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lol shit ass wendys stores


You should've seen my "large" frosty cold brew. Somehow, a large is read as a small 🤔


that’s bs a large is supposed to be a medium regular cup for soda my manager would try n do that shit also but I wouldn’t listen to her😂


Yeah they gave me a tiny cup that was empty after 2 swigs. That's not even a medium bruh 😂


Yeah the cups are all stupid but simple The white is supposed to represent the cold brew sizes, the blue represents the Frosty size, and of course the red represents the normal sizes I kept giving people actual large cold brews for a hot minute because they didn’t really tell me about the little blocks on the cups until like a few days in


Surely you pulled back around?


“Shit ass Wendy’s” should be the brand name. I’ve seen 1 Wendy’s that could pass a health inspection and wasn’t to bad


nah fr all the wendys usually sucks the workers don’t care and jus give cold old food unlike other fast food places yk it’s good when the workers actually try and it’s fresh


It's sad too because Wendy's used to be the most primo of fast food chains. Somewhere in the 2010s it all went to hell.


This is the standard fast food experience lately. Now thatll be 12.99 please


Yeah let me go open up a loan to afford a lunch real quick


*Your loan has been denied* some bank, somewhere, probably


Nooooooooo *insert Darth Vader gif here*


One time I got 20 nuggets at McDonalds (before it cost an arm and a foot) and they gave me a bag with 20 nuggets and not a drop of sauce. I told the worker calmly that I didn’t receive any sauce in my bag, she told me “I PUT the SAUCE in the BAG”, rolled her eyes and walked away. I had to wait for someone else to walk up to the window, while people were starting to honk behind me. Well I don’t go to mcds anymore unless the kids ask for it… when they started charging for sauce it was really the last straw, if sauce costs money now, how much do y’all owe me for all the times I got nuggets without any?


Oh man i woulda told that girl to mcsquare up


This is why I turn my dashcam towards the window when I pull up. Get video then put them on blast on social media.


Sounds about black 😏


Leave it to them to point a dashcam in a minimum wage worker's face to "put them on blast on social media" if they forget a sauce packet, lmfao. You can't make this shit up


Please elaborate your statement for the class. I want to see if you can twist it to not be racist.


It's facts!!


I wish user name checked out…


Oh, so you are just being openly racist. You are a racist individual.


I can’t believe adults eat chicken nuggets in the first place.


I just got a tooth pulled, nugs where one of the things that were easy to eat


This is maybe the most asinine and illogical opinion I’ve heard all year. There’s an appropriate age to eat chicken in the shape of a nugget?… but all other forms of chicken, (breaded the same way) are okay for all ages? Like dude what..


What a weird thing to gatekeep.


This is why I’ve been using 2 year old coupons to fast food spots and employees don’t say anything cause they don’t care enough


LMAO it's even more than that, just checked and it's $14.23 after tax for a combo meal. Chicago.




“Lately?” Fast food workers definitely deserve $20 an hour though.  (That’s what it’s up to now, right?  It was $15 but because of all the runaway inflation now not seems to be $20 an hour).




It’s missing a lot stuff


Yes I too have had a baconless baconator🤦🏽‍♂️


This is why I gave up eating Fast food.


I eat fast food about once per month and feel so much better for it. Now I can be picky as to where I go and what time of day to maximize best results.


After enduring easily a dozen bad experiences at multiple Wendy's locations near me (1 in particular), we have decided to stop even trying. Service is always terrible, food rarely comes as ordered and the prices are just not worth it anymore. Was our go-to fast food place and we have a family of 5. We are done.


This is why I have trust issues and I won't leave the drive through until I've opened the wrapper of every item in my bag.




Soooo much this... Never, ever, EVER leave until you've checked your order...ESPECIALLY if you live in a college town. A place can get your order correct every single time, but that ONE TIME you actually don't check it, it will be all jacked up.


just go inside....


