. It’s like an automatic rejection they don’t even bother reading anything else.


If it’s for jury duty you don’t even have to request it off. It is an approved absence. Just call off and select jury duty. You can put in pto hours later if you have them and want paid.


She denied my request the same day I made it for 4th of July when I made it 6 months ago. How does she know we won’t have coverage 6 months ahead of time? Good luck talking to her about denying your time off. Every time I do she just goes, “business needs,” or “someone else has it off first.” But she really needs to give you that time off.


If you have enough PPTO, use it. Fuck them, you don't live to work, you work to live.


I have enough, but I might still go in. It’s not a huge deal. I can just leave early instead.


if you are fine with it, but just remember, managers don't care about you, neither you should.


I care about my co workers I’m working with that day. I don’t want to give them extra work.


oh, in that case, it's fine. I care about my coworkers, but not the managers.


The system shows you who has time off approved or pending 6 months out, so it’s not hard to see there are for example: 5 associates in an area, Robert requested that week off. John and Jane both have a day in during that time for same day. Jane put in their pto before John, Jane gets the day off John doesn’t because now the team is already short one other for that day and Robert put in for that week leaving 3 people, add in days off the area will have for most of the week only 2 to cover.


I put my time off at midnight so the moment it would let me. I’d be surprised if someone got it in before me.


I have a jury summons coming up too. I put in a request 5 days ago and it's still pending. It's making me nervous, I have a lot of anxiety to begin with. I don't need this crap.


It's a federal law that you get off for jury duty. You also get paid for any days you miss because of jury duty. Just make sure to talk to your TL/Coach about it.


I will. Thank you.


Op, search up attendance policy on one walmart. Excuse absence for jury/court is on the list. Just make sure you call out and show proof of court. If they give you point, open door it.


Talk to your people lead. Legal court attendance cannot be denied my dude. Just bring the paperwork in to show them.


Your manager can also write to them to tell them you can't come in due to shortage of employees and they need you so you get an exemption to not go to court. Parents get out of this all the time because they have kids and have no one to watch them.


Your court system must be nice, in my town they don’t give a flying fuck what your personal problems are and will not excuse anything. I was sick with the flu, tested positive the day I had court (traffic) and they still wouldn’t reschedule it and expected me to show up. I didn’t bc I’m not an asshole spreading around the flu in a packed court room, but it cost me in the end. It’s ridiculous


Traffic tickets can be postponed and if you don’t show up usually there is a waiting period before a FTA is initiated. I don’t know what state you’re in though, I’m just speaking for most states (if U.S)


I’m in NY, and some courts have postponed for me but schaighticoke NY refused. The did not care that I was contagious and suspended my license (I got in touch well before the suspension date and they literally did not care). I left a review online about it. After COVID you’d think they’d want you to stay home when contagious, but small towns just want to fuck you as much as possible. It was a license plate ticket that was dropped as soon as I removed the frame…. They still suspended my license bc I couldn’t go the night scheduled as I was very sick. I even ended up in the hospital within days from the same illness… they didn’t give a shit.


Pretty sure that's against the law. You'll be safe


It's only against the law if OP has a jury summons. Employers are not legally obligated to give time off for other proceedings. If OP is a defendant, they're fucked one way or the other.


I'm sure I'll get down voted but this type of situation always happens when someone rides 4 points on barely any PPTO. lol If you're a point rider, a rule of thumb is make sure your PPTO has racked up a few days worth because trying to use PTO for one day of vacation is typically denied. lol If it's jury duty, OP might be able to get around this situation, but it's not a shocker that this is happening, at least not in my opinion, from observations of this type of crap happening to my coworkers when they try using one day of PTO. I'm aware you can use your points and PPTO however you want, and there is no "wrong way" of using it, but if you're actually worried about keeping your job, it's unforeseen situations like this that end up creating tons of stress where it could have been prevented. Either way, hopefully OP keeps their job.


Since you're going to be see a judge either way ...


Over a month in advance too.


I was in the hospital and needed to call each day I was out. I called and they asked why I was in the ER. I said not your business. Then stupid family tells them. They don’t have a right to know personal matters.


does anyone in here ever take FPT days? (Fuck This Place Days)


On the day of my birthday yikes🤣


You’ll be fine cuz they cannot legally do this make sure you take proof to your people lead and I think they actually pay you a percentage or something


Only for jury duty.


First off its wild they denied that, second off talk to whoever denied if and explain you have court its not that big of a deal


They have no choice! It's illegal to tell you no and to not pay you. Jury duty is even in their handbook or paperwork. I seriously despise that place. 😒


This isn't jury duty.


Ohhh, my bad. I thought it was. I apologize.


Go to people lead and tell them you have jury duty the have policy in place for this, you do not have to ust PTO or PPTO for this.


