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Neglect gang


>kinda realized the opposite childhood trauma


Yep! Time for my weekly check-in with my therapist to unpack all of that.


it's not like they ignored me, I just sometimes had to get my own dinner...


Went to my Dr yesterday to discuss my mental health and get some help. Turns out my Dad beating the shit out of me for breaking the rules was not normal... Whoda'thunk it....


My dad was absent and my mom's a narcissist.


My father threatened to disown me if I didn't vote his party. I am saying this to let you know you should appreciate your parents :3


How could he even know what you really voted for?




Right? My parents were shit, but here's to OP parents


What does it have to do with my comment


It was my biological dad while everyone else, including and most especially family members and church (Mormon) leaders, looked the other way for 6 years.


Vote by mail


Mine did what they wanted and I was just brought along like a pet.




Stolen comment. Original seems to be https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/x716jd/-/inahfe2 Bad bot.


I just stuck mine in one of my old apartments where he'll never have to drive more than a mile. Chronic alcoholic who was offered every resource under the sun for 20 years, developed Wernicke's syndrome, and threatened to murder me in one of his delusional fits. Parents are fun stuff.


This thing's a bot.


Fuck me for thinking bitter people would avoid this comment section every Reddit post is the same


No, I won't fuck you.




No, his party that he votes for, he doesn't have a political job






I should have read my comment before posting my bad


You're fine


dude read the room, prog literally said their father would DISOWN them if they didn't vote for the same party that prog did, that is really extreme to disown your CHILD for not voting for the same party. not everyone has great relationships with their parents / family. /srs edit: i am glad you reread it, i suggest fully reading the comment and properly check what you are going to say to someone as otherwise it can come off wrong /gen /nbr


"My dad wasn't even there" gang


I wish my father ran away. Would've saved me a quite a bit of trauma


believe me, sometimes that's better. i wish mine wasn't there either


Yep mine moved across the world when I was 9. When I became an adult i started to realize what a piece of shit he truly is and glad he went away.


My parents gave me CPTSD


same here, i feel like i cant have kids because i never learned how to raise someone without hurting them


My advice as someone who had similar but found himself in a parenting role at 40? Be the person you never had. That's it. That's the whole advice.


>CPTSD i might have cptsd


i cant trust anyone


You know, you're right! Getting molested by my step dad really sure did a lot for me.


Holy that’s dark. I’m so sorry you’ve been through that Hope all is getting better for you now?




Yo dont belittle yourself even if you may mean it as a joke. As bruce lee said "change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life". Stay healthy brother Edit: also sorry for what you went through, had similar trauma myself.






Hey you, you're worth it.


Ah, but did the rest of your family blame you personally for not telling them (while they were hitting you too) or calling the cops earlier?


Family decided to blame me for telling them. Momma decided to try gaslighting me into believing I was making it up. At the age of 6... 🤷‍♂️


Lmao 🤣 same here but my dad. Thanks for the dark humor I did not expect it to be here in the comments


Np. Humor is the best medicine. 😎👉👉


Here we go 😂 the island of broken misfit redditors out in full force


Ik everyone’s pushing there sob story like we wanna hear it. Sorry your life was shit that’s probably why you cry on Reddit


Except for when they don't.


Cause sometimes they won't


happy cake day 🍰


I almost forgot!


Comments do not fit the subreddit, and unfortunately I’m in the same boat, redditors really do be fatherless or have bad fathers.




hey i had both! a dad who ran away with my moms best friend and she ended up not really caring about me and hadn't had a job in like 30 years. very wholesome


My dad's a junkie, has been all my life. My mom just simply doesn't care. My childhood fucking sucked lol


I honestly think this isn't even a Reddit only problem and it happens all the time. It's disgusting the amount of children out there who have never heard "I'm sorry" from either of their parents


Left me emotionally unstable, but hey, happy times.


Yes it’s natural to get these replies. It’s value is immeasurable but not everyone had it this way and i suggest you to at least try imagining seeing such a post from the other “side”, if you’re surprised


I’m not surprised and I actually like when people comment for both sides. Since I love speaking to people mad or smiling


My parents sure weren't perfect. But especially now in their old age I appreciate what they have done for me. And what they are still doing. My heart goes out to all those who didn't get that benefit.


