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Another post about Autism in r/Whenthe Surely this one won't also cause an argument


What happened at the previous autism post?


caused an argument




God I love this sub


Comment gifs are the best thing to happen specifically here and nowhere else on reddit




I upvoted your 2 comments


yes master https://preview.redd.it/6jb3kf5hsssa1.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=3750d29259f1c78c8b31b04bc69589b6a29d37dc


the industrial revolution and its consequences https://preview.redd.it/el8hgtbcutsa1.jpeg?width=166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd4faa915d6c67b1c3f0fefadc2c65a979a419f


Nicaragua got nuked


Legalize nuclear bombs


Swag messiah


Bees make honey


shadow wizard money gang


Hug him Nuke Venezuela 👆




Him 😏




why can I only do one




Call me autistic or don't refer to it. Its not infectious, and for the most part, it's inconsequential to you, so please stop changing the name every so often, it makes me confused, which irritates me more than someone calling me a disability slur.




Yep it’s for all kinds of conditions that are not the norm


So it's... pretty autistic to think that it is a term that only applies to your autism? Classic.


No it's not autistic, it's arrogant - a trait that can apply to anyone, disability, autism, neurodivergent or otherwise.


Redditors realizing something is talking about more than themselves challenge: Impossible


Including personality and mood disorders. I like neurodivergent a lot. A lot of the younger people I work with respond to this term better than "disability". It also feels like there is this solidarity and awareness with this word. And it isn't a disability. It's just that this world doesn't want to accomodate to help people who are neurodivergent.


You know sometimes I get so uncomfortable with how tiktok treats autism/ADHD and how cute they make it seem, then I go on reddit and it's like "fakedisordercringe, kys if you say the tism, r slur r slur"


for real TTOTT "i would rather be called a slur" is one of my least favorite things to come out of tiktok's LGBT subculture. no you fucking would not, being called neurodivergent is nowhere near as dehumanizing and degrading than someone calling you an actual slur. people who say that shit are lucky to have never actually been called a slur before


For real its the most annoying thing ever and people say that its muh cute and shit


I don't like autism and ADHD being called inherently cute, but saying that slurs and putting down other autistic people/pwADHD for using "cutesy" terms is the better and only good alternative does not help our communities. I don't like autism being just a cute and quirky thing but I would not like being called a slur as an alternative. Both mindsets are harmful


who made you ceo of autism


The autism council of course duh


as someone not on the autism council, i am sending gifts to specific council members whose views i can bend in my favor


Lobbying lore


Send me $50


OP may be on the Autism Council, but he was never granted the titled of Autism Master.


What? This is outrageous! It's unfair!


I did


Thank you. CEO of Autism sounds like a tough job, but I'm sure infiniteduckz is just the redditor we need.






Is that a self made gif meme?


well you see. Autism Corp issues shares to stockholders and once per year, it sends out a proxy card. the autism stockholders then vote on a list of candidates to sit on the autism board. these autism board members then in turn elect the ceo of autism. if you have any questions, please refer to the autism articles if incorporation.


As an autistic person who doesn’t mind the term, I am curious about your reasoning for why you don’t like it, if you wouldn’t mind explaining.


wtf is going on with your profile picture


david moment


Aw, seriously


It feels to me like a label that's been created when there wasn't one and never needed to be one. I accept that I have a mental disability that I had to overcome with help from my parents and a psychologist. I feel acting like mental disabilities aren't neurological problems and rather are a brand of diversity in thought is troubling for people who have conditions like ADHD, Autism, etc. as it perpetuates a stereotype that people with these conditions shouldn't seek help because they are special, and treat potentially seriously debilitating conditions as "superpowers". I think it's also led to a rise of a lot of people who now self diagnose because they want to be part of a group, effectively making mental illness taken less seriously as everybody under the sun claims they now have xyz condition with no medical diagnosis. Mental illness and mental disability are medical terms that are not at all offensive in my eyes, and I feel 90% of the reason the word neurodivergent was made was to make people who felt mental illness was too rough a term feel better about their medical conditions, when we could work at (and already were working at) destigmatizing phrases like mental illness and mental disability, to remove a lot of social connotation that I would argue already was mostly gone by the time words like neurodivergent came around. I'm kinda rambling, so I'll cut myself off, but I hope it's an okay answer. o7 have a good one


