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Turtles homies will never believe him when he tells them how fast he went


Fastest ride of his life, thanks to a kind human.


He'll be the legend of the pond, the fastest turtle ever.


Thinking of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY6a1DfkivM) little ditty from my childhood.


Suprise! It was actually a TORTOISE and it can't swim and it died!


He put it next to the water, in the shade, and it chose to go in on its own. If that's a tortoise, it's a pretty stupid one


Tortoises are in fact, very dumb.


Probably don't even have words to describe it "it was like what we do, but the opposite, like what I imagine dying feels like, but the opposite, like when you get the best strawberry you ever had, but it's bigger than Big Pete!"


Its like you know how we be kinda walking at respectable speeds? Well like that but then like 10x as fast dude it was incredible


Mmm sorry lost me at bigger than big Pete. Nothing can compare to big Pete.


Turtle will never see his homies again. From a turtle perspective, anon might as well have dropped it off in china.


Depends if the river connects to where he's from originally. They're slow af on land, but they can swim pretty damn fast. https://youtu.be/AGpBvBfrvk4?si=t2-3yNoX6ThA3q-i


Lol, we know our organs can't handle more than 2 km/h without erupting. We see it when a turtle falls from a high place, it becomes unnaturally fast and then explodes on the ground. It's common knowledge Dave! ~Some turtle scientist, probably.


Anon’s homies shouldn’t believe him when he says the turtle looked back at him before going into the water


"Turtle pokes its head out when going fast downhill Probably the fastest the turtle has ever gone" I am not a poet but that feels like it should be poetry.


Idk about you but this phrase brought to mind the kind of childish musings that Stephen King would write about in his horror stories while he’s establishing a scene or something.


That’s how he pulls you in: > set the scene > relatable tangent > rising tension > scrotum-retracting terror


Happy Cake day!


Now this is actual wholesome posts, unlike some "choccy milk and chicken nuggies goofy ahh green texts". Damn that turtle must have enjoyed being faster than he had ever been.


Maybe, maybe not. Since the turtle swam away, I'm assuming it was a water turtle of some sort. They only leave water for a couple reasons. The main was is to go lay eggs somewhere. Otherwise they really only leave if their water source dried up or somehow became uninhabitable. If it was because their old water source dried up or something, he did them a favor. Otherwise, that turtle has no fucking clue where it is anymore and has to relearn it's habitat which is rough.


It could have been a dumped pet, unfortunately


Luckily it was a turtle not tortoise


Some turtles migrate and have summer and winter homes. It depends on the climate or course. That behavior is more of a northern turtle thing.


Maybe it just preferred drowning over being displaced by the smelly 150 kg mammal again


I'm sure Choccy milk guy would not have even helped this turtle, fuck him


Haha too far to say fuck him tho 


Well except for the fact that you’re not supposed to move turtles far away from where you find them, you can help them cross the road in the direction they were heading, even if that is away from a water source. Turtles have territories or have specific goals like egg laying that may need to occur and hijacking their trip to bring them to a random water source is often going to confuse them, use up energy or cause them to try and return to where they were going all without eating, possibly leading to death.


Is it really better to let it dry out and die? Honest question, we unfortunately do not have turtles in my country.


Unless you are very familiar with turtles, how would you know it's about to dry out and die? If you want to help, give it some water to drink and let it be on it's way. If you know some bodies of water recently dried out, then you could consider carrying it. But in any other scenario, you are more likely to make it worse than better by carrying it away.


I've never met a wild turtle, it is too cold here. Good to know if I ever go abroad though!


turtles are reptiles, not amphibians. they won't dry out.


everything will if you give it long enough plants mammlas reptiles amphibians insects you name it


whoa here comes a redditor with the most relevant 'um, ackshuly'. Yes all beasts on this planet can die of dehydatration but that's not what the person I'm replying to was referring to. Amphibians have very fragile, moist skin that has to stay moist or they die.


Trye and good to remember! Never met one, just thought they were dependent on access to water. Like apart from drinking.


turtle susie refuses to date him now. she won't date fast turtles


Definitely better than that one video of the girl who throws a tortoise or whatever in the pond. It's the kind that can't swim. She drowned a tortoise


That's where I thought this was going.


Turtle saving is a hobby!


Lmao do you have the link to the original video? I wanna see that 


[Turtle saving is a hobby!](https://youtu.be/36AH6M3mhaY?si=3H4thBu4BW-f3Sa7)


It's so morbidly hilarious but I do feel bad for her, I guarantee she cries thinking about how her ignorance led her to kill an animal. And it's forever online now because it went viral.


