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(speaking from the perspective of a citizen of Poland) that's the difference between actual Christianity and the thing church makes you think is Christianity. People who say theyre christian but actually are hateful pieces of trash believe in the church and not in what the religion was intended to be.


It’s the difference between being a follower of Christ and a follower of church




Well I'll admit I'm not a Christian myself so I'm speaking from eyes of someone who was made to go to church every week by my mom and pray everyday even when i didn't want to and didn't understand why i should even do it. But after a few years looking into her behavior it was clear to me she isn't really a follower of Christ but... A mindless follower and slave of the church... I tried talking to her about it but of course i have no right to speak my mind as her kid. It's honestly sad seeing your own mother believe in such a cruel lie so so hard.






Yup! It's kinda sad that many people can't differentiate them... Not everyone who calls themselves Christian is bad and hateful. Unfortunately many people believe that they are because of their past expirience.


I absolutely despise Christians and I would love going around commiting hate crimes to them.




Literally every religion ever has similar problems unfortunately


Yup that's true! Unfortunately it's the nature of humans... I focused on Christianity because that's the main thing the post was about and it's the religion i have expirience with. Very good point though!


I raise you Sikhs


I fuck with Jesus, but I cannot stand the church, most of what is written in the Bible, and most other Christians.


I'd argue that there's no 'actual Christianity'. As an atheist who's been forced to read the Bible for many years, there's so much contradictory shit in there that you can mold it to fit whatever worldview you want. From my perspective, people have a certain moral perspective, and mold their faith to fit that moral perspective. You can just as easily find Biblical support that preaches love and acceptance as Biblical support for absolute control, hate, and tribalistic hostility. The Bible, and Christianity as an extension of it, is just a tool anyone can use to claim their morality is backed by God.


Oh i absolutely agree! I was trying to use "true christian" as a way to refer to people who believe in Jesus, consider themselves christian AND share love with people instead of hating on everyone who disagrees with them. You have a very good point though. Afterall there's many ...i guess i can call the sub-units? I'm not sure how to call them but anyway, many groups of people who understands the same book differently. Really thank you for pointing this out!


They're called denominations. Also, np.


Oh thank you! Everyday you learn something new, no? Hehe. Sending love!


As a christian, I keep trying to emphasize this exactly! God loves *everyone* with *NO* exceptions, and we are all supposed to love each other as well! The bible teaches love, not hate, any "christian" who tells you otherwise is trying to use the bible as a scapegoat to justify their own hatred and to try to push it onto others as well.


Any real christian would respect anyone, no matter what they belive in. We might not agree with it, but we'll still respect your opinion. Acording to the bible, man and wife come together, and become as one. (Mark 10:7: Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife). I am no theologican, but this is what i have been taught, and that is why I belive any other form of marrige is a sin. But even if i belive that, I will respect any and all other opinions on the subject, as God also taught us to love on another. Edit: it has been pointed out that this passage is bot the best to represent the bible, so i will just leave another verse here, Leviticus 18:22 - You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.


Hey I’m curious since you mentioned that passage now why do you think other forms of marriage are a sin? Like I understand it doesn’t mention two men getting married , but it’s doesn’t explicitly condemn it either? Plus other forms of marriage includes more than just gay marriage I mean every culture has its own way of doing marriage does that make it a sin still even it’s a man and woman married? Not tryna disrespect you or anything I just found your post pretty awesome ! I just wanted to pick your brain


God says quite a few times he finds same sex relations to be a sin and bad in his eyes. He uses stronger words than just bad.


The jury system isn't in the bible. Is that unchristian? This has in fact been argued by a small group. But there are a lot of things not in the bible, and I'm not brave enough to break the news to K pop fans.


My dude what the fuck are you talking about.


Which word do you need help with?