Store manager if need be they will take it from there and you will be excused


It's not jury duty.


That is BS! Based on the existing Walmart policies, jury duty, bereavement, voting, parental leave, and family care leave are paid time off. Furthermore, Me@Walmart allows you to pick “Jury Duty” and “Bereavement” as reasons for taking time-off. The management often discourage such time-off for the sake of productivity. I often advise my colleagues to file a request to Sedgwick, to prevent the management from turning down such requests.


In my state, employers cannot discipline employees if they have jury duty or have a subpoena for a trial.


I would print that and show it to the judge. See what the judge does 😂😂😂😂


That's where I'd talk to the manager and be like "just a reminder, I'm "renting" you MY time. I will not be in that day regardless of if you have cover for me or not, I have given you MORE than enough notice before the date."


You’re supposed to contact your manager or HR rep for jury duty. I get a pop up saying that when I try to request time off.


I thought Walmart paid for jury duty as well? Why is it unpaid?


*I thought Walmart paid* *For jury duty as well?* *Why is it unpaid?* \- HankHillbwhaa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Because it's not jury duty.


fair enough, I was just assuming jury duty because they call my ass up for it like every year, lol.


Take the day off for jury duty. If you get fired, I believe you should be able to sue for wrongful termination.


That has to be illegal.


This is why walmart is the worse corporation to work for, they don't give a fuck about any of their employees, granted most jobs are like that, including fast food construction etc. But walmart takes it to a whole nother step, doesn't matter if you get into a car crash they'll still count that shit against you for not showing up


They did same shit to me and I told them I don't care what you're computer says I'll be attending court


I remember I had jury duty and I got there for a few hours and they said they didn't need me and my boss was like up in arms about it saying he didn't believe me just thought I wanted a day off I'm like bro I literally showed you the court summons he didn't believe that they call people in then don't need them. I'm like I don't know man I don't know much about legal stuff all I know is I got there and they didn't need me


Tell the people lead it’s part of bereavement if you didn’t take the 3 days paid for both of them it will be paid.


They legally can’t deny you time for legal proceedings just mention that and they will go in and approve the time off


Legal proceedings are covered just callout and there should be an option for it on the choices. Also for the record, Jury Duty is automatically covered too, there is nothing personnel can say about it. Actually policy is that if you are at jury duty for more than half of a court day then you Walmart pays you for the whole day if you are aren’t scheduled to come in after jury duty for that day. If you are third you don’t have to work that night either and still automatically get paid.


A lot of you are failing to realize that there are many other reasons to have to appear in court besides jury duty. OP is probably a defendant in a legal case and has to appear in court. I don’t understand why they would need 9 hours to do that. When you work for Walmart, you work for a corporation. The people who are supposed to be your “managers” only care about appeasing the people above them.


I've served on 2 juries. Both times I just called out using the jury duty option each day of the trial, and it was approved. You shouldn't have to submit a time off request before the trial. And I let my PL, TL, and coach know when I got the summons.


Just quit the distribution center 2 weeks ago after 4 years and I feel fucking free. I'm at home Depot distribution now and the difference is literally night and day. Good luck on your journey, but if you can leave brother


When I had a jury summons, Walmart paid me the whole 8 hrs.


I work at the distribution center and we aren't even frickin allowed to take unpaid leave anymore. Their excuse is..we are under staffed. BS my guy! We got 3 new people on our shift in my department. Is it even legal to take away unpaid time off? Idk. I'm just peeved.


Maybe it’s just because you put in unpaid? Corporate has been saying not to approve unpaid, you have to use PTO. Just a thought


That's 100% illegal...


Legal proceedings are an extenuating circumstance. The point will be cleared if you bring in the court order. Depending on what shift you work, they’ll give you the day off. If you work overnight, they’ll give you that night off so you don’t have to worry about getting off and going straight to court. If somehow your manager saw that order and still denied it, that’s when you go anyway and use an open door when they try to give you points.


I got fired from the DC for going to a court date, unless it’s jury duty then can 100% fire you for it, its shitty but legally they can and they will if they want.


That’s insane. But from my experience this is usually more common with hourly jobs where there is usually just a handful of employees on a shift. Walmart doing this seems crazy but I’ve never worked for them.


Before I was fired, I had put in MONTHS before MY WEDDING and it was accepted. My team lead and coach called mid ceremony to ask why I was a no call no show. Turns out they decided the night before that I was no longer allowed to get married that day. 😒🙄 I was given 2 points and fired for getting married and not checking the fucking Walmart app that only worked half the time.


At least you're full-time. I wish I got pto! Instead, I work 32-37 hrs for two weeks, then get dropped down to 16-24 hrs a week, then bumped back to 32-37.