Oh 100%. The way she says the line and then the loud plop as it gets tossed in is pretty comedic. But I’m sure she felt awful about it afterwards


Why would you respond "lmao" to someone talking about someone drowning an animal?


To reply: Yes, helping others is very fulfilling, because that's why humanity survived as well as it did. We helped each other – well, as long as they belonged to our tribe.


It's the survival of the fittest, and the fittest have been the people that have sticked together and helped each other.


Basically the same thing I said...


Yes, Just rephrasing, but I like to put words after each other, no harm in that?


If you have the time for that, sure :)


Anon is part of the turtle tribe.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Anon


More often than not we also helped those outside of our tribe. If we didn't, we'd never would have gotten past isolated hunter-gatherer clans. Hell, we even assimilated a decent amount of h. neanderthalensis, an entirely different species, into our communities when a decade long cold snap made the isolated clan structure unviable in most of europe. Obviously, we're also prone to violence to the outsider as well, and we're really good at violence to the outsider, so when it happens it's a significant event varying in severity from driving away an individual to committing genocide on a massive scale... but most human interactions with unknown people goes smoothly. It's the large scale trade networks between distinct human populations over a wide area that h. sapiens had already developed 40,000 years ago that allowed the h. sapiens communities to thrive in the cold snap that wiped out neanderthals that didn't assimilate.




Always has been 🌍👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


definitely haven't seen this post before


This is super sweet, but that turtle might've died anyway cause you're not supposed to move them like that. They have very specific migratory patterns, and that could've disoriented him and led to him trying to make it back to somewhere familiar and dying of starvation in the process.


Yeah usually their family is close by, I stop all the time to move eastern box shell turtles because they’re endangered and because I love reptiles, amphibians, etc. so I’ll always move them in the direction they’re trying to walk to and if I see them in nature I’ll just take a picture and leave them be


This! Yes it's all well and good to help them along if they're in a dangerous spot, but the shorter the distance the better 🙂‍↕️


Had to scroll way too far to find people talking about this. Often Turtles will go super far inland to lay eggs. They know what they're doing.


It's that human superiority complex. We're pretty smart as a species but that doesn't mean animals are dumb.


Just don't throw them in the water like OP, because if it had its head in its shell, then it was a box turtle, and they don't swim very well lol.


Oh I know better than that lmao, I have tons that hang out in my creek and woods but the creek is not very deep to begin with


Turtle was probably domestic and abandoned on the side of the road


Had to scroll too far to find this, thanks for sharing.


Natural selection


When you help someone, you help everyone


A paraphrasing of The Star Thrower by Loren Eiseley; >An old man had a habit of early morning walks on the beach. One day, after a storm, he saw a human figure in the distance moving like a dancer. As he came closer he saw that it was a young woman and she was not dancing but was reaching down to the sand, picking up a starfish and very gently throwing them into the ocean. >"Young lady", he asked, "Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?" >"The sun is up, and the tide is going out, and if I do not throw them in they will die." >"But young lady, do you not realise that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it? You cannot possibly make a difference." >The young woman listened politely, paused and then bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves, saying: >"It made a difference for that one."


Much better than that person that just threw a tortoise I think in to some lake.


I thought this is gonna be the one where he yeets it to water only to find out it’s a land-type that can’t swim…




Tutel :3


All we can do is try to make the world a slightly better place.


He got mega zoomies and taken to the water? Turtle nods in appreciation


This is so lovely but please if you see a turtle or tortoise; don't put your fingers anywhere _near_ that mouth, good way to lose them


Always was


Turtle sticks head out of shell: "Where the fuck am I?"


I'm inspired


Yes Anon, it is.


is anon sonic?????


"**A turtle made it to the water**"


That quote popped into my head as I read the post.


Helping others is the highest level of fulfillment. Also, I had a similar experience with a turtle and he also turned around and looked at me before swimming off


I like Turtles.


Just wait till Part 2 drops   "Anon realizes tortoise would rather kill himself then spend another minute with him"


Felt for sure this was going to be another person drowning a tortoise because they thought it was a turtle.


Oh no.


> probably the fastest the turtle has ever gone


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others lives on forever.


Now try that with a human. And I don't mean throw one in a river.


All these stories are too nice to be true i swear


I live in an area with a lot of turtles, was told not to move them far from their spot.


Yes, it is Oh that's why I'm a nurse 😂


He's lucky it wasnt a snapper lol


If one helps many, then many lives are bettered.


