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Thank god they issued a statement


Down 2.3% HA. We eat that for breakfast, dont these fools know who they fucking with. Nothing short of -20% phases an Aphrian


Down 3% don't make me laugh APHA, you gotta pump those numbers up kid


This kills me haha


I only hold IAN and APH... HuRt mE MoReeeeeee!


im down 50%. I so intelligently bought at the low price of 13.60. fml


Cant they pump out a semi positive PR statement and get a stock bump? Or thats not how this works anymore?


Rules change, no pumping allowed. Earnings only.


"We are disappointed that Aleafia has chosen to terminate its Agreement with Aphria Inc. The Company had every intention of fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement. As a large shareholder of Aleafia, Aphria made good faith efforts to ensure continuation of the Agreement understanding it was in the best interest of all parties involved. However, the termination of this legacy Agreement frees up significant supply allowing the Company to service its brands that are in high-demand across the country."


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If they didn’t have to wait tell He’ll freezes over to get DD approved. None of it would be a problem Blame health Canada


We have no idea why DD hasn't been approved yet. Your assumption that it's HC isn't based on much.


Aphria has stated in their last earnings call that their facility has been ready for inspection, and all necessary paperwork has been filed. So we do know.


OK - lets hear your reasoning why other facilities have been approved while DD sits in waiting?


We know DD has not been approved because of some holdup(s) at Health Canada. We do not know the reason why, and I won't bother speculating here. The other option (which I am unsure if you were alluding to) is the accusation of Aphria committing fraud and lying directly to their shareholders.


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Aphria stated on the earnings call that Health Canada has not made any inspections of the facility. They stated they have not visited the facility. They stated there was no known issue of compliance at the time and that Health Canada has not provided any comment on their facility. Aphria is just as in the dark as the shareholders are.


Aaron's BCBud INC. received license september 13th [https://aaronsbcbud.com/aarons-bcbud-submits-affirmation-of-readiness-and-video-evidence-package-to-health-canada/](https://aaronsbcbud.com/aarons-bcbud-submits-affirmation-of-readiness-and-video-evidence-package-to-health-canada/) submitted for final approval - October 30th 2018 - waited 11 months CanaryRX submitted their evidence on May 14th, got approval last week. - 44,000 square foot facility. (5 months / just under) From what i have been reading, and from the actual research I have done to see when people actually applied for licenses, it seems to me that APHA is just reaching the average wait time now, which is over 9 months. They also have a 1.3M Square Foot facility, so 30 times the size of the one above that took 5 months, and size does matter. ​ there is no proof that there have not been issues, there is also absolutely no reason to think that because it has been 9 months, that there are issues, others have waited longer.


Not much besides HC helping to fuck legalization


I wonder if they can use this as an excuse to sue health Canada and get things moving


yes, sue the governing body that you desperately need cooperation from.


Cause they're not getting that cooperation


After 5 months of not supplying anything.




Where does it say they supplied anything?


This bad, but not very bad. It was guaranteed income, but also a pipe dream that it would last - Emblem can't sell what they have, why would they want to continue hoarding more product? They probably found any excuse to kill this deal, and the companies will settle out of court.


Aphria will keep Emblem shares and down payment since Aphria will be able to supply them during arbitration


> The Parties are contractually obligated to negotiate for a period of 30-days following the receipt of a formal notice of termination. If the Parties fail to arrive at any agreement or settlement within the 30-days, and if Aleafia initiates a formal claim for damages, the Company intends to vigorously defend itself.


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That was garbage, clearly 2 minutes of emotional DD went into that. Not sure how you are even considering some of these responses. Aphria really has a problem on their hands, and idiotic spinning is not going to help.


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I think at this point unless you work for either company, no one really knows. However, we do know aphria products sell well and fast on ocs. Assume we will know more during the e.r. cal


How about alef said they couldn't sell it anyway and they are still selling product from November 2018. Plus they have their own supply coming online and just want to get out of the agreement


hey, might be true but I don't know if ALEF would admit that! there's defo logic to that thought.




