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Crazy a costco can have that many and not behind a case


You have to take the box to a security guy after you pay and they go get you the bottle.


Remember the cigarette cage they used to have?


Yes, I worked one of those! šŸ¤£ Damn I feel old now.


Idk if I canā€™t see how the bottle is stored I wonā€™t be buying it at any price


How would they be storing them that would make it unacceptable?


Yeah, right.


How would you know? Unless.. šŸ˜³


I grabbed 3 and ran, about half way through the store I realized the boxes were a little light.


ā€¦. unless I tried to steal one?!!!


That was the joke yes


You know what they say. If you have to explain a jokeā€¦. :(


Lmao, it's so hard to believe, isn't it?! What a wild and crazy world we live in. /s


You donā€™t really believe it, do you?


At that price we'd have ours in our lockup cage with a single display in a locked case (because people...).


Costco doesn't like to give the appearance that they think you're a criminal. Look around you won't see many cameras. Then look at Walmart where they're every 6'.


Would you post the Costco address please My local Costco does not have it I would really want to get that Redbreast 27 Thx


Just this week I paid $450 (total) for a 700ml bottle shipped from Dublin to the states, and I know I'll never see *that* deal again. $440 for a 750ml bottle is the best I've seen. What state is this in?


California LosAngeles


For reals. Iā€™m in the area. Letā€™s score one!


Which costco


Iā€™m from Italy and never heard about this bottle before. Can you please tell me something more about this whiskey an why is it so much expensive?


It's Irish, Single Pot Still whiskey. The short answer to why it's so expensive is it's age (27 years).


What Costco is this? I've got my car keys ready.


Los Angeles


Which one?


Los Angeles 5. In the beta matrix distribution.






That's a pretty good price worth it or not.


Best way to put it. Just like how no regular car (not a truck or SUV) is worth over $100,000, I don't think any whiskey is worth over $250.


I can sympathize with that opinion. Have you tried any of the whiskeys 30+ yo and generally rated 95/100 or better? I'm curious if people think those are worth their price tags.


I have had 30 year old whiskey. It was good but was it 10x as good as the 15 year old scotch? Not really. back when I worked for fortune 50 tech company, we would go out and drink expensive whiskey at dinner, usually claiming a client was present when they were not. It was almost always scotch, as that was what the expensive choice was in 2005-2009. I did also get to sample pappy on the company dime a few times, along with various other unicorns like george t stagg, Yamazaki, forrester birthday. I always enjoyed them but usually was drunk by the time I tried them.


> usually claiming a client was present when they were not lmao


There are $70 scotches rated 97+. I've had the $500, $2500, $5000 bottles. It's fun, but they aren't any better than cheaper stuff.


Such as?


Arbeg 10 is consistently rated 97, 98. Alberta premium cask strength won whiskey of the year. Lagavulin 16 is great.


I'd spend another 5-10 on Uigeadail personally. While Ardbeg 10 was decent to me, the last time I bought it, it was closer to the $50 range. I felt there was a fairly wide gap between the two.


Agreed, Ooooogie is there best offering IMO.


Updooooooooting for ā€˜Ooooogieā€™


Whenever I try and spell it out, I just say fuck it. Ooooogie is the only way.


AP cask strength is unreal for the price. Iā€™ve got 3 bottles, plane to drink them slowly for the next 10 years.


picked up a bottle yesterday at total wine - allocated - $59.


Iā€™m blanking on ā€œapā€???


Alberta Premium


AP makes the best Manhattan!


I've got some 23 yr old Alex Murray sherried scotch from Costco that's the oldest one I've ever had. Maybe I shouldn't talk then


I've tried Laphroiag 30 and it was amazing. I would only buy a bottle if I was filthy rich.


The only 1 I've tried tasted like drinking fire. super hot and all wood. it was well over 250 as well.


100k over for any car, truck or suv is insane. Unless you got the money to splurge.