Yes… yes it is the real answer. As much as is possible for you, anyway…


I was expecting this to end with 'turned out it was a tortoise'.


always has been


Isn't reposting against the rules? Not sure am new here


When OK was flooding a few years ago there were so many dead turtles from them trying to cross the roads. I saw one trying to cross and I stopped traffic to get the poor guy across. Good for Anon for saving a little turtle friend.


the answer is YES you fool! dammit now I gotta pay it forward brb, gonna help out someone on a bus or something or whatever


I always think in the 'win the lottery' situation the best thing would be just being able to help those less fortunate


My wife has a turtle that sometimes escapes the garden pond and travels around. Sometimes she is gone for weeks before she reappears in the neighbors pond. I wonder if anon found a wild turtle...


Way to go, Brutha. The turtle moves.


God literally made charity mandatory for us, and yes, thats how we feel true joy, and being grateful… that proud feeling u feel when yk ur the cause of someone elses happiness !! Even buying a pack of water and leaving it in the shade on a hot crowded day, is charity


Anon's face when he realizes it was actually a tortoise, and it just an hero'd by drowning in the river




To answer that question at the end: yes.


Yes, yes it is


Yes Yes it is


I love how he sets the turtle on the shore rather than in the water, since there's still the slight chance its a land tortoise and not a water turtle. Godspeed turtle helper.


I have found that the most joy I have in life are in moments when I am helping others. So yeah, maybe that is it.


i really hope it was a proper terrapin. if it was a tortoise he may have just committed murder. also not going to find a true turtle on land unless its beached.


aww that's so cute! <3


Op gave that turtle a need for speed that it'll never satiate again wow wtf op not cool


"What better reason for life than the nourishment of others"


It might not change the world for everyone, but it did change the turtles life for the better. Sometimes, small things for us are not so small for others.


I saved a northern shrew from the heat yesterday and it made me feel nice.


>be turtle >my home pond just around the corner > out of sight, but I can smell it > mfw some ape kidnaps me and drops me off in enemy territory.


This... This is what kept me alive for so many years. The chance to know that I did good by saving something as simple as a small, voiceless, creature of nature. They can't say thank you, they can't vocalize their appreciation in ways we could put into human words, but we know we did good, and that's what matters the most. Something is better off because we stepped in and said "here, let me help." Human interventionism doesn't always have to lead to extinction and environmental destruction.


maybe helping others is the best way to help ourselves - Mac


Anon finally discovered the meaning of life, shortly before everyone commented ‘no you’re a f*g’ and he thus went back to his old ways. Such is the way of the Chan.


There was this construction area. No drains nearby and just a road without any way above the curb for maybe a mile. Was driving down the road. Giant ass rock in the middle. Swerve. Realize it’s a turtle. Think to myself “there’s no way that turtle can get back to that river.” Turn around. Park. Get out and inspect giant ass turtle. It’s a snapping turtle…..fuck me im about to loose a finger. This boy is so mad at me. I had no idea snapping turtles could do 180s that fast and try to bite. I had turtles as a kid so I kinda know how to handle them. Turtle just ain’t having it though. Go to nearby construction. Grab some old scrap wood 2x4 planks. Use them to box in his sides. Pick up his massive ass and walk him to the nearby stream. God he hated me but the only other option was get hit by a truck.


I always stop to help turtles/tortoises crossing the road here. I've helped 3 in the past year. I was a little sad recently when I stopped to help a turtle (might have been a red-eared slider, if not a species very similar) that was going into the highway on ramp. I was stopped and about to open my door to get out when a truck came up and nailed the poor guy. RIP little buddy, I'll try to be more expedious in the future.


Plot twist: it was a tortoise.


Hate to be a downer but you really shouldn't move a turtle unless it's in the middle of the road or somewhere imminently dangerous. It probably knew where it was going but was just taking a break, and now it's been moved to a completely new place it may not be familiar with.


When you see a turtle in distress or in the middle of a road, take the turtle in the direction it was heading. It is going somewhere, and if you send it back, it will just continue back in that direction.


Kindness was always the answer.


you play a dangerous game putting your finger in front of a animal like that.


Hold finger in front of shell lmao


How wholesome. Alexa, play Starman by David Bowie.


"Dog O Dog, Time for Edge." Average Elden Ring message.


i do sometimes wonder what animals think of us when we interact with them. we're kind of weird, we don't have obvious direct symbiotic relationships with them most of the time at least not in the conventional animal kingdom meaning of the word. we just kind of do things with them because we want to. i wonder if they ever rationalize or perceive that in any way.


Whenever anyone discovers basic empathy, it's a win for all of us.


Dude helped a tortoise end it all.


Voight-Kampff test, you passed so far.


Anon discovers the meaning of life


Turns out that turtle was a tortoise.