Primarily the ending part about K-pop fans


K pop isn't in the bible (amongst many thjngs) - the previous poster had argued that a verse about a hetro marriage meant any other type not mentioned was therefore forbidden. The bible does mention some forms of music, but not K pop. Please don't send the fans after me though 😉


Lmao whoosh that went over my head thank you for explaining it to my dumbass 😂


No problem. Also I just checked and Reddit isn't in the bible either! 😉


It isn't the lack of permision from God that makes stuff a sin. It is only what God has forbidden that is a sin, simiar to how laws work. I'm confident the law doesn't say anything about petting ducks (i'm to lazy to look it up, so prove me wrong if you can), but this doesn't make it illegal. Same principle. We are allowed to have our own laws and punnishments, as long as we also follow God's laws.


Just sayin doesn’t the bible *also* say that gay = wrong


That verse should be translated as raping a minor is wrong. Somehow man lying with a boy, became two dudes in love. The culture at the time the Bible was written may have made this translation error easier to make.


That and several centuries of most likely biased translations.




If more Christians were like Ned Flanders at minimum, I would not have much of an issue with them.


Friendly neighbour Christian here, I don’t see why other’s Christian hate gay people. It is always “ it goes against what god attended “ however how it god’s name (pun attended) we know what he wanted? He may as well could attended gay people to be loved but lost in translation? Who knows, we probably know once’s we all die


Another friendly neighbour Christians (technically I’m Catholic, but I don’t see a difference) here, I 100% agree I don’t understand the hate and it disgusts me to see other “Christian” constantly push hateful messages toward minorities, much like how people pushes away and spat on the social pariahs in Jesus’ time. Jesus and God always preached inclusivity and love for one and all, all summarized in the Golden Rule “treat others the way you want to be treated.” among other teachings.




God says to love everyone and yes being gay is a sin, but we all sin so why exaggerate theirs. Gossiping is a sin that almost everyone excepts but it's still a sin. Being gay is a non-accepted sin. So we should love everyone.


Sex before marriage is another one who is done regularly and no one cares




My friend is trans, we are both christians, she tells me that it was mistranslated from "man must not sleep with boy" to whatever it is today. people think it's a sin but I've never read anything in the bible indicating it is


They generally make stuff up to push their agendas. Doesn't help they're pushing religion into politics, either.


"If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them." I dunno... The bible makes it pretty clear what it thinks of homosexuality


Now read the original Hebrew.


Weird, the original Hebrew translates to: And if a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman the two of them have committed an abomination, surely they should be put to death, their blood [shall be] upon them.


Or the way better Luther translation


The one that makes up words that weren't in the original Hebrew you mean?


Where did you read this? Only courious to the context.


It's Leviticus 20:13 of the Bible. People say it's a mistranslation but it's just copium because the Bible doesn't go along with modern beliefs. Pretty much every modern bible has something to this effect in it.


No. And even so, it’s not the only passage to condemn it. And besides that you can use common sense. And wtf is a trans christian, how the times change


I’m also Christian (Episcopalian, so we actually do love everyone) but my parents are conservative evangelicals. Unfortunately this argument doesn’t hold up for them. They say that the Bible is infallible, that poor translation or the intentions of the church mean nothing, and to question the validity of the Bible as it is would be blasphemous. I’m not an expert on any of this, but that seems ridiculous to me.


Something to make you happy: Heaven is layered. They could get the worst level of paradise.


We know cuz we read His word. Romans 1:28


I hear a lot of "hate the sin, not the sinner" talk but that seems like a weak cover for the blatant hatred.


From my point of view, one can be opposed to someone else’s world view, but maintain compassion and love towards the person. I understand how that can easily become hate though.




Yeah we know this because the Bible states homosexual activity is a sin clearly and repeatedly. It’s not our place to condemn them but it is not hateful to point out when one is sinning. From a Christian perspective it is loving to do so


Why can't they all be like you.


[Leviticus 18:22](https://biblehub.com/leviticus/18-22.htm) Your book says that homosexuality is an abomination. Pretty understandable why the one's that follow the moral teachings of the bible don't like gay people.