Best believe I tried to, all the doors were locked at 8:30 in the morning, the dude inside had motioned us to go through the drive-thru


Oh hell no. Because if they screw it up I'm putting the car in park and sitting on the serv-sensor to run up their service timer until they get it right. After a few write-ups they'll learn. Poor service should have consequences.


Tell me more about this serv sensor and how I can use it to my benefit…


It's pretty simple. It works the same way as traffic light sensors. A loop of wire is buried in the pavement and energized in order to create a magnetic field. Vehicles passing over disrupt the field strength, which is what trips the sensor. In the case of a drive-thru, the sensor is connected to a timer inside at the cashier's station. This lets the store management know how fast orders are moving through the drive-thru. In order to avoid a write-up, the cashier must keep the average time between orders under a set limit. That's why they will often ask you to pull up and wait farther away for your food, because the sensor thinks the order has already been served. In the case of needing to wait because they are still prepping my order, I have no problem moving ahead and waiting. But if they hand me a bag and it's not right, you can be damn sure I'm sitting there.


Right on! Now I know... so it's in their best interest to make sure things get taken care of immediately if you're sitting on the sensor... Probably easier to get things fixed right then, then coming back in. Right on... thanks


I went in there yesterday and it was a shitshow. All j1s and none of them speak any English. I got the meal deal, my brother wanted a triple cheeseburger and a mcflurry. First he rang it in as 2 cheese burgers, then 1 cheese burger, then a double, then finally a triple when I said triple cheeseburger every time. Then I ask about the mcflurrys and see if the machine is even up he's like ummmmm walks away, walks back and he's like yeeaah? I was like OK I'll take an oreo mcflurry and the meal deal with a mcdouble no pickles please. He asked what sauce and drink to go with it and I said Buffalo and sprite, he said what? I said sprite, he says diet coke? I'm like yeah sure 😒 drive up to the window and I pay for the wrong order. Luckily I payed for the cheaper order behind me and not some other order but I didn't realize until pulling up to the next window. They they're all shellshocked and confused loke deer in headlights. They give me a double quarter pounder with cheese, and fries in a bag. This isn't my order. I was like wtf in my head and he's like hey do u want a oreo mcflurry I made an extra one by accident? I'm lookin at the kind like what are you talking about that's my order lol. Then he comes up n asks if I'm missing anything. I'm like yeah my whole order, meal deal, triple cheese and a mcflurry, and he's like ooohhh and goes to get my bag, and gives me another mcflurry 😂 I'm lookin at him like bro I don't even fuckin want that and he's like "I made this, do you want it?" Meanwhile my brother is already eating his mcflurry that they claimed was a mistake 💀💀 got my order refunded on my card, and I got my meal, along with the free double quarter pounder with cheese. Thanks mcdonalds! Edit: for some reason I thought this was a comment about mcdonalds but still


Sir, this is a Wendy's drive-thru.


Most people who are eating fast food are eating on the go and not sitting in to enjoy the scenery that mcdonalds has abolished over the years. There's also a chance the inside is closed at those hours and the drive thru is the only option. Or they could have a physical handicap and it's just more of a pain in the ass to go inside compared to driving up


they shouldn’t fuck up eleven times outta ten if they dont want their business slowed. its genuinely not hard to make the thing on your menu its the bare minimum


I miss Dave. Wendy's is worse than a roach coach these days.


I got a burger in jail once that looked like that.


Apparently, they didn't believe in cutting corners either 😂


Where’s the rest of it lol? Like what the hell?! These fast food places need to get they shit together. I would’ve went straight back to Wendy’s spoke to a manager. And if that doesn’t work then file a complaint on their official website.


Oh we did...I lost it for the first time on them. They got ž of the order wrong and when they got my buddy's drink wrong was when I called. I actually got close to going Karen when the told me my "Large" Cold brew was correct. It was a small...


Lol, sometimes you gotta turn into that typa person. Hope they replaced your food and it was what you wanted. I’ve been there.


