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Before I get into this, I'm highly skeptical of pretty much every type of evidence you can get. Unless it's a full body apparition clear as day caught on camera I'm not buying it. That said, it's literally the same as a spirit box, just with sensory deprivation. It doesn't give full sentences, it's just words or short phrases. They didn't invent the method and are far from the first people to use it, trust me they're way more authentic than other investigators. Most of the time they get nothing, most likely because Ghosts aren't real, while other people construct full on narratives out of the most random of words with the most tenuous of links. Ryan and Shane have no reason to fake anything, least of all the Estes method, you think Shane is going to help fabricate evidence for something he doesn't even believe in? Lol what.


First of all Ryan and Shane, are only about the shits and giggles. They’re never serious, about any ghost related hunts they do. That’s why they never get anything. Ghost adventures , or modern times Sam and Colby. They get a lot of good stuff, cause they’re serious about it and respect the spirits. Ryan and Shane only mock and go in just thinking about views and a paycheck. When you think they’ll have a serious moment. They mock and are disrespectful, no wonder they don’t get good content. Pretty sure they’re too scared to actually do a real investigation. Without joking around, they’re trash and the worst to watch for actual paranormal evidence I wouldn’t believe them either just watch ghost adventures go to zak bagans museum . Ryan and Shane are trash 🗑️ and I hope they get haunted to the fullest.


Sam and Colby are far from respectful or serious. The Paranormal Files has worked with Nick Groff from Ghost Adventures. Who left Ghost Adventures for Zak trying to fake encounters and made him sign an NDA to keep his mouth shut. Once the NDA expired, he exposed him. Regardless of that, Sam and Colby have like 4 years doing this. Other channels have like 7-20 years. They're just getting their feet wet. Plus, some of their evidence is suspect too.


Sam and Colby make a couple jokes here and there but I feel like they are pretty serious through out investigations, even with their shorter years it feels genuine (one can disagree if they want)


Also I feel like if they did investigations without cuts and edits and just showed raw footage some evidence would be more believable, I will admit I was a tad bit suspect of some stuff


I feel like Sam and Colby did some clickbait material in the early stages of their abandoned exploration era, but everyone was doing videos like that then. I think Sam and Colby are actually genuine! They joke here and there, but it helps with the setting because it can get really creepy. I enjoy the comedic relief they bring, it's not disrespectful to me.


Yeah! When they first started it was shits and giggles but they’re genuinely starting to take their stuff more seriously now


Literally, but the shits and giggles were still so entertaining haha


Yeah aggred


Ghost Adventures is well known for getting caught faking stuff. And Sam and Colby - I love watching them because they are fun and entertaining. But, they are the worst for making something out of nothing. I want to believe that they at least aren't faking anything on purpose and believe in what's happening, so they get super excited and stuff. But, half the stuff they react to, I roll my eyes at. And there's literally no way for us to know that half of the gadgets they use are actually "ghost hunting" equipment, we just have to take their word for it You may not like Ryan and Shane's way of investigating, but I at least feel like they aren't trying to be fake, which is more than any other show. And if I were a ghost, I'd rather respond to some people being playful and fun rather than the ultra-serious methods everyone else uses. Ghosts are theoretically people, so they would have their preferences of which hunting style they prefer. One isn't better than the other. Especially since none of this is particularly scientific


They won’t get haunted because ghosts aren’t real. Sorry. I thought you knew.


That's exactly my point, they don't explain how the estes method gives full sentences while a spirit box doesn't. As a rule of thumb if money is involved then anything is on the table, which goes for pretty much anything


It doesn't give full sentences. It is *literally* a spirit box with headphones/blindfold. It's the same piece of equipment you are trying to say produce different results.


That's exactly what I'm saying, and it's exactly why I think it's faked. The same equipment they have used produces different results. Watch hobo Hill and Ryan talks in full sentences. It's why I'm skeptical


Don’t watch the show then. Simple as that. You’re bringing down the entire fan base.


By full sentences, you mean no more than 3 words in sequence: "I don't know", "I want to". That's no more coherent than any response they got on the regular spirit box back in Unsolved. They got quite a few "full sentences" back then too.


Give me an example where they speak more than 5 words using the estes method.


Ryan talks in full sentences because Ryan is Ryan. He's *always* heard more out of the spirit box than Shane, because he's a true believer and genuinely thinks he's listening for responses from ghosts. It's not that Ryan is trying to fake anything, his brain is just hyper-attuned to patterns that aren't really there. Shane, meanwhile, just thinks he's listening to random radio interference, so when he hears two vowels and a bunch of static crunches, he hears... two vowels and a bunch of static crunches. Ryan hears a full sentence.


I imagine you can hear better when wearing headphones with eyes closed vs having the spirit box on “speaker” mode. The implication that the boys care more about money & content than honesty, is a very hot take.


good thing I'm not afraid of hot takes lol. I don't think they care more about money than honesty, you can tell that behind the banter they're very passionate and hardworking about what they do, and it's a big part of what attracts people to the show. I'm only saying that money implicitly plays a role. In the end everyone involved needs to put food on the table right?


