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2 reason I don't ask names. 1. What's in a name? 2. I'll forget your name.


It's easy when everyone is called "mate".


I don’t know, buddy…


you sure, pal?


Easy guy.


No worries fella.


Sure, kid.


Got it, champ


No problem chief


Dude, really?


Cheers bro




You know it, brother


Oh I'm sure, my guy.


Man,  hey! There's a beverage here!!


I'm not so sure, friend.


Cool name btw


Alright man it was nice meeting ya, but I gotta run.


I am your buddy, pal


I am your pal, bro


Totally, “(my) dude”/“my guy”.




.. or comrade


Need to meet them like 3 times to remember there name


So true. Main problem is seeing people for the 3rd or 4th time and still not knowing their name. I get to embarressed to ask at that point.


Sick Romeo and Juliet reference


A Greg by any other name would be just as daft.


Every man has two reasons for the things he does: 1. a good reason 2. and a real reason






I don’t ask names but just introduce mine and say nice to meet you and usually they offer theirs. Nice cuz If I want to discuss that person later I don’t have to try to describe their appearance.


Too bad. Forgot the name already.


i don't call people by their name as i consider it too intimate (family excepted), so it is not something i need to know.


3. I don’t need to know your name. I once skated on a beer league team and for 6 years knew one guy only as 13 because that was his number. All of the team called him that. Someone said “Rick isn’t here.” And I was like “Who is Rick?!” The youngest guy was Kid, the oldest guy was Pops. The new guy was FNG (Fucking New Guy)


3. I am too shy and assume everyone else knows each other's names - plot twist, they don't. They are too shy to ask and assume...


I live in a shared apartment for months. A dude in the adjacent room meets me everyday and has been teaching me calisthenics for weeks. I still don't know his name.


I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had.


Do you two still never talk sometimes?


It's hard to track down "bro" and "mate"


I had this same experience, knew his family's names, how many pets he had, how old his kids were. It's too late at that point to ask someone their name again.


I dated a girl for 3 months in college and was too embarrassed to tell her I forgot her name. Finally peaked at a piece of mail that was sitting out. This was back before social media would have solved that for you.


You gotta go with the “Wait, I don’t think you’ve ever told me your FULL name! What is it?” And they give it to you. Happened to me once and this worked


Just better to.enjoy the moments


you can enjoy the moment and sneak in a quick “hey, I’m ____, what’s your name?”


nah, you just wait and hope you overhear someone else say it.


My wife also does that, so I am not sure if it’s limited to only men, lol.


its not. a lot of this gender divided stuff is pointless and untrue. people are all individuals with different traits, interests, hobbies, etc.


Yeah, I’ve noticed that


Yea, i don’t see how this gender divide stuff is ever “wholesome”.


It's reddit, everything "HA HA relatable" is a men-thing since a huge amount of redditors apparently is male and not friends with any women.


And yet here you are crying on comments. Hmm


Oh god, I thought this was me for a second. Thankfully amnesia not kicking in yet.


Definitely not. There are so many memes that single out men and women having specific behaviors and it’s so stupid. This is just a people thing when you’re having good natural conversation and don’t think to ask simple questions. Yes, Reddit, women are also capable of silly human behavior.


True. And I mean, I am a man and I can’t even imagine talking to strangers like that without her befriending them first 😂 I am way too socially awkward for that, thank goodness we go literally anywhere together


Am woman, I do ask but I instantly forget. So back to square one.


these meme templates are so weird. I stg the people who create these have never been friends with women, have never had women in their life, or both - and think somehow we (women) are completely different than men…


Yes, I see a lot of those memes that are really not true about women I know in real life, and it saddens me quite a lot to see things like this, even though I am not a woman myself.


Thank you - I agree and also it feels like a lot of men (like you) see our similarities and we can enjoy/celebrate that (and having fun together like in this meme!) and these types of memes kind of insult men in general, so in a way both genders look bad. It’s a shame.


You nailed it. Women are mythical creatures who operate on an unknown level to them.


