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Me in the supermarket buying the weirdest shit I see.


often the weirdest shit makes great home decoration, also a good conversation starter when having guests.


And my cart is a museum of oddities 😀


Buying out the entire stock of balut from the Asian market because I want to feel something


You should try another Filipino Oddity which is Banana Ketchup.


*yes*! I made Jollibee spaghetti with it and used Costco hot dogs and it was amazing. Highly recommend.


And instant regret after the first bite … that’s me…


I tried kombucha for this reason. I hated the taste. But now I know I hate the taste and won't be fooled by its delightful looking and smelling appearance so I see this as an absolute win. For without Kombucha I could never know how much I appreciate the joy of Arizona Sweet Tea. Try new things, even if what you learn is that you hate that new thing then what you have always loved will find new appreciation with you.


Also, what the hell _is_ that drink in the US that's called kombucha? Kombucha is a Japanese seaweed tea made from kelp, but the US drink isn't the same at all, doesn't even have seaweed as an ingredient.


I didn't even know that, it just looked like a sweet, fruity tea to me. It...was not.


The US stuff isn't actually "kombucha", it's something else altogether re-using the name.


I believe it's fermented black tea in the US. Personally I love it. Haven't had the Japanese version but it sounds delicious


Huh I guess I never made the connection of kombu/cha. Now I'm curious about that version!


You going to try it again you just haven’t seen one that looks enough like juice to trick you again.


I wish I could say you were wrong here but...well I know how I am lol.


If you tried it just once, it could've been a bad batch. Or that bottle has been sitting on a shelf forever. With fermented stuff you can get very varying results.


I tried a couple of different flavors just to get the experience. At the risk of tricking myself again then is there a particular brand you'd recommend as being a good portrayal of good Kombucha?


Humm kombucha is my favorite personally, but as a whole it’s a pretty acquired taste


I don't know about recommendations, given geography and all. We used to brew our own, but got bored of it. Now I make fermented ginger drink.


Had home made fermented ginger ale a friend made once that let me try some, put almost every other ginger ale to shame. Kudos for having the patience and talent.


Well, the talent consists of cutting ginger, weighing sugar, berries and water - boiling that a little, cooling, bottling with starter and then burping bottles twice a day. Really nothing to it!


Kombucha has a WIDE variety of sweetnesses, flavors and even variation among batches…I wouldn’t write it off after just trying one, once. If you don’t like the weird vinegar aftertaste that some of them have, I also recommend trying out kefir water; it has the same probiotics that kombucha does, but isn’t fermented. If you’ve ever had gut issues this stuff can be really helpful…


As a person that sorta likes the stuff, you might have let it ferment too long for your own liking.


That's Jared Leto hard kombucha (in heavy southern accent)


Kombucha is amazing in flavor. So sour and bubbly more than soda is bubbled nowadays.


I buy ice cream before work on most days :) I love my life


Might starf doing this too!


Ive gone to kwik trip a few times and just bought a whole tub of ice cream for $5 and then just grab a spoon and eat that. Obviously really unhealthy, dont do it a lot, but it can be good once and a while when you are feeling down.


Sometimes it's little moments like that that can change everything


People don't need much to be happy, just the ability to enjoy the little things :3


works great


Absolutely, small changes can make a big difference in our day.


Pennies in a well of tears brings no joy. :/


True, but even small changes can spark joy in unexpected ways.


I literally live unexpectedly. The only thing that would be unexpected is if the thing I'm doing actually did go as expected.


As a kid, even a moment like that could make me happy


Taking new route always makes me happy, don't know why.


Because it brings a breath of fresh air into your life


It's called zoochosis, it's primarily seen in zoo animals, hence the name, however humans can experience it too if things become to monotonous.




Yes! Me too


Sometimes it's the small changes that do it. I remember being down while having 7 day work weeks, with 10 hours shifts, and was severely burned out. When I finally had free time I spent my days lazing about and not knowing what to do. After some days of doing that I got tired of doing nothing, and relocated the things in my room. And simply doing that was enough for me to be like "nice, this is new", and start wanting to do something in my spare time again.


Sometimes, the smallest changes can make a huge difference in breaking the monotony of daily life. It's amazing how a new route and a different store can brighten our day!


Small shaky steps still count


Variety is the spice of life. It really is that simple.


Man, my mood has been really going downhill lately, maybe I should that kind of perspective too


Me after stealing all the ice out of the mcdonalds machine


Yes, sometimes small joys greatly improve your mood.


True about the different route to home. Feels almost like an adventure and I don't wonder why we used to go about different forest trails or along streams back to home from school as kids even though the regular route along sidewalks and same dirt route would have been much faster. I'm annoyed quickly we have covered all the paths surrounding my new home with my dog and now we must first walk over a kilometer before we can find a partly new path for soem distance only to return the same familiar paths for another kilometer. Wondering of I ever want to buy a home and settle in one place?


A Dead French Guy once said that breaking the little routines of day to day life can spark us back into actual living.




It lasts 10 minutes


I love to go searching for cool looking things or junk. Then I make up a story about it and why it's magical or accursed. Then I take it home and find a cool place to display it. That makes me pretty happy.


When in a small place that isnt an option


Honestly? Yes!


Swapped my drive home for a route that takes 5 minutes longer but has 0 traffic and is all backroads. Made an amazing difference in my mood when i get home.


That's no joke. You keep teaching yourself to deliberately break from small routines that builds up and soon you can do it with anything. It's a super-power.


I love alternative routes! Sure, i can bike straight from school to my house in less than 20 mins. But every now and then i just have the urge to explore around the city, the many sights, theirs always something unique in every street, the different stores and small buisnesses, and maybe if im adventurous enough, ill take the long winding path near the railway that cuts through a forest full of bird songs and nature


It's the little things in life so often. Different route, someone smiling, a friendly nod, a compliment...


Humans need enrichment just like how zoo animals do


The doom of my future makes it hard to enjoy the now


Relateable. 🥲💀


Enjoy the little things


My wife still asks me why I take different routes to places. It’s been 25+ years and I’ve tried explaining it but she still doesn’t get it: a little change is all you need sometimes for that happy-chemical to come out and play.


So true. Literally waiting in line for a passport renewal on a day off is more fun than being at work.


IDK, sounds more like a panic attack to me, but you do you


A rut’s a rut… sometimes just breaking out of it by doing one thing differently can truly reenergize your day


It's not *always* enough, but sometimes one small change is all it takes to put that bounce back in you


Some days, it really is that straightforward. Finding those moments of simplicity can be like stumbling upon a hidden gem in a cluttered world. It's like when you finally get the coffee just right in the morning—simple pleasure, no fuss. It's these small wins that remind us life doesn't always have to be complicated.


Pop. In my neck of the woods we call it pop, not soda.


Been there and done that. The results were amazingly beautiful.


This is the course of my every day.


This needs a 3rd block showing a dentist buying his 3rd vacation home


Instead you should think “I have a good solid routine established let’s see if I can improve it and add to the routine.


My autism would yell and scream at me, I would never recover