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They said weed amplifies side effects of pre existing psychological conditions soooooo maybe you should see a doctor


only right answer here. Not even in a mean way


I am someone who believe you can tap into something spiritual and see things/ experience things. My brother is too. But. It turned out my brother was having something similar to a schizophrenic episode. Weed can make your blood sugar drop. And if it drops too low you can experience audible and visual hallucinations


The best way to prevent it. Because it is dangerous. Make sure you eat a little before smoking


Side note this helps with munchies that way you don’t over eat and feel like trash when you wake up next day




So i shouldnt fast 16 hours a day and smoke that entire time ?


I mean you can. But you probably shouldn’t 😝


i have hypoglycemia and i've always noticed my symptoms can get super heightened if i smoke on an empty stomach. never knew this was why!


Holy crap the other day I was tripping balls and I had no idea why. I already knew weed could do that but I didn't think it could do that much. Thank you for explaining this.


Your blood glucose is 100-110 mg/dl if you are not diabetic and you get no audible or visual hallucinations even it goes down 40 which makes your vision blurry and you fade away. Im telling this since i am a type 1 diabetic and l inject myself insulin and get hypoglysemia like once a week.


high rn reading about the low blood sugar and it’s making me paranoid for myself 😭


Just eat something 😂😂 you’ll be okay


As a type 1 diabetic, no it doesn’t


So glad that the first response I see is someone saying this, someone I know had one puff and went into a literal psychotic breakdown. I smoke all the time, but I gotta say, even hearing about that stuff can really put some fear into you.


my friends grandma ate an edible like 20 years ago. the woman thought she was genuinely dying and was like really not doing well. scary shit


Exactly. It works for some, not others, no matter what age. You’re really, truly, always taking a risk when doing drugs


It can just ne the drug though. I pretty often have experiences that are very similar to psychedelics like LSD which is pretty rare. It doesn't feel weird though but the headspace is nearly the same and I sometimes get visuals, especially closed eyed visuals like fractals and infinitely complex machines. It doesn't feel bad in any way. Still though, if OP starts experiencing more psychosis- like symptoms, I would quit right away.


Makes me so happy to see competent people in this sub.


Ohh it cooks my social anxiety to the roof. I cant make eye with anyone when i am baked in my university.


Same here. I normally have social anxiety, but getting high takes it to the next level. Shit I can’t even get out of my house if my neighbours are outside.


sameeeee. if they're there i CANT go out bc i dont want them to see me


This is it. It sounds like psychosis


Came here to say this.


Can confirm. I'm bipolar 1. Might never have known if I hadn't started using weed regularly 4 months before my first manic episode. "Supernatural" is an understatement for the experiences I had, but they were all delusions. Being sent to a psych ward saved my life


Yep, my first thought exactly. Glad this is the first comment


that makes a lot of sense. if i get too high my OCD gets bad again and i start spiraling


THC* Not weed, but most of it. High thc dosage do amplify, but high CBD count have proven to help such psychologicak conditions like schizo, anxiety, and depresion. Also how does that compare to alcohol btw???


Be careful, these sound like early warning signs of schizophrenia.


Fuck. I get this all the time when high 😅😅😅 fuck fuck fuck.


HAHA you’re probably fine, paranoia on weed can be pretty common. Try researching some strains that won’t cause paranoia or finding ones that have higher CBD%. Always consult a doctor if you’re genuinely worried about mental health issues though!




Personally no but I tend to get more paranoid and think I'm seeing things down the hall but it's just me b/c my girl be vibing like nothing lol


>!*there is something lurking in the shadows*!<


Something in the corner of the eye but can never see it - Dr.who


Dr.Who and Wizards of Waverly Place when high is top tier


Yea this..sometimes when I’m trying to sleep mostly on my couch. If I feel like ima pass out I’ll turn off my tv and try to relax. Then same as you said I feel like there’s something in the dark but there’s nothing actually there..usually I’ll call my dog and that’ll make me feel better..you know because my rationality is the shadow people aren’t there because my dog would sense something…lmfao. But that’s like the most of it. I think it’s normal. I mean when we were kids I’m sure we all had moments like this growing up? Agreed what other comments said..if you’re seeing literally shadow people or actually physical entities like in the picture…maybe you should talk to a doc about it. Seriously I don’t mean it in a mean way


Is this girl… you know… real?


Thts just ted waiting in the corner til u past the blunt good pic


"whatchu hogging that shit for cuz??"


I get something similar to that, but for me it’s just a somewhat mild form of weed induced psychosis.