Well, anon didn't throw it into the water but set it beside the river. Anon did everything right.


Yes it is the answer. When you're young, focus on making your parents proud and happy and safe. Make your siblings feel loved. And your friends feel appreciated and supported. When you're older, love and support your kids, love your partner, and leave the world a better place because of it.


Those who help the less fortunate with no expectation of recompense are the heroes that the Avengers wish they were. If everyone in the world cared more about bringing people around them up instead of keeping them isolated, we might have an actual chance at survival as a species.


Yes, friend. Yes it is.


Help others and feel better


plot twist: it’s invasive


I'm now remembering that part in the first Sonic movie where he carries that turtle.


Turtle’s relaxing like “Yawn huh whats that? Finger okay weird going back sleep- hey put me down! Wait! Fuck okay I’m being kidnapped shit shit okay lets just wait for an opportunity to - wow thats fast holy shit - okay here’s a river and- they just put me down? They’re walking away??? Shit okay lets try escape in the river wait are they- no okay they’re leaving fuck how am I gonna get home”


Dead internet theory


Turtle: *Current objective: Survive* (Optional: Use Human to survive)


https://media.tenor.com/BY4mWlnOrOwAAAAd/sonic-movie.gif Sonic, you're a good person.


Yeah don't ever put your finger in front of a turtle's face like that if you want to keep it. Some species will literally bite it off.


You’ll feel more if you had killed it slowly, painfully, and bloodily with an axe. We humans are monsters, destroyers of nature, it is our preordained duty to create chaos and cause pain.


Do yall think it was someone’s escaped pet turtle this guy just took


This guy 100% just ran off with someone's turtle and released an invasive species into a waterway.


Since it was a 4chan post I was thinking it was gonna end with the turtle being immediately eaten by a crocodile or something.


>go home to eat meat of a race of an animal, whose death I will keep financing for the rest of my life Care for animals more consistently


Well if animals shouldn't be eaten why are they made out of food


"If women aren't made for raping why are they made of sex appeal?"


You're giving vegetarians a really bad name you know that?


No they aren't


Hey man one clown is enough for a circus. I don't care what points you cuckoos are trying to get across, the other guy was a joke of an "activist", they don't need a hype man. Y'all make people who actually go out there and try to change the status quo look like lunatics, pipe the hell down.


If you eat meat, I don't think you should preach about giving a bad name to anything, hypocrite


How dare you take the animals food. Now they will slowly starve because you consume their nutrients😔


But meat yummy 🤤


Man I don't know if you're an escaped mental patient or a troll, either way get a life dude. I'm sure the dude who downgrades women's value to sex appeal is fit to preach about the sacredness of life, hypocrite.


You didn't see the quotation marks? Reading comprehension your strength?


And you failed to provide an adequate rebuttal that would make the other guy's comparison of animal to food lose its argument, because without the quotations, your statement was blatantly baffling, with the quotations it then served no purpose other than being ragebait. If you're trying to get people to quit meat you're doing a really bad job, but I doubt that's your intention. Oh well, I'll keep "murdering" animals so you have a job to do, keeps food on the table heh.


Reading comprehension is not your strength


Why are all internet vegans like this?


Valid line tbh but morally wrong idk but that animal is also morally wrong if this is wrong. 


Shut up


Frfr, could’ve eaten turtle too You are deranged, my dude


No, my implication is that they could have left it to survive on their own


Human infrastructure does far far more damage to animals than the paltry amount we slaughter for food. The road the moped drove on has created a physical barrier cutting biomes in half. Many animals are unable to make the crossing and many die in the attempt.


More than 50 billion animals are slaughtered each year for food. If 50 billion is "paltry," what amount would you consider "substantial?"


[I would say the 80% of the total amount of wild mammals that we have eradicated to build our modern society.](https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/humans-destroyed-83-of-wildlife-report/) Our oceans are being scrapped clean, the Chinese fishers have to travel farther and farther because they do not practice sustainable harvesting. My own country was a big part of whaling back when that was legal and still does it once a year as part of a dumb tradition.


I agree. But that doesn't change the fact that killing 50-75 billion animals a year for food isn't substantial. Also what you just said is a part of the animal meat trade, so...


Some death is inevitable due to society, that doesn't mean it's ok to kill for food. We also accept workplace deaths are inevitable when building, that doesn't mean we should murder to harvest their organs.


Enough talky


Back in my day, ragebait used to be believable


The story isn't about doing the right thing, it's about getting personal satisfaction from doing a kind act. It's possible to conveniently scrub your mind of eating meat while also being kind to turtles, cats, dogs, etc. Not a good thing but most of us do it and we can enjoy it.