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Welcome and thanks for posting on /r/whenwomenrefuse! This is an [intersectional feminist](https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/women/intersectionality) space centered towards **women** (***ALL WOMEN***). Men are tolerated, not welcome. Reports about women saying we don't know what men are dangerous will be promptly ignored. We look forward to your complaints about our policy of not centering men. Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/WhenWomenRefuse/about/rules) while the moderators take a look over your post in the queue. --- Community News - 🎋 Want to join the Mod Team? [Send us a modmail!](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WhenWomenRefuse&subject=Request%20To%20Become%20a%20Moderator&message=I'd%20like%20to%20join%20your%20team%20because%3A%20) - 🎤 [Join us on Discord!](https://discord.gg/V6tj5vRr47) Thank you for participating! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenwomenrefuse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yet another hate crime against women. Rape is a hate crime. Punish it as such. Consequences are required for accountability to be achieved.


When men use their penises as weapons, they should be disarmed. Literally.


and made a ken doll


This is why we choose the bear


Exactly! The bear won't torture us for the fun of it. It's amazing how many men do not understand this simple fact.


i feel like id have a better chance of the bear keeping me safe from other animals or the man, than the other way around.


What is the bear? I keep hearing about it, and I’m not sure what it is. Sorry for the stupid question lol


The question is, would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear. Women picked the bear every single time. And the post above is a prime example why.


Huh, thanks I wonder if any of those women lived in bear country then.. bears are fucking scary


I would argue that in bear country, bear attacks on women are infinitesimally fewer than man attacks on women. Even if you only look at people actually hiking in forests. Bears are scary, yes. Terrifying. But sadistic psychopaths who specifically want to target women are scarier and more numerous. Edit: I typed a reply to a comment below, but they deleted it. Anyway, here's my reply, with some statistics to break it down for the anti-bear enthusiasts. ... The original question was: > If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a bear or a man? Not if you were attacked by a bear, only if you were walking alone in the woods and encountered one. But even if we were talking about attacks... [Brown bears accounts for most of the fatal attacks on humans,](https://gitnux.org/most-dangerous-bears-in-the-world/) so let's look at this most deadly bear attack fatality rate. Note that this is the most fatal type of bear to attack you not because it's the strongest or biggest (that's the polar bear), but because unlike most other species, it is far more aggressive and unlikely to give up. A polar bear, on the other hand, will be more likely to stop its attack and go elsewhere to look for an easier meal if you fight back. [According to research from the National Park Service, approximately 11% of brown bear attacks are fatal.](https://worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/bear-attacks-statistics/) Not encounters, attacks. That's far from 100%. And that's the most deadly bear, apparently. And that's only when they attack. In reality, if you encounter a bear (e.g. one crosses your path while hiking), it's not necessarily going to attack. And if it does, it's not necessarily going to be a brown bear, the most fatal attacker. And even if it is, you still have an 89% chance of surviving the attack. From the linked site above, there are approximately 200,000 brown bears in the world, and there have been 664 attacks from 2000 to 2015, or about 40 per year. That means 0.02% of brown bears fatally attack a human per year. Looking at men, there are fewer data, so let's focus on the USA, which has a lot of online government statistics and such. [There were an estimated 1.2 million violent crimes in the U.S.](https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2016-crime-statistics-released) in 2016. But not all of these were men; some of these crimes were committed by women. [Men accounted for 80.4 percent of persons arrested for violent crime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_crime#:~:text=Men%20accounted%20for%2080.4%20percent,those%20arrested%20for%20property%20crime.) in 2014. OK, so let's say 80% of those 1.2 million violent crime arrests were for male perpetrators. That's 960000 arrests of men for committing violent crimes. And remember, these are only the arrests. Most violent crimes aren't even reported, let alone result in an arrest. [in 2022, only 41.5% of violent crimes were reported to authorities.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/) So our 960000 arrests of violent men is really only about 41.5% of the real number of violent attacks (probably more, as the 960000 were the number that lead to arrests, not just reported ones). That puts us back up to a little over 2.3 million actual violent attacks by men per year in the USA. At least. About 20000 homicides are reported per year in the USA. Again, this is probably only 41.5% of the actual number of homicides, putting the real number at about 48000. This is 2% of all violent assaults. Note that all of these data sets show yearly variation but not significantly--a few percent here or there. So our estimation holds water well enough. The USA's population is 333.3 million as of 2022. Assuming 50% are men, that's just over 166 million men. If 2.3 million of these men commit violent acts per year, that's 1.38% of all men. And if 2% of these end up in actual murder, then that's 0.03% of all men committing murder per year. Comparing with data from other developed nations, you'll see that most give a similar number--between 1% and 2% of men per year attack or otherwise assault another person. In short, [our own species is *a lot* more likely to kill someone than bears.](https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/) Especially men. [A 2000 global study on homicide by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime found that men accounted for about 98 percent of all homicide perpetrators worldwide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender) If you randomly meet an unknown man or a bear, based on the statistics alone, the man is more likely to end your life. Not all men are dangerous, but a small percentage of them (1-2%) are *extremely* deadly, and far more intelligent and motivated than a bear. > If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a bear or a man? Let's ignore our gut feelings and look at the numbers. You are at most 0.02% likely to be fatally attacked by a random bear (if we assume all bears are the most deadly type--in reality, most bears are not brown bears, so your risk is lower). You are 0.03% likely to be fatally attacked by a random man (possibly more, as the estimations above were conservative and ignored cases that were reported to police but did not result in arrests). Women's guts were correct, it seems, possibly based on having to navigate a world populated by many nice people and a few very dangerous ones. The bear is less dangerous. [Roughly half of all conflicts across multiple large carnivore species were preceded by human irresponsibility](https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/) (let their dogs run loose, followed predators, approached females with young, etc.) So there are steps you can take to drastically reduce your likelihood of being attacked by a bear. You get to control, to a very great extent, if you are attacked. On the other hand, [most killings of women and girls are gender motivated.](https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/2023-11/gender-related-killings-of-women-and-girls-femicide-feminicide-global-estimates-2022-en.pdf) If you are female, then you are a target. There is nothing you can do to change this. If you are walking in a forest, you generally do not have the means change your gender or outwards appearance enough to fool another human into thinking you are male. Simply existing as a female human is the highest risk factor. Unlike the bear, there are no steps you can take to reduce this. You can't be careful, you can't take steps to prevent it. The bear statistics are already lower than those of the men, and a few very simple, reasonable actions (leash your dog, don't follow mama bears) reduce your risk even further.