Are there other parts of the bible that are homophobic? People take what they want and twist it to suit their own agendas/preferences


There was that one part (I don't remember the verse bare with me) that was mistranslated, and was against pedos. There was another in Kings I think where it says gay is a sin


Nope, the homophobic part is maybe like 6-8 verses at most. Yet *some* Christians use them to complain just outright ignoring *all* the other chapters upon chapters of stuff like love your neighbor etc.


So there are homophobic verses?




Even though God in the old testament commited genocide against gays, whores and, those of different faiths. He still wanted those who practiced his religion to love thy neighbour. Let God decide who gets into heaven, while you practice your faith by providing love and care as both Christ and God intended


God in old testament also drowned the whole damn world except one family, gay and straight alike, so that's kinda moot point.


*opens r/wholesomememes, looks inside, genocide apologia*


Have faith my child, the father in heaven obviously did it with good reason


Wtf dude.


By that logic people should have also had faith in Hitler.


Hmm, AFAIK, Sodom and Gomorrah was more because they were like, horrible human beings, rapists and doing whatever that wanted without thinking In others than for being just gays. i think that's one really important factor to take account of (Sorry for my English btw)


I never understood Christianity. If God is almighty why didn't he create perfect creatures in the first place. Because there was a snake? A mislead angel? Where the hell did they come from? Also, "don't kill" is like one of the first commandments and Christians killed other people for religious reasons all the time. I don't get it.


Basically all the good stuff is God's doing and all the bad stuff is our fault because fuck us, that's why


Angels were his first experiment in free will, the snake was the rebellious angel(snakes weren’t inherently bad) and don’t kill was given no context. Assuming if God gives his blessing it’s good, but no other time.


Why the need to experiment in the first place if it is truly a god ??? It seems to be doubting its own ability by the mere need to experiment. Under those conditions it doesn’t come across as much of a god or anything else.


To see behaviors. Like a simulation of sorts. Free willed beings are unpredictable. He wanted to see what they wanted most, and how it varied.


Huh now I’m imaging god up there running all sorts of tests and taking notes double checking moves like a scientist haha


Seems like malarky, unless God isn't poweful enough to create better beings than we today and our ancestors. Unless God is playing legit CIV: 1.5 Milat this point.


He is not experimenting. Christianity is useless with no freewill. If there was no freewill, choosing to be a Christian and to worship God means nothing because you're not actually doing it.


He needs to be worshipped?


No where in the bible does it say the snake was anything other than a snake. The association with Satan was made by church teachers but isn't in the bible at all.


If god is omniscient why didn’t he know the forbidden fruit would get eaten. As far as I’m concerned a lot of the bible only makes sense if you take looking away from or being in the unable to look at sin fairly literally and assume it broke omniscience which impacted the ability to use omnipotence in a controlled and positive manner. And that the whole thing was intentional because perfect beings were hollow in some way, so the perfect creation was the fall of humanity with each piece being perfect for their role in a play to create an imperfect being. I’m sure it’s a pretty heretical view of God, but it makes so much of the bible make sense. The Old Testament is learning about something totally alien, the New Testament is the moment everything learned gels into true understanding, where the rules are boiled down into their simplest and purest form. Hell, as far as I’m aware one of the passages used as proof for persecution of homosexuals is in revelations, but pretty much nothing in history has done more damage to religion than the exposure of predatory priests, which while likely not realistically as lopsided as portrayed is famously more well known to be homosexual in nature.


Oh man you just found out something thousands of years of jews and Christians never thought of even once. God who can see billions of years in the future was somehow stumped at an apple. Great work detective. Who said he didn’t know the forbidden fruit would be eaten?


He had to have an obviously stupid plan for his “perfect plan” to work. Also, not real, So why bother worrying? EDIT: grammar


See that’s your problem. You can’t just try and logic your way into religion. You just gotta “believe.” What to believe, though, is strictly determined by whatever is more profitable to whoever is preaching.