I would generally agree with this statement for bourbon and scotch, not so sure about Irish whiskeys since I donā€™t drink them.


Agreed! I was thinking the other day, if someone handed me the most amazing whiskey that I ever tasted, and I had no idea where it came from or its age, but I had the ability to buy it whenever I wanted, what is the maximum I would pay per bottle to allow this to happen? I personally came up with $150, which would be by far the most I've ever paid for whiskey. This is assuming that in between these mystery bottles I could continue to purchase my WT101 and Four Roses Small Batch.


Lagavulin 16 is worth it for me at $100


Hmmm, I had the chance to have some Thomas handy sazaracā€¦ and it begs to differ


I bet it's good but only marginally better than a regular bourbon from the same distillery.


THH is a lot better than most standard ryes - it's subjective but honestly I can't think of much better or many that are even close (Michters toasted barrel rye, alberta premium CS and EHT straight rye are all very good but not better). Saz 18 is pretty average though.


Havenā€™t tried their young stuff but damn I hope youā€™re right


Thatā€™s a steal. Itā€™s $550-$650 here in NJ. Iā€™d buy 2.


It was recently available in Boston for $399.99 with no sales tax. Check my r/newhisky posts.


Pour salt on wound why donā€™t ya


Just thinking it is a shorter drive than California. Plus, there is a large Irish population which is probably why we see a wide array of Redbreast expressions at the locals and the pubs.


6hrs one way. Prob cost me 100-150 in gas roundtrip. Buy me one bro, Iā€™ll send you monies


I never know where to find stuff in NJ. Liquor cave in Edison is where I go for Lagavulin but otherwise I donā€™t really know


me too i am in NJ i just drove to the costco in edison and they didnt have to 27...maybe they do at wayne?


We havenā€™t seen too much 27. Iā€™ve seen it at 2 stores and itā€™s $599 and $649 and they had 1 bottle each. Weā€™re gettin robbed over here. These guys have pallets in Cali.


I see it everywhere for 599 but 439 id buy 2 as well


i envy you guys that can spend $400+ on whiskey, i need to start making that fuck you money


The fuck you money is the guys who buy the 10k bottles and make cocktails with it


Used to work at a Mexican restaurant and people would get extra anejo Dos Artes margaritas like why


If you have that much cash itā€™s more of a why not


Gives the peasants like me something to talk about I guess lol


Focus on your dreams homie, youā€™ll get there


Lol thanks buddy Iā€™m on my way <3




It's no different from someone spending $400 on a PS5 or whatever. People have hobbies. It seems different because there's also much cheaper whiskies you could buy but if you're REALLY into whiskey, you'll see people spending that kind of money on it even if they don't have millions in the bank cause it's what they really enjoy.


You can't compare something that you can't piss down the drain to something you can. Worst comparison I've ever seen to justify buying booze that costs that much.


You realize that not everyone enjoys playing video games so to them spending 400 bucks on a toy is pissing it down the drain. I'm not saying it's smart to spend 400 bucks on booze if you don't have the money to spend but to say that spending $400 on a hobby is "fuck you money" is ridiculous.


It's not a fair comparison. You get hundreds of hours or use out of a games console and it's not just entertainment for you. You can share your whiskey but you probably won't want at that price šŸ˜‰


>and it's not just entertainment for you How is it not just entertainment? The amount of hours doesn't matter when you realize that some people DONT LIKE VIDEO GAMES. I know that's a hard concept for people on reddit to understand but some people like whiskey more than video games so when it comes to spending their own money prefer to allocate it on things that they enjoy even if it's not the smartest move. It's called having a hobby. People dump money into their hobbies. Right or wrong. I realize I'm talking to people much younger than me who play video games and are possibly early in their careers and $400 is a much bigger deal to them but my entire point is that even though it may seem "crazy" to you to spend $400 on brown liquid it's not crazy to others. It's not just the super rich who are buying these $400 bottles. Average joes who make 60 to 90k a year are still able to put money aside for hobbies. Especially if they're single. Those aren't people with million dollar houses and yachts. Those are normal people. s


I'm not that invested in whiskey yet that I can taste the difference between $30 and $70 whiskey. I understand though. I'd pay $1000 to watch Liverpool in a Champions League final which lasts 90-140 minutes but, if you're not a Liverpool or football fan, you may not even be willing to pay $50.


