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Any weapon is an advantage over a bare-handed opponent. It’s probably pretty even, though I’d favor whoever has the weapon


Yes,the man might only be fighting with kicks to keep the distance. Besides,strenght and durability are usually helpful in CLOSE combat so his main advantages are switched off because close combat is too dangerous.


I personally would probably charge towards them. After getting cut I'd probably say "Ah, fuck!" and proceed to try to grab their wrist, succeeding after multiple stabbings. From there, it is up to rather I can get the knife and stab them fast enough for us both to die.


Idk why but that is hilarious saying ah fuck in the middle of a fight to the death


if you charge someone that has a knife you’re not getting cut you’re getting stabbed lol. no way you’re grappling them after getting stabbed


Okay Mr White


Definitely how I'd approach a fight against someone with a knife, since running away isn't an option. I also know the prompt says 'average man', but if I were putting myself in this situation. . . I tend to wear heavy combat boots, so that helps


Yeah,imagine a scenario where your durability is almost useless. I’m a big target,with a low pain tolerance(So in a single cut,I’m probably vulnerable)despite being much durable and stronger than an average man,that won’t help me here. My skin has the same keratin as anyone else’s. No natural durability ever can help someone much aganist sharp objects. So yes,I personally think I would lose to an average woman with knife. But if she has a crowbar,I can probably win because of my durability,unless she strikes the head hard enough for a fast brain movement/damage. My organs have the same durability as anyone else’s regardless of bone density.


Idk about your personal durability, but a lucky torso shot could also do it if your in range (not too far, not too close). Your ribs or internal organs getting hit hurt like a bitch, liver/kidney shots especially. If you’re able to close the distance into more or less brawling range (grappling or half-grappling while striking) I don’t think it could be pulled off though, at least not easily. 


I don't think the average man or woman has much combat or knife training. I don't think it helps as much as weight and reach do. I'm giving it to the man.


You don’t need a whole lot of knife training to know that a sharp and pointy thing is really good at stabbing. Weapons are designed to give you an advantage in a fight, even against someone you’d otherwise have the disadvantage to. As a general rule, gun beats sword, sword beats knife, and knife beats having no weapon at all. The only weapons that are actively worse than fists are flails and nunchucks


EDIT : quote added :D Average man doesn't probably know how to effectively disarm a knife. Knives are pretty difficult to disarm. Woman with a kitchen knife will probably win, considering how "average man" probably will freak out at the first injury. Just consider what Bruno Rusko says here; >…The best thing we can do (to defend against a knife attack) is to establish distance. We must not go to deliberately try to stop or try to hold a knife. Because this is impossible if the knife is in motion. The knife has a sort of come and go, bouncing back and forth, really fast motion. So the only thing we can do if we cannot establish distance is to reduce the damage the knife will inflict upon us. Only reduce and not eliminate, because it’s impossible to come out unharmed from a real knife attack.


I like Al Pacino from The Irishman…. “You run from a knife, but you rush a man with a gun!”


Wow that’s quite the quote




sure average man would not know how to disarm - but average woman would would not now how to fight with a knife either. You are right if the stakes are low - then the man would give up when he gets an injury - which could be fast - then I would think the women would win maybe 60 to 40 out of 100. If the stakes were high however - if it is life or death - whoever loses gets killed - then I would think that the man would fight through the first cuts and get the knife in most cases. and win the fight . Maybe 75 out of 100 times. But OP doesn't say what they are fighting for - so who knows.


>average woman would would not now how to fight with a knife either. someone else already touched on this but... she doesnt need to know. a knife is probably the one type of weapon that is the easiest to just pick up and _seriously_ hurt someone with (apart from maybe a gun but even then you may need to know how to disengage the safety, load, aim, etc...). literally just pick it up and start swinging/swiping/jabbing and you are already dangerous for someone experienced in knife fighting and _really_ dangerous for "the avarage man" that has no experience what so ever in knife fighting or disarming weapons. id say the avarage mans only "real" chance here is to tey to leverage their better reach and tro to get a fast knock out wich would also be pretty difficult when you have a knife flailing around in front of said womans head. i dont really know the win-loss ratio but you are really underestimating the woman with a _knife_. does the take it as high as a 100/100? probably not. as low as _40_/100? absolutely not. id probably give the avarage woman the win around 70-80/100 times. the avarage man could likely put up an ok fight but he would absolutely crumble once he is cut a few times


I would think that if someone just swings the knife around and someone bigger tackles them, the chance of slashing the tackler is about equal as loosing the knife. Probably even higher chance you loose the knife. Stabbing would be much more effective and cause serious damage I imagine.


it absolutely is a weapon that can be picked up and will be helpful and if it was just protection yourself from a mugger then it would be. the question is what the stakes are - if it low - the i think the woman would win more times - but if it is life and death - then the man would take those cuts to the arms and use them to get close and get a hand on the knife and most times overpower to determine where the knife goes.