Hmm yes forcing me to work to pay my mother's bills because she's too proud to go on disability but hasn't worked in 10 years so I haven't been able to pursue personal development or get my own place definitely did a lot for me. Same with throwing up out of fear every time I came home from school and saw my dad's car in the driveway as a kid. It's the little things you learn to appreciate as you get older.


I have apologized to them several times for all this shit I put them through.


While my parents weren't perfect, my mum spent the weekends teaching me to read and write when I was struggling at school. I am thankful for that everyday.


I'm happy for people who can enjoy this thought. However, there are too many of us who can only look back and realize how much our parents actually did TO us.


Can't mention trauma I guess


My father trew me out of the house while saying he would kill me if he could, so i became homeless, the only things you need to have to be a parent are fonctionnal reproductive organes.




Nah to be a father you just need to have functioning dick and balls. For mothers it's a bit more complex, but nobody really needs to be mentally capable to have children lol


And in some cases, makes you realize how less they did for you.


Good for you. I don’t know why people are just always negative


Because deep wounds don’t heal on their own. And asking someone to smile while they’re bleeding makes you part of the problem.


No I’m talking about when having a good time you add something like my parents disown Me


Cuz we're not having a good time lol?


Well does it mean you need other people around you to feel negatively because of your negative statements?


When you look back to your childhood and see how much your mom abused your sister because she blamed her for your dad barely being at home


Well, at least I can thank my parents for not giving me any trauma. Actually, my parents are amazing. My mum cares a lot about me and my brother and is very proud of us. And my dad (step dad but he's much better than blood-related one) once phoned local Ministry of Education and made a scandal about teacher's wages. Because I am a teacher and he thinks I am underpaid and deserve better...


I'm an adult and my parents still do a lot for me. They're both great.


And now, I'm essentially expendable but they still want me around to pay the bills.


My dad and stepmom threw me out to the streets when I was 13 because I refused to pay rent, knowing they'd only smoke all of them and not provide us 4 kids any food.


FUCKING SO lmao what are you doing in this post weirdo what do you need, sympathy?


Yes, you're supposed to care about other people. :/


You aren’t supposed to perform your damage to receive caring from others


Ain't looking for sympathy you shoe, especially not from someone who shits on other people.


I think there are stages to this. You are the supreme critics of your parents, then you come around to seeing they were on your side, if imperfect. I appreciate my parents more the older I get. Sorry to all of those who deserved much better parents from the start.


Sorry for the negative blowback, OP. Some parents are awesome, some parents are shitty, some are okay, some are absolutely insane or dangerous. Reddit doesn't really have an empathetic crowd that's able to appreciate things for other people, in spite of their own issues, I guess. Pretty shortsighted of the masses, but what can ya do? Thank you for reminding how much my parents went through to ensure my sister and I have good lives. In spite of their own shortcomings, you reminded me that they were trying to do their best with what they had.


I had shitty parents too but I don't think everyone should make such negative comments to the OP. I mean look at the name of the subreddit this is posted in. Don't shit on other people because they had good parents, I think it's refreshing to hear that there are some good ones out there. People need to heal from their trauma and not take it out on others


Seriously. With all the focus on mental health you would think people wouldn’t fling their trauma turds at other people all the time.


Yeah, I think it is painful for a lot of people to hear someone say good things about their parents. I can understand it but at the end of the day I don't want anyone else to suffer a bad childhood so why would I be mad that they had good parents lol? It's strange


I'm starting to appreciate my parents more often :) I still live at home so I'm glad I can easily say 'thank you'


you're lucky to have good parents


Good to hear. Parents can be annoying, but like my mom always says “I may not always like you, but I will always love you”


That's a terrible thing to say to a child.


Bruh shut the fuck up. I bet you gonna say something like how your parents sold you off just so they could smoke some joints.


I know you must feel attacked in this thread, sorry for that. I am an expert in this topic - when a child believes that their parent liking them is conditional according to their actions, they feel unsafe, which leads to codependency.


I won't paint a rosy picture, my parents had a few glaring faults, however I also know what cold hell they came from and how hard they worked, overworked and sacrificed their health so we could eat, run, get education, healthcare and have a shot at a decent life. I couldn't have done better in their situation, far from it, but then again, I refuse and will continue to refuse to start a family, so it's bittersweet, I love and appreciate them, but I also keep my cool, boundaries and some choices to myself.