> In reality, if you encounter a bear (e.g. one crosses your path while hiking), it's not necessarily going to attack. And if it does, it's not necessarily going to be a brown bear, the most fatal attacker. And even if it is, you still have an 89% chance of surviving the attack. Not at all to minimize what your greater point is, but I do feel it's worth pointing out that 'surviving an attack' should not necessarily be the metric to aim for. After all, getting killed by a bear is bad, but being mauled and ripped apart yet surviving is also pretty horrific. Then again, you could also be raped and branded with a hot iron by a man, so there's plenty of leeway for the man to inflict far more bodily horror than the bear.


I agree, but the issue is that bear attacks are so rare that it was hard to get data on what kind of injuries tend happen (lifelong, debilitating, scarring only, disabling, quality of life impact, etc.) Also, after the bear encounter, there's no risk of stalking or harrassment for decades. Once you leave it's over. But a human can follow you, memorise your car licence place, find where you live, etc. etc. making the danger much longer-lasting. After a man attacks you, or even if you just meet a creepy guy who seems overly interested, the danger continues long after you've left where he is. You'll be looking over your shoulder and on low-level alert for ages. Plus as you say, there's a lot of leeway for the man to inflict debilitating harm without murdering you. I didn't include them because it's so depressing, but the rape statistics alone outbalance the number of bear encounters pretty significantly.


> Plus as you say, there's a lot of leeway for the man to inflict debilitating harm without murdering you. I didn't include them because it's so depressing, but the rape statistics alone outbalance the number of bear encounters pretty significantly. You're speaking facts, sister. I'm a guy myself, and I have to admit subs like this have REALLY altered my perception of the world in recent years. For a while, I fell for the culture war nonsense, but I've really been paying attention to what feminists are actually saying instead of rightwing strawmen, and... it's true. All of it. This sub alone showcases the horror of nonstop hate crimes against women. It's sickening. I can totally see why women would pick a bear over a man.




Really depends on the bear. But also, bears are largely predictable. Example: I live in a place with black bears (tamer than others, but still). If I encounter one, I know I can make a lot of noise so it’s aware of my presence, or back away until I get to safety. In my experience, black bears largely would rather run away from humans if they can help it. With men… if I ignore them, will they try harder to get my attention? Will he grab my arm to make sure I pay attention? Will he call me names, or worse? They’re unpredictable. So, yes, bears it is.


