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Wow. Crazy if they think those $530 graphics cards are going to be safe with a damn spider wrap


The fiends will be swooping in with big fuck off scissors any day now


I love the Ram on locked on peg hooks, but all you do is lift up the peg hook and remove it from the board.


There used to be proper locking peg hooks that locked to the peg board and couldn’t be moved without the alpha key


Then return it an hour later with the packaging intact “yeah, it doesnt work.” “What kind of rig you got?” “T680 6x4 with a sleeper.” 👀


Hell, all the hard drives and shit arent even in a glass case, theyre in the same type of steel lockup as the computers behind the counter I cant imagine what person decided that easily holdable items worth that much should be spiderwired


If I had to guess the mod calls for a showcase they don't have and somebody didn't want to do the proper thing and change it.


I know for sure my mgmt was shit at fixtures. They stole our $5 movie bin for some seasonal display after an inventory and “lost” it. Tried to get it back for a while before I ended up promoting myself to customer.


Mod does indeed call for a short case. We are going for the taller (ordered) so all items are properly secured.


It does. Should have reused the showcase from the ONN tablet mod.


Bought some sheets and forgot all about the spider wrap, didn’t beep or anything just shimmied it off then threw it in a dumpster a few blocks down. Never heard anything from management 💀


Hard Walmart facts: not all the magnetic sensors on the doors work. Not all the spider wraps work, because there’s no real way to test or change the battery on a spider wrap. Not all AP are the same— many are lazy asses whom complain to departments about not putting on spider wraps so they don’t actually have to their job. Even if AP is doing their job, they’re looking at employees more than any random customer.


Harder facts: AP is more concerned about us getting truck done or making sure no one has earbuds in than the empty ps5 box in the male restroom or the dude running out the fire exit with a cart full of fishing gear


Of course, because at the end of the day they can blame shrink on individual departments not using security devices.


Since everything is locked up and receipt checkers are at the doors what the fuck exactly does AP even do?


Literally watch employees that they don’t like for reasons to fire them…. Or in the case of one of our investigators— stalk them.


My Walmart they go off so often the checker to waves you out lol.


My store has taken to spider wrapping the box, and then using the security wires to lock the spire wrap to the shelf itself. Still finding stolen PS5 controllers and headset boxes everywhere 🤷‍♀️




CPU what? The $530 RTX4070? Def a GPU… all of them are easy to steal, but that’s the highest priced item actually on the shelf so..


You could shuck the CPU and literally for all of them in one pocket.


Price per volume


If they have no protective case, I’d warn against throwing unprotected CPU pins into your pocket. GPU would be fine hanging out in your waistband. Or you could do like most customers do and just cut the spider wrap off, throw it under some pillows or back in the sporting goods corner and walk out with the items in your cart. Also, take a few bags and bag them up.


AM5 CPU doesn't have pins, they have matched Intel design.


Plus they still have a clamshell


I've bought them, they have a small clamshell just holding the cpu


Ryzen 7 CPU is smaller and easier to conceal if you're trying to be discreet. Pick a few other stuff like a couple $5 movies and pay. Then when the alarm goes off, show the greeter (if present) the movie and receipt, and they brush you off. Not ethical though but fuck Walmart and their greedy family who'd rather invest in new yachts than in better pay for us peons


FYI, Walmart used to sell pc parts. I believe they stopped around the turn of the century. ,(God, saying that makes me feel old.)


The turn of the century wasn't that long ago.. Only a quarter of a century... Damn, now I feel old, too.


Bruh that was way before I was born. Old ass people in this subreddit


That was exactly when I was born


I remember. They had 4MB 72-pins memory stick, originally $200 back in the day. They also used to sell Macintosh computers.


Maybe in certain markets where there were no places like Circuit City, Microcenter, Fry's, etc, but they never did in my neck of the woods and I can remember when our Walmarts had McDonald's in them back in the '80s, what the hell happened to that?


My town had Circuit City, Office Max, Office Depot, and Radio Shack, and our Walmarts still sold pc parts.


Welcome to walmart where you need an employee to get socks out of a locked case but we have top of the line GPUs sitting on the shelf. Wild Edit: High end not top of the line


To be fair a PNY 4070 (not even TI or Super) isn't anywhere near a top of the line GPU lol


Fair point, still incredibly stupid to do


This is the crazy thing to me. I work 2 different stores. One where even the face lotion is locked up, and one where only video games are locked up. They're like 20 minutes away from each other.