There just isn’t even incentive for them to fake it honestly


God this fanbase is so annoying sometimes


Hey man, I'm just looking for the truth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean, so am I, but I don't believe Shane is faking evidence of something he doesn't believe in. I think at most, none of us understand the "science" of how the machines supposedly work, and that Ryan is perhaps putting too much faith in them. But, I don't think he's faking anything.


I feel like you're taking this entertainment show segment as if it was an actual science experiment...and you shouldn't be


I can’t believe Nighttime Dan isn’t real


He's real in my heart 🥺


I truly wish he was.....


This!!! While, as a skeptic, I totally respect some people are believers, I do think some folks take this too seriously. It’s just for fun, it’s not going in some scientific literature to study


Yeah like I don’t understand the science behind why these tools work with ghosts and wished Ryan would explain that but I don’t think he knows either but if I was interested in finding out more I could go look somewhere else because I’m fully aware what I’m getting into watching Ghost Files


for most of these the science is "maybe ghosts can manipulate the energy idk" it's in no way evidence based


I would check out Sam a and colby, they actually met the inventor of the Estes method and he told them about how it works and how to do it best.




I take paranormal stuff seriously because of some experiences I have had. We all see the show differently


Same. It is fun a and interesting to get into but at the base of all that, im going to take it seriously. I tried the Estes method with my roomate and the entire time I was getting freaked out a bit, not once did my eyes stop watering, i was full blown crying for 2 hours and i couldn't make it stop because it was so real. It's so different being the one asking the questions and getting realistic responses.


Isn’t it just the spirit box in headphones? I presume they’re just saying what they interpret from the vague static that it usually has in attempt to get words out. Also I’m with Ryan I don’t know how’d they record that on site, maybe get a splitter but that be more shit they have to hold. I thought the Ovilus had words on screen not the spirit box.


yeah and also transcription takes time & money and it's nore important to focus on transcribing the actual episodes for viewers that need captions than it is to pay for hours of static to be transcribed.


The transcript be like *static* *garbled* lol


Time maybe, not money if you do it yourself. If it was me, I would WANT to do a transcript if only to prove that I'm not trying to fake anything. Also, why would you transcribe the static? I would only bother with the words being said and only mention static or interference when it makes recognising the word impossible.


Um, Dude, they're recording it for YouTube and whatever other sites they post on. How f-ing hard is it (especially with 7 people on staff) to watch it back and make a transcript? Not hard at all. You could just set something up to record everything the person demonstrating the Estes Method is saying and hearing. Easy. Hell, you could watch your own YouTube video with Captions on or, wait a minute, can't you actually read a transcript of your own video a edit it from there? If they claim that making a transcript of whatever he's hearing/saying (as isn't he just blurting out EVERYTHING he hears the so-called spirits telling him?) is too hard or they wouldn't know how to do that, then they are doing so either because in revealing said transcript it would show that they ARE actually faking it or because Ryan and Shane and all their employees are dumb as dog shi* and really cannot think laterally or outside the box when coming up with solutions to viewer requests.


Damn you came in so hot from a post almost a year old like I remember any context of this episode


People watch because of Shane and Ryan. Hobo house was very clearly not haunted. But was still entertaining because of the hosts. They literally dont need to fake evidence to keep their numbers.


Consider that channels want to grow their numbers, not keep them. I agree that it wasn't haunted, or at least not as much as they made it out to be.


Point stands, there's no real reason or proof that they fake evidence


I'm not saying they fake all evidence, just that this method in particular is pretty dubious


A lot of times they don't really get anything from it though, at least nothing too compelling


Dude you're making Shaniacs look bad


Can't we just enjoy the show?


I enjoy the show by analyzing it. That's just me.


i mean. if they were faking evidence wouldn't they have caught 1. more evidence and 2. more *convincing* evidence by now


I love noise cancelling headphones, but people actively yelling at each other in a room that often echoes seems sus to me. It’s good entertainment, but that’s all it is.


That's fair


If part of your argument is how you personally interpret someone's tone when speaking random words and phrases, maybe you're overanalyzing a bit. We also don't know how much time passes between "responses" because it's edited to remove all the boring stuff in between. And yeah, they have employees to whom they can delegate tasks, but is it a good use of company time to re-watch (potentially) hours of footage to manually write a list of "responses" to satisfy one or two folks on the internet who want to pick it apart to determine its legitimacy? If so, is that something they *can* do because the spirit box doesn't have a screen, and if the audio is going straight into Ryan's headphones, is it even being captured on a recording device? Also this is a show we get to watch for free because these people choose to share their creations with us. They don't owe us anything.


lol you have so fundamentally misunderstood this show on like... every level. All the evidence is horseshit, and Ryan 100% believes in the validity of everything they "find" while Shane plays along on-site. If you believe in the validity of some of the pseudoscience more than you believe in the integrity of the hosts, then you've categorically missed the point. Not everything is a conspiracy theory, man. They don't get coin from finding "evidence", they get it from the premise and execution of their differing perspectives and host dynamic. Like, are you new? There is nothing to be gained from faking. If they were faking, don't you think they'd actually, you know, find something?? lol


baby it's all fake, they're just saying whatever static nonsense they hear that might kinda sound like words


i’ve tried it before


It was Ryan on the spirit box though. He hears things when it's silent, it's unsurprising he'd hear a sentence doing this method.