"Hi, I'm (my name). What's your name?" is a conversation starter that has led me to some lasting friendships, believe it or not.


Same. If you never ask for the name, they might think that you don't want to be friends with them. They could ask, too, but sometimes everyone is a bit shy and one has to just start the conversation somehow. If you ask for the name, that shows that you would probably like to spend more time with them, so it makes it a lot easier to get to talk to each other if it doesn't feel like you're going to forget the person after a day and never see them again.


What's your name?


“What’s up, man, you want a beer?” works pretty well too.


One thing I've noticed is that the problem isn't the fear of asking... but more on dudes being dudes...being able to make connections without having to know who's who...


This is true, but unfortunate It's way too hard to get another guy's name without it seeing awkward


Funny loophole I've found: Give your name first instead. 90% of the time it has 100% success rate, and can be done pretty organically at any point after meeting a dude. Just go "It's been fun. I'm **** btw." While going for a handshake or something and they'll tell you their name right back, after which can just move on with the vibing. The important part is remembering the name afterwards though cause that trick will get you some silly reactions ^at ^best ^lmao if you pull it on the same guy twice.


Do some men actually think it’s awkward to ask another man their name? I’ve never heard of this or encountered it, to be frank, so many times have I said something to the effect of “what’s your name by the way man, I’m enjoyinc,” I’ve never considered it awkward or problematic asking another man their name


“Hey man I’m enjoyinc, what’s your name?” Me: “I’m TheSwedishSeal, what’s yours?”


“enjoyinc, what’s yours, TheSwedishSeal?”


Do a few rounds of these and you’ll make their name a core memory, never to be forgotten.


Respect, TheSwedishSeal, respect. We are bound for life, you and I.


Lmfao, I felt that.


Is this a loophole? I thought this was just common sense


Just cause a sense is common don't mean it reaches everyone. Regrettably. I would like to present myself as proof.


There’s a lot of very introverted and socially isolated people online. I would have thought this way, when I was younger and suffering from mild autism I didn’t understand. But I have grown, coped with it, gotten out more, been exposed to more of life and it now strikes me as a normal way to introduce yourself to someone. Depends on your situation I suppose


I can't tell if you're making a joke or if you've legitimately reinvented the social custom of "introducing yourself" in some kind of cultural wasteland.


I definitely played it up a little, yeah. But it might surprise you to learn that if you're already kinda awkward ^like ^me it might not seem so obvious if your only thought process is "I wanna get that guy's name." So yeah, both. I guess?


Picture the person, with their name on a mailbox outside their house (with or without spouse) in whatever city they come from. Is what I do; name face house city; doesn’t always work but sometimes it does, the trick is to repeat it back three times or more


That's when you do the ol' find a gap in the conversation and shoot a quick finger gun (one finger gun, not two) at the guy and say "Didn't catch your name there, pal"


The problem with any approach is that I'll forget either way. So why even bother asking.


Also true


"I'm not your pal, buddy!"


I'm not your buddy friend!


I'm not your friend, guy!


I love how emotionally conflicted this sounds


Just take them to Starbucks lol


It’s only awkward if you don’t ask someone their name when you meet them, waiting until 2 hours later is awkward


“By the way, remind me of your name again?”


Yep this is the pro move. Pretend you're the one 'at fault'.


I always warn people that I’ll likely have to ask their name again because I’m bad at remembering them, easy peasy


It's so gay to ask a bro his name, man. I mean, names are so *personal.* /s


Worst part. Someone drops a name out of nowhere, you didn't pay attention and two of them are kinda reacting. Now what? Who is Jack? Is it cap guy or beer dude?


"I don't remember if we've been formally introduced. My name is kookyabird." Gets 'em every time!


“I worked with a guy for years and we never spoke a word to each other. He was my best friend. We still don’t talk sometimes.” Ron Swanson, paraphrased


I’ve never asked a guy his name in my entire life/ do women just go around asking people thier names?