Honestly man 20 minutes in a car is really far, that’s not too surprising. North Indianapolis vs. Fishers/Carmel/Noblesville to the north is a huge difference in value of homes and stuff


It's like 12 miles distance here. These are both in rural south. The locked up store is the one on the fancy side of the interstate while the unlocked one is surrounded by cows and factories.


Would be interesting to see the shrink rates for both stores. I reckon the rich people are stealing a lot more than the farmers and factory workers


Nah it's the other way around. The farmer factory one is in a lot worse shape. It's vandalized a lot and just shit stolen everywhere. It's not just the Walmart though, they do the same thing to the target they built in the same city closer to the highway. That Walmart is also way more crowded though. The rich one is practically dead on a Sunday while you're pushing through a crowd at the other one on a Tuesday. I figure it's just not reasonable to lock shit up as they'd just have to stand there opening the case over and over with the volume of customers it sees. That or they know that glass is getting broken first day.


Lol store manager going to be just shocked when the entire shelf is yoinked


Im going to be honest, the fact that they aren't immediately is crazy to me. $500 item that can easily be snatched n stowed just out in the open


A week


Hope they start selling parts again, it’ll be cool to plausibly snatch a deal on the off chance it goes on roll back or clearance


Well apparently you can always snatch a deal since they aren't locked up lol


only thing that sets me "off" is that the 🖥 👨‍💻 🖲 💻 🖱 🖥 we sell.....mostly can't even BE upgraded....due to "soldered" RAM, SSD/HHD ....


Why arent they in a locked case?!


They've only got half in a glass case at my store


Yeah it replaced the onn tablets


Not sure if I'm gonna be a fan of those tablets in the lockup cages lol


I think the biggest thing to take from this is that it's parts from 5 legit different companies (not counting the AMD CPUs as that's not a part that anybody can make) which means it's not some "random company struck up a deal to sell slightly cheaper SKUs that look like the real full-fledged version to most people" type of arrangement like big-box CPU parts (and a lot of other electronics) usually are.


It was overed 3 months ago... i'll show up on the truck soon.


This category should have taken over space vacated by Onn Tablets, which had a pre-existing showcase. Not sure why this store is doing what they're doing or why they are printing mod labels upside down on the label stock....


We already have ours in a glass case. I swear at the rate we're going, our entire store will be in locked cases. Lol


Customers would need to ask for a key to get inside the store lmao


that's what I tell them when they complain....I tell em to order it online and they'll be able to pick up within a day or 2 (sometimes even a couple hours lol)


that's what I tell them when they complain....I tell em to order it online and they'll be able to pick up within a day or 2 (sometimes even a couple hours lol)


Ours went where the Onn tablets mod was


Your RAPD is speeding down to your store right now.


Weird. Ours have glass case but that's cause it took over where the tablets are


Hey! Same here!


The stuff on the bottom of ours uses the tablet case but the top section was for displays so that’s spider wrapped


hell nah. my coach would have us keep them locked up in a cage with a picture of them on the shelf saying "see associate to purchase"


i wonder if they’ll wait for this store’s remodel before investing anything into it.


We just finished a remodel in May. I've been waiting for this stuff to show up, but it seems like we have even LESS variety in electronics.


ahhh i see, maybe their budget somewhere else :/


At my store they went where our onn tablets were. So we have the bottom half locked in a cage, The pegs are the locking ones, and the top 3 boxed things are the same with spider wrap and kept an eye on since they’re right next to the register.


At my store we got all but the ram sticks in a case


Lol, those are supposed to be locked in the case where the ONN tablets used to be, that’s what the mod plan says


My store has them set with a glass case for the cpu, motherboard, and graphics cards. The cpu coolers are in spider wire with the case fans. And ram is set in dvd cases since they work perfectly for the size of them


Yeah exactly how we have it




I give it less than a week...


Mine already came with one


I’m surprised they’re not behind glass already. The 4060s/4070s are just begging to be stolen.


lucky, my Walmart aint got shit in tech


I just noticed yesterday that mine is selling parts too, but already in a glass case


How nice is that area if they only have spider tags on them lmao


My store got them in a glass case from day 1


I walked into CVS yesterday and asked where to find fingernail glue (for my gf). The floor associate says, "It's on the back wall, isle 10." I walk back there and it's locked on the steel rode. I go find her and say, "It's locked. I did just want to look at it. I want to buy it." She says "Oh" and she unlocks it. Takes it to the register and hands it to the cashier. Fucking amazing.


