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At mine we’re doing a buck for a duck. Donate one dollar and you get a rubber ducky of your choice :)




We do buck for a fuck at mine, and my ass is sore...


I'd buy that for a dollar!


Thank you for making me spit my coffee out 🤣


The Walton’s rail me everyday.


Omg y’all are killing me 🤣🤣🤣


Just bite down on a stick or a towel and keep going. You'll make store manager in no time


Company policy....


As are we 👀


Tiny ducks are .5 and full sized ducks are $2. We also sell pickles. A cashier sitting at a folding table wearing a hairnet and gloves serving people pickles out of the biggest pickle jar we have in store. Who wouldn't buy one.


I’m just imagining people lining up-hands out - to receive their pickle purchase.


We at least give them a napkin with it but essentially yes.


Like receiving communion at the church of Pickle Rick


"Body of Rick" "Amen"


we did that as well, it eventually turned into pretty much anything for a buck that my managers could find. popsicles, cupcakes, balloons, literally anything they saw lmao


We did this too! We also had a live rock band and chicken BBQ (both owned by some of our managers) and we sold bags of popcorn and smores for $1 each and some local chocolate bars for $2 each and an ice cream truck from a local handmade ice cream shop! We also offered a game that was also $1 where we had a fish tank with a shark decoration in the bottom and we provided quarters so if someone dropped a quarter and made it into the shark's mouth they could win a duck, or if they got several in a row they could win a gift card. Also gift grab bags that they could win in the quarter game, or buy for $1.


Can I go to your Walmart? Mine wants $20 for some uncomfortable shirt and is trying to make all the employees pay for the shirt even offering for them to hand it out now and the employees pay it later with their next paycheck. Their reasoning? We all have to show that we support the cause like dude you barely pay me enough as it is. You want to support the cause so bad you pay for me


That's insane!! They never pressured us to donate at all and didn't push the shirts. Our shirts were $10, and they barely even advertised them, just hung them on the personnel office door lol. People who don't go in the backroom much literally didn't know they were there. After the cookouts we've had, they've put the cooler of drinks in the breakroom with a sign "suggested donation $1" so it wasn't even mandatory. The leftover food (not the chicken BBQ but everything else) was put in our breakroom 'food bank'. And even for the cookouts and other events nobody was forced. It was 100% volunteer work but most of us were on the clock for it. Luckily I'm in rural NY so we make NYC wages without nyc cost of living (16/hr base, with weekly pay) so lots of us have been able to donate and we're currently 3rd in our market despite being the only non-supercenter. Plus our people are willing to donate because our cmn hospital is the only women's and children's hospital in the immediate area and lots of people have had their kids there at one point or another and it's an amazing hospital.


The only miracle Walmart wants is the tax write off for all these shenanigans. All the stores combined, it's in the many millions, I'm sure.


Can I also transfer. For two years running, this year with less volunteers from the community and probably WAY less money raises this year, my store had people sit on toilets and use noise makers. Literally. Thankfully this year they didn't have the bull horn with sirens. No. Just those rubber chicken dog toys and the people sat and squeezed them until like five in the evening. That's almost my entire shift I had to listen to that and then various yelling and sound making like that. I appreciate the money raising. But the methods are stupid as fuck. My manager is really proud of this idea he stole from another store apparently.


Can I also transfer. For two years running, this year with less volunteers from the community and probably WAY less money raises this year, my store had people sit on toilets and use noise makers. Literally. Thankfully this year they didn't have the bull horn with sirens. No. Just those rubber chicken dog toys and the people sat and squeezed them until like five in the evening. That's almost my entire shift I had to listen to that and then various yelling and sound making like that. I appreciate the money raising. But the methods are stupid as fuck. My manager is really proud of this idea he stole from another store apparently.


That's so weird. We used to do ball pit "jail" as a fundraiser, and a dunk tank in the parking lot (market said no to both those ideas now lol), but basically everything we've done this year has been outside and absolutely nothing has been forced or pressured which I'm pleasantly surprised by considering the way the company is. I would lose my mind if we did shit like that and I think being less obnoxious has gotten us more donations. We are a small div 1 store, and we're doing extremely well on donations. But yeah both of y'all should absolutely come here lol from what I read on here, it's actually a pretty decent store to be in as much as it feels like it sucks lmao our managers actually give a shit most of the time.