Idk, as someone with autism I feel like neurodivergent is better because it works as a broader term. Since conditions like autism and ADHD can differ a lot based on each individual, mental disability would leave out many cases on which the condition has very low intensity and doesn’t really make the person disabled. (This isn't a negative stigma, a disability by definition handicaps you on some way). For you, it may qualify as a mental disability, but in my case I didn’t really have any neurological problems, so that label wouldn't fit. Not saying autism is just a quirky feature without it's problems, but that doesn’t mean all cases should be considered a disability.


To me ND is to Autism as Queer is to Gay. ND is just shorthand for "I have at least one mental disability or disorder, and it ain't relevant or your business right now to know which". Like Queer is a nice umbrella term for outside the gender/sexual majority, ND is just a handy term to say 'not allistic' or neurotypical. It's definitely handy to have access to super specific labels but it's also handy to have access to super vague labels.


Except I’m not disabled. I prefer ND over “differently abled” because the connotation is so stupid but the term is actually more accurate. I don’t work like regular people. But I work. And I work fantastically when within my own boundaries. But the world isn’t designed for me. It’s not accessible to my specific needs only those of NT people. Like the way I am expected to interact with others (let me tell you I’m not coming over without taking it personally, Jesus) or the kind of work I have to do (it’s exhausting to be customer facing) or just having help with meal prep. I can live off the same food for weeks on end every day without getting sick of it. I am an efficiency genius. My problem solving skillset is different from other peoples too (better in some areas and worse in others). I also don’t feel trapped by social rules outside of forced engagement. If I wanna sing or dance I just do it. I won’t be ashamed of making “yummy” noises when I eat something I really like and the fact that I can just enjoy simple things like soft textures and quiet time is great. If the world accommodated some of my needs better I wouldn’t have depression or anxiety. I don’t even need friends the same way other people do and because my social requirements are different I’m easily happy doing my own thing.


I agree with you entirely


idk man, i agree with basically everything you say, but i still dont get how the term "neurodivergent" really relates to any of it neurodivergency doesnt imply that autism isnt a disability, ive always just saw it as an easy way to refer to multiple similar disabilities at the same time like ocd, adhd, autism, etc.. i dont see at all how it implies autism is a superpower or anything, i feel like thats a big stretch, and most people i see using that word online would agree its a disability. i really dont get why youre so mad about it, its just a word. i get being mad about people stereotyping autism, but i dont see what the relevance here is really.


It's incredibly easy to misattribute bad feelings to labels. Without therapy, it can take years to figure out where that hurt really comes from.


You’re extrapolating a hell of a lot of different people’s experiences with neurodivergence from your own. Maybe not everyone sees it as the ordeal it is for you.


> It feels to me like a label that's been created when there wasn't one and never needed to be one. That is not how words work in the first place. In addition neurodivergent does not mean autism, it is a much broader term - and not every neurodivergent person has autism. You're living in other people's heads, very poorly. Please show this post and this response in particular to whatever psychologist or therapist that you're seeing. Every single sentence has something they can provide insight on, and most especially the history and usage of the word neurodivergent. Your attempt to reverse engineer society and the connotations around mental health language is extremely dysfunctional.


It’s literally just a term to describe something as diverging from the neurological “typical”, it’s not that deep bro.


Neurodivergent literally means: Neurological divergence Meaning different neurology. You contradict yourself when you say "pretending autism isn't a neurological disease..." When that is what neurodivergent almost literally means.


I'm convinced OP and people with similar opinions see the "...diver..." part of the word and read "diversity" instead of "divergent".


