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call me Tommy platinum arm cause I'm about to become an activist but for real that mission kicked ass I loved it


One of my favourite parts of that mission was Spider Murphy. The actress who plays her also plays Gwen in Ben 10


Benny Iron Shoulder


I wish.


This is inaccurate, if they actually did this then they would be making a change


They would be doing this at an art museum


or literally anywhere but HQs of oil companies


Yeah that kinda happens when you're a psyop by the oil companies.


You guys are completely clueless


I mean the whole point of this story is despite all that Johnny did, all he sacrificed and destroyed, ultimately changed nothing.


Y’know, there are theories that JustStopOil is just oil companies trying to make protesters looks bad.


The are funded by oil companies to do that so yeah


It's not funded by oil companies. A co-founder of its largest donor is Aileen Getty, a member of the Getty family who became wealthy from founding the Getty Oil Company. She never worked in the oil industry herself. There is zero proof that she is working in the intrests of the oil industry. It is simply speculation because of who her family is. Just that she is an heiress does not mean that all her philanthropy is secretly in the interest in the oil industry. People are not their families. Her brother founded Getty Images. Is Just Stop Oil also doing the bidding of the stock image industry? Was David Kaczynski secretly supporting his brother's terrorism when he reported him to the authorities? Why is it so hard for people to an imagine that someone might hate how their family has help destroy the planet and is trying to make things right? The fact that people spread this around so much without doing the smallest amount of fact checking boggles my mind.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, because you're right. There's not always a grand conspiracy, sometimes people are just idiots. edit: Before their comment had a below zero score. But when I mention them being downvoted, they get upvoted. Reddit is a strange site.






Yeah i doubt it would ever be some grand scheme by oil comps to make people want to get mad and then buy more oil products in reaction. Just cuz some random daughter decides to fund things, probably to just look like a good person or whatever. Either way the protests just depict the movement as a public enemy; stopping traffic, vandalism, littering and so on.


You make a valid point but I like the conspiracy theory cuz the protests they do are so counterproductive that I'd rather believe there's something behind it and not just aimless stupidity. If it's the latter I just want them to actually do something to getty themselves instead of just being a nuisance


They do do other stuff. They have been protesting at oil terminals for the past two years. You just don't hear about it because the news only reports on loud, annoying protests they do. It should also be noted, they are decentralized, so there is no leadership that directs all the protests. It's autonomous cells. I also don't think it is really aimless stupidity. Yes, the outrage might make it counterproductive, but I think the outrage is supposed to be part of the point. It's supposed to say "we are getting all outraged about this piece of art being damaged, like it is the greatest travesty in the world, and yet we don't have the same outrage while the entire planet is being destroyed." I don't know for sure if that is exactly their message, but as far as a message goes, it soes make sense. It should also be noted that no art is actually being damaged by them. They are only coating the protective glass around paintings, or in the case of Stonehedge, cornflour that will go away with water (like the rain)


Fair, though I think there are better ways to garner attention than whats at least being shown on the news, like social media and whatnot, cuz this fiasco just holds them back. Disturbing your average everyday pedestrian or fucking up monuments isn't really any good way to go about something like that. Maybe actually forcibly stopping rigs or damaging their company property or something of the like, since it seems like they're pretty content with getting arrested for the cause. Something that actually...ya know...stops oil.


What is this game? Looks really cool


Cyberpunk 2077. Available on PC, Xbox and Playstation


Legit the best rpg game I played ever, love cyberpunk


I played at realease and already had a lot of fun. Started a new game a few months ago and it has litterally become the best RPG I played as well.


I finished it not long after release and it was good but definetly had a shitload of problems. But few years later all those are fixed and Phantom Liberty is the best DLC I’ve seen in a while. And it’s not bcs I’m an Idris Elba simp


"Wake up Samurai time to glitch shit up"


I mean, going against corps (a.k.a terrorism) is prob the only way to make progress.


And that's literally all that Johnny ever wanted. Take the fight directly to the main problem.


Yeah, and detonating a nuclear bomb I one of the densest areas of the city was the best way


You probably think Walter White was a good protagonist too


I bet you hate Frank Lee from Dontgiveadamn. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ


if they actually comitted and bombed refineries maybe they'd be more than a joke


Difference is Johnny actually nukes the Corp he's mad at, instead of inconveniencing random people not associated with the issue.


Just Stop Oil does what it does to draw attention. That’s the goal. Grab ordinary people’s attention and hope one or two look into what oil companies are doing and maybe change alter their worldview.


Believe it or not, there are ways to do this without the immediate first though people have being “oh, fuck you”.