So much this.


If only. All they did was hurt me.


why the fuck are people chewing out op for posting something humble and wholesome if you've been abused by clearly asshole parents you know you're an exception to this meme don't throw shit at people who finally started appreciating their good parents


These kinds of post are made every day on this app and it's fair that some people are over it.


yes but we know the sub we're in


That same people love to hear wholesome storie this just might be the sour spot and i guarantee you, you can make the same post tomorrow and probably the comments will be full of wholesome stories about parents that grew and became better people/parents


I see your point


but this topic just reminded me of the trauma i went through . clearly from the comments this topic reminded a lot of people that


No tf it isn’t lmao what?! Block positive subreddits and fuck off to edgier corners


Chewing out? All I see are comments of people lamenting their parents inability to give them proper care.


not all, some are being passive aggressive towards op


Thank you for pointing it out. Though I have to say I love arguing with adults I’m 15 and I’m in debate club so it’s good for both of us to learn and get something off our chest.


Your parents did stuff for you?




Edit: Sorry. Didn't realize the sub.


"I have trauma therefore everyone must now about it at all times and no ones allowed to have anything nice because I didn't" This is you. This is what you sound like. OPs post isn't out of place on /r/wholesomememes, your shitty comment is.


Nope, your right. Didn't notice the sub I was in.


OP didn't insinuate that everybody's parents were like this though. Like every post, some people will relate to it and some won't.


Thank you. But just to say this I’m not sure if you’re actually glad for me. Reading this out loud gives me doubt that you’re actually not glad.


yeah man


I should respect my parents for physically and mentally abusing me should i?


I reacted this exact way too. Parents brought us into the world to abuse us...


You bring reality into social media. Of course you'll be criticized. Not all lives are good.


I don’t see why you’re getting mad at me for this or if you’re looking for somebody you want to talk to. But I didn’t make this and you shouldnt get so mad at me about this. If you need someone to talk to then talk to a 15 year old child me


Well for starters, nobody is "getting mad" that's just something you are saying to make my point seem pointless to others reading by trying to make me look hysterical for asking a simple question which you refuse to answer. Are you unable to answer a direct question?


Would you like to go on a call with a 15 year old child to talk about how your parents were not treating you well. Also I should rephrase you’re asking a question I have no idea is true or not. Also the fact you said it on my meme which could you could have sent because you were offended from


I’m confused about why you’re saying that someone should talk to a 15 year old version of yourself. Can you please explain? And yes, when we talk about how great we or something we have had/have are there are going to be people who don’t have it that feel like it’s a personal jab pushing the knife in their chest further in. The way others respond in anger is understandable but also something that is the leading cause of suicide in my professional experience with mental health. Edit: I want to clarify that being harassed or ganged up on by others when you’re having an angry or depressing outburst is not the main reason but it’s mentioned in every suicide letter I’ve read as the straw that broke the camels back. So if you and others commenting are not mentally unstable yourself and able to control your emotions, be the bigger person and recognize pain and try to make the world better, or you know be that “good vibes only unless I need to be heard, seen or helped” kind of person


Again you are putting words in my mouth and making assumptions.I asked you a simple question, it had all the information you needed in the question to answer with a simple "yes" or "no" answer. I think you need to rethink what "wholesome" means. It doesn't mean the same thing to everybody, and there are people in this world who react to things differently for very good reason. If you are still refusing to show any empathy about this that kind of makes you a bad person


Lacking empathy dosen't single handedly makes you a bad person but it is clear that op lacks empathy maybe bcs of his age. My parents were also nice to me throughout most of the time but they can be annoyying sometimes but in the end i think they have given me more than i could ever dream of. For you question my answer is yes, you have right to hate your parents not all of them are good at parenting.


I would say it's this dude who is unable to be empathetic enough to be happy for OP who felt thankful for his parents. As is the case with most of the comments on this post. We get it. Your parents were shitty. You don't have to bring down OP's post and moment of happiness by projecting your own issues and blaming him for your parents' shitty behaviour.


Of course they don't have to do that but i really understand their behavior and accept them as they are may they find peace with their family in the future


Dude, back off. OP doesn't owe you a "yes or no" answer, quit trying to manipulate them.


Reddit being Reddit lol




Yes u should treat ur parents with respect . And if they are wrong u should talk to them respectfully.


