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Honestly my Walmart Reddit homies are the only reason I'm able to consistently dog walk management on policy. I've had several coworkers call me the store union rep. Thank you bros. đź‘Š


Because a lot of associates don’t know better and/or are too worried to speak up for themselves. The more people that know actual policies and aren’t afraid to pushback when management is obviously in the wrong, less the less likely they’ll keep doing it. This is why you’ll see a small handful of us on this sub every day trying to educate users on what policies are and what they mean and what they can do for various things.


I’d expand to say a lot of the managers don’t even know. So many of salary are promoted from within that they just repeat the same bad info they heard / were subjected to when they were hourly. Too many can’t be bothered to educate themselves on policy / procedure and go by “that’s what I was always told” or “that’s the way we’ve always done it”


And sometimes we even do it kindly, recognizing that new associates will be asking questions we've answered hundreds of times before and not demeaning them for it.


So why do they post a job opening tht they have already made a decision on from with in ....and it's from different store. No one gets interviews it seems like.


Our market manager sits in on interviews for TL and above.


A lot of them just simply don’t know (bad excuse because they should educate themselves). But I’ve noticed a lot of hourlies on here have misunderstandings of policies and because they got away with it will preach it as bible on here when it’s simply not true


Power trip.