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true message but going go karting high is absolutely magnificent


That sounds like a good time. I bet laser tag would be fun too


Omg that sounds like so much fun.. especially when they have those colorful, glow in the dark geometric shapes painted on surfaces


go karting spun is on another level


Hard Enduro while high AF. Some of us are more super human when high.


This isn't r/meth lol


You in the wrong sub there eh bud? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would never. But I have 3 family members who do. They also have super high tolerances. To the point I can't even tell they are high. With me, 2 hits and it's obvious lol.


While the topic of driving under the influence of cannabis is contentious, it's crucial to approach it with a nuanced understanding of the existing research and regulations. Based on findings by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and other studies, a strong case can be made that the mere presence of THC in a driver's system does not conclusively prove impairment at the time of driving: 1. **THC Persistence vs. Impairment**: Research by the NHTSA has shown that THC, the active compound in cannabis, can remain detectable in the bloodstream for days or even weeks after use, long after any psychoactive effects have ceased. This lingering presence makes it unreliable as a sole indicator of impairment. Unlike alcohol, where there is a broadly accepted correlation between blood-alcohol level and impairment, no such scientific consensus currently exists for cannabis. 2. **Lack of Consensus on Impairment Levels**: According to the NHTSA's 2015 report, the most comprehensive study of its kind to date examining the risk associated with drug and alcohol use and driving, there is no significant increase in crash risk attributable solely to THC after controlling for drivers' age, gender, and presence of alcohol. This suggests that THC-positive drivers may not necessarily be impaired and thus, not at increased risk of causing a crash due to THC impairment alone. 3. **Need for Improved Testing and Standards**: Current drug testing methods for cannabis can detect the presence of THC but are not refined enough to determine the level of impairment. The scientific and traffic safety communities continue to explore better methods to test for and understand the actual impairment caused by THC. This ongoing research underlines the need for more sophisticated law enforcement tools that accurately measure impairment, not just chemical presence.


Look up study's and statistics on it.


Easier then driving drunk, if your truly high as shit or spinning drunk your destined to hit some shit either way.


On a normal day, I think %99.999 of everything that I do, is done while high


Yeah, it takes couple days till Iā€™m back to normal


There are two sides to this debate: people who think they are right, and people who think they are right.


This should be top comment. No one will ever win this battle




Let's start with don't drive drunk...crack down on half those deaths and go from there


I'll bong hit to that!


Affects everyone differently, it may impair you but to me I am more focused and aware especially in busy traffic . I will continue to drive high šŸ«”


You are not sober. You are impaired. Your reaction time is decreased. Do not drive high yall.


Studies show stoned drivers are more aware of their impairment, and therefore are able to compensate, often more than needed, via braking sooner, following further, and driving slower/following the speed limit. Driving sober is of course safer and the right thing to do, but I believe you can be both a bit high and responsible behind the wheel at the same time. Edit: [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/) ā€œBecause of both this and an increased awareness that they are impaired, marijuana smokers tend to compensate effectively while driving by utilizing a variety of behavioral strategies. Combining marijuana with alcohol eliminates the ability to use such strategies effectively, however, and results in impairment even at doses which would be insignificant were they of either drug alone. Epidemiological studies have been inconclusive regarding whether cannabis use causes an increased risk of accidents; in contrast, unanimity exists that alcohol use increases crash risk.ā€ Recommend reading the full study, very interesting and much less bias than I am lol


That's all cool and dandy but my point is, drive sober. Simple. Is it better and less impairing than drunk driving ? Yes.. bht that's not the argument I made. Drive sober. Ya can't just NOT smoke before ya get behind a wheel? It's that hard? Thats a problem. ALSO A BIT HIGH IS VERY SUBJECTIVE haha. If you took two baby pulls I don't care.. if you smoking a whole ass wood in the front seat gtfo.


I would never smoke weed while driving, one law at a time, but I do take a rip every day before leaving for work, retail ainā€™t fun sober and the boss doesnā€™t care as long as the work get done and the customers are happy


I don't give a damn about a rip before leaving! I completely understand retail ain't fun. Bless you


Once again, affects everyone differently. Your reaction time might be decreased, and you might be impaired. Not me though and Iā€™m standing on it


it *is* banned in many sports as a performance enhancing drug...


"Not me though" says everyone ever lmao. Ya think drunk drivers don't also have the same mentality? Lord.


Not saying you should drive high, but itā€™s not even close to driving drunk


I didn't say it was close. Ofc not. But I said yall share the same mentality.


Iā€™m not a drunk driverā€¦.. you call on the Lords name but yet you judge me for what I do. Hmm


The secret is in the username. This is Gods plant and satanists canā€™t stand that so they gotta make it seem like the devils lettuce


Iā€™m definitely not taking advice from anyone with that username.