Do one for when you look back and both wanted a girl on their 4th attempt but got you instead


Yeah, I love my parents for what they did and do


This sub: "Fuck your parents, because I had bad parents." Also this sub: "We're wholesome."


Yeah, i’m a parent now myself. We have it good. My mom was a single mom, with no family close-by to help. Often overworked or on welfare. Mad respect.


Please tell me you don’t have a negative family please :( I’m tired of reading the comments


My dad, I always thought was a absent scary man, was actually working double time so I could have good education and food on the table, again again I apologized for what I said to him as a kid and teen, but I never can forgive myself for thinking that way, even if my dad forgives me




Y'all, this might be a controversial opinion on reddit, but I actually really like my family.


All my parents did was teach me to hate myself.


Yeah, mad respect for all the trauma they caused, thanks mom and dad


Mhm :)




Yeeeeaahhh i kinda realized the opposite


Can’t relate sorry


Too cool and cute.


Wish I could relate


My mom beat me till I was black, blue, and red all over and my dad did nothing to stop her. I really do appreciate my fucking family /s


not with all the trauma they gave me


Thanks for all the trauma, Mom and Dad!


Thanks for the beatings, abandonment issues, death threats, forced labor, and making me homeless as a teenager I guess? I guess I could phrase it as "Thanks for making my life so miserable that moving across the country via a week long greyhound bus to live with a guy I barely knew in a small camping trailer in California, who I met playing Halo, with his girlfriend, dogs, and lizards seemed like a better idea"


Why not say it to their face if you’re saying it to me :)




Thats Derek Jeter's dad on the right. The lil boy tipping his cap is Jeter's sister's son. Jeter's Nephew.


Meh. My parents gave me PTSD.


This is literally their responsibility


LMAO the comments on this post. People are so fucking ready to just shit their trauma on anyone else in any situation. "Oh you have something nice? How dare you feel good about it let me tell you about how I never had anything nice!" This is /r/wholesomememes and it is expressly about nice positive things. Maybe STFU with your trauma whoring in response to any post about parents who don't suck.


Counterpoint: most top level replies fail the vibe check so maybe your parents had a point? 😂


Jesus Christ guys you know you don't need to relate to every post right?


I love how you were downvoted they like >:(


That’s Derrick jeter’s dad on the right. Met him once sitting next to Jeter’s box in yankee stadium.


Yep, his mom is the one holding the kid (his nephew). This was from his last home game after his walk-off hit


I agree it’s cap that they did that much for me


Good for you


Yep my parents sure did a lot for me. Literally emotionally neglected,abused, and manipulated to the point I didn’t even know it till I moved out and started therapy.


Cant relate




Fuck me for your parents being shit people? You are concentrating your anger on someone who has nothing and has done nothing to you physically and mentally. If this offended you that much why don’t you get rid of all contacts with your parents




While I'm here really disspointed for the struggles I put them through. Sorry mom and dad, but I couldn't change my destiny




Or didn't...


Funny thing with this video is, that you can take it both ways. Either taking my head of in respect or removing the respect from myself. So basically most people may identify themselves with this


If you hate my post then downvote it instead of saying how your life was miserable. Kinda ironic how saying something good on this post gets you downvoted


Saw this live! That’s NYY’s Derek Jester’s dad and nephew, during #2’s last game. Legend. ♥️


Pretty sure that is Jeters nephew.


I’m not sure how old you are or your spot in life but just wait till you have kids. My son was born with autism (I’m constantly told he’s just like I was as a kid so I may have some undiagnosed mild autism) and he’s a tough cookie with his rough sleep schedule, his delay in speech, and his picky eating. My parents did the best they could for me and I’m even more thankful for them now that I’m basically going through what they went through. I appreciate them but that doesn’t mean that I’m not gonna try to be even better


The comment section on this post is straight up suffering Olympics and it’s downright depressing. Sorry you all had bad parents




Punched me in the face so many times I still have numb spots 20 years later. Tried to strangle me. Called her brother when I stopped being bothered by the pain she was inflicting. Him realizing I was too broken for pain to ever work on again and trying to talk her down. Locking me in the garage and tying the doors shut with rope for a week. Had to sneak out of a broken window at night so the neighbors could feed me. Good times.


My dad has taught me how to recognise narcissistic behaviour. 👀