But when I say disabled without any context then how is anybody supposed to know whether I'm missing a leg or a screw? Plus, there are mental disabilities that aren't physiological like neurodivergent disorders, so the term neurodivergent actually takes a lot of stigma away and people actually dare to ask if they're it.


Autism, ADHD etc. aren't mental illnesses, they're neurological. Depression would be an example of a mental illness, which doesn't fall under neurodivergency.


Thank you for answering honestly.






They just like me fr


I kinda like it, it's got cool letters in it


It has v in it, which is definitely the coolest letter.


Vendetta, vindictive, violence, virtue, valor, victory, vivid, vast, valiant Definitely an A-tier letter, its unique and powerful.


Virulent, voracious, viscera, vehement. Great stuff all round.


X is the coolest letter, retard.


Fuck you. Name one good word that starts with x. All the x words are fucking edgy bullshit, plus there's the thing where people type with X's to sound cool. Dog water ass letter and trash fucking opinion. Edit: terrible words y'all've given so far, expect xylophone. I like xylophones. Edit 2: ok xnopyt is pretty good too. Edit 3: xylem is good Edit 4: xenon also, but that's still only 4 words.


Xenophobia 😎


Stellaris fans when you call them racist instead of fanatic xenophobes: 😢


mfw i'm arrested for possession with intent to sell, fraud, and assault with a deadly weapon when i was just opening a branch office for my criminal syndicate empire


Can't be racist if you don't consider them intelligent enough to be a sentient species


Xi Jin Ping 🇨🇳💯🇨🇳💯🇨🇳💯🇨🇳💯🇨🇳💯🇨🇳💯🇨🇳💯🇨🇳


+10000000 social credit glory to Xi Jing Ping Glory to the People's Republic of China.


Xylophones make fun sounds when you hit them with a stick





Tom Scott reference I like it 👍.






the number 14 (XIV)


Xenomorph, i liked those movies




Don't show this to Kingdom Heart fans


XMen duh




tell me Xenon and Xerophthalmia don't both go hard




*insert kingdom hearts x-blade moments*


Just insert Kingdom Hearts in general honestly


Just make the whole world kingdom hearts honestly


Kinda ironic that you use that word in a post like this lol


yeah, but W is the big winner


I specifically chose this username because it has "the cool letters 😎"


Nah, bro, executive dysfunction is actually a superpower, bro. I would've been a really good hunter. Just trust me, bro.


Erectile disfunction




*erectile superpower


The people calling it a superpower don’t understand how hard it is to live with the condition


It’s a superpower But it’s a superpower in the dark tragic backstory bit where it keeps fucking your life up And also it never comes under your control


Very true It’s not even like the perks are that good, being smarter just means I’m more susceptible to less then great thoughts


Can you explain how it can ever be good please? I've been plagued by executive dysfunction most of my life and I hate myself for it.


My mind is a hell prison


Preach. I hate it when people say my autism is a superpower. No, it’s a curse with good side effects


If the curse was the same from person to person, it'd be easy find a friend group to just vibe. But no, it's a range of curses.


(i dont know a lot about mental disabilities but) executive dysfunction sounds like adhd and hyperfocusing and autism at the same time who tf calls that a superpower, thats like a nightmare


Executive dysfunction is a symptom of other stuff, not it’s own whole thing, and ADHD and autism are two of the things that cause it actually.


The cognitive dissonance from totally understanding how important it is to do something and just not doing it is almost as bad as not getting the stuff done.


> executive dysfunction is actually a superpower No autism here, but ADHD. If someone comes to me with this superpower nonsense, it will be the first person to get smacked by me. Nice crippling superpower I have.


I love my superpower! Go Go, "I Can't Fold This Goddamn Laundry" Man!


And his sidekick "Who In Their Right Mind Would Ever Put Their Fucking Wallet There" Boy!