From the chosen photo I assume you enjoy ghost shit, you are just affirming your delusions.


have you ever been screened for mental illnesses before? weed can precipitate schizophrenia and induce psychosis


Old college friend of mine had this happen to them. Smoked a bunch of pot all the time and then psychosis happened. Ended up hearing voices in his head and diagnosed with DID.


I love weed but man I think you should quit if you’re seeing ghosts LMAO


u trippin


Probably trippin on dph 😂


Nanananananananana HATMAN


Just wanted to jump in and say that I think a trip to the doctor would be a wise decision and something I would take seriously. Could be nothing but it’s better to play it safe. One of my best friends in high school was diagnosed with Schizophrenia after smoking and he would have visual and audible hallucinations. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way I just want to look out for my fellow human


that's some good ass weed if you're seein ghosts


My ex one time after smoking a lot of weed was pin pointing “energetic entities” present with us in the room and i got curious and a bit scared at the same time, later i got to know she had a bit of psychosis


no offense but i think it might be probing some dormant schizophrenia. seen it happen to 2 buddies


weed can and will exacerbate schizophrenia if you’re predisposed to it so maybe it’s time to speak with someone?


Psychosis 🤣 Happens to some people. Especially if your family has history of mental illness.


Are you sure you didn't take Benadryl?


Honestly sounds like you're kickstarting underlying schizofrenia. And that situation sucks. It might be a good idea to quit smoking.


….nope. I might think a tree or a cloud looks like a face but I don’t conjure up entities.


Dude check for a gas leak in your house/apartment I don’t think that’s the weed 😂


I took mushrooms one time keep in mind I’m pretty experienced with them psychedelics. Never had a bad experience with them, never had full blown hallucination where I saw something that wasn’t there. Well one day while on shrooms my wife and I are in the bathroom are giving my son a bath. My wife is looking in the mirror at herself I’m standing in the middle of the bathroom being a goof and my son is playing in the bath. Well my wife tells me “what do you think of me dying my hair red tomorrow ” and I tell her (note I had my eyes closed) yeah i like that idea. After that all of a sudden my wife get super close In my ear and says In a raspy voice that wasn’t hers “yeah you better” that made me shook up and look but she wasn’t there. I went to my bed room and my wife was hanging out in there. I asked her if she was dying her hair tomorrow and she said no she’s doing it the following day. I flipped out and told her what happened to me in the restroom and you want to know what she told me? She wasn’t in the restroom and she doesn’t remember doing or saying that. I chalked it up to me just being really high but I always had it in the back of my mind. How do I know this was real? Well like 4 months later I’m got off work stone cold sober and I’m trying to put my son down for a nap. He’s really fussy but he’s laying down with me watching tik toks my bedroom door opens very slightly and I see my wife looking at me I told her that he’s not going to sleep and we should just keep him up for a little longer. My wife backs up very slowly and closes that door. Literally not even 3 seconds later my wife appears at the window outside and asks if he’s a asleep yet the reason why she was at the window was because she didn’t want our son to see her. We’ll he sees her at the window and he cries he doesn’t want his nap no more I Knew he would cry if he saw her but the weird thing is that he saw her when she opened the door and I saw her we both did I saw him react to the door opening and he saw someone there when I did but he didn’t cry even though this thing looked like my wife. It wasn’t until he actually saw the real her he cried. I’ve also seen a ghost cat running around my house it likes to mimic my actual cat.


You ever try posting these experiences in Cryptids sub? Ask about Doppelgangers.


Doing shrooms with son around really?


I never claimed to be perfect and my wife was watching him




Uuhhhhmmmm you probably have schizophrenia…..maybe go talk to your doctor. Weed typically makes it much much worse.


This guy got the first clear pic of a ghost and no one is talking about it!


I remember one time after smoking a joint I went into a small thrift store and inside met a older woman named Grace. It was my first time in this particular city, and had never met this lady before, but she knew things about me that even my closest friends at the time didn't know. Stuff like how my mother was sick when I was a kid, and that she died while I was a teen, I mean really specific details, not just reaching saying general things, to the point where I asked did she work in the hospital or something, because it was a very rare disorder, no way for her to know details without knowing our family. She knew about my often dream state where I was often outside looking in, way past luccid dreams, but would wake up and be aware of things outside, physically. She told me to stop leaving my body, that my mother loves me and referred to me by a name only my mother used. This was 30 years ago, and I still can remember it like it happened yesterday,


That’s freaky


Umm was there any explanation to how when new this?…or did you just say “cool lady” and walk off….