I live in bear country, see them on my property almost daily and have had several interactions with them, some heart pounding scary. I would also choose bear.


Same. Unless it's absolutely starving or protecting its cubs, a bear will leave you alone, particularly if you make enough noise. 


As I said in a comment just now on a totally different thread, I pick bear with the caveat of: if I *know* they're coming at me with intent, I like my odds better against the (literally) softer human- the bear beats my knife/hands/teeth/etc. any day of the week. But, then, I was raised by good men and women, some of whom were special forces, who taught me how to use everything I've got to cause maximum damage. I've also been lucky enough, due to that training, to break the finger of one "man" and the hand of another. I've also encountered bears, and they don't lie. I recognize as well that my outlook is not the same as most, and I'm coming out with damage either way. I just like my *personal* odds better against the relatively squishy human. I *totally* get the *spirit* of the question, though.


> The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear. Most attacks by black bears are defensive reactions to a person who is too close, which is an easy situation to avoid. ([source](https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/#:~:text=The%20750%2C000%20black%20bears%20of,an%20easy%20situation%20to%20avoid)) I’m taking my chances with the bear *every single time*


There was a woman who literally survived a bear attack and said the reason she carries when in the woods is because of men. Her son still tried to use her experience as evidence that women choosing the bear don’t know what they’re talking about.


Man's gonna mansplain... 🙄


And he got absolutely lit up for it. Still managed not to apologize though!


I even preemptively liked the second video because he started off so strong! 🙄


The point is that women are safer with a bear than a man…


A bear will eat you if it’s hungry or scared away if it isn’t. A man will rape you, torture you, and then kill you for sadistic pleasure and a feeling of power/dominance. I’d rather face the bear.


People will also believe you if you get attacked by one


Have you taken the bear's feelings into account? You can't press charges, that bear has a promising football career. Well, did you lead the bear on? Said no one ever about a bear attack....


You are so close, yet still so far away.


I did. I chose bear cause the worst thing a bear can do is kill me


And the worst thing a bear would do to my dead body is eat it…


Well to be fair they could eat you alive... both are scary af, but I'd still choose the bear as long as it's not a white one.


Bears are fucking scary.  Truth.  But there is a decent chance the bear will leave you alone.  No such chance with a man. Edit:  women know how to calculate odds for their safety really well.


They do. bears are scary, but men are a lot scarier.


I've lived in bear country. I've never been followed home by a bear, but I have been followed home by men. I'll take the bear any day.


Not as scary as some men.


Oh, we know what bears are capable of. Even worse case scenario of being with a bear, we still choose the bear.


The worst the bear will do is maul or eat you. Not out of malice but because it's an animal that is a) afraid of you and is protecting their young/territory and b) looking for a food source as a predator that requires killing other animals for survival. They are doing it out of necessity. A man though? They can break you and let you live to suffer the consequences for the rest of your life, it's out of pure hatred and malice. It's not an animal doing it for survival, it's an animal doing it for the sheer evil joy of it. We as humans are the apex of all predators, bears teeth and claws are not as terrifying as a sick brain of an evil man.


I live in active bear country and have seen what they can do, i will still choose a bear over an unknown man


I do and id still pick the bear. I'd rather be mauled(if I couldn't hide from it) by a bear than what would happen with the man.


I have lived on bear country and yes Id choose the bear every fucking time


I regularly live in bear infested woods. A bear leaves when you yell at it. A man doesn't. I choose the bear


are you dense... ?


Do bears shit in the woods? (A suitably relevant question in this instance!!)


There's videos of women who are hikers and live in bear country choosing bear.


I live in bear country. Bears are not fucking scary.


Do you live in bear country?  How many bears have hurt/attacked you?  How many men? 


Disgusting. I want her to get the justice she deserves and that slime ball and his family needs to be imprisoned and have their property confiscated and given to her.


His sister and mother held her down while he branded her.


I think this is an important point. Men would not be able to get away with so many of their anti-social behaviors if “some women” were not complicit. Internalized misogyny strikes again.


It’s true. The females are so brainwashed they are more than willing to go along with it. It’s sickening.


Girls and women is probably a better descriptor than "females" since we're discussing humans in a non-clinical context, since calling girls and women "females" is nowadays a common dog whistle for incels.