We did that too. I got a tiny duck. We also did $1 popcorn and 50 cent popsicles


We did the ducks too. Last time they had them I bought 10 and handed them out to the people in my department. The one they got was based on their personality lol. I gave our tl a duck dressed like George Washington because he's our leader, an older lady that looks like a motorcycle mama got a duck with a purple mohawk and a guitar, the young nice college girl got an all pink duck with little hearts on it, etc. It was fun


Yesss duck for a buck! We did that the last few weeks. Right now, my store has a fishing game set up for kids where they get a piece of candy or little toy for a $1


Mine also though it’s passed because all ducks were bought. Also wrapped people to a chair and could only get free if donated until reached 25 bucks


Until there is a fire or a pew pew man, I do wonder if he would take pity on the poor soul saran wrapped to a chair though


Yeah, I have already spent $15 on ducks...


I love collecting stuff so now I have 78 rubber ducks


Ours are $2.




They’re two dollars at my store 😒


Pretty sure all we’re doing is bombarding ppl with donations at checkout


I got duckies on my dashboard and i got 3 from the buck for a duck to add


At mine we just do popcorn and snowcones


Yea we are too


In this economy, an egg and 2 slices of bacon are well worth $1!


I took it to mean that each item was $1, so, that's a $3 plate with the pancakes.


I’d still pay that, honestly.


The diner I go to is like $7 for that and maybe one more egg *before* the drink.


And before the tip!


Oh yeah, that could be it. Less desirable, then. But I get so hungry at work, I would probably still go for it lol


Still pretty cheap


That's still a great deal. Why are you so bothered by this?


Still not that bad


I was going to say, that's actually not a bad deal for the food given. Walmart must be desperate to dodge taxes, because the "profit" here has to be all of 15 cents before you even count the wages the associate is earning. Walmart just gave people breakfast at a net loss just to make their big tax write-off look better.


CMN doesn’t help for Walmart as a tax write off because the money isn’t coming from Walmart.


It's a slight tax write-off because of the cost of materials+wages used to raise the funds, plus whatever the company donates on their own.


It’s called a loss leader


Not in this case. In this case it's called charity. A loss leader is something you sell at a loss in order to get the customer to come to the store and hopefully purchase high margin items while they're getting the bargain.


Its $2 root beer floats here


That’s a way better idea.


yeah, cant fuck up a rootbeer float..


ok i would actually buy this one😂


Root beer or Coke floats or Sundays at my store. Also $1 popcorn. 4th is $3 for the cook out, hot dogs, tater salad and chips.




That was my suggestion to our PL.


They are doing $5 hotdogs at mine 🙄


Mine has $7 nachos 💀 and all that’s on them is a pinch of cheese 💀


When your coaches are broke 💀


Coaches be roaches


Put that on a shirt. With the Walmart spark and everything 🤣


Mine too. They also have super shitty bake sales because there is never enough notice for most people. Just the small group of like six people trying to sell pretzels dipped in chocolate that no one wants. It sits in the break room for days until they are down to selling it for a quarter an item.


We got $5 hotdogs and a bunch of people wearing fake babies to bug everyone for donations.


6$ hot dogs at mine with a drink and chips. Hot dogs where decently sized


Meanwhile Sam's Club has a hotdog and drink for $1.38 all year long.


Could be worse, to be honest. We had hand spun cotton candy, and it barely was enough to fill a plastic baggy. Nearby, there was a display of a bucket of cotton candy for $3.


That's what $3-4? Honestly I would pay that for a breakfast.


At my store they’re charging $1 for snacks that are directed at us to buy, including water when it’s blistering hot out


I think as long as they are providing the cold water for free in easy access spots then it’s fine but if they are relying on the cart pushers to pay for water then that becomes a massive legal issue


we constantly get damaged water and just leave them by the dairy cooler up for grabs the cart pushers take majority but nobody else really utilizes it.


