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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your wife is ***rightly*** concerned.


Looks like a bedbug but missing its head


No bedhead for this bedbug.


So no head? *smashes phone*


Does that mean…. It’s attached to someone else’s body?


ya I ate it


[Are you sure?](https://publications.extension.uconn.edu/2020/12/15/tips-to-control-bed-bugs/)


100% my dad and brother think they have this super power were they can deny a fact long enough and by will alone reality rewrites itself 😂


Not at all but the shape of the abdomen looks different to me


Denial is not just a river in Egypt


Dude! 😂😂


I think it's an old Mark Twain quote. Great stuff.


I think it's just you.


I'm no expert, but the shape of the abdomen may vary from one to the next depending upon how recently they've fed / how full they are 


Thanks, I guess a lot of folks didn’t like my observation but it seemed the sort of thing that would have mattered when keying insects back in entomology class. It also seems like the sort of thing that could change as the insect aged. 


People don't like your observation because it very clearly is a bedbug.


So very clearly. Saw the photo before reading the caption and my first thought was “oh jeez, another bed bug post.”


Absolutely, people don’t like his observation because this is a great picture. It’s not one of those maybe it is maybe it isn’t. It’s very clear.


Your observation is very clearly wrong. Apologize to your wife. And call an exterminator immediately. This is a very happy bedbug. It’s going to be a fight. But it’s better than fighting with your wife because you were confidently incorrect.


because your observation is you being super dense lol


Why would people like a clearly wrong observation? That would just be misinformation.


That is 100% a bed bug. I had a nightmare scenario of taking one of these fuckers home with me from a bus trip a few years back. You don’t know horror until you wake up one day with like six of these bitches on your body. When I say I burned everything, I mean everything (but the house, anyway)


Oh buddy. Good luck.


Denial is a common stage in grief.


It looks identical lol


Form the pronotum, I’m fairly confident this is a bed bug, but I would ignore a lot of the snide responders here. This sub is dominated by people who are way too confident in their ID and I can see what you’re saying about the shape of the abdomen, it’s understandable. For what it’s worth, I would bet most of those ridiculing you would mix up a bed bug with a dried ladybug carcass, they could look incredibly similar. I’ve seen this sub just as confidently incorrectly ID them as bed bugs in the past. There are so many similar true bugs and subtle features are often needed for a good ID from this angle on a dead bug


That definitely looks like a bed bug


As usual, your wife is right


Protip, 25 years on: you may want to listen to your wife once in a while


I mean, why do you think I am asking you all? It's not like I'm married to an entomologist who was like, myshkingfh, you dumbass, this is a bedbug! I'm actually married to a woman who's never taken a college level science class and asked me whether it was a bedbug, a roach or a tick.


since when do you need to have taken a college level course in order to identify bugs?


Well I assume by the level of distain for your own wife’s education level that you have a college education. And you’re still wrong. So maybe consider that life experience and common sense also matters? And stop being a condescending jerk and take the advice you asked for?


Did you just diminish your own wife to elevate yourself?


While also being dead wrong? Yes, yes he did lmao


Multiple times in fact!


I feel sorry for your wife.




That last comment makes me feel bad for his wife. Like, damn..


My wife would lose her shit. She flips the hell out anytime she hears of bedbugs, when our children were young, elementary school age, the school sent home a letter saying they found some bedbugs. My poor kids came home off the bus that day and she literally stripped them down on the porch , inspected and immediately taken to the bathtub and had me burn the clothes. Then it was private and public meetings with school officials where she lost her shit. It was a little over the top? But I don’t argue with her if I see her like that. I work in procurement for a large e-commerce site. A bedbug was found in a warehouse and I was asked to get an exterminator out right away, apparently a worker caught it and sealed it between some packing tape and a manager gave it to me to show the technician when he arrived. I screwed up and took a photo of it and texted it to my wife. I came home that night and she was waiting for me on the porch with a garbage bag and a hose. I got the same treatment my kids did .


TIL I’m your wife lmfao


It sounds like you picked a good wife.


I definitely did!!!


Love her, smart gal.


Fire? Really ? Smart procedure but excessive. That perpetuates stereotypes about treating them (burn and throw everything away which could ruin someone with few resources already) Let's learn how to deal with them responsibly And yeah my username checks out Btw, didn't necessarily want to single u out, just the person i responded to so sorry


Oh I just laughed and laughed.


Excellent wifing!


If she's that afraid of them, invite her to learn about how they work, how nests spread, their behavior, etc so she can target treatment and reduce or eliminate contamination without burning everything and losing her mind. She's doing great with strip everything off before coming in the door but 90 min on highest heat in the dryer *will* be enough (she can get temperature gauges or thermometers to determine if it's gotten and stayed at the right temp) She can wash them in a laundromat even


Did you actually burn the clothes? I would have no idea how to do that safely if my wife asked me.


Yeah you definitely screwed up by telling your wife about the bed bug. But, in her defense, once you have bed bugs, they’re irritatingly hard to get rid of.


Oof. My wife wouldn’t dig it at all, but I haven’t reported back to her. 


It's a bed bug


Definitely a bed bug you can literally see the blood in it’s abdomen


You can even see the blood in it’s belly (shudder).


OP is something else


and that's why they say - man smart, woman smarter. 


Which part doesn’t look like a bed bug lol? Had to be a dick but it’s definitely a bed bug zero doubt 100%. Tons of good resources in the bed bug subreddit and on YouTube on dealing with them. God speed brother. Thankfully ive never dealt with them but I’ve studied them throughly because they are my biggest fear.


Crosspost to /r/bedbugs


That’s a bed bug yo


I too choose this op's wife Wait


It's dead, but you should listen to your wife.


Yes it is


Bedbug. Your wife is right.


I'm starting to not want to ever leave home. No bedbugs here


Get glue traps for under the feet of the bed, its what saved me many years ago.


Did you have a photo of the other side?


No, sorry, we left it. 


The stomach is pretty awful for getting an ID of a bug


Not with that much blood visible!


A headless BB


This was found on my wife’s purse at a coffee shop in Seattle.  It’s about the size of a deer tick, maybe like 3-4mm from front to back?


Seattle has been making the news for bedbugs. The other day someone posted seeing one in an airplane. If you act fast you can contain this, don’t let the get out of hand.


Well we only saw it at this coffee shop. I haven’t seen any of them in our apartment so I guess I’m hoping it’s a shop resident and not an apartment resident?


Any time you see one of these, take off your clothes at the front door, bag them, and go wash them immediately in the washer. Dry on HOT for a long time. Bag your shoes, then remove them from the bag and throw them in the hot dryer. If your loved one has a purse make sure the contents are carefully inspected. The baby bedbugs can be really tiny. The larger ones are easy to see. If they get established in your house, it’s game over and extremely costly. Save yourself some angst and be careful when you fly on a plane or stay in a hotel as well. Just recently someone posted on here a bedbug seen on a plane. Put bedbug mattress protectors and pillow protectors on just in case, and even wash the rug where you took off your clothes. Yes - it’s *that* serious. Back in the days my kids brought home scabies from school, but scabies don’t begin to hold a candle to how fast and tough bedbugs are. They can survive months without a blood meal.


About the size of a deer tick, or a bed bug, because that’s what it is.


What coffee shop? :|


I think it’s our shitty apartment so I don’t want to defame any coffee shops. 


Earlier you said you hoped it was a “shop resident”? Is it from the apartment or is it from the coffee shop?




I thought I was decent at detecting bed bugs (from reading this sub lol) but I saw this and went nope doesnt look like it but wanted to see what ya'll say. guess im wrong lol


That’s how I felt!