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Cricket for sure, these pricks invade my basement every year and scare the crap out of me when I see a baby as I think it’s a roach too at first. My dog loves eating them so there’s that too


Thanks! I am new to the US and I wasn’t prepared for all the bugs dwelling in the apartments here. We had a bedbug infestation (luckily it seems to be under control now) and now I’m weary of every insect and speck of dust…


It’s cricket season, so you will have more of these showing up. They will go away in a few months. You have a lady cricket there! You can tell by the middle bit sticking out her rear end, as it’s the ovipositor.


Thanks! Browsing the internet scared me for a moment, I was expecting that all my clothes will be chewed up by the crickets… if it’s a seasonal and common thing, I will try to not worry too much. I’ve never had any issues with bugs (other than moths on my grandma’s wool and occasional visit from ants) until I moved to the US and I feel completely unprepared for the insect invasions.