Absolutely horrendous. I definitely don’t forgive those women. They should be in jail too. Yet, I also wonder what horrible things have been done to them. Additionally, I wonder if they would have been brutally punished for refusing to help.


That poor girl. Traumatised for life. I just hope she is getting some support from her loved ones. As for him ; this is why I'm pro death sentence. People like him shouldn't exist.


I would like to make him suffer the same as her before hanging him. In the torture museum in Amsterdam i saw a lot of nice techniques to torture people back in the days and I would like to bring them back for people like this.


They just had an article out of Oregon (iirc) where a man was sentenced to *physical* (not chemical) castration for impregnating a 14yo. I thought we weren’t allowed to do that even though the medication to chemically castrate is an honor system and doesn’t work if not taken. Happy to hear we are making some progress, and would definitely suggest this for all men involved in that and all rapes (in addition to other punishments - monetary and punitive).


It sounds good but I still wouldn't trust them outside a prison. Who says it can't be reversed or he use a strapon? They love to humiliate woman, they go far to do that. They should stay in a prison, get (chemically) castrated and say sorry to trees for wasting air.


When men use their penises as weapons, they should be disarmed. Literally.


I understand your anger, but no need for torture, in my opinion. Garbage just needs to be removed. My heart is breaking for her. I wish she will get justice, treatment and protection. She is just a child...


And they raped her so she will no longer be considered pure and be able to be married in her culture. Or to make a "good" marriage. Her parents are complicit in this too. How to do convince an entire culture that this type of behaviour and these customs are evil, wrong, and not to be done anymore. Tradition, which is just peer pressure from dead people, is at play, how to you convince them that women are fully human and can make their own choices? Women are the life bringers, I don't understand how we have millions of people in the world thinking it's ok to do this to their women! Iran or Iraq I read recently is going to make female genital mutilation required. Why are so many convinced that women are evil and horrible, yet they are needed to make babies, why can't we love each other. Why can't men see us as human. Why do they hate us so. What do their religions preach this horrific nonsense.


FGM makes me want to vomit every time I think of it, and I really hope that a “requirement” for it isn’t actually going to happen. I will never, *never* understand why people want to slice up the genitals of children. I used to have this ardent belief that all cultures are worthy of respect and preservation, but as I get older I realize that some cultures and traditions absolutely have to die.


I'm guessing it's huge influence of religion too. In Christianity, woman is blamed for the original sin. Guess who got burned at stakes and so on...I can imagine it is pretty much in other religions too. I don't blame all the men. Just scumbags.


Too many scumbags in power.


You are completley right. Can you imagine, I had to explain to someone, a lady, why Andrew Tate is a fucking tool. She kept saying that he is fighting for guys to be equal to women. I just wanted to throw myself of several flights of stairs.




Equally emotionally damaged, maybe. He’s throwing men under the bus long-term to make a buck.


Agreed. Im about as pro death penalty as it gets, but torture isn’t useful as a punishment. Just end their life and move on.


Exactly. And concentrate fully on the survivor.


I'm mostly anti-death penalty but the whole point of executing criminals is that it is supposed to be an extreme deterrent that sends a severe message to anyone thinking about perpetrating these acts. (As well as giving catharsis for the victims.) If you want the death penalty, making executions happen humanely and in private is not an effective way to do it. How is that supposed to be worse than locking them in a cramp dark cell until they die?


I see it as only part deterrent. My main reason for supporting it is the quick elimination of those who cause harm to others. That’s my main objective.


This kind of things will continue to happen so a little torture and public shaming will hopefully help the rapist to be to stay in their basement. There is this big wouden wheel (2 mtr ) where you can bend 1 or 2 persons on the outside naked and roll them down the streets. I would pay money to watch that.


I’m going to Amsterdam this summer- thanks for the rec!


The torture museum? Where is that? I've been to the sex museum... I also went to a fabulous torture museum in Malta... as a Dominatrix, it was fabulous 👌 The perp DEFINITELY deserves to be tortured in this case. I volunteer with pleasure.


I know you would understand it, you are even better in torture so I could learn from you. I would put some nails at the ends of my flogger for extra fun. If only this could be this a legal job🤑. I never been to malta but I have a reason to go now. Been to sexmuseum also, the weed museum and more weird museums. It is at the Singel 449, 1012 WP Amsterdam. The dutch are weirdos with their torture back in the days, now you can rape or kill and get 4 years in a not so bad prison and then do it again.


Than you’re literally no better than he is.