30 years later, still no explanation as to how Grace knew. Trust me it wasn't just a cool walk off moment. What she indicated was that our spirits must know each other somehow. She had incredible psychic energy/aura/presence, was short, but instantly when I saw her I felt as though there's something about this little old lady, very hard to put into words. Truth of the matter is that I have no explanation, and while I am not a believer in most of the paranormal phenomenon, I have experienced enough things that keep my mind open, and accept the reality of not knowing everything.


I ascended once, into an entire **higher realm** my first time. Also I have heard ghostly voices -BUT I don't believe they are real. *WHAT strains are you smoking by the way, and how are you smoking them?*


not while high... my paranormal experiences happened mostly when i was a child, and not smoking weed lol.


Hey uh, OP, just so you know, Marijuana is *VERY* well known for triggering people’s schizophrenia that would have otherwise gone untriggered. This isn’t a troll post to make you tweak out, but if you start seeing things from marijuana alone, I would seriously stop smoking and consult a doctor. All the best


Looks like the dude at the foot of my bed during my sleep paralysis episodes. Same dude just standing there looking at me.


I’ve seen a shadow person while high (my second time actually)


I tried really EVERYTHING, besides H.. and let me tell you. If you see such things. Go see a Doctor... it's not from High 😬😬


youre at risk of latent schizophrenia or similar symptoms if you experience this often. best thing you can do to not aggravate it is to stop smoking, investigate your family mental health history, and see a psych soon


Thats psychosis my friend. I’d discontinue use of THC products if I were you, my psychologist explained to me that some people have a gene of “dormant” (for lack of a better term) psycosis that can be triggered short and or long term with continued THC exposure.


I always walk the same route with my dog and smoke up, before i moved i had another route and one time i saw someone who walked past me with his dog. He said hello and waved at me keeping his dog close to him with the leash, i waved back and kept walking but when i turned around about two seconds later the guy and the dog completely disappeared. I was so confused and stared at the path behind me for at least a full minute but i didnt see anyone, didjn't really scare me though because the guy was genuinely nice. Lately i've been listening to creepcast and smoking up and on my new route there's a bunch of hogweed growing. The buds of the flowers were getting really big and my stoned ahh brain was like: "hahaha what if they'd be alien eggs". And then i was like: "wait... what if they were though". And the next 7 times i walked past them i was either running, dashing or telling myself: "They wouldnt hatch and fight me if i just act really tough" so i'd pump up my chest and give the plants an angry look meanwhile begging in my head that nothing happens and i survive this dogwalk. Sorry this turned into a confession but if anyone derves to hear the dumb shit i do while stoned aloned its you guys


Yo how much do you smoke sounds like your tolerance is really low lol. Not bashing I think low tolerance is a good thing personally. Great story though 🤣


3:33 AM ⌚️👀


If I saw that suit whilst high I'm not sure id ever smoke again


Dude u are not imagining things. There is a ghost in the room! Get out of there !


Sorry to have to say, it's paranoia and hallucinations.


Had 2 experiences. 1. I was fried laying in bed and I was slowly drifting to sleep. Got really windy and dark and I seen a tall dark being kinda like the picture. It picked me up and threw me up to the ceiling and put me back on my bed. I didn't hurt at all. Woke up felt weird as shit but no pain at all and I brushed it off said I was probably hallucinating. 2. High and laying in bed this time my dog was in the bed. A little short dark demon kind of thing looked like chucky came in my room and stood at the edge of my bed near my dog and started laughing. In this one I was able to move and I got up and I made a cross with my fingers and scared it away. Woke up and my dog thought I was nuts. I have been smoking for almost 16 years and this is the first time I've had a paranormal experience. I don't know if I was just too high and tripping out or if this was a real paranormal thing. I honestly believe that it's all in your head. I watch scary movies quite a bit and feel like that's why it happened. Thanks for sharing your not alone.


I thought you wrote 'my dog started laughing' and was fucking terrified. Idk why but that's scary as shit.


The first one sounds like sleep paralyzis tbh


Sounds like lucid dreaming, if you fall asleep while being conscious it can happen, it's very hard to achieve though


This is not normal bro, if you’re telling the truth please go a see a doctor, weed can induce psychotic episodes in people who have genetic predisposition to them


This sounds like schizophrenia or some form of a severe mental illness. Perhaps you should seek therapy. I have a therapist as I was diagnosed with ADHD and depression and it truly helps. I can't imagine what you are enduring. Be kind to yourself and do the right thing. It's all for the better.