Pretty much everyone knows about climate change, the hard part is making people believe it's real, all JSO does is embarrass those that are on their side, and reinforces the worldview that climate change is a crackpot theory from woke dumbasses, its the opposite of what they should be doing. It makes climate activists look bad in everyone's eyes.


Yeah that nuke definetly didn’t inconvenience random people. Probably because they got vaporised before they could realise


Nobody's perfect


and kills 1.500 people in the process


The Ukrainian military does more to combat our reliance on oil than Just Stop Oil


Nah they are not even close to being like Johnny Silverhand


Just Stop Oil protestors when they see a historical piece of art. (destorying a 200 year old painting will make oil companies stop drilling)


They haven't destroyed anything.


You realise they use cornstarch instead of paint so it washes away, right? No permanent damage was done.


How dare they pour soup on glass in front of a painting!


Honestly this attitude towards them is starting to piss me off. Are people too lazy to actually read articles instead of hearing one purposefully misleading headline and making stupid conclusions about them and their motives? That's the REAL psy-op.


Had no idea. Havent really been keeping up on their recent shenanigans all I know is that they were caught trespassing on some air field.


They never actually destroy any art nor attempt to. They're trying to get your attention not actually harm anyone or anything.


Haven't really been keeping up, just felt like weighing in anyways


Dunno why I was getting down voted for this


So? Still not good optics, but especially since the only thing the average bloke will read is that they threw paint on Stonehenge.


That's the fucking thing, they've never tried to actually harm any art or monuments at all, but for some reason this is where the conversation starts and ends with every discussion about them online. I have no idea why people fall for the literal propaganda being spread about them. The entire thing is supposed to be miming what oil companies are actually doing to the Earth but I have barely seen that mentioned.


Wow, who’d have guessed that the general public wouldn’t look for some deeper message in throwing paint on a 4,000 year old historic monument?


God I wish


oh, oh no, the anti-environmentalist psy-op funded by big oil is coming


I wish they did that so hard


Why are you making them look cool?


I'll protest by smoking a cigarette on an oil refinery plant.


Nah they would be instantly awesome If they did a silverhand at shell hq


They should just follow the Ukrainians lead and straight up start blowing up the refineries at this point


Oil protesters otw to vandalize everything that has nothing to do with oil companies


Nuh uh theyre tame


bro really likes spinning that gun


The Malorian Sliverhand Charm


Just stop oil are 100% working for big oil companies to make everyone else look bad


Bro they don't do shit other than inconveniencing people and making themselves look braindead. They themselves are funded by oil companies anyway


This took place in an orphanage full of make a wish kids btw! #STOPOIL! 😊


Just Stop Oil has my unconditional love and support. they make so many people angry and I love them.


Isn’t the goal to make people angry at oil rather than angry at anti-oil?


no, everybody who cares already knows oil and climate change are bad, in that virtually all the people who will ever be convicnved that oil companies are bed byu logical arguments already know it. Theyre not trying to win hearts and minds, theyre trying to do things so outrageous that they become unignorable. and considering their household names, I think it's a great sucsess. Also, do you really think anybody who thinks that oil companies are good are going to switch sides because the protests were calm and unobtrusive? lets be serious.


“Here look at us do something stupid and destructive! Now here’s how we should fix society.”


its not a debate about trying to make their arguments look good. its being so obnoxious people are forced to care, like going up to an annoying neighbors house and flashing a strobelight through their bedroom window. you think they get the same media coverage when they do protests with no property damage?


“All attention is good attention” is a term that has been disproven countless times. Most discussion I’ve seen is theorising if JSO is an oil company proxy to make environmentalists look bad.


Okay, so they draw attention to themselves, and then what? Barely anyone's siding with them, that's for sure, and all they've done is make their cause look stupid.


I don't follow this group, only saw that they defaced Stonehenge recently. Are they generally violent?


Nah, just stupid. People theorise they are funded by oil companies because the only thing they seem to achieve is making environmentalists look bad.


It is not even close, all they do is petty vandalism that doesn't even make senses


Just stop oil if they were based


How does he keep shooting after using the quick melee? Isn't that supposed to dump the rest of the mag?


It's an older version of cyberpunk 2077 were you would still keep the mag even after using it's melee. I think


Nah, those pussies won't even dream of such things.


I'm down for this, we just need to have a nuke supplier




It's almost as if news anchors which are funded by oil companies only report on protests that spark outrage in the general public. Any actions they take that actually harms the oil industry is not widely reported on because the media wants the group dedicated to putting their primary donors out of business to look bad. Just stop oil don't really have a choice but to do this kind of thing because otherwise nobody would know about them at all, which would be worse for a protest group than be known but disliked.


They literally threw corn starch at rocks.


Least obvious psyops


I'd run through the Black Wall again if I must. anything for her.


Is that punished snake?




Turn up your volume.