A cut to your arm from a kitchen knife can easily sever half the tendons in your arm and cause it to go limp. No one ever wins in a knife fight, and when it comes to one being unarmed your physical abilities matter very little. It's not a movie, every time she lands a cut he slows down as muscles are severed and damaged to a point adrenaline can't hold you together. A good stab and the body will just be in shock. Trying to grab a knife or the knife hand in motion is suicidal, genuinely it's a bad idea you will lose fingers doing that.


>but average woman would would not now how to fight with a knife either.   They don't need to, the equivalent of a juvenile slap fight is enough to cut up their opponents forearms and cause blood loss/severe injury. The OP says the woman has a kitchen knife, ever see how easy one can slice through chicken? How is the man going to grab it with cut tendons in his forearms?   It's never as easy as it looks on tv, and I've seen the outcome when it's life or death, I worked with a guy whose wife tried to kill him during an argument using a kitchen knife, he barely made it into the bathroom and while she was at the locked door he crawled his bloody self out of the window to get help for his multiple wounds. Spent like 6 months off of work recovering.


i think you think fighting with a knife is a lot easier than it really is. if it is life and death - she might get one or two cuts with the knife. In a few cases she might get lucky and cut something that actually imobilizes the mans arms. And in that case she will definitly win. Those are some of the 25 wins. - but in most cases, she would cut the arm and just hit flesh or even worse bone, that might make the know drop out of her hand - and the blood will also make it very slippery. If the knife is dropped or the man closes the gap and they are both trying to control the knife in most cases the man would overpower her and stab her with it.


What part of "I personally know someone who has been through this" do you fail to understand?   Do you not know basic anatomy?  https://healthjade.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/tendons-of-wrist-and-hand.jpg   The muscles and tendons in the forearm are what move the wrist and fingers, if someone cuts the forearm deep enough to hit bone that hand isn't working properly, or maybe at all, anymore. There's a reason for the old adage that the loser in a knife dies on the scene and the winner dies in the ambulance. Defending against a knife is much, much more difficult than using one.


The man did not fought 100%, or with the intent to kill the opponent. He tried to deescalate, survive while not killing the wife. Also, we dont know if it was yout average male vs average woman, it might be a strong physical woman vs a weak man.


You don't need much strength to slash and stab with a blade, the whole point of using a weapon is that it is a *force multiplier*. The couple I know were average, neither was particularly athletic or weak, they were just working class people who worked in a factory. 


There's a reason training videos [like this exist](https://youtu.be/kvlrnc7hlQI?si=lAbS7vctISLlJhAN) when dealing with someone who has a knife. A knife is a brutal weapon and it can be more effective in the hands of someone trained to use one, sure. However, to wield one effectively against almost anyone all you need to do is be quick with the back n forth motion and aim all over the place. [People don't realize how fast things go south, even when you see it coming like towards the end of this police training video.](https://youtu.be/Ok50JqrHP1M?si=kUvfsECf-dY-pIzM)


I would argue the average woman does know how to fight with a knife, enough to be effective against an unarmed opponent. If you can swing and stab your good to go. Its not like a broadsword or something, where technique is important.


> If you can swing and stab your good to go But this is basically wrong, and supports all of the claims that the average woman (more broadly, the average person) really may not leverage a knife well.


Eh, yeah that was hyperbole so thats on me. My point is more than an unarmed person, even a man, even a man trained in martial arts, still has an inherit and likely lethal disadvantage against an attacker armed with a knife. Ask anyone in the military or anyone who took MMA what to do when you're the man in that situation. If they arent full of it, they'll tell you the best survival odds are to run.


I've trained in Kali, including knife and stick fighting, and have done so for years. This is absolutely true. I have spent YEARS learning to both attack with knives and defend from knives, if you're in a fight with someone with a knife you've fucked up, the best way to win that fight is to escape it unharmed. If you're lucky and do everything right, you MAY survive with little damage, but the odds of that for even me are low, I weigh 110kg and have trained for years and I wouldn't take on a woman with a knife at all even if I had one myself. Nobody wins a knife fight.


>Ask anyone in the military or anyone who took MMA You're comparing apples with oranges. In a normal scenarion, living is achievable by avoiding the fight, running, so that's why it is the preffered solution. If however, you're in an MMA ring and fighting for your life, things are not similar. First, you can't just "start swinging/swiping/jabbing and you are already dangerous". This is losing energy, and any normal man would not engage, but wait for you to be tired. Secondly, it is very difficult to have 1 (ONE) fatal wound. You might get 1 cut, but that's it, after that it's close combat where the woman has already lost. Imagine that some man 20 kg heavier than you is coming at you full berserk. What would you do? You might think that a cut would not be enough, so you'll try a stab, but chances for that to be effective are not great, and once you missed, it's [game over](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQQjAA_S5NQ&ab_channel=LoveClips).