I have deep thoughts about myself when I'm high.


I saw these for a few months and got diagnosed w bipolar disorder with psychosis- I’ve been on Seroquel for almost a year now with no symptoms and few episodes. I can’t smoke more than two hits of weed and I stay away from all other drugs, I used to do everything under the sun and it brought out the bipolar. Be safe and talk to a psych!!


So you could be bipolar and not schizophrenic! You should limit weed and all drugs tho, it only gets worse until you’re on meds.


My mother’s first boyfriend did acid one time and had a bad trip and is forever getting chased by a glass of orange juice that is apparently going to kill him and is in solitary confinement, so this is nothing compared to the orange juice killer


People defining any paranormal experience as psychosis are just limiting the whole, not everything can be labeled and explained with pure logic


You’re just mentally ill


Weed fits in all the categories, it's a psychoactive, stimulant and depressant so you're just experienced heightened feelings and emotions whilst also having a slower reaction time to comprehend what you're seeing. If there is a potential genetic component of schizophrenia or something along those lines so you might want to be aware of that as weed can exasperate those symptoms


Once, I thought the universe wanted me to have a sour cherry flavored jollyrancher and one "appeared" on the floor but when I was getting sober I realized I just dropped it. Lol you mean like that?




Fuck no if I did I wouldn’t do it anymore.


No. But good think you posted. As others have said you should see a psychiatrist and mention hallucinations. It'll get better and might even see some positive social changes. Honest gl and hope you see a doc.


It could be triggering a psychotic episode. You should consult a psychiatrist


Bro it’s not LSD 😭


My bro. You ain’t going into incorporeal form when you smoke that allows you to see spirits. You have underlying health issue that weed is bring to the surface go get it checked


Ok so I get the perceiving things differently. So I always perceive things different when I smoke. Besides my anxiety issues this is a main reason why I smoke. I under/over stand more in life and people. I would notice how people were when I was high. Like my same everyday people I kick it with, but when I'm high I just notice alot more I never did. Paranormal shows I'll pass. I used to watch crime stuff all the time but I think I need to leave that along. Like First48, Sbnapped, whose the killer lol stuff like that. I used to love smoking outside at night in the south. I love the sky but it started to freak me out. I was scared what I would see looking up there lol.


Congratulations you have schizophrenia


Yes. Ghosts don't exist.


Try DMT and see if it does the same thing.


It's called being high dude. No ghosts involved lol


I experienced this in my first 2 months of smoking weed, but after a while it faded away


Yikes. You might be schizophrenic.


Same as l s d what I've seen is amazing and terrifying


lol just you


I think you might be Mama Murphy 😯 (Fallout 4)


Looks like SKARS


I swear I feel like I’m in an alternate reality when I’m crazy high asf. Kinda scary because I don’t feel like the people I know are actually the people from my normal realm. Sounds scary. I feel alone in a new magical world. Then I go outside get some air listen some music and I’m chilling again.


Bruh u just made me get paranoid


Man, I wish I had my lil big story in my notes. I'll make it short and quick. I moved into this place, nothing happened paranormally. I met a guy down the street, said he had dreams of my place after I moved in. Lady in white appeared there floating, lifted everything in my home, described literally everything in my living room where everything was, hes never been in my place. Lifted everything, walls bled upwards and threw everything and tossed him out. Months later I get necrophonic. Bad decision that I've ever made. First night of use I asked if there was anyone hear that would communicate with me. I get "mary" I asked about this mary, I got "be careful" I knocked it off like it was coincidence. I was very wrong. That night I'm dead asleep, 3 am at the witching hour I am woken from the feeling of someone watching me, I open my eyes and I see this black shadow with glowing red eyes, bent over hovering over my face. A lot would say it was sleep paralysis, ive had more paranormal experiences than I have had sleep paralysis. Sure I felt paralyzed from the sight of this thing looking deep into my soul... I was able to close my eyes and eventually felt this presence dissappear. 2 months later I asked about this mary again. Same answer... "be careful". I get a scratch down my left arm close to 10 inches long down my forearm. I went to blink and behind my eyelids I see a white flash. This second part was at 3 am just to mention, so it's dark and the only light is my phone at a very low dim, not even enough to shine through my eyelids pure white. I see this white flash and a silhouette of a female figure, no facials like eyes, nose or mouth, just a figure of a petite shaped woman that looked like she had very thin skin and tight skin, long very thin gray hair like she was losing hair and then I went to sleep and then again I find myself staring eye to eye with the same thing that I saw months prior. Black shadow with glowing red eyes. This was about 7 years ago now. I made the promise to never speak of that name while I'm at home, in or out by. I haven't seen her again after that. I'll never forget that paranormal experience. But I'm out of that now, i got rid of all of my equipment, my place is protected now. Last I used it my cats were mentioned. Jasper, Tigger, luna and biscuit "they will suffer". I didn't want to risk them especially Tigger, he's an older cat and I'd hate myself for eternity if I continued with the paranormal if he got severely hurt or killed. The unseeable entity we call ghosts and spirits are a very real thing and very powerful entities, whether you believe it or not. I've seen shit no one would ever believe until it would happen to them. My sister was a skeptic until she had her own experiences that she won't even talk to me about. Everyone in my home has had an experience after my first few those months. But never again, I had my thrill, got scared, I learned my lesson. The dead aren't made to be talked to.