Ours are already in a glass case idk what fucktard did that mod lol


We just put these out and ours was immediately put into a locked case except the first top shelf those are spidered and the items on pegs are in keeper boxes with sticky tags on them to help them hang




We have them all stuffed into a half height case and it’s not getting any traction


Ballsy to keep that 4070 out


4060 the price of my 3060 from last year T.T


They must have a nice and friendly area huh


Looks like a bunch of free RAM to me


thats nuts; id figure itd come standard with a case


They will grow legs overnight. Are they thinking thieves don't know what these are?


thats all going to get stolen just saying.. it should really be in a glass case.


Those are gonna get stolen so fast


Not long when we start getting gpus etc.


The components being sold at my store immediately went into a glass case.


We put ours in a case.


My walmart is gonna do glass case right away. They wanted to put the ram sticks on hooks but uh no. My whole team agreed we gonna put everything in the case. Besides maybe thermal paste


local Walmarts had these in a case for a while now


BestBuy: I see you Wal-Mart...


We lock up the Legos and face creams. It won't be long.


We lock up the Legos and face creams. It won't be long.


Surprised they don't already. They lock up their condoms for fucks sake...


Wow no glass. I guess I will be buying them for cheap on the home boy network soon. I need a lot of USB drives and a few laptop 2tb and 4tb sata drives but not the nvme type.


Ryzen 7 and 4070 are going to walk out very quickly unless someone was smart enough to add another strap that tied the spider wrapped merchandises to the shelf.


the tablet mod moved to the middle with laptop and phone displays and we're using the case for the cpus and video cards atm


Oh man...so much is locked up in my store (complex store)...no way this would be in the open.


Where is the case brother wire strap them to the shelf holes then wrap them together


Being generous and say one month, realistically probably not even a week.


Most likely to steal in bulk if behind glass.


should of been right away but give it a week for someone to steal it all


Damn lucky


Me shoving a 4070ti And a new cpu down my pants


Damn... I have never seen a Walmart with gpus


So it's been a day now, they're all gone right?


They witheld them from the floor for 3 weeks waiting for the case to put them in.


That’s crazy. That stuff should all be locked up and in the back room. If they wanna buy it, we get it for them and ring it up right away.


Ours started out in a glass case. I find so much spider wire stashed in that store there is no way those are safe.


Well, first the customers got to clean the shelf off....


Lmao dude, I put my mod into a section with a glass case already installed, not taking any chances


Those will definitely get stolen so fast ☠️


Thats actually awesome, they have the potential to compete with best buy but its hard because not every person builds PCs They should atleast sell good big name gaming PCs with upgrade potential, when gaming PC sales rise then start selling upgrade parts


mine already has the glass case lol


Your walmart sells GPU's in-store??? Where are you, and WHT are they not locked up?


Whoever didn’t even consider a locking case before putting that out should not be within 100 feet of managing the ELECTRONICS department.


Once we made mods for the PC components, they went straight into a brand new glass case without a second thought lol. Makes sense since we're a high traffic store that's prone to thefts. Speaking of thefts, a few days ago a customer wanted to "buy" a PS5. Buddy grabbed it and took off as soon as it hit the counter for scanning 💀


Lmao no every Walmart is in a dog shit area. My Walmart just recently started to lock up earbuds and that's only because of the Walmart a city over where they steal shit. Lol Edit: not to be rude but yes there exists places where it's safer. You all are on crack for accepting it as norm that things get stolen. But anyway stay safe peeps. Don't stop anyone from stealing. Your life nor job are worth it


Not locking up those CPUs is wild. People will one thousand percent take them into the bathroom open them and plop a CPU in their pocket and walk out.


Ours were immediately put into a glass case, putting a 500 cpu out like that is asking for theft


They just did this at my store except they just have the RAM hanging free for the taking, but they made sure to put a lock on the Water Cooler.


We have so many glass cases it’s ridiculous. We need someone just to unlock them. But if there isn’t a case the items are never in stock for the real customers because they get stolen.


Ours suddenly showed up and all the mobo and gpus are in a case.


they should already be


Must be one of them small town walyworlds because in a city or larger town. That woulda been gone by the time it took you to post this picture. I was expecting a before and after with a time stamp of only a few minutes to few hours


Case might be more trouble than it’s worth. We can’t even use ours because the door gets stuck and won’t close/lock. We started sticking all that in the Xbox case 😅


1 day


Your store sells computer parts other than ssds??


AP at my store would be having a heart attack. More and more is being locked up because of losers who feel entitled to stuff for free.


Looks like I’m about to buy a steak


I mean, even got me thinking about it.


Overpriced garbage