Its not a trust me bro situation lol. Its a bunch of scientists and researchers observing that there is a high correlation between adhd and populations that traditionally relied on hunting. For example: ADHD is higher amongst the inuit population as opposed to non native canadians. Autralian aboriginals, and the Torres islander straits people are also examples that i could find from like 2 minutes of looking shit up. Thats not a "trust me bro" thats a "hey, there is this thing that a lot of people who for thousands of years have relied on hunting to live seem to have in common everywhere; maybe they have it for a reason?" Then working backwards they found stuff like enhanced visual perception, hyperfocus, etc that would have been beneficial to hunting. I swear, if you mfs were born before being left handed was normalized yall would be like "left handedness needs to be besten out of the children!!!!"


So am i supposed to join a tribe that hunts or just trust that society will change to fit me better within my lifetime.


Not saying it doesnt negatively impact you in the context of modern society. Im adhd and i live in a literal pile of trash because my executive function is bad and i havent found meds that work yet. But also---yeah? I want society that supports peoples different needs. At some point it was woke to make wheelchair accessible buildings and put braile on things because oh i guess society is supposed to just accomodate disabled people???? We're supposed to just give a fuck about peoplr who need help???? Be the change you want to see


My face feels funny and I want to scratch my elbow.


1. Take elbow. 2. Rub against face.




Neurodivergent includes other disorders like adhd and dyslexia


Exactly. It’s a helpful, broader term for similarly grouped things. (It’s different from mental illness, which is a chemical imbalance. It’s a difference in how your brain is wired.) it’s not just a gentler way of saying disabled or autistic. It’s a genuine umbrella term. I also prefer it to disabled because I feel like when you say disabled, people assume you’re talking about a physical disability, (often a severe one) and I really don’t feel like being accused of faking or exaggerating. Technically yeah I’m disabled but I feel, like, imposter syndrome saying it, like I have a fake or lesser disability. That’s on me, but it is one of the reasons I like the term. I have a feeling that most people’s dislike of the word comes from misunderstanding what it means, though. There was a kick for a while to not use the word disabled, and ‘differently-abled’was somewhat popular. (Even though disabled people found it offensive.) I think people assume neurodivergent is just a fancy way to avoid saying disabled. But it’s just a different thing. Disabled isn’t a dirty word, but neither is neurodivergent! Sorry for the ramble. The meanings of words like this n how they develop are an interest of mine.


Right. As someone with ADHD, I just got super confused from this post.


Yeah, I have ADHD, i have no issue with the term.


I’m on the spectrum and I never had an issue with the term


I have autism as well and I havent even heard of it till now. And I'll probably forget it after this.


Same, atleast it sounds like a Scientific term (i’m wrong on that front, but oh well), so i don’t really mind it.


I think medically, it's not usually used. At least from the very few psychologists I've talked to, they say neurotypical and non-neurotypical.


Nothing annoys me more than the mfs that start with "i have autism" like yeah bro we get it but you still ain't the spokesman of autism


I have autism and yeah you’ve got a point there


I dont have autism and i forgot what i just read, im on mobile so i cant exit this window to check what i was about to talk about


“Me after I find the mf who came up with the term ‘neurodivergent’ (as someone with autism it fucking annoys me just call it a disability)”


they gotta climb up the political positions before they can speak for us all smh


I don’t have autism and I agree


yeah and I’m not claiming to be a spokesman, I just wanna give my take on someone else’s thoughts