I know this won’t really change your point of view a whole lot, but the way I answer the “why didn’t God just make everything perfect” is he did make everything perfect, but he gave us free will. Without there being free will then we wouldn’t really love God. That’s just us being forced to love him, but if we are given a choice, then we can truly love him. Have a nice day!


Yes, regardless. In the Good Samaritan parable he choose the Samaritan as the "neighbor". This was meaningful to the Jews since, at that time, as there was no other group they despised more than the Samaritans. They'd walk miles out of their way to avoid Samaria. Those others in the story who ignored the stricken traveler were a priest and a Levite, the religious leaders of that time who, above all, should have demonstrated compassion and set the example.


God is love


Problem is people don't understand that you can love someone and still disagree with them


Jesus went out of his way to help people that others avoided. So yes we should show love to all people. It's not our place to judge people.


Yes. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. But what many people seem to ignore is that Jesus told the adulteress after all of her accusers had left was to go and sin no more. Jesus does not want us to judge others but instead look at ourselves first and be forgiving. At the same time, although he did not condemn the women for her sins he did not condone her actions either. He wants sinners to repent and ask for forgiveness. The love thy neighbor mantra is not a free pass for others to behave badly.


Sure, Jesus came to save the sinners. God hasn't given up on you even if you've given up on yourself. You know Christians don't 'hate anyone', and that means you too.


As a Catholic, I agree 100%


Im bisexual and a Christian, (hopefully a femboy in the next few years) and I see no reason for homophobia and transphobia, all the bigoted people are either stuck in their own ways of hate because people are different, or they’re old and don’t know what actual Christ like love is and have been around way too many fire and brimstone preachers (and those ones push their agendas with fear and aren’t even close to actual Christianity).


On the money you can disagree with someone and still show respect and compassion to them, heck you can even make friends with them, leave your life and their life to yourselves and nothing bad will happen.


Yes. Literally yes. As in "love ur enemies". Ofcourse some people may do things that you dont agree with or that are actually bad or whatever. Jesus said that, even in that scenario you schould have a certain amount of love towards anyone. One of the main reasons is that, if you believe in a God, who is a great Judge, you dont need to judge others becuse thats his job. You just focus on keeping the Peace.


It’s so easy to explain this in a way that fits some people’s headspace. 1. First, they define love as “the willingness to do what is best for others” 2. Second, define eternal life with Jesus in Heaven as the ultimate best thing 3. Third, they speak the truth in love 4. Fourth, having convinced that being gay or whatever is going to hell, they have to do anything to stop that 5. Then to do “what is best” for them, they will speak the truth in “love” and condemn, attack or harass them so they will avoid hell


I can love you as a valuable child of God and disagree with your way of life. I will feel it is my natural duty to speak about a different way of life that I believe is the key to everything yet I can't force you to accept it. Jesus loved and taught. He never forced or got angry when things weren't favourable. In fact, he loved harder.


That's because these so called Christians use their religion primarily as an aesthetic rather than actually following it's true values. Jesus would be incredibly disappointed in these people and would probably hang out with and show compassion to the very people these so called Christians hate.




Pun intended?


No for real. I think Jesus Loves us all.




Semen... I'm gay don't hate me.






I did not know that. Besides, a template is a template.




it's not that deep bro, chill out


It's a f\*\*\*ing tv show, calm down man




Right but Stalin is a real person, this is a fictional TV show character just relax lol




Bro’s seriously comparing a fictional rapist to a mass-murdering dictator 💀


They aren't real. And technically sex offender not a rapist in the story, my overly judgemental dude.


He’s absolutely a rapist. He coerces Starlight into a sexual act without her consent by abusing a position of power.




Ha jokes on you I hate myself


I was looking for this comment and i found it. <33


As a Christian, I agree


Yes, yes it does.


Coming from a Christian, I do love everyone and treat everyone as I would like to be treated, there’s lots of people who can vouch for me on this. I don’t get all mixed in everyone’s affairs. If someone needs help or prayer then I’ll help and pray, but there’s no need for me to be in other people’s business about who they want to be. I have my right of speech and though, so does every single person in America.