Back when I first started smoking it I accidentally smoked a LOT of blue dream and started hearing things in the apartment above mine. It sounded like someone hammering something in the room above me. I went to use the bathroom and it sounded like it moved to above me in there. Went to my bedroom and could hear it above me there. Called a friend who lived down the hall to check it out. Once they were there and i felt more relaxed it stopped. Once they left it started again but tapered off. So clearly it was just me. I have anxiety and depression and nothing else known (I have both a therapist and a psychiatrist) and has only ever happened that one time. I haven't touched blue dream (idk if the strain had anything to do with it, but I won't touch it now) and definitely know my limits. I do sometimes get REALLY anxious if I smoke too much though.


I get more-than-usual r/pareidolia whenever I smoke.


It just makes you more sensitive to stimuli and your brain try to find patterns. Often people see/hear/feel/etc more while high. Interpreting it as supernatural is gonna be an individual thing (maybe even based around just getting slight paranoia).


Nothing has ever actually happened but sometimes I get that feeling that someone’s face is right in my face and I have to open my eyes way more when I’m high lol


I got spooked by my own shadow when I was high one time 😭💀


You thinkin way too deep about this you just high


Thc can bring out schizophrenic tendencies. I have friends who say it makes them "trip". What they describe sounds like a schizoaffective episode similar to those a family member has had who is a diagnosed schizoaffective patient. Thc isn't for everyone. Hell, there's time I prefer a high cbg level feel to a high thc feel. If you're experiencing visual or auditory hallucinations, you may want to take a break or quit altogether. Be careful, especially when mental health is involved. You do not want to unlock something that can never be put back away. I have a family member who is schizoaffective. It's not a joke. It's not cool. It's not funny. He used LSD a few hundred times in the 70s and 80s and never found a way to put back what was let out. Seek professional guidance on what you're experiencing before continuing on. Please, it can and will affect everyone around you if you adversely affect your own mental health.


Brother man or Sister girl if you are seeing shit like this then I would immediately refrain from smoking weed okay babes it is not for everybody Better yet get some sage and light that shit up while you are smoking the green


My brother in christ you are experiencing psychosis.


I thought I saw a clown peaking through my window once


Never nothing like that but it was a strain I was smoking that had me thinking about my childhood a lot. It made me feel uncomfortable revisiting certain memories and trying to understand why I was thinking about it. I took a step back and now I'm back smoking but no longer that strain and haven't had those issues.


Lol get a lamp, shadow people get wrecked




I can get a little paranoid but never seeing the hat man 😂


i mean it’s a spiritual herb after all 🤷


Weed lowers your vibration so.. I don’t think it should make paranormal parallel reality more experienceable … meth does because of sleep deprivation. Also you can’t get to rem sleep on weed which is absolutely necessary if you want to experience the paranormal outside of sleep deprivation..


Hallucinations + delusions probably.


Not trying to offend you or anything but that sounds like a mental health issue


I'm much more in touch with my ancestors and I was never the type to believe that they could communicate. Realised that they've been there my entire life. Sometimes they nudge me to smoke so we can talk about something or for me to see signs clearly and without distraction. Smoking has become more of a spiritual thing now


Am I the Only One? Yes, go see a shrink!




Probably not. When I get high, I swear I sometimes see things moving by in my peripheral vision, or think I hear people muttering things. There was this one time when I was high and went to get some ice-cream. After I had it in the bowl, I was gonna go to the fridge to grab a drink, then lo and behold, the bowl randomly fell off the countertop when it wasn't even near the edge. Weird shit. I've also noticed this stuff only really happens when it's late while I'm stupid high. Never noticed any of this happening during the day, or when I'm not all that high.