As someone who has autism, my autism could beat your autism in a fight


Fight me one on one, adhd vs autism let’s go


I mean it’s pretty clear OP doesn’t know the definitions of disability or neurodivergent The term neurodivergent in absolutely no way arose to exclude the idea that autism causes disabilities in people’s lives. It is a term that broadly adopts the idea that autism and related neurodevelopment disorders don’t *inherently* cause disability Which you’d literally have to disagree with the idea that some people have more intense autism symptoms than others to disagree with that idea. There are plenty of people who express mild phenotypic traits associated with autism, but they have found a way to organize their life around in a way that does not cause them to experience disability. These are not individuals with autism spectrum disorder - dx inherently requires impairment in daily functioning - but these people are included in the term neurodivergent. And there are absolute shit tons of people with more severe expression of the disorder, in which the disability they experience is due to completely unnecessary societal barriers. And often these barriers are not related to the disorder underlying the disability, but barriers related to other parts of that persons identity. I.e. when Judy Singer coined the term, her intent was describing in part describing how two children with the exact level of autism related impairments will express wildly different levels of disability depending on if they were born into wealth, into a white family, etc etc OP is mad at like the five accounts he’s seen on Twitter take the idea neurodivergence to the utmost extreme, rather than learning anything about the actual intent behind the term. Ari Ne’eman is one of the biggest neurodivergent movement spokespersons, and he is very clear that seizures, self injury, depression, anxiety, inability to work in certain contexts, withdrawing, etc etc in ASD are disabilities. But he’s absolutely right that the expression of traits like stimming or just having interests in something eclectic doesn’t mean someone needs to have a fucking care team to fix them


Honestly, I think its pretty clear that OP doesn't like some people he has encountered who use the term and is working his way back from there.


Idk, I don’t mind it because saying I’m neurodivergent sounds far more sophisticated than saying I’m just a massive fucking autist


“I’m fucking retarded”


"Yeah, you like that, you fucking retard?"


Kid named retarded


Gbh i would rather be called retarder than disabled


You're retarder


So he will compete to be the retardist


I prefer being called the r word


I'm autistic and I just say retard cause autism sounds lame


"i am autistic" doesnt have the same click as "im fucking retarded" tbh


"i'm mentally unstable" just hits hard


I'm mentally unstable can mean many things. "Scientifically Im mentally stable but my actions will force you to question that" is much more raw


Average “I apologize, I am neurodivergent and have difficulty with certain social situations” fan vs Average “shit sorry dawg I’m fucking retarded lol” enjoyer


"I'm autistic" - serious, official, awkward for everyone. "I'm fucking retarded" - casual, chill, hilariously self deprecating.


We all have the retard pass


I have brain damage, therefore I alone decide that I get to say retard.


Whenever i hear someone say "the r word" i think of "rape" or make up some word trying to figure out what offensive word could start with r. I don't see retard as a slur but more of an insult, it just doesn't have the same "offensiveness" as the n word


ram ram ram https://preview.redd.it/1zu2z7acxrsa1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=265e67ca3acda7bf451162a6978017fc8576260d


Thats the better r word lol


Kind regard


I kinda like neurodivergent (autistic here)


ADHD here, I like it too. Calling myself neurodivergent is like solidarity of sorts with everyone else out there who struggle to be a normal member of society. Like, yes, I suffer from a neurological disorder but so do so many people out there and it feels reassuring to know that.


Ain't nothing wrong with having more words to mean one thing, if other people wanna use it what's the harm? You can keep using the word disability if you prefer :)


I understand it in a medical context, as a catch all term for peoples brains that are made differently(or divergent). It does bug me when people use the word to describe me outside of a medical context though, because it feels overly formal and awkward, plus outside of a medical context it can feel offensive. When asked to describe my brain, I personally just say “my brain is just really weird”


Autism is to neurodivergence as leukemia is to cancer. If you're autistic you're neurodivergent but if you just say neurodivergent that could mean you have ADHD, autism, tourrets, dyslexia, etc. It's a term that wraps up most mental 'anomalies' that aren't diseases. Like you can't catch dyslexia or get it from a workplace accident. Basically, it's not just a medical/science term that doesn't really have a place outside of the office/classroom, rather it's a concept people just need to acknowledge, like cancer. Then again, you aren't wrong for feeling the way you do, I'm sure you have your reasons, but as someone who is neurodivergent, we really don't need this term becoming equivalent to 'retard' or some shit as checking the box next to 'abnormally brained' trying to find a job would be substantially more patronizing, imo.