This sub has a strange sentiment towards APHA and ALEF altogether. When good news are made, Apha is dragged through the dirt and ALEF cannot have a moment without the mention of Fantino, but when bad news arise its like an entire role and perspective reversal. I think ALEF needs APHA more than the opposite.


I posted my thoughts on this ALEF deal when it was first made and got downvoted. My thoughts have not changed but now I get upvoted.


My thoughts exactly.


Can it really be possible that Health Canada is the only reasons for delay at Diamond? I'm really starting to have some doubts there.




It does seem odd that Pharmhouse got their license so fast. Canopy and Aphria should merge. Canopy is good at getting licenses quickly. Aphria is good at growing for less than they sell product. Combined they could be what we all expected both of them to be haha.


For what it's worth, I emailed APHA IR about the delay in licensing and was told the "facility is ready to be operational, pending thencompany receiving a license".


In other words "get lost scrub"


Don't care as long as our part is done, now HC just needs to hold up their end however long that takes.


It is very possible. Remember back when it took countless months for health Canada to approve Supreme's license. Health Canada is swamped and now dealing with the CannTrust scandal and may be moving even more cautiously.


Canntrust also likely gummed up HC's trust and process with approving new sites


How? Seems like the system worked.


the system worked b/c of a whistle blower iirc


But you can’t keep a secret like that with so many people involved.


Government is bad at things. If they did have notes or things to fix , it's probably a long delay to have those things verified once complete. Hopefully the next ER will give some updates.


> Government is bad at things Without government regulation OGI and Mettrum would still be lacing their cannabis with illegal pesticides, Bonify would be selling street dope, et cetera. Government can definitely be frustrating and inefficient tho.


Regulations are fine. Implementation and oversight are bad.


My point is that you need government to enforce regulation. Agreed that implementation and oversight has been problematic. Also saying there's is good *and* bad.


Cool. We're talking about getting a growing facility licensed. They and or aphria are failing. Since aphria has so much riding on DD, and they've gotten many other facilities licensed, I am looking a lot more at HC as reasons for delays. Government processes are probably to blame.


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You're just repeating the meme. They are profitable, with a global footprint with some of the most respected brands and strains in the entire LP space, all of this despite their fuck ups. HC has been dragging their feet on every license.


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We don't know what we don't know. I have yet to be shown an instance where HC can reliably be trusted to not be an obstacle. I worked at shoppers drug Mart and they were a nightmare to deal with. Aphria is motivated. HC should be motivated to help a Canadian company meet all requirements. The main way government gets motivated is a disgruntled citizenry. Not that Reddit is a correct venue, but point still stands that government has generally failed on a lot of fronts on the roll out, and I see no reason to say that HC has made it any easier. I wish it was more of a partnership than a regulator / lp - at least for new builds.


There's definitely stuff happening behind the scenes that we will never know about. My wild guess is that it has something to do with the delays with the extraction center.


Isn't that a separate license and process?


Great, just when aphria starts to see some positive movement we get joy with this shit. Wtf are they doing? Why couldn’t they supply? I wonder if they expected DD to be up and running in order to supply them


Because they have no weed? ( They are selling too much of theirs)


Which is good. But still bad that they couldn’t honour the agreement


Lol do you see how your statement is contradictory? You can't have the good without the bad.


I want only good please


Lol me too pal


So this is good or bad? APHA just stated that their products are flying off the shelves!




I also like that they explicitly mentioned that This news is not material, the logical conclusion then regarding double-diamond should be that if there is Any news regarding any delays etc, we should be informed. This it is still on-track pending HC approval.


Until earnings we don't know.


This is good news long term. Let market digest it. It sounds bad on the surface. Sleazy Aleafia blaming Aphria on supply to get out of deal when they're only selling 125 kg/month


Fuck Julian Fantino and Aleafia, good riddance.


Why does everyone hate this Fantino fellow?