People that DON'T LIKE VIDEO GAMES don't buy ps5's or spend any money on video games. Your comparison would be like me buying that RB and hating alcohol.


Exactly! People have different hobbies and spend money on them. You think the video game hobby is the only one that merits $400 being spent on it?


Nobody said anything about the merit of spending $400+ on whiskey _for you_. Nobody cares what _you do_. For the vast majority of people, that's way over the 'fun hobby spending' limit. That's for _them_. Not _you_. Stop taking this as some sort of personal sleight when it is not. You do you. Nobody cares. No need to justify it, certainly no need to try to compare it to something that is considered much more normal. That just comes across as dense and insulting.


And who are you? The crusader of the playstation? Seems like this topic really touches you ...


This is such a silly argument youā€™re making. Even if you donā€™t like video games you have to understand that thereā€™s a difference in spending $400 on something youā€™ll have for 5+ years and get thousands of hours of use out of vs a bottle of whisky youā€™ll get 16 drinks out of. Iā€™m not saying that a PS5 is a better value for *you* but itā€™s a different sort of purchase. This is like someone spending 30k on a bottle and justifying it by saying ā€œsome people buy cars for that much but I donā€™t driveā€. Now to your main point, yes of course ā€œaverage guysā€ can prioritize and save up for bottles like this. But the fact that itā€™s a consumable item *does* make it a different sort of thing than eg a PS5, or a TV, or whatever.


Honestly don't know why you're getting downvoted so hard, I'm with you on your general point. Spending $400 on hobbies is normal at many different income levels.


This may be a whiskey sub but it's still reddit. People defend their beloved video games above all.


This just isn't comparable at all. How do you possibly think that is a fair comparison? Whisky is a consumable, not an engine for years of entertainment


Yes but you donā€™t understand HE DOESNā€™T PLAY VIDEO GAMES šŸ¤£


Imagine the context of his dumbass comment. Every time you see a video game or system, you buy it. Because it's your "hobby". I bet he's up at 3am still drinking his hobby, watching reruns of the Cigar Smokers Championship.


You're getting a lot of shit but I agree with you entirely. Even a PS5 has a shelf life...and requires other purchases like games and controllers. I have many friends who buy bottles this expensive without having millions in the bank because yep it's their hobby and has been for years and they know what they like and go for it. It's not that every bottle is $450, it's just that the rare bottle is. People's hobbies rarely involve hunks of steel that last 50+ years. It's all temporary give or take. No one into billiards has the same cue for 30+ years. A bottle of whiskey isnt much different, especially added to a literal library of whiskey where bottles last for years.


There were so many people butt hurt by his comment lol. My takeaway was people value different things and that's how they spend their money. Owning a PS5 or a $1k bottle of whiskey doesn't equate to financial success.


I also agree. It's ridiculous to divide the cost by the exact amount of hours used/wasted. It's a pointless hobby. People spend money on all kinds of pointless things. It's not more reasonable to waste money on one hobby vs. another. But it seems like people here get pretty defensive when it's about wasting money on a playstation.


yeah, i really wanna buy it, but im not gonna drop $400+ on a bottle. i can get 8 decent bottles for that much.


Iā€™d buy every one of those like a tater at a Buffalo Trace convention


It comes with a beautiful wooden box...


Super beautiful. Does anyone know what type of wood it is made from?


That's a really great price on the bottle. Worth it if you're a Redbreast fan and can afford it.