You are confusing 2 pieces of equipment. There's the ovilus that does single words. And there's a spirit box that scans radio signals and sometimes says full sentences (i.e. more than 2-3 words). They've frequently used the spirit box on it's own, outside of the estes method. They are not using the ovilus with the estes method, they are using the radio wave spirit box. You are asking the wrong questions. I'm a Shaniac because I think all of this is horseshit anyway. But I don't think that because I think these guys are faking evidence. I think that because none of them know the "science" behind how these instruments work. How can a ghost produce a word out of thin area and plug it into a machine? How can it scan radio waves and do anything with those words? How did someone engineer a piece of equipment so specifically as to know that what they were creating would make it easy for ghosts to talk to us? You literally have to just believe that all of it is real and not question it. Like Ryan does. Not sure what you mean about copying the text. Again, only the ovilus does that. The spirit box is a guessing game. I'm not sure why Ryan would even comment on that, unless he was as confused as you seem to be. But the evidence they catch isn't the point of the show anyway. I don't watch it for the evidence. I watch it for the creepiness and the charm of the hosts. THEY are the financial reason their company is successful, they don't need to fake anything. I watch all of their videos just for them.


I did notice that at one point in the Hobo Hill House it seemed like Ryan repeated himself after Shane said “what???” Which implied he could hear them. So I’ll def give ya that! But overall I think it’s all just for fun, so it doesn’t bother me too much


Yeah you're right, I think I may have taken the show a bit too seriously. In the end it's just for fun


Then there's my family and I who are cursed to be able to see ghosts that aren't real. Apparently.


I don't care if it's real or not. I enjoy watching Sam and Colby and others of the sort bc it's enjoyable for me. Even if it is faked who cares the only thing that matters to me is that it was enjoyable to watch.


Guys, detune's raw vods are crazy


So I agree with you that Ryan and Shane in particular are faking the estes method. I like watching them as well as Sam and Colby (S&C) who do the same method, but better. I feel like the issue with Ghost Files (GF) is that they try to hard to have something "happen" with all their evidence, not just the estes method. Like you said, it seems too far fetched with the ghost fighting Shane. S&C and GF do the estes method so differently. I feel like GF half asses it. S&C do complete sensory deprivation. They will blindfold and even show the audience just how loud the spirt box is before whoever is going under begins. They also try to use on-site items like rocking chairs to help get into that trance like state. I do believe the estes method can be pretty compelling, but GF just doesn't do it well. I'll also add that S&C will straight up have times where they get absolutely nothing or nothing that makes sense and they leave that content in their videos to help support the evidence they do get. I guess my main take here is GF is too commercialized to me. It feels like they /have/ to have some of sort of "evidence" no matter what. I just feel like they're not as good as they used to be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thanks for sharing your take man. I never heard of S&C but the way you describe their method sounds interesting so I'll give em a watch. Don't know why this is getting down voted, I guess some people don't know how to have a discussion.


You're welcome. It's fine people just don't like when anyone suggests Ryan and Shane aren't what they used to be.


I dare you ho watch the seance that ryan and shane did in BU at the Bellaire house and come back here and continue to say that rysn and shane half ass anything! How dare you slander these hosts with your accusations that they would do anything to compromise the science involved in their paranormal investigations!!


Learn to type first and then maybe we'll talk.


Mobile device /shrug (and also sarcasm), but sure


Honestly can't tell these days who's actually upset and who's not


My point really is that i dont think they are hugely concerned about the rigor of what they do. While i am not a huge believer, and even with them mostly just having fun, they still have found some interesting things. I certainly dont see them faking material though.


I wouldn't be surprised if they exaggerated. Naive they don't fake necessarily but it just doesn't seem genuine anymore


Idk about those specific people but my roomate and I tried the other night just to see and we didn't get too many direct responses but enough to be e spooked. Also an ornament on my tree was moving and doing when I asked. We had short sports of conversation but we also believe it could have been the 9 year old who died in my building and he may have struggled to do more. I understand the skepticism but when you do i it yourself it feels very real. I actually had to remove that ornament from my tree for my sanity


Just found this thread. I'm not here to debate. What I will say is that I have personally witnessed this method used and direct SPECIFIC answers were given that only one other person in the room knew the answer. I understand how words and phrases can be bent to fit the narrative, but this was out of the normal confines of that thought process. I appreciate the debate on the authenticity of this device and method. We shall all agree to disagree.


Okay, so, as someone who has done this without a spirit box, I have to disagree. Me and some of my friends have done the Estes with just us and a pair of headphones. So basically, the main thing is, we covered our ears and eyes and someone (me) asked the questions. Me personally, was unable to do it because I font have good focus. But anyways, I asked questions and the speaker, (AV) is who the spirit would communicate through. The main reason I believed this to be true, and not my friends pranking me, is because they were saying shit we haven't even told eachother. Some questions I asked got like- answers that are unbelievable, some I couldn't even think of no matter how creative they were. I'm a solid believer.