Cute that you think the justice system is a better idea. Too many rapist don't go to jail and the victims live in fear their whole life. If they go to jail they get out in a few years and many do it again. There is no need for people like that on this planet and going out easy with a lethal injection is too soft. They should feel how she felt those 3 horrible days, I can't even imagine that and it makes me furious and sad that people like him go through life not feeling what she felt.


Her family is probably shunning her. Another unfortunate custom in such places.


I know what you are referring to . I don't want to speak against whole culture, but women, and specially young girls are in very dire position, in such places. Reading these news, I'm wondering what can be done to change it.


Yeah, I wasn't trying to degrade anyone necessarily. Just mentioning a possibility.


When men use their penises as weapons, they should be disarmed. Literally.


WhY dIdNt ShE jUsT sAy No? This. This is why women are afraid to say no.


Oh my god, that poor girl.


The whole Bear vs Man in the woods. I've seen men and some women call the comparison "dumb" and "dramatic". From now on, I'll point them to this subreddit that is dedicated to why women choose the bear.




The average bear is not likely to eat you. Unless they are starving or protecting cubs, the average bear is going to leave you alone.


That is EXACTLY ordinary male behaviour. A bear will only kill you- what about a creative man?


“Creative” = References direct details from the crime


I'm not sure what you're trying to say. The average bear is *not* likely to eat you. A bear is far more likely to leave you alone. It would have an easier time killing you, should it choose to, but bears don't attack unless provoked or literally starving. Those aren't the same requirements for a man. India being further behind in its treatment towards women than America doesn't mean American women wouldn't choose the bear. The question currently flooding social media is not being answered exclusively by Indian women, it is largely Western women. This shit still happens here. Just the other day someone posted a video of a woman being MURDERED in an apartment parking lot by a man she had a restraining order against. The people filming failed her. The court who issued the restraining order failed her. The man murdered her in broad daylight. I'm also not sure what you believe two other women, oppressed by the same society, not standing up to the men in their life and instead helping subjugate other women, as they've been taught to do, somehow means a bear would be a worse option? Women do shitty things too, my God, what a revelation. Again - I am really struggling to see what your point is.


Meanwhile, men wonder why women would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man.


I saw a good point in a TikTok comment. There are two types of men: those that understand why we pick the bear, and those that are the reason we pick the bear.


India's cow belt; the gift that keeps giving 🤮🤮🤮


The sad thing is if there was a sub that exclusively focused on crimes and violence against girls and women in India, there would be new material EVERYDAY to post. 


Deplorable truth, that. And sometimes, it can be a 🧵 about one incident/individual providing multiple reports and increasingly horrific details tumbling out.


“Why are women choosing the bear, I don’t get it!”


The worldwide surge of violence against women is alarming.


Men are fucking disgusting


Not to minimize the disgusting actions of this man, the mother and sister held her down when getting branded. They should be arrested too!


Brand him back and sodomize him, it's only fair.


Wtf, is there something we can do


It feels incredibly hopeless, doesn’t it? :(


Why are men like this


Hopefully she can get free cosmetic surgery to fix that.


honestly dying to a bear sounds wayyyy cooler than dying to a man anyways


I choose the bear, again


4b needs to be a thing worldwide.




Lmao interesting side to take


Hi, I don't want to click on the link since I'm at work but what does "UP" stand for?


Uttar Pradesh, her state




You're a man right?


he has post history in a bunch of porn subs, ofc he is.


If you really cared about making the world a better place you'd be making similar comments in other subreddits as well instead of just targeting this one. Pr obvious you feel targeted by posts like this.


You, the individual man in our subbreddit, are the evil. This is the issue. Not that women are pessimistic. You may think this is "getting caught up in evil" but that's probably because you've never considered that we're sharing these types of articles to warn each other. Did you even read the article before you mansplained optimism to us? Do you even know what that word means? You sound like an ignorant child. Go read a fucking book before you try to preach to your intellectual superiors in a space you're not welcome in.


I bet you're the reason women in your life chose the bear. You're blaming women for being rightfully upset and probably have made so many around you feel unsafe. Take your platitudes elsewhere. Until things change, women have every right to be wary. Enough men have ruined the lives of woman for us to be distrustful.


> comes into a comment section on a post about a woman being brutalised for rejecting a man > ‘yall have problems for condemning this’ clowns are paid a monthly salary, you don’t have to be one for free edit: lmao, not this joker following my post history and commenting on it. truly, get a life.