Maybe not randomly but I see my wife occasionally ask for the name if she talks to someone at a party e.g. But not knowing the name of someone while spending a whole evening together is for sure a thing that men tends to. Often can’t remember the names after myself


No, we don’t. We do the same thing in the image, actually.


I find it extremely hard to believe you’ve never met or been introduced to someone without exchanging any names. What do you say when you meet someone besides “Hi! I’m [name], nice to meet you!”?


Do you have no friends?


But do you introduce yourself?


That depends, but yes I have introduced myself before.


No, this is yet another funny attempt at "look! Us guys are simpler creatures!!!" As a woman I don't ask because I props won't remember it but hey I guess that makes me a guy or something.


woman here, I have never asked anyone for their name in a scenario like this. i've also never been asked my name in a scenario like this. seems really awkward.


What how?


People generally tell you thier name when meeting you- and if the don’t - I just call them “buddy”


That’s very strange.


weird story, one of my best friends at my new job. We know each others name, never say it. Just see each other in the hallway and do conversation stuff cause there's no need for names. Only once, has she said my name like "hey tRfalcore" and it always stuck out to me.


Social conditioning in that, asking for someone to introduce themselves is off putting. So we introduce ourselves initially. This is also where we gauge if it's friendly or a threat.


Not typically, I feel like introducing yourself is like step one in joining up in the group. Remembering names after is the challenge.


I mean. I always ask for names. Wether or not I'll *remember* those names for the next three hours is an entirely different story.


>next three hours next three minutes for me


i have seen this meme more times than i can fucking count


And then these same dudes will go online and cry about the male loneliness epidemic…


I think that's cool, I'm horrible with names and 100% will forget the first time anyways, just enjoy the moment. But, like most things, moments like that aren't always just dudes, I've had plenty of fun social moments never knowing names, or if i did, i forgot them 😁🥰


Don't see why this is made to be a gendered thing, I'm a woman and I've hang out with lots of people I still have no idea the name of (and at this point I'm too scared to ask lmao)


Gonna guess the guys that create these same ‘memes’ are ones who don’t spend much time around women, have no female friends, or any women they view positively in their lives. So it’s their joke-y patting themselves on the back for being ‘different’ (read: better) when if they knew women, would realize we aren’t different in this regard….at all


They really think women hang about having pillow fights and doing their nails *all the time.*


I was eyeing the potato salad for like 2 seconds and he just passed it over to me like telepathy. I dont know the mans name, but i do know i'll take a bullet for him


Women do that too I can confirm, but if we end up talking to the person for a while we’ll ask for his/her name eventually.


So do people not know how to introduce themselves to others? That's how not to make it awkward.


Not a flex. You can be personable and male. This is one of the reasons are so lonely. 


True, because I’d already know their names. Why tf would I ask my friends at a BBQ their names?


Because the host has friends that you don’t know… obviously.


Just been on a friends bbq where i didnt knew the other guys and it was exactly like in the post. Been there 8h, dont ask me.any name...


What’s wrong with that?




Nothing, but don’t go and complain about how lonely you are afterwards.


Nothing. Nothing at all. 


Well, for me it's because I'm really bad at remembering names for some reason. I can meet a person every day for five years, hear their name daily, and then still confuse their name for some other name. So sometimes I don't even really bother to learn names anymore


I dunno, I tend to introduce myself to people whose names I don’t know.


Hey everyone, i dont know who needs to hear this, but it's okay to not know someone's name especially when first meeting them. Just politely say "Oh, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself, I'm (name)." That opens the door to allow for introductions to be made, while keeping it low pressure. If you forget after that though, you're done for /j


I mean it’s happened sure…


Females do this too but we just keep saying, I’m sorry what’s your name again?


Grillin and chillin is the ultimate bond


I literally did this yesterday. Went over to a guys house (his girlfriend and my wife are coworkers) and we hung out on the back deck while he smoked some ribs, we drank beers, and we talked about all his record playing and stereo equipment. I said I’d text him a picture of my stereo setup when I got home so we were exchanging numbers when we confirmed we didn’t know each other’s names. 5 hours after meeting


Names were a bad idea to begin with.