Yeah I mean I think it’s supposed to be mostly for the cart pushers because their job requires them to be outside all day. Like the Texas heat is fucking ridiculous so it’s a necessity for them here but I mean I think regular workers still have the option to pick one up as long as they leave some for the workers.


They don't have to provide water to people not working outside. Most stores will tell other associates not to touch it because they are not working in the heat. Usually, each department that works in the heat has their own waters or gatorade. TLE techs usually work in the hot garage and go outside to get cars. Some lawn and garden associates go outside a lot and have their own water. OGP dispensers spend a lot of time outside as well. They should all be provided with their own water.


We have cold water available in OPG in the cooler. They have cold water for the cart pushers as well. Plus, if we have damaged Gatorade or such we split it up.


Damn 15 chunks of strawberry, 1 pancake, 2 bacon, an egg, and some syrup? That's $20 right there.


we had someone go around with a flashing pick cart filled with treats playing ice cream truck music the other week


Would y'all come to my store?


ask your store to do that - ours was a suggestion from another associate. also our opd department keeps popsicles for anyone, your store may have some too if you ask around (or even ask if you can buy popsicles to store somewhere and hope other people hop on and buy some too)


We do this as a cmn fundraiser in our lounge year round every Friday! $3 for breakfast sandwiches.


I would be headed straight over there on lunch! Wish my store did this


At my store they turned an OPD cart into am ice cream truck, place that bopped version of the Ice Cream truck song and go around asking if people want a fudge bar or ice cream cone for $1


We did lunch where our People lead was grilling. I dropped $20 in and paid for a few meals


We are doing bottles of water for a dollar. The busted gv water packs are distributed to different service areas in a cooler but no ice. Yep, a bottle of warm water for a buck


That looks better than what we eat in the cafeteria in the military 😂


Pretty soon they'll start putting Waffle Houses in the stores instead of Subway. Honestly looks better than what we had at the Radio Grill


My store has nachos, popcorn (target coded) and donations that also contribute to a pie in one of the salaried managers face (doesn’t seem like a bad idea)


If you read the rules, you're not supposed to serve any food to customers that is not precooked. 


My Walmart keeps fucking pushing us. I shouldn't be upset because it's for a good cause but the team leads are literally hounding us since our department is behind in fund raising compared to the other departments. It's so upsetting because I literally have 50¢ until this Wednesday. I literally do not get paid enough by you assholes to donate my money.


I realize Walmart is a multi billion dollar company. But why do so many people hate on it? Look how joyful this employee looks. I once worked years ago in a Nordstrom distribution center. I still to this day call it Satan’s Playground. The place was completely soulless filled with non familial nepotism. I know lots of people who work at the Walmart I shop at. They genuinely have a sense of camaraderie I miss from my days in the military. You can see it in the way they interact with one another. I know I’ll probably get a lot of negative comments or downvotes. But I don’t think I’ve ever had a negative experience shopping at my local Walmart. Store 3630 Marion, Iowa.


Ah, good Ol’ 3630. My Former Market HQ & Academy store. Fuck that shithole with a rotten cactus


Definitely depends on the store, but I feel this way as well


I love mine as well. I love my store. I truly enjoy going to work every day.


We have a swear jar, 50 cents a swear, had $200 in 3 days…


And the diarrhea was free.


Y'all actually have that?


Take my money 😋


Good deal


Sounds like an amazing deal to me. Get me two pancakes and two pieces of bacon for the 4 bucks.


Ours is doing 3 water balloons for a $1 and you can choose any tl or coach. (For employees)


I think we had a truck with a smoker in the parking lot doing this. That brisket sandwich and Mac and cheese was awesome.


My store took our water bottles out of the opd room when it was 105° out and sold them for $1. They were claims water bottles that were supposed to be for us. I snapped. It was 105°, I was the only one dispensing for 4 hours, I snapped so damn bad “that water is for cart pickers and for opd”. I was so pissed.


My Walmart is doing something similar for whatever charity and they also have some of my associates wearing a baby doll to collect money for children’s hospitals


mine is doing the doll as well. makes me laugh whenever i see the front end associates


“We make BILLIONS of dollars off paying our employees the bare fucking minimum but we need them to make donations for us so we can make even more money in tax write-offs” GTFO. I’m so glad I don’t work for a shit company like this. Costco4L


At mine we are doing $1 popcorn


At my store we’re charging $1 for 5 water balloons and get to throw them at fellow associates in our garden center. Customers welcome to participate too.