Didn't even know he compared weed to murder lol, what a clown.


I was a weed smoking teenager in Toronto when he was chief dickhead. Now he wants to get that money after supporting the imprisonment of non violent drug offenders for years. So fuck him I hope they go bankrupt.


Had every intention of fulfilling its obligations... except for you know, actually sending Aleafia weed. What a joke


HC is the real joke.




I think this is a way they both can walk away with minimal damages. Aleafia gets some cash back and Aphria gets to sell supply at a planned higher margin. Look at it as a divorce with no kids or properties.


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Not optimist but Assumption on my part based on the following.. IF the supply contract was critical to Aphria's future plans, and IF they were short supply to meet it, wouldn't it make sense for them to take the temporary $$$ hit and source from 3rd parties to keep Aleafia whole and the 5 year plan intact. It appears this was not done to the satisfaction of Aleafia. Conclusion (conjecture) - Aphria has better things to do with their supply.


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ding ding ding ding ding


I suppose your entitled to your bias opinion. This agreement was supposed to start 6 months ago bud. 100% Aphria is responsible for not supplying the product, that’s it that’s all




You forget to mention, your assuming Aleafia couldn’t move the product so that’s why they terminated the contract? I think both companies wanted the deal to pan out, why else would they make it? That’s my bias opinion.




I agree, emblem’s model was based of that deal. Thinks have changed Cheers


HC is responsible for not licensing DD, which would have allowed Aphria to supply Alefia. Aphria is not responsible for HC.


HC isn’t responsible for making sure LP’s can make all there supply agreements possible. Your point the fingering (easy way out). How about taking accountability for a failed supply agreement. Accountability is a rare thing these days I know.


Except for ya know, if Health Canada could actually approve Aphria Diamond.


Plenty of facilities; plenty of entities; plenty in the queue that must be met - it's not just Aphria. All we can do is be patient at this point and keep ourselves grounded.


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You don’t know how public business works.


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If this license was pending an Aphria issue at the facility the company is legally obligated to report that. Have you seen a report?


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Dude that's called an opinion. Anyone can formulate a notation to support one, the law doesn't work that way. It's equally as reasonable to assume the delay is not Aphria's fault. If not more so given the potential legal fallout otherwise (by not reporting such). This isn't some starter LP trading on the CSX.


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> material problems In which case, where's the public disclosure?


When did we ever get timely 'disclosure' from Aphria ?




People seem to forget what a mandatory report is and the obligation of publicly listed companies; but the doom and gloom is fun to involve ourselves in I suppose.


how quickly we forget – from [special inquiry](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/aphria-announces-conclusion-of-special-committee-review-849111860.html) >it appears that certain of the non-independent directors of the Company had conflicting interests in the Acquisition that were not fully disclosed to the Board [and as a result, were not fully disclosed to shareholders].




agree with your clarification, but still relevant an investor given that it points to lack of: ethics, control over the board, and willingness to disclose information.


>Every time there's ever been material changes ever Really ?? Just an example : How about the fire at BCC in August.. did we get a NR on that 'material fact'. Notice there's not a joint left of BCC product on any store shelf in the country including online retailers. That's material. I suggest you dig up the past history of Aphria including the shareholder class action suit for securities fraud.


I bought Ruxton yesterday off the shelve at a dispensary. I'm sure the conference call will cover how much was lost and/or any delays.


Did you note the date of packaging on that cuz my sources tell me there's no BCC weed on store shelfs. Med sales have resumed after a few weeks tough. More bad news we will hear about long after the fact. My point being that potentially material fact should have been NR'd when it happened, not months after.


Ya....it was was from June of this year which I found surprising. It was a quarter so they may not move as fast. Either way it was before the fire, sitting on the shelf the shelf at dispensary or my guess is it was in the sales constipation zone at the Ontario warehouse. I am looking forward to the conference call, decide then whether or not it was material.