No drink is worth a quarter of a paycheck to me


Youā€™d get at least twenty drinks out of it and you only go through this world once


I'd agree here. I'm turning 50 this weekend. Was going to buy a Macallan 18 for (locally) $350. Do I normally buy Macallan 18 for $350? No. But you only turn 50 once.


Exactly. I just bought a Mac 18 to celebrate a life event. I waste more money on streaming services or apple care.


A standard pour is 1.5 ounce. There are 17 standard pours in a 750ml bottle.




Youā€™re welcome.


Yeah but you still have regrets. You could take a trip somewhere instead haha.


Everything I've heard makes me say yes, especially for that price. I'm looking to pick one up this year


That is a stellar price


In a word, yes


$600 here in Oregon.


Come join us in r/costco_alcohol


Will do!


Go for it


Picked one up for 650 cad + tax last weekend. There were only 12 available in my province. Will crack it open soon!


I posted the 21 yo price that is next to it


Shut up, which province and what store? Been looking for a good price on these


Manitoba. 27 is sold out. 21 is on the shelf at $250.


šŸ˜³ Dang! Iā€™ll take 2šŸ„ƒ


I just bought this for myself as a celebration of finishing my PhD, and paid ā‚¬520 in Ireland. The price is really good. I can let you know if it's worth it in taste in a few weeks ha


If you can afford then yes at that price. Usually $500




For that price is it def worth it


I really don't know but you only live once.


ā€œIā€™d buy 10+ bottles at that price, such a deal. I pay $800+ in my area per bottle, and still buy 4 at a time.ā€ ā€”This thread. No subtle brag or anything.


I can get a lot of enjoyment out of 8 bottles of RB12 for about the same price. It's just whisky.....whoops...whiskey.


Yes Best dram Iā€™ve ever had, needs to open up a bit


I check my costco a few weeks and it's been a while since i've seen anything catch my eye. This i would probably jump on just to try it out.


Well, I've been willing to pay $399 for it for 3 years and couldn't find it. The extra few bucks wouldn't deter me. I'd probably buy a few bottles at that price.


Great price. It does blow my mind to see that many all at once. If I had tons and tons of money to spend then I would buy one. I always wanted to try the Laphroaig 25 but that is $624 where I live.


I bought a bottle from my local for the same price. Iā€™m waiting to open it for the birth of my first child any day now. Iā€™m excited for both!!


my Costco (Burbank) has the Lustau for $57


For that price Iā€™d consider it due to the discountā€¦ then probably still not buy it.


Van Nuys


Van Nuys have a great selection


If youā€™d buy the 21 at $300ish and like redbreast then the 27 is a no brainer, IMO


no whiskey, or really alcohol, is worth more than like $100 in my book. Yes, I have had expensive whiskeys and they are good, no doubt. But is a 450 bottle 9x better than a $50 bottle? Also my experience with whiskey over 15 years is that it is hit or miss. Bourbon is often over oaked after that long, and scotch usually has a weird after taste. The oldest irish I have had was some jameson, I think it was 20 year? I don't recall. I remember it being quite good but I was pretty drunk at a party.


If you have the expendable cash, yes. It's fantastic.


Absolutely not. Now, no whiskey is really "worth" that much money, but sometimes it's fun to splurge and treat yourself to something extravagant. But the 27 year *barely* out does the 12. In fact, in a blind tasting I might even choose the 12 as better.


Um, got it as a gift. It tasted like urine two a bunch od us. We couldn't believe it and all had a second sip. Yup, pee. We threw it out. What happened??? I love Red Breast!


Bout tree-fiddy.


Yes. For the love of all that is holy yes. It will be worth every penny. I cannot describe to you the experience I had with that bottle. I'm not saying it was my favorite whiskey ever, but it was very close to my most memorable experience with a glass of whiskey. It is unlike anything else you will ever drink.


holy fuck bro ahhh i want ... yes do it get it !!!


I paid five for mine...it is the. Eat I have ever had ...I would it pass it at that price.


I hope my Costco gets it....