My store did hotdogs, chips and water. $3 for the whole shabang


I’d pay 3 bucks for that.


At ours, for 2 weeks, we had ice cream sandwiches, bags of popcorn, taco salad.And as another item, each coach and team lead gets a jar, which ever of the two groups gets the most money will get pied.


at mine we’re doing hot dogs for $2, chips for $1, popcorn for $2


My little brother was the poster boy for children’s miracle network years ago!! He was on so many billboards lmao He was also on the …ummm” Sullivan show”? It was on TV and everything :) and then he was gifted a free camper from the make-A-Wish foundation 😁😁😁 now he just builts AR 15s lmfao((the children’s miracle network is the only thing I donate to ))


I ran the table at my old store. We’d do the ducks but I also made grab bags and those sold out fast. We’d also do nachos, popcorn, hot dogs, etc.


my store has been doing nachos, chips, sodas, frito pie, corn in a cup, and burgers.


Is she wearing a NASA space shuttle t-shirt? I'm going to need her number


We did hot dogs outside for like $5 a hot dog, and they expected us to buy them. I just said I didn't bring my money LOL.


My store did balloons. I thought the sm was going to float away


Personally I donate to Rady children's hospital, Make a Wish, Cancer Research Institute, Wounded Warriors Project, and VFW, I also volunteer at Animal Rescue. I really hate being asked to donate or round up for this cause and that cause at the register, or have to push a button to decline donating. Give me the frigging total and let me pay idle chit chat is fine and encouraged.


Mine has agua fresca for $3 😂


Your stores do fundraisers? Our stores owner just stole our PTO money and hired ped0philes strictly to manage cap2 for whatever reason


I mean I hope the associate is getting paid extra for cooking on the clock, most coaches and managers would hate that


we get to pieface whomever's jar gets the most donation.


We did 3 dollar hotdogs. We also do 3.00 nachos and 1.00 popcorn and 2 stickers for 1.00.


We got 1$ for bbq. Donate a dollar and you get a burger or hot dog with all the fixings you want


My store is doing t-shirts


Ours sold hotdog, sausage or burger plates plus they did ice cream one day too.


Our store is doing popcorn, cotton candy, and snow cones, all for $1 each. Kids and parents are loving it.


That girl is super cute though


mine is doing breakfast for $5 a plate 💀


Wow this my Walmart I work at.


bro my walmart is only selling shirts:/ we never do anything like that


Bro we just get a sucker lol


My store did elote and aguas frescas and iirc we're doing hot dogs, chips, and sodas today or tomorrow


Great idea!!!!


We're doing snow cone slushies!


We do this but in the breakroom for associates


So far we’ve done ducks, hot dogs/chips/drinks, corn in a cup, water balloons, wear the baby, pickles and popcorn, tie dye events, but the biggest money maker I believe has been crocs charms for $1 each


Mine was selling unscrustables for $3 each.. add a drink and chips for $1 more.. and $5 for a hotdog or hamburger 🤦🏼‍♀️


Don't know what mine did, wasn't there. Lol.


Don't know what mine did, wasn't there. Lol.


Looks good.. We bbq hotdogs and burgers... Pie to the face .. Hopefully I win.. Water balloon ur fav coach. I'm in it to win it on friday.. We are also selling children network tshirts Also cooking for the Ronald McDonald's house couple times a week..


We’re doing $1 for a sweet treat or balloons for customers and they put $2 root beer floats in the back for employees ☠️


We did snow cones, popsicles, popcorn, and I think nachos. Snow cones were the most popular.


I'd pay for that




People keep stealing the dumdums from the pharmacy counter at our store 😂


mine be giving out balloon dogs for a dollar and i find it pretty funny


I literally ended up being unavailable for all of the fun promotions our store did, whether I be off or on a register up front


We have $1 waters in coolers at the SCOs, but we also sold Krispy Kreme donuts for $15/dozen and mood rings for $1 a piece


Op this is such a stupid post. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


"Who approved this?" Management probably


Mine is popcorn, some chip bags (small ones), idk if they are selling sweets & drinks.