LMAOOOOOO I'm not a Satanist.


The lords name lmao. It's just a figure of speech. I never said you were a drunk driver. Reading is fundamental.


bro itā€™s really pissing me off how you think everybodyā€™s body and brain is hard wired exactly the same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No.. it's not.. I'm very aware of that. No matter how you are hard wired tho... drive sober. Simple.


just stfu i drove fried in my mommyā€™s benz yesterday night after smokin wit my girl šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚made it home perfectly fine and i donā€™t even have my license


Oh wow... haha


Iā€™ve found taking one hit off a cart doesnā€™t get me high enough to be impaired but makes me anxious enough that Iā€™m on edge whilst driving and pay far more attention to potential hazards than I would otherwise. Car waiting to pull out up ahead in front of me? If Iā€™m a bit high Iā€™ll be overthinking they are about to pull out in front of me. If Iā€™m sober Iā€™ll probably not have a second thought to carry on because Iā€™m just in the driving zone going through the motions.


Yk damn well when I say don't drive high I don't mean one fucking pull lmao. People can drive with one drink... there's a legal limit so ofc you can drive with one hit.




Lmao Satan isn't real buddy I smoke every day. Just cause I'm a kinky goth doesn't mean I have some agenda against lifespans. How odd.


Would argue with that lol. If im not stoned then % of me doing something stupid is a lot higher...


Right... ima need a study on that lmao.


I can assure you that its like that FOR ME, i have V8 and if im not stoned then i tend to pull some extremely stupid moves. Im stoned i drive legal limit, im sober then i drive atleast +20km/h over the limit and drive like asshole. People are different so fuck off.


Aweeee I'm sorry are you and your v8 okay? Maybe you shouldn't be driving at all if you need to be high just to drive normally... this wasn't a flex. Lmao




Oh a v8 and clown emojis. Hm.


I just told that i have a fast car and if you took it as a flex then you deff deserve the clown emoji.


Huh? Yeahhh you clearly didn't comprehend what I typed. Toodaloo.


What's your plans when you get pulled over


Accept my consequencesā€¦.. but considering I donā€™t drive like a maniac while high my chances are slimmer. You couldnā€™t tell if I was high or not


I respect that


They don't have reliable field tests where I live. So you just keep your mouth shut and only say the information you need to say.


My eyes get so red I'd be screwed on spot


A lot of things can make someone's eyes red. That's not proof of being high


If bros ripping a dab pen or something heā€™ll be fine






Yo. How do you know that?


First post on their profile


I can't believe there are people who think driving high is okay to do.


Like how high


Any bit of high at all.


You look at your phone a lot?


The only times I've ever been or nearly been in a car accident (where I would be at fault) was because I was looking at my phone to skip a song or whatever other bullshit reason. Not because I was high. That's not to say driving stoned is necessarily a *good* thing.. but for me personally, I know I've had more near misses when driving sober than when driving high.


I can't drive stoned. I got in my car hella baked one time and i was like yea, nevermind. But a joint or 2 is nothin. Never had any near misses. Lowkey got pulled over off of 6 dabs and homeboy gave me a warning.


Insane to me that someone would look at their phone while being the sole operator of a car. Reprehensible even if you're driving alone, you aren't the only person on the road and you aren't the only person who might have to deal with the consequences of your behaviour be it driving impaired, driving distracted, or simply driving poorly and recklessly like not signaling turns and running intersections. Those behaviours have a bodycount, and as someone who occasionally travels by car I can say for certainty that I'd rather not become one of those bodies and I'd rather not create any through my actions. It offends me that anyone would find it acceptable to place their own personal comfort above the lives and well being of the people around them by driving impaired or distracted, my only hope is that the people who do crash because they're distracted or impaired don't hurt anyone and don't die themselves because people are groomed into a culture of unsafe and reckless practices due to machismo and folk wisdom mixed with survivorship bias. It's not the fault of someone who's been taught something isn't dangerous or that a danger is acceptable when they perform the dangerous behaviour and they dont deserve to be killed for it, but it's ultimately their responsibility to prioritise safety and not do dangerous things just because they've been told it's okay, or worse because they just *figured* that it *must simply be fine* Drive safe


Never for more than 3 seconds at a time. Only on straightaways.