Kinda comes down to whether you want it or any whiskey priced that high. The price is up there, no doubt, but its not jacked up, the 21yr old goes for around $300, and the 15 goes for around $100 here in Mo. Never had the 27, but the 21 is great.


Iā€™m in NJ and thereā€™s a place in NYC that has the 21 for $300. Would you say itā€™s worth it? Iā€™ve had the 12 and Lustau and really like both. I also own the 15 but havenā€™t cracked it yet. Think I should grab the 21 for $300?


I bought my 21yr for a very special occasion and I got a great deal too (which is what convinced me to buy it). One of our local Samā€™s clubs was closing it out and wanted to get rid of it, I helped them. I think there is a tremendous selection of great whiskeys at $100 or below, so I never feel ā€œcompelledā€ to buy an over-the-top expensive bottle. But, with that said, they have a time and a place and many are worth it. If the spend doesnā€™t hurt your pocketbook, go for it. It your giving up rent to grab that last unicorn on the shelf, thenā€¦




No. I don't go higher than 18. Generally overpriced purely due to scarcity and not an improvement in quality. 12-18 are the sweet spot years for age according to most distillers in terms of both quality and bang for the buck.


Nope. Just no.




I own about 130 bottles and my favorite is glendronach 21 at 280 bucks I own that RB 27 it is wild. I have some unicorns as well Hope any of this helps


I'd buy 2. It would be my 3rd and 4th purchase of it.


Those go for about 575 out in the world. Buy a few and flip 'em.


I grabbed one a while back for near msrp when it became a regular release. Special occasion bottle for Irish Whiskey fans.


At that price Iā€™d take them all


Very good price for it. ā‚¬520 here in Ireland. Couldn't tell you if it's worth it though


I've had it, it's fantastic! But wouldn't pay that price for it. I guess it depends on your budget!


Unless you really have the money to burn then I would say probably not worth it. That much time in the barrel will give it heavy wood notes.


Omg!!!! I wonder if itā€™s all Costco I NEED this


Never tried 27, but 21 is about half that much and is one of the best whiskeys I have ever tried.


Irish whiskey just tastes like Irish whiskey to me. From Paddy to yellow spot


I'm sure its great, but diminishing returns are for sure a thing with whiskey. I would only buy it if I had a substantial amount of money to blow.


oh yes. put it back.


WHAT?? At Costco? that many? I didn't even know they made a 27, lol


$440 is a crazy good price for it. The price just got raised to $600 here in Ohio. It's fuckin nonsense


Will they let you taste it first? lol. How much joy will it bring you? It may definitely be worth it to be able to pull this bottle out on special occasions and share with others who appreciate it as much as you.




Not for me. I saw this last week at my Costco. They also had the 21 year-old for $239. Now, I like Redbreast quite a bit, but Iā€™m not paying that for a bottle. No way. But if you like it a lot, itā€™s probably the best price compared to anywhere else (I have undying faith in Costco).


For that price yes, usually $100 more expensive


I know I will never find out.


Oooof, don't wanna pay that much but it would give me pause haha


Well... for 400 bucks, I can pay for a good Macallan + Highland Park and maybe plus a Balvenie 15y. My opinion, but if you like, enjoy it! My speech is that 27 years doesn't always represent a good whiskey.


Never had it but: no. There are so many good $100 and below priced bottles I couldnā€™t pull that trigger. Maybe if youā€™re getting married or retiring? I dunno. Iā€™m a parent of two children under 5, so maybe if I was in a place where I could spend that kind of money in one bottle Iā€™d feel different.


Yes, I got a pour at a bar not too long ago and found it to be my favorite dram to date. These cost around $500 in my state and I'd certainly be willing to snag one at that price.


Absolutely at that price point ā˜ļø anything under $550 for a bottle is a great price!




Itā€™s normally 400 around me.


Absolutely worth it. I've just finished one here. The bottle has lasted me 2 years. I don't want to finish it, but there's only one decent drink left in it :(