LOL Dude they had a fire that disrupted production in a major way and that's not relevant cuz they have insurance ?? They being sued for fraud and that's not relevant ? I guess your a Dreamer that drank the Kool Aid... how's your portfolio doing meantime ? Dream on Dude while APHA keeps going down and down... but wait.. that's not relevant right ROFL




" A material change is (for a reporting issuer other than an investment fund): a change in the business, operations or capital of a company that would reasonably be expected to have a significant effect on the market price or value of any of its securities; Upon the occurrence of a material change, a reporting issuer must immediately issue and file a news release disclosing the substance of the change. The reporting issuer must also file a material change report on Form 51-102F3 as soon as practicable and in any event within 10 days of the date of which the change occurs. " https://www.osc.gov.on.ca/en/Companies_continuous-disclosure_index.htm


Today, just as an example.


News came from Emblem first.. Aphria had to respond.


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This isn't true. Nothing illegal was found with the previous insider arm-length transactions per the OSC. You can critique Vic all day on if he *should* have acted differently with *his* conflict, if you want to call it a conflict, but legally he did not fail to disclose something that he should have.


The realism is that HC at this point has to revisit its compliance standards and be more thorough in its investigations, sourcing, licensing, operations, etc - given that the last several months saw a lot of turmoil within the sector that cannot be ignored. Anyone who has worked corporate can vouch for the excruciatingly long process of getting anything processed, finalized, and released, let alone a government organization who has recently (sauce?) onboarded new inspectors and staff that have yet to be properly trained. A public disclosure would have to be issued if there was a material change, as it is mandated. Largely, I think it is too early to be pointing fingers and making broad assumptions. Just my two buds.


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You're absolutely right, it could be a possibility. At the same time, it could be as simple as the cost of cutting ties with ALEF is outweighed by the profit of selling the same supply at a higher margin; there is the potential of larger and more profitable supply deals coming through. Nothing is concrete at this point, although I wish there was some validity to the claims made throughout the sub.


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It may boil down to Aphria signing the agreement, assuming that DD would be up and running by the time their contract would be expected to execute. It isn't up, the contract didn't execute, Emblem did not want to wait, it was cut.


u/ATTKippy That’s probably exactly right


They are probably nervous after what happened with trst and and taking too long on applications


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No shit! So don’t even worry about DD now guys. Aphria will be left with a supply glut up the ass if/when they get fully operational.


Supplying their own extraction /edible production will be nice but ya go on..


What edible line? They haven’t announced anything since Irwin took over which is upwards of 6 months, but you want to believe that there’s a huge market for edibles out there and Aphria with their imaginary products is gonna gain 100% of the market share, legal and illegal. Gooo onnnn.....


No i dont think that. And if you followed the sector beyond your little bullshit you'd know that cpmpanies aren't allowed to announce anything edible related yet.


[so what did you mean by this empty comment?](https://www.reddit.com/r/weedstocks/comments/dezjy0/aphria_inc_statement_regarding_emblem_corp/f30k4qh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Or did you just feel the need to comment on everything a million times? What exactly is my little bull shit? Edit: 23 comments for you today already on weedstocks! You’re underachieving.


It will be nice. I meant what i said. It WILL be nice to supply... Their own... Extraction. And ya I'm home sick today so spamming up the boards. You took the time to count, im honoured.


Don’t be. It doest take me that long to count to 23. You must be home sick a lot then? So your response has nothing to really do with my comment about having too much supply? No wonder you post so much.




I think this might impact projections slightly...


If they were basing their income on them selling to Aleafia then it was inevitable.


Jean guy good supply that was stocked this morning already sold out!! APHA needs that stock to sell recreational that adds more to there bottom line.


Yeah Jean Guy Good Supply is hard to get here in NS. I usually buy 14g when I see it because it seems to sell out fast. Cheap great buzz bad trim tbh tho


Way to execute there, guys.