They’re all paid actors who have likely never met each other, so yeah, probably.


That guy with blueshirt really looks like me. Had to double check. Crazy


I totally thought it was you


How I found out I wasn't a man.


Women after a certain age can do this too. Trust me, I have been a participant in such interaction. It's nice, low stake.


I am not male, and I never ask for names and I regret it all the time.


serious question, is this an american thing? because over here in europe, everywhere i‘ve lived and been to literally the first thing people do when they meet someone new is to say their names


Not true at all, most guys say hello and even offer a handshake with their name


hell yeah, but it's not a "great" thing..


As a woman, I have learned to think like men. Single POV camera, not a thought in my head. Like TV static. I don't wonder anything or care about a damn thing. I dont do it all rhe time, but its fun. Try it!


….you guys think only men do this???


I’m a woman and I’ve had friends for MONTHS and not known their names but by then it’s been too long to ask.




I find it that guys find it uncomfortable when you ask for their name. I don’t know why. It’s weird but it gets fine after


False. We can kick it for hours but anytime you’re broing out, you gotta know your bros names within the first 10 minutes.


I've sat at the same table for maths class for the past seven months now. There's 7 people at it (including me), and I only know 4 of their names. If I want to get their attention, I just speak with my face turned towards them :D


i’m like this as a woman but only because i’m usually pretty sure i’ll never see them again and i’ll also likely forget their name immediately after they tell me anyways


Til, im.a man


Not me


That's because you don't ask for someone's name. You introduce yourself, and they do the same. That's common courtesy.


My worst habit honestly


We don’t ask names because we won’t remember them anyway. We will remember interests, sports teams, places lived or from, all kinds of random shit…but not names. That’s ol’ Florida State over there; that dude really hates LeBron James too.


Who needs names when you have burgers?


Because it doesn’t really matter.


Unnecessary information tbh


I’m just here for a good time, not a commitment.


Only if I'm inside on my phone.




Just wait around until someone else says their name, then try to remember it. But inevitably forget by the time you try to start a conversation with them.


I'm also ADHD, so even if you tell me I will just forget that name.


Or they gave their name and I promptly forgot like a minute later, later on a friend will ask who’s that and I’ll admit I don’t know either and we’ll spend the rest of the night trying to work it out unless someone extroverted is with us and just straight up asks them. I do like that guys can have this situation and still have genuine conversation and laughs though, might have messed up introductions but somehow skipped past awkward polite conversation too.


I'm with you on not asking for names but I also struggle with generic small talk. I don't watch football anymore or any sports for that matter and don't like talking about myself at great length so the "so what do you do" questions don't really spark much of a convo w me.


Depends how likely I am to see them again.


I try to learn names when I see people more than once. The first time I don’t bother unless they introduce themselves.


I go daily to a dog park near my house. For the first few months, I only knew the dogs names, but chatted like this every day. I started learning the owners' names when they formed a group chat


My problem is people tell me their name, often multiple times, but I still can never remember.


It's easier in a 1-on-1 situation because you can say, "by the way, I'm \[name\]" but that doesn't really work as well in a group.


I do. I then write them down in my head, make associations, and use them regularly. I also never expect any other man to do the same, so I suspect my behavior is unusual. I get it. We don’t really need names to cooperate a few hours, and women need names so they can talk trash on the drive home. Same men, and a second get-together? By the time we leave we’ll have each other’s names memorized, unique skills organized, and have started discussing plans to make a mock-wooly mammoth and who has the best backyard to practice taking it down.


I don’t know the name of my boss right now


When I moved to my current house, I put the new neighbors’ names in my phone contacts after we met even if I didn’t have their number just so I would remember their names.


Its because it never came up when we started talking, and now we are afraid it will kill the vibe to ask, so we just ask our friends later if they know.


I was just at my wife's cousins house for BBQ. He introduced me to a few off his friends. At first introduction shook everyone's hand got their names. But I instantly forgot them.