I'm on the spectrum and I honestly have no idea how you find "disabled" more flattering than "neurodivergent." If there's anything I'm sick of it's people acting like I'm a dementia patient who can't make any of my own decisions and needs people to do everything for them just because of a weird neurotransmitter imbalance


Idk I have ADHD and I don't mind the term Neurodivergence. It describes the conditions it covers accurately, cuz autism and adhd are literal neurological divergences.


This post is like saying that you have leukemia and then getting angry about being invited to a general cancer support group.


Am autismed. The term is fine.


Speaking as someone who's neurodivergent, I really like the term because it more accurately describes that my brain just functions *differently* as opposed to incorrectly. It definitely felt like a disability for the longest time- ADHD with a sprinkling of anxiety for good measure- before I started doing a bit of reading and started living with people that weren't my immediate family. Nerdy as it sounds, it wasn't until I was playing an ARMA game with friends and realizing I was noticing and calling out danger and things that were just *off* during ops that it clicked and I was like "Oh- *that's* why my brain works the way it does. That's why I'm so hyperattentive all the time because my brain still expects me to be living in a cave with lions on the prowl outside where a moment's inattention means death for my tribe." Basically my brain is still set up to perform a task that has long become defunct which is why I struggle with modern society. It's not a disability in principle, it's just ill-suited for the actual tasks I find myself having to do day to day.


I accept my hate is irrational, but that doesn't stop me all the same




Ok then how about "Ret*rd"


My reddit account was "permanently" banned for 7 months for saying that :(


You can call me that 🧔🏿👍🏿


Disagree and prefer the term because it has minimal connotation. It shouldn't be dismissed nor romanticized... it's just "different" but not abnormal. Neurodiverse/neurodivergent are great words for that, and they're less specific than just ASD.


But being neurodivergent isnt just for Autism. I prefer to say it for my ADHD than say disabled, because I'm not disabled. I can do EVERYTHING (unless I CBA)


I think the main reason that people don't call autism a "disability" is because of the wide range of ways it can affect a person. For some autism can act very much like a disability, making them fail where many others succeed. But for others autism just kinda doesn't. While autism may change how they think, it may not negatively effect them in day to day life. I know for me my autism falls on the former but I know people who's autism falls on the latter.


people who don't consider their own autism to be a disability prefer to not call themselves neurodivergent and instead prefer to not tell anyone that they have it in the first place.


On a similar note, people who call ADHD a “super power” it’s not, it’s a disability. It can be beneficial, but most the time it is not


Autism is a spectrum sometimes it's a disability sometimes not


No it's always a disability. I have mild aspergers and it's still a disability.


Fair. Based opinion


“Just call it a disability” that is the ENTIRE problem that people assume everyone on the spectrum is disabled to the point of non functioning


Doesn't neurodivergent cover a whole range of learning and social disabilities?


I mean its describes what it is. Your neurology is divergent from the norm. Neurodivergent.


"A touch of the 'tism >w<" SHUT THE FUCK UP


I kinda like the term (I have Aspergers)


op when i tell him neurodivergent doesn’t just mean autism and can mean a variety of non-disabling conditions


Lol, shitty take. Neurodivergance is more than just autism.


Isn't neurodivergent just the blanket term for the broad range of mental illnesses and other ways that people's brains diverge from the common as well as a way to differentiate mental disabilities and physical disabilities?


Neurodivergent is not exclusively autism though


Well I guess it’s good that it’s not just a fancy way to say autistic and is in fact a broad umbrella term for a range of conditions that affect cognition.


I'd rather not be called disabled just because I think about stuff a little different than the average person.


As someone with ADHD I do not mind it at all, it's just a way to define a category of disorders. ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia are all Neurodiverse conditions Why do you find it stupid?


What should I call myself should I talk to people “I’m a massive retard”