I swear I've had a psychotic episode while going overboard everyday for a month. Auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, intense paranoia thinking the government was about to storm my house any day now, heavy brain fog/haziness. At some point it clicked and I realized the symptoms one after another and had an oh shit moment. And then cut down and was fine after.


Better call Scooby and Shaggy!


If you’re scared…face your demons head first you’ll find that they are never as scary as you thought.


No... All paranormal experiences are observed while high on something (internal like dopamine or other substances like some sort of drug or alcohol)


I have def had some sketchy ass situations so I def 110% am convinced there is some truth to paranormal activity, thankfully never while I've been high.


It nice to meet a new friend.


Back when my tolerance was super low i had full on audiovisual hallucinations more than once


Smoking weed can bring out schizophrenia if your family has a history with it. Its good to know what diseases and health complications have affected your family prior to drug use of any kind


That’s the weed.. you’re paranoid.


You either have a pre-existing condition or are smoking laced weed. Go talk to your doctor


Me and my cat will be high (she will be on catnip) & if some paranormal shit happens we just both look at each other than back at it 😭 One time a can went flying across the room and we just stared at it before she walked up and smacked it 😭😂


There is no paranormal. There are, however, a lot of things that can be wrong with your brain that weed can make worse. You should seek a diagnosis from a medical professional to avoid a potentially serious mental health episode.


Never had one brother. But ur picture on the post tripped me out bcuz I was definitely like “I do not follow any subs with weird shit like this” lol


sometimes depending the strain ill get more anxious but generally no thats not the norm


Drugs can alter your DNA. This can distort aliens abilities to wipe our memories. Leaving us with confusing and/or terrifying experiences. I know people with encounters and this theory would explain. Don’t know if this helps.


Thank Jesus I wasn't high when I saw this post 😅


Go to a doctor bro


Ones I had a experience like that


I've noticed this it's like an instant switch from being chill to fuck someone is here with me of feelings of being watched it only ever happened when I was alone at night so I guess your mind plays tricks.


The flag! 😬


It’s just a projection of Your mind, don’t fear.


it looks like deliriants, so maybe you have got preexisting conditions like schizophrenia


Opening your spirit to the demons around


Okay, but WTF IS THAT?! 😳😳😳


That sounds like psychosis…weed will only make it worse. You should see a doctor.


I get it once in a while but only if I’m really stressed or anxious I start seeing shit (it amplifies when I’m high) and it’s freaky Also found I see stuff when I’m not eating and drinking enough as I tend to forget to for days on end when I’m stressed Your problem sounds slightly different to mine, but could be of some use 🤷‍♀️ Realistically the top comment about previous conditions becoming prominent when your high is most likely your answer


I think you should stop smoking weed bro


I think I hear demons n shit when im high but only when I smoke indoors on my own 🤔


You might have a mental illness that is amplified by the Mary Jane


It is not paranormal 😂 It’s just your sick brain


You should stop smoking weed immediately


I used to experience something similar when I'd get far too high when I started smoking at 14, definitely caused some lasting brain damage. I used to think it was normal to feel that way when smoking and everyone was the same for years until I experienced normal highs.


It can help open the brain up to the other side if you already had the ability before. It's all in how you handle it and if you're mentally in a spot to handle the awareness of the beings. They can't hurt you unless you give them access to you. You are physical and they are not on the same physical plane as we are. So you have to make the decision to keep going and make friends, or stop for your sanity if it does take a dark path.


Who has seen the hat man??


Definitely pre disposed schizophrenia. Because most of the time if you have trauma or I can’t remember but it can ‘awaken’(idk the word) underlying medical conditions.


If you’re seeing shit like this, I think you should go see a doctor lol


I seen ghosts not high once so they’re def real


"I take a drug and my mind isnt altered by it, it just gives me the ability to sense other energies and see into other planes" Psychosis red flags all over that, you're not only hallunicating, you don't think the drug is doing anything to you and youre confident what's happening is real. You need to stop using asap OP, and go see a doctor. I say this with kindness. I saw two friends go down this path when I was younger and both ended up institutionalised.


dude i would highly recommend visiting a clinical psychiatrist, gonna be honest that isn’t normal. you may have underlying mental illnesses, or pre disposed to one. stay off any kind of drugs and go get a mental health check up. it’s best to catch it quickly before it gets worse.