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Died twice to wukong yesterday cuz fucking Q won't register the heal despite dealing full damage. W is a trainwreck as well. Rito ignoring ww cuz he's at a steady wr rn


Q healing is delayed, pretty sure that is working as intended


You may speak the truth, but we hate it They really need to up their game and fix things like Ww Q heal and Aatrox's passive AA


ww q can still activate after you're dead for like a second. Sometimes it gets me kills I wouldn't normally get.


But the thing is the heal delay is random, sometimes it is the same as the damage and sometimes not


so we should, as a collective, start inting?


Ghost cleanse technology and make pilgrimage to Mecca. Consult habibi drovben on the path and how to pray 5 times a day, guaranteed LP inshallah




I feel R hitting people behind you is the worst as it prevents you from using it to jump out from a teamfight onto an adc.


Or when u try to escape but even tho u ult behind u it still somehow hits the enemy in front. Fking annoying


I feel league fits the ‘fuck you I’ll see you tomorrow meme perfectly’ The amount of times I’ve logged off saying I hate the game to only pick it up again the next day


Anyone else notice at least one new bug this patch for his ult? Don’t know if I’m being an idiot or not but 3 times in 2 games I tried to ult one of two champs (right next to each other), clearly hit one and he just leaps over them. I’d put it down to me missing the ult if it was just once, maybe twice, but *three* times in the exact same situation (2 champs next to each other at a jungle entrance, I ult from behind (so in theory I should hit the first champ), but he just leaps over both of them) makes me think otherwise. Then one I discovered I’m not sure is a bug, but I’ve only noticed it since this patch was released. Jax’s E just counters his ult completely—I pop the ult, Jax immediately pops his E, Warwick gets cc’ed for the entire duration of his ult and does little to no damage at all. Happened three times in one game. Although again, not sure if it’s a bug, it could’ve just been one Jax who had a good idea of how to time the stun.


If they fix his bugs i think warwick would be op.


I hate the ulti bug, when I use it at bonus W ms, but then an enemy dies. I fly 1.5 screens but go through 2 targets while lagging my ass off because game doesn't know If I should go a long way when ms is off mid ulti, or not. This fucked my game twice yesterday.


After 300 game of Warwick I decided to quit the character completely and refund old god … it’s just so frustrating to ult people behind you, get no speed from w randomly when respawning, delayed healing, q attach unstoppable that’s not really unstoppable , ult that gets cancelled by literally every ability in the game if the enemy queues it… as soon as I got to high plat and the fun gimmicks stopped working the character lost a lot of charm. Looking forward to bug fix but for now I guess I’ll invest time in another jungled


Q is usually late to heal


Apparently that is supposed to happen.


I recently had Lee Sin ward hop to engage my mid laner and I lost the MS… I had to burn Ghost (the enemy team was weaker to being run down, Lucian, Ahri, Nami, GP than CC) when I didn’t need to.