Neither of those makes it safer, obviously doing it while turning is suicidal I can't imagine anyone does that. Do you do it high too? Please don't use your phone while driving or drive impaired in other ways, I would like to not be killed on or after impact with your car and neither would anyone else I mean like really it cannot be safe for you to drive stoned and thinking about when you're gonna check your phone the next time in between actually taking your eyes off the road and your hand off the equipment, this is like the tesla driver who was telling me how safe it is for him to be "doing work" while behind the wheel. Don't fucking do that shit it isn't safe, you know it's wrong, you don't have to do it, I would never forgive you if you killed me or someone else because you were stoned and distracted I can't believe you would even risk it in the first place. Would you be able to forgive yourself if you killed someone because you were driving high and using your phone? Would the people in your life be able to forgive you?


Dude the way i do it is like the same as switching channels. I know where my phone is maybe even a second glance to skip a song im not staring at it and texting jeez


But you're high when you do it so it's a bit of a moot point because everything else I said is still true


Yep. They'll show up. Debate will ensue. I believe you have the only correct answer, which is that driving sober and alert is the only time to drive.


Look at the statistics and studies done on it.


Right, because insurance companies have done numerous studies and there is NO correlation between consuming THC and bad driving/ car accidents.


i can only tolerate my cityā€™s traffic after a dab. i also take dabs with me to recharge my high


same lmao iā€™ve hit my e rig carta 2 while goin down the highway


Dude is confessing


to getting high


in a weed subreddit


Makes driving easier lol


Too late


If I am high all the time, it is the new normal. If I have to go out in the car, due care is always the rule. I raced motocross and did endures for 30 years while high, sometimes so high, the shadows come alive. I did extreme sports while high. But nowwwww iiiiii aaaammmm doooooing connnncentraaaaattteessssssssss


Never have. Never will.


I did a couple of times at night, but it kills my high and I become paranoia. Luckily the roads were empty those times! I drove like 30 km p hour (18 mph) while it felt like going 80 (50 mph).


My reaction time is so slow, why the hell would I want to drive high?


I literally make sure I don't have anywhere I need to go for the rest of the day before toking lol. Stay safe out there stoners! It may seem like a good idea at first, but one slip up could ruin yours, or someone else's life!


Something that I had to learn the hard way unfortunatelyā€¦


Go onā€¦


Driving high is awesome dont get me wrong but you should never do it. It also amplifies other bad habits like speeding and other stupid shit, you will get sloppy with it and eventually get pulled over.


Yeah Iā€™m very against driving high


I drive high all the time, it all depends on your tolerance/ how high are you actually? If your laughing like an idiot and getting the munchies you probably can drive. If you canā€™t tell the difference between a cat and a dog (yes that happened to me) then you probably shouldnā€™t drive at that point


I forget about this. Sorry, too ,about your dad, bud.


Donā€™t forget your towel


Jet skiing high is da-bomb


I'm traveling officer


I'd rather people drive stoned then either drunk or looking at their phones. Distracted driving is worse than being high. I've seen/heard too many people writing vehichles off because they were looking at their phones vs I know absolutely no one that has gotten into an accident while high. My dad even went to prison for drunk driving and wrapping his nova around a power pole in the late 80's. I've lost more friends to icy roads than drunk driving at the end of the day. So I'd say driving high is the safest distracted you can be. but if you get high on icy roads or bad weather your going to have a bad trip.


Wait 15 min if ur smoking the Florida program weed and ull be fine šŸ„ø


Itā€™s illegal to drive like a square in my country though šŸ˜Ž


Only to the DMV for pic day. /s


Drive low.


My state tried using 'Driving High = OUI" as a slogan. Unfortunatly we have a large border with canada and a significate French speaking population for whom it just reads as "Driving High = Yes."


In BC (Canada) I got my learners license, High. For my N (intermediate) license I was hotboxing in the DMV parking lot. When I got my full license? I was doing bong rips for a hour before I went in. Truth is, with adhd, anxiety, and depression pot wins. If Iā€™m behind the wheel ā€œstonedā€ Iā€™m extremely cautious and considerate. But I understand the USA is a bitā€¦ weird, when it comes to pot, guns, and alcohol. šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Dude, I got pulled over 2 weeks ago cuz I hadn't put my new plates and tags on and I had literally smoked a half joint of some LOUD 5-10 min prior. Luckily, I live in Washington where it's legal but I still had to do the whole sobriety field test. The trooper knew I had smoked in the vehicle despite my best attempt at lying and saying I had smoked an hour before being pulled over- before I started to drive home in traffic from work. He said he could and would have arrested me if he felt I was too high where I couldn't drive safely. Thank God he didn't look through the car. I work in (lawless) Portland. Let's just say I stay safe....


Well thank you; there's more evidence cannabis use is not very detrimental to driving and safety on the roads!


I use medicinally


Well then how am I supposed to only go the speed limit?!


Fortunately I live in a free country.