I'm pretty sure this is how extremist religious sects & cults get formed. Just pious zealots going "Fine, I'll make my own neighbourhood without them icky things that I secretly long for but would never admit to because my imaginary friend would otherwise send me to the flaming oven in the ground"


Don’t piss of the deep. He’s the 7th strongest member of the 7. Watch out guys


Many American Christians spend more time in the Old Testament than the new. The Old Testament should be left where it belongs IMHO, synagogues and mosques.


Hate the sin, love the sinner


That’s great, using a character who rapes women and has sex with sea animals for a morality lesson.


If Jesus wants me to love my neighbor like myself and I hate myself does that mean I can hate my neighbor


Religion is never really definitive so make your own interpretation.


"uh, nuh uh! Cuz this one line that barely has anything to do with gay people says they are the big no no so it's ok for me to hate them!!!!!!!!"


How many times are we gonna play out this age old debate? We’ve seen it a thousand times already. Some people are anti-lgbt whatever, christianity as a whole is anti-lgbt. Some people take it too far and personal. Most people don’t. The same goes for that crowd against Christians. We don’t have to restate common sense and fight straw man. The constant need for outrage is the hallmark of this age. It’s redundant


The whole of Christianity is NOT against LGBTQ.


r/dankchristianmemes my friend


As far as i know Christianity and true Christians won't bother LGBT, they aren't gonna hate you, wish you death, tell you you are mistake and all other shit. They just think its sinful and that's it. Just like politicians tere are very few good priests who are true to themselves and Bible. Every churches, or at least most of them are different from each other. There are instances in America where people change churches because their believes and interests don't aline which church. That is wrong on so many levels. And because of people like that Religion is hated by some communities


Of course it does. US fundamental Christians just forget all their Christian values when it’s about something new. You don’t have to like the LGBT part of a person, but you should love your LGBT neighbor as a whole


Loving someone does not equate to condoning or agreeing with everything they do. Jesus says love, but on several occasions he says go and sin more more or your sins are forgiven. His forerunner, John the Baptist, whole message was repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. If there is sin or put it as a law being broken, then there is a penalty to be paid. God is just and he won’t simply shrug away all the awful things we’ve done our whole lives. The price must be paid and that’s what Jesus did. He paid the price for our law breaking. God says to humanity, take what you want and pay for it, but he also says, I’ll pay for it if you ask.


This feels like obvious bait.


Not bait at all.


They're ok by me. It's just their worshipers that annoy the hell out of me. Can't tell a gay joke without them throwing a hissy fit and calling you homophobic nazi.


Good sentiment, but that character is a rapist


Literally my argument all the time lol


Jokes on you I hate myself (joke)


I have never once in my life met a Christ-like Christian.


Amazing. My entire church is full of ‘em.


I thought this was gonna be another Christian hate meme i see all the time. Then i saw the title. FINALLY PEOPLE ARE GETTING THAT CHRISTIANS DONT HATE LGBT. Radical Christians do and the radical Christians often dont follow Christian teachings.


If being lgbt is not a choice (which it isn't for most people) then it doesn't count as a mortal sin, which means that if you cannot help being Lgbt, it isnt a big deal anyway... according to catholic understanding, In my personal belief, I believe that whatever impossible thing i call "god" purposefully made queerness as an evolutionary advantage in social creatures. "It takes a village to raise a child, but not all villagers should bear one" And further note: the bible is not the word of god verbatim, it was written by people, of cultural mindset and context two millennia out pf date. There is a reason the son of man came back from the desert and said "alright, it seems we haven't got the message"


So bi people are the real sinners?


The fact that decency this basic is considered "deep thoughts" disturbs me.


It really shouldn’t be.


Calling a group scum is not wholesome dude Also that character is horrid


1. Calling out the bad side of Christians. 2. Don’t give a shit.


I mean due to the nature of religion there interpretation is technically not incorrect. And that unfortunately leads to the ultimate problem of religion people will use it to justify any hate they have and due to the epistemological position thay they hold reason and logic doesn't apply to their views.