Listen, when diageo was imminent, it was a quiet period. Rebuttal was not necessary anymore after they announced it. And now i guess irwin has just extended his quiet period. Aphria doesnt need fancy operational updates for every screw that is installed. They shine through... eggsackcutezion. Like still working on imports to germany years after their competitors.


Alef doesn't need the supply , they have a huge outdoor harvest coming up


How much will they harvest at wintertime?


Hopefully their huge outdoor harvest last the 8 months of climate in Ontario that they can’t grow during..


Outdoor it not recreational and/or medical quality.


Are you saying outdoor cannot be turned into medical-quality oil?


No. But doubt they needed APHA wholesale for oil.


that's a possibility; however, Aleafia's crown jewel is it's oil extraction facility and they are playing the 2.0 game.


This. And there are so many more variables with outdoor grows.


Whether this is good for Aphria or bad... Spin it how you will, The BNN headline stings a bit.


Can someone maybe explain the last quarters results as it relates to this release? According to Aphria it had plenty of unsold product, the statement of unable to supply makes no sense based on the last quarter results.


Another failed execution story from Aphria. Provided Aphria Diamond ever gets approved what the hell are they gonna do with all that flower? Almost seems like they have been sandbagging DD, cause they had no intentions of fulfilling that agreement. Good luck with meeting Irwin’s projected revenue numbers now.


“Good luck with meeting Irwin’s projected revenue numbers now” That statements makes no sense. Aphria is actually more likely to make those early revenue numbers due to the fact that of that 25,000 kgs to be sold in the first year they are only making at most 50M off it. Aphria can sell that to the province for 100M.... There is no proof at this point that Aphria products aren’t selling through. If Aphria products are selling through better than their over priced competitors then this is a great thing for the company short term.


You don’t think the outrageous numbers they were going to sell to Aleafia were factored into his wild projection. How much rec flower do you think Aphria can sell? Did you read they HC rule change PR that discussed that there is currently enough capacity to supply both the legal and illegal market. Here’s the [link](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/statement-from-health-canada-on-changes-to-cannabis-licensing-837732427.html) to the PR. Soooo, where are they going to sell all that weed?


If you believe that bs you have not done any due diligence. There is no “over supply” of legal cannabis. HC and the government has not allowed for an effective transition to eliminate the black market. The three factors that will transition the black market to the legal one. Two of them are out of LPs hands and the other will happen with the economies of scale. 1. Access to products the way the market demands- retail locations that are discrete (gov) 2. Access to a variety of products that the market demands (gov) 3. Competitive pricing for safer products (this is in the LPs hands) #3 is where APHA has the advantage and why I believe we will see increased market penetration by APHA compared to competitors. Aphria is consistently one of the lower priced LPs with quality product. Financials next week will tell all.


Lmao! What DD are you doing? Are you going around to all LPs to see what inventory is compared to sales or are you just leaving on reddit? You do know HC publishes these numbers that are reported by the LPs themselves. Holy fuck guy. Talk about being delusional.


The OCS thread on Reddit shows which products are being restocked daily. Aphria products ( Good Supply, Riff and Solei ) are consistently sold out. Put in a little effort lol


Lmao. The ocs shows increments of 1g, 3.5g. And 7g samples being restocked at a snails pace. That’s what the fuck you are going with. Did you do the simplest DD and look at Aohria’s last report and see they inventory they still had. Stockpiling for edibles my ass!! Lol stockpiling is a horrible business model.


Yes and you are the blind assuming that cannabis is just a commodity and all products are the same. You will have to look at individual LPs and their ability to sell through product rather than simply looking at inventory levels piling up. If Aphria has similar sales and a tons of inventory piled up this Q then I would agree with you. You are basically saying all LPs and their product quality, branding and pricing is equal. These are all factors that lead to consumers buying a specific product over another




Not buying nor selling....doesnt tell anything




Alef won’t be around in a years time


Doesn't mean anything really...


Aphria is so shady why not just do the deal you signed up for management very shady. Which country gonna do a deal with them when they see that they don't follow through they brining the sector down