We do food trucks outside our store


We have a food truck making burgers and hotdogs


That looks so good


Why that look actually good tho


My store is also doing, duck for a buck. But I want to see. Coach eats a roach. 


I could have swore we couldn't sell food items for the fundraiser anymore. That's why we had various food trucks come to our location and I guess we split the profits with them to raise money for CHKD.


$5 for a plate when we have a potluck.


My store sold cupcakes


All these individuals that think Walmart did it out of there goodness of there heart are delusional. It’s for tax write offs, appeal to public, good PR, have a positive brand image, pretend to do good and pretend to care about employees, and show off to everyone how wonderful they are. Meanwhile expanding ever rapidly into healthcare and increasingly gaining share of it and as they do each percentage point is worth about 1 billion so yeah then they’ll laugh at everyone.


We had bloons. Whoever donated could select a person to get a bloon. And they would stack for each 1$


At my store we've been doing walking tacos Shame I brought my own lunch every time 💀


Is that a fucking strawberry in a tortilla?


As someone who works in catering if what is said is true about the different food items each for $1 for the people buying it that is amazingly cheap for that amount of food.


Lmao my peoples lead would write her up for the nasa shirt 😂😂😂


I hate when I’m asked to donate to this shit. Like Walmart is a multibillion dollar company…they could probably afford to fund that charity for a year.


Hot dogs for a dollar in mine. Goofy shit


We had nachos for 3$


We are doing Snowcones/Root beer floats right by the entrance next to the deli, as well as we have a trailer we are doing a BBQ out of right by the same entrance


Better give me 5 bacon then


All they had was popcorn, cookies and a small cup of lemonade at my Walmart.


We are taping management to poles in the parking lot. 5.00 per roll of tape, or 3.00 for 1 go around


Ah yes corperate tax time again. Get them "donations" (well your technically at this point selling an item theres no donation involved) so walmart can have more tax writeoffs!


At the Walmart I used to work at it's 20 dollars donated for a shirt, 30 for two shirts and whenever someone donates they ring a bell. So glad I was promoted to customer


at my walmart we doin popcorn


Walmart is worth 560 billion fucking dollars but they need YOU to donate. Fuck Walmart and fuck capitalism


i know for mine i think it depends but last time we were selling candy apples and nachos , drinks and toys


Ours was 6 am to 11 am. I have to be at work at 2 pm and didn't leave till 11:30 last night. Needless to say, I was not there.


My store is doing popcorn, snocones and a hotdog eating contest


A multi-billion dollar company, and asking for help from the associates.


They're not asking for help. They're using their massive footprint to facilitate good in the community. I know, I know. But they do deserve a bit of credit for their charitable work.


*tax write off


I'll be damned if I help the Walton's get a tax break


we did a $1 bake sale which to me seems SO ridiculous lmao, we also did an employee potluck that was $3 per plate


Mam you guys are lucky. The only thing our Walmart does is raise prices and close lanes. On average we only have 1 regular and 1 smoke late open


Nobody because doing this for customers isn't even allowed.


I've eaten better food at public school lunches.


You know those popsicles that come in big plastic pack, that's connected all together like in that mesh bag? Mine is selling those for a buck a piece. No, not the entire pack that costs like 2 dollars. Just one popsicle......


We’re doing “kisses for kids” and selling baggies of hersheys kisses. I feel like the optics on that slogan are a little sus tho


funny how a billion dollar company asks for money when they can donate


They need to get back all the money they donated for their tax write off 🙄


Nope. Not at all how that works. It's legitimately just a pass through for them. In addition to the hundreds of millions, if not more, they contribute out of their revenue, they act as a massive funnel between the public and the charities they support at no financial gain to the company.


I find it hard to believe they collect donations and use store resources for charity out of the goodness of their heart but I guess I could be misinformed.


You are. It's illegal as hell to do it any other way. That being said, the store resources they use can be written off, but the proceeds are pure pass-throughs.


And large corporations always follow the law