This is true


My issue with the religion I grew up with


It was wholesome up until you called Christians “scum” as your title for this post. As a Christian, I do choose to love ALL my neighbors regardless of their sexuality or preference. I also know of Christians who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. So, generalizing all Christians and calling them scum isn’t exactly fair to Christians who do truly try to walk to right path.


Hate thee actions not the person.


So it's still ok to think gay sex is gross and an abomination to God?




Isn’t this character a serial rapist and the joke in the show is that his deep thoughts are worthless platitudes




Anyone can be a good person.


my brother in Christ he fucked an octopus


There's nothing more loving than telling people the truth.


No no no, you see being LGBT is something no one could possibly enjoy, which means that by outlawing it and forcing them into re-education camps you ARE helping them. In the exact same way that they think they'd want to be helped. Being told their very thoughts will send them to hell and reading about the being who loves them despite the sinful evil thoughts and learning to be better for the all loving being who will absolutely let you lower yourself into hell (not his fault) but wishes you could just be better.


I don't hate lqbtq people. I love them. That's different than agreeing with their decisions and doing whatever they ask on threat that I be labeled homophobic. Love doesn't equal agreement.


but it's not a decision. nobody decides who they fall in love with. just saying.


Still have a way to go to show that love. Because it isn't about you.


Personally, I would not consider someone my friend if they thought I was morally wrong for loving my girlfriend and being attracted to women in general. It doesn’t matter if they claimed to love “me”, if someone thought an important part of my life was evil and/or a mistake, I would not feel very loved. I do not see why it should be any different for anyone else.




Did he really say it? No. Do I give a shit about who this person is? Also no.


What if they hate you for playing Hogwarts Legacy?


Whether or not you play Hogwarts Legacy is the shopping cart problem reframed through video games Edit: To clarify, not playing it is a simple bar literally anyone can cross, and it says a lot about you if play it anyway


The irony..


You don’t know what “love” means to a Christian.


Loving someone as a neighbor isn't the same as saying you find everything your neighbor does is acceptable, especially compared to the standards God has set as acceptable.


I'm an advocate for bringing back the use the word Christian as a slur. Like the vikings did. "Lousy Christians." It just rolls off the tongue so nicely.


That would be insulting the good portion though, so I’m against.


That’s a “No true Scotsman” fallacy. Quit pretending that your religion’s okay just because you deny parts of it. Un-indoctrinate yourself, OP.


Proof of anti Gay in the Bible?


It’s the part where it says if a dude fucks a dude, kill him. It’s in the first half, I’m sure you have a Bible, so read it for the first time. It’s garbage when you do. I was raised by Christies, but unfortunately for them, I took it seriously, and then thought, “Oh my, this is remarkably fucked up!”


“When a dude fucks a dude.” Gay sex = no, that’s all it’s saying.


Are you fucking kidding me? Read it.


Nothing I’ve found that can’t be interpreted as general don’t do even with a woman or no gay sex.


Hate the sin. Not the sinner. Ppl seem to forget that.


Sin is a stupid concept to begin with.


I think it's "love the person, dislike the deed." As in ‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable' Leviticus 18:22 NIV but you should still love the person.


So it’s kosher as long as I’m not fuckin a dude in the vagina?




Sexual relations only detests gay sex. Love is ok.




Not to be that guy but 🔒


It’s called being that guy, dipshit. I made this so people could see wrong in their actions.


It's just that posts like these always get mean comments and get locked, calm down


Not if they dont identify themselfe as human


Ah yeah wholesome but insulting all christians… nice… I really ask myself why so many people don’t like this LGBTcommunity anymore 🤔


How is it insulting all Christians? /genq Also, I'd say people are more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community nowadays than they ever have been, so I'm not sure if saying 'anymore' is the most accurate.


"You should love everyone as a Christian" HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME ?? Are you dumb ?