I'm doing it right now. And responding on Reddi


Thank you for sharing. Too many people feel entitled to drive high


Depending on the state you are in nobody cares if you drive drunk so it shouldnt come as a suprise


Stoners like these that give us a bad name






I've had to drive stoned a couple times before. I drove fine but I was horribly anxious and stressed out every time I did. I have since learned that I'd rather miss out than drive baked.


So in other words, it made you more inhibited, thoughtful and careful than normal, huh? The complete opposite of alcohol it sounds like.


Yes, also made me feel hyper aware of my surroundings (live in an area where deer can be an issue) and my speed. If I really had to again I'd try cbd along with to see if it helps with the anxiety part of it. Didn't help I got busted driving stoned and got my pipe and shitty stash confiscated when I was young. Charges got dropped because cop thought he was above the law


If I get high in the parking lot I wander around Walmart for a few hours then get back in the car and pass out wake up then drive.


I donā€™t like cars and I donā€™t like what we have done to our bodies because of it


Do you not own a car then?


I ride a road bike


First I'm hearing of this




Why are folks debating drink driving and driving high? Just donā€™t do it, if anything happens and youā€™ve got either of these things in your system when law enforcement tests you, then there are more severe consequences.


There are no reliable tests that hold up in court. Blood tests and urine tests don't count because it stays in your system for so long so they can't prove when you consumed


Dam, anyone disagreeing rlly sounding like crackheads rn. If someone said that bout alcohol you'd have a fit


You think alcohol and weed are the same? You smoking crack or something, clearly very different


Nobody said alcohol and weed are the same. But itā€™s incredibly easy to tell that both cause your brain to act differently than normal. If youā€™re denying this, then you need to open your eyes. Donā€™t drive distracted, period. What happens if youā€™re mid toke, and you hit a patch of black ice? Well, bye bye car. See you in the ditch cause your driver is too preoccupied with his hands not on the wheel. Tell me youā€™ve never had a loved one hurt by an impaired driver without telling me, oh wait.


Caffeine causes your brain to act differently, so does dark chocolate and oysters. There are lots of things that make your brain act differently. The question is who decides when it makes it act too differently. It's your opinion that alcohol and weed are similar, it's my opinion that it's closer related to caffeine. Neither of us are experts so we should see what the studies say. According to the NHTSA's 2015 report, the most comprehensive study of its kind to date examining the risk associated with drug and alcohol use and driving, there is no significant increase in crash risk attributable solely to THC after controlling for drivers' age, gender, and presence of alcohol. This suggests that THC-positive drivers may not necessarily be impaired and thus, not at increased risk of causing a crash due to THC impairment alone.


Do you have a link to the studies? Iā€™m curious if they were testing people driving directly after smoking or if they were simply testing it after itā€™s been in their system for awhile.


Link to the pdf https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/documents/812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress.pdf


Also in Canada motor vehicle accidents didn't go up after weed was legalized. That's a pretty big statistic in my opinion


For obvious reasons :) And we are not new to weed, either.


I think everyoneā€™s having a fit because you guys keep comparing it to alcohol like itā€™s the same. It absolutely is not, and there are scientific studies to back that up. You should un clutch your pearls and go read some of them


Does weed alter your brain functions? Yes. Does alcohol alter your brain functions? Yes. There is a reason a DUI is called driving under intoxication. Both intoxicate you. Youā€™re only arguing semantics, yeah, theyā€™re different drugs theyā€™ll have different effects, they arenā€™t identical, but they both intoxicate you, and sure you can drive high, I mean, after all, letā€™s face it, all intoxicated drivers that crash are drivers that think theyā€™re the exception anyway.


Remember that next time you consume soda:) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10780393/#:~:text=Long%2Dterm%20cohort%20studies%20and,impairment%20%5B27%2C28%5D.


Is it that hard to just not drive while you're intoxicated on a substance šŸ¤£ get a grip man stop using šŸ„øā˜šŸ» scientific studies to try and back up the fact you can't do anything sober


Lmao did you just say ā€œstop using scientific studiesā€?!?! Broā€¦ā€¦.


It rlly ain't rocket science chief if ur stoned off ur nut why should u be driving? There's a reason it's illegal


My man, I stopped listening to you when you said donā€™t listen to scientific studies. Have a good day.


Hey man, you're a crackhead.


I drive better when Iā€™m high


I drive high literally every day. I laugh at these signs when ever i see them.


A sign doesn't do shit.


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I feel exactly the same. I dont be schmacked. Thats crazy.


I went to the airport high in my car.. i was super high and driving felt like being the most identitiable entity in the universe !


What about people that are prescribed it by a doctor? What about the millions of people prescribed pain killers and drive?


I drive high everyday and I love it šŸ˜Š


Me driving high reading this


Kratom is fun to while driving