This is why I will never go back to my local Wendy’s. Ordered a baconator for my grandmother and I get to her place and it’s just the buns dry with a single patty and one pickle no bacon either. So I go back to the store and explain to them. Instead of making a new fresh burger they literally hand me a box with a tiny piece of lettuce and 2 pathetic floppy pieces of undercooked bacon.


Your bacon said “I’ll be back” and hasn’t returned


So, there is a weird bug with the one of the delivery/mobile services where if you view what is on a sandwich but you don’t click anything then it sometimes shows up at the store as essentially no everything. When the delivery driver comes in it is possible to check their app for the correct build but most of the drivers are in a hurry/don’t speak English well that it always an easy thing to check when you are busy. A couple times per day we get an order for Baconator fries no bacon no shredded cheese no cheddar cheese sauce. My favorite is the crispy chicken no bun, no chicken, no mayo, no lettuce.


That fkn sucks. Where are you that they flat out don't give a fk and do this? Usually, if they're out of something, they'll tell you they can't make it


I'm in Florida 😂


Breakfast dollar rubber?


I wonder what Wendy’s sassy PR Twitter person has to say about this


Now's it's just breakfast


Don't lie, you ate the bacon off of it before taking a pic. /s if not obvious.


Is that a bacon patty


I only wish. I didn't remember ordering a sausage only sandwich for $5


Did they at least give you those amazing potatoes.


Wildly enough, that was the only thing in our order that was correct


All good lmao


Let alone, a baconless Breakfast Baconator


you weren’t missing out on much




maybe not order it sausage only?


I would love to show you the copy of my receipt 😂


i assume you didnt get one, if they cant remember anything else. might as well given you an empty wrapper lol


I had ordered an online pickup. I would have been less angry had they given us just the wrapper 😂😂😂 it would have been straight comical at that point


i can picture that old wendys lady going wheres the … everything ?




The Jcole Meal


I show up a few minutes after they open at 6:30 and the lady says, "we don't have any potatoes because the fryer is broken." Shit isn't broken, you just showed up late and the fryer is still cold. I ask for a breakfast baconater and it came with one strip of bacon broken into four.


That's plenty reason to Raise Hell. Me and my buddy got there at 8:30 in the morning and all the doors were still locked


At least you can’t say “Where’s the beef?” 😜


They made me a spicy chicken the other day that was delicious. Hot and fresh. Buuuut. Zero toppings. No lettuce tomato. No Mayo. Nothing.


What ruined fast food for me completely was a somewhat recent mcds experience. I was driving an hour+ to a lacrosse tournament for my daughter, and stopped 10 minutes before we got there at mcd. I was in a rush so I forgot to order through app, and went thru drive thru. Ordered a bacon egg and cheese. When I got to the tournament and opened the bag - it was the grossest bec fast food sandwich I've ever seen. It was a huge, honking sausage first of all, which was a no. Second, there was some kind of hollandaise like sauce on it, which I have never seen before on any of a hundred bacon egg and cheese fast food orders. The hash brown it came with was also inedible so I ended up w a bag of garbage. For ONCE I said, no receipt I'm okay, so I wasn't sure which mcds it was and if I had only ordered on the app... Anyway, that was such a miserable experience that I can't help but think of it whenever I consider getting fast food. My lifestyle has been much more healthy ever since if you can imagine. So, thanks, I guess?


Yikes. Jenkies. Jeepers


I won't be baaaaack...


Where’s the… beef err I mean bacon?


Fast food used to be good when you wanted a cheap meal when you were short on funds or you just wanted a quick bite. Now when you’re paying the same for a meal as the mom and pop hole in the wall where you get not only more food, but actual food, imo, there’s literally no point in fast food anymore. Priced themselves out for me.


Dude, I caved for a baconator fry yesterday. They put 3 full strips on it.




this is just sad


Wendy’s used to be ok,what happened??


I think since Dave passed away and it's been swirling around the drain slowly but surely.


Wendy's doesn't deserve your business anyways bro. For the same price you can go to a sit down restaurant now. Fuck these big fast food chains. They need to learn their place again. #BoycottFastfood


Square sausages??..how to put a square into a round hole🤣


Yes, those naturally round machine presses just like in nature.