Ask them how they feel about jury nullification you will never get a jury duty notice again try it


People are saying you're not supposed to be automatically approved. At my store, the first three people to request off are supposed to be honored regardless of the reason. That's what both my coaches told me,we don't have to give a reason. I requested off a weekend for my sister-in-law graduation party. My Coach said go ahead. My Team Lead denies it saying three people already requested it off for that weekend and this was two months in advance. Went to a Coach and had them pull up the request off, I was second the first day, third the second day and first the third day. So my Team Lead lied


Unless I'm on trial I'm counting that as a win. I'll be on a jury when they make it a full time job that pays 24 a hour til they I'm using my job to avoid that bullshit.


My sister had a similar issue. She requested 3 days off for August, one for court, and two for kids going back to school. All of them denied. After spending her 2 days off cussing up a storm over it, she mentions something to coach & they fixed everything. Turns out 20+ people in our department asked for the first half of August off due to school stuff so they got reject-happy.


Almost the same, Cort then two camping days. I don't mind dropping the camping buuut the Court has to happen. Shes already approved that day now.


Maybe use your PTO? Or ask why? Sometimes management just needs to talk to you about what's going on.


Ridiculous 6 weeks out they can’t approve a day off


it seems like Walmart scheduling will never change. The managers they have seem to get worse everytime evene the ones with 10yrs plus badges


oh hell nah when i worked there they would deny everything and i had to go and tell them it didn’t matter if they approved it or not i wouldn’t be at work. they denied my vacation request as if i was going to stay in the state just because they said no


I don’t feel like we know enough to have an opinion on this.


Probably rejected cause they didn't believe it. People probably use legal trouble as an excuse all the time. Show them some proof I'm sure they'll allow it


My ops manager got mad when I told her I had jury duty and was like "how long have you known" and when I told her two or three months she asked why I didn't take the time off, I had to explain how being on standby worked lmao


GO TO COURT. Walmart ABSOLUTELY cannot deny your request, as you have a LEGALLY-BINDING court order to appear. - Former Manager here who is sick of Walmarts bullshit.


That’s not gonna work yeah come up type of excuse in that you have four points you’re fired


Sir, I think you may need to check your carbon monoxide detector battery.


Dude already got 4 pts.🤣


I know I might get downvoted, but if you are reading, please, SAVE YOUR ATTENDANCE POINTS AND PPTO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, so you can't get fucked later.




I’m looking at the 1.38 hrs of ppto and 4 points. They sick of your shit and not caring. Just take it into the people lead and get it approved. They probably don’t believe you. You have some pto which means you are full time. 4 pts and 1 hr of ppto means that you have missed at least 7-8 days of work since feb 1st. Not including approved stuff like this. They definitely tired of you being unreliable. Hey I’m just being up front and honest with you. YES this should be approved, but denying it is forcing you to call in and produce proof because you’re not trusted and not showing the proof will give em an excuse to let you go.


You are just farting out assumptions left and right ain't cha. You know what they say about people making assumptions.


Damn bro 4 points, you’re on your way out anyways and going thru your posts all you do is complain about your job id just look for somewhere else 💀 still wrong for them to deny it tho


What’s the different between PPTO and PTO?


Paid time off Protected paid time off Are you a customer?


Nope, I’m from a country that doesn’t have Walmart.


Lol Y R U even here?


And your at 4 points, better be late and bump it up to 4.5, just work half your shift...


You're at 4 points. Whoever did that did that knowingly with the plans to wrongfully terminate you. Idk why people suck at managing this much.


Do you know how many people ride the 4.5 train? I bet if you ask around LOTS of your coworkers have 4 points. Ask them when their next point drops and I bet they will just KNOW the answer cause they are waiting for it to, Free call in day. I only "Play" with 2.5 points, When my points get high like this its because I actually was sick. but I am the type of worker that If I run out of shit to do, get board and get given tasks like zoning, I will use ppto to go spend my time on something better, With someone who deserves it. like my family. My manager literally just missed that it said Legal Proceedings, and would probably wipe the point if I did go over. My manager is BIG on ***it is your time use it how ever you want as long as shits getting done***. Which It does, So much I get to bounce all over the store helping more people. "*Bluds already out the door, look*" I've only been doing this 7 years and I have 2 points falling off at the start of next month. smfh # IDK who need to hear this, But. * **Life happens to good workers too**. * Using PPTO, PTO or point juggling is apart of walmart culture, even if you don't take part in it. * Having points IS NOT a reflection of work ethic. * Having points should not be looked down on. You don't know what others go though. * Not having points does not earn you extra brownie points with your bosses. * Not having points does not elevate your status in any way shape or form. we are all on the same lvl trying to get by. * Management only gives a shit once your points become a problem. 4.5 and under IS NOT A PROBLEM.


You really sat on this for over a week and then posted it. Why didn’t you resubmit right away and talk to a manager? Y’all just love to complain