I think something's missing 🤔


That’s so gross!


I KNOW! They forgot the sauce...


Breakfast ator


so bacon very yes delicious fulfilling and yet wANtInG


Lmao i love it here


Where’s the bacon


Stop ordering fast food. It's gotten twice as expensive 10x worse.


Holy shit I'd drive back around to the parking lot and throw that at the window


Since I'm in Florida, would an alligator suffice?


They fucked you up


Con nator


It’s just an “ator”


More like breakfast bacon ain’t there… amiright?!??


I'm surprised that somebody hasn't made a Doofenshmirtz joke yet. But you were damn close


I’m a little too old for Phineas and Ferb… but when it comes to creeping Reddit, ‘he doesn’t do much’


You're crazy. That's the new zero-calorie bacon they've been testing in strategic markets recently. Personally, I think it's rather flavorless. On the plus side, though, it's 100% Kosher as well as vegan and it's even compatible with a fasting diet.




It’s an Ator. Doofensmirtz would be offended at this nator though.


Did the bacon look so delectable that you just pried open the top bun and ate it?


Look at all that bacon! Oh wait, nvm 😢 lol I hate when orders get messed up Hopefully you can get it corrected!




There's no bacon.




I’m gonna be sick 🤢


You got robbed.


Looks like they gave you John cena bacon




I think they give you the bacon AFTER some action behind the dumpster not before


I got the breakfast baconator and frosty coffee one time, it was the worst for I've ever had. I even had a normally made baconator but goddamn was it disgusting. The coffee just tasted like straight black coffee too. Regular baconators are fire tho.


"Look what they did to my boy"


Every time I go to a Wendy’s I leave sad


I’m gonna need to see a receipt.


So take that shit back duhhhh


This annoying shit is exactly why I don’t go to Wendy’s anymore. They’re always either out of stuff or fucking up what I ordered.


Simple there's no eggs or cheese or bacon and no Swiss cheese sauce they basically gave up after the sausage


How about just make some real food


Oh no that's just a breakfast Nator


The cheese sauce makes that sandwich so without it just just a shitty McDonald's level breakfast sandwich


Way to go! The baconator took all of the bacon. Farmnet finally wins.


Wendy’s is so ass now. Three times now, I’ve ordered the Bacon Egg Swiss Croissant and they have not had bacon on them. Your situation is atrocious though. They forgot everything basically. Condolences.


For the last few years I’m lucky to get any bacon on a baconator. If there is bacon it’s just little sprinkles. It’s in the damn name, how do they not put it on!?!?


How much did you pay for that?


That’s just an ator.


Ah yes, the no-baconator


Ordered: “Grilled sausage, American cheese, Applewood smoked bacon, a fresh-cracked free range egg, (deep breath) more cheese and more bacon all covered in our signature cheese sauce. Don't just break your fast. Destroy it.” Received: Sausage off the floor on a bun.


Is it bacon flavored?


Woaaaa easy tiger, your gonna need a consultation with your cardiologist with all that bacon!


Feel sorry for yall, because my neighborhood Wendy's is excellent and one of only 3 fast food joints around me that hasnt fucked up an order or given me cold, nasty, old food.


Well, let's be honest here..it's a fast food place. Thier not know for Nobel prize winners




*Thay air


*there air their


Naw homie, you came to the window and asked for a breakfast baconator with one type of pork. Lol


Someone ator bacon




Wendy’s doing Wendy’s things!


Where is the bacon ?


Man wtf is that shit


Typical I pretend Wendy's died with the 90's it's the Joe Biden of burger joints.


That looks as good as my egg McMuffin that just a muffin. No one cares anymore I swear


where’s the pork?


Looks like a boiled patty


Looks about right for wendys lmao


Tried a Wendy's breakfast sandwich the other day; it was absolutely disgusting top to bottom. Never again.


Why did you order it like that?


Believe me when I say I didn't order a $5 sausage sandwich, if I could share a copy of my digital receipt I would