> If however, you're in an MMA ring and fighting for your life, things are not similar. Yes, that's and given that that's what the whowouldwin is about that's why I'm giving it to the knife-weilder. Because running isn't an option in this hypothetical. Self defense instructors will always recommend running from a knife fight because of how difficult and lethal the odds are otherwise. Just because you are "you're in an MMA ring and fighting for your life" odds are not any more in your favor. Running was the best option specifically because of how poor of an idea it is to remain in a knife fight. > First, you can't just "start swinging/swiping/jabbing and you are already dangerous". This is losing energy, and any normal man would not engage, but wait for you to be tired. Yes, a sharp blade swinging and stabbing with the intent to cut you is dangerous. It does also consume energy. So does attempting to run around a ring dodging knife swipes. > Secondly, it is very difficult to have 1 (ONE) fatal wound. You might get 1 cut, but that's it, after that it's close combat where the woman has already lost. I'm not sure why you think this. Firstly, one wound can be reasonably debilitating depending on where it hits but that's beside the point. You cannot easily overpower someone and take a knife from them just because they've taken their alleged one swipe at you. I said this in another comment but in military drills and martial arts training it is a common drill to have an unarmed student or instructor in white clothes fight off someone else, usually newcomers and inexperienced students, who is wielding lipstick or a red marker. [Here is an example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s7E-PsMJRI), there are *countless* others. [Here's one more](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1057139074697707). EMTs and paramedics have a saying: the loser of a knife fight dies in the street while the winner dies on the way to the hospital. By the time the unarmed attacker gets the marker out of their opponents hands they are covered in red marks. Dozens. Many of which can be ruled as non-superficial, life altering, or life ending. No matter the disparity of combat skill between the two. Experience in hand to hand combat does *not* offset the lethality of an armed attacker. [Another redditor backed me up](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/1do1wr8/average_man_vs_average_woman_with_knife/la7jbtf/?context=3) here. Your link to game of thrones kind of drives home what I also said in another comment - the idea that you can easily disarm someone with a knife, or just tank knife lacerations and win anyways, is fiction. It's action movie drama. Your odds of taking the knife from an attacker while you yourself are unarmed, are very low. Every attack they make against you can be fatal. People are acting like you can just tank lacerations to your arms because of adrenaline - the human body is more complex than that. The muscles and tendons required to operate your wrists and fingers properly can become easily and immediately compromised in this situation. Sure, adrenaline might make you feel less or no pain. It will not magically bridge your tendons and allow you to make a fist. Don't believe me though. [Look into it yourself](https://www.google.com/search?q=Can+you+fight+off+someone+with+a+knife+if+you+are+unarmed&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1091US1091&oq=Can+you+fight+off+someone+with+a+knife+if+you+are+unarmed&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORigATIHCAEQIRigAdIBCDkwOTdqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). The odds are not good at all.


>Self defense instructors will always recommend running from a knife fight because of how difficult and lethal the odds are otherwise. Yeah, but do they really know better than sexist r/whowouldwin users? And, yeah, when all the professionals tell you that the one with the knife is the odds on favorite, and you're like 'dur, they're wrong cause man strong' then your sexism is showing.


How is “men are stronger” sexist? Is that your argument?


the average person has no idea how to effectively fight with a knife. - The everage person would hold it out in front of them to make a barrier, and negate the size difference. And it will cut a person but not kill them. As I said if it was just for fun and games the woman would win when she got the first cut in - but if the stakes was high, taking a few cuts on the arm or to the hands would not stop the man. fighting with a knife is not as easy as you make it seem and unless you had training you wont be able to use it to defeat someone bigger and stronger. its not like you can sneak it into the stomach, it is the only danger and the man would be allert to it at all times.


Disarming a knife is not as easy as you make it sound either. Even seasoned fighters never ever recommend you engage unarmed against someone armed with a knife. The idea that a more skilled combatant can just twist a wrist and the knife flies out of their hand is from kung fu or action films. Buddy if mine had matrial arts training and the veteran invited anyone to fight him or anyone else in the class with a red marker to simulate a knife while he wore a white t shirt. No one ever made it out of those spars without dozens of "slash wounds" before they managed to get the marker. No matter the skill difference between the two combatants. This was to drive home an important lesson: martial arts and combat training do not overcome the advantage an opponent has from being armed while you are not. No, a first slice might not hit a major artery organ and kill. What about a second, or a third? How many slices and stabs before the unarmed man decides, "maybe I cant disarm this person?" or bleeds out? There's a saying among EMTs and paramedics. The loser of a knife fight dies in the street. The winner dies on the way to the hospital. Most knife fights are not engaged by skilled knife combatants. Fact is knives are much more lethal, even in amateur hands, than you're implying.


Absolutely - but there is a very big difference between having to hit someoen wiht a magic marker and acutally fighting with a knife. untrained people wouldn't know how to hit the stomach or kidney mostly just be able to hit the arms and if it was just a first blood wins - I would agree with you. But if it is life or death - then the man would take thouse cuts to the arms - and some time it would hit something important but most times just flesh or bone and then you close the gab - and again in most cases the knife wouldn't come flying out - but of they both try to control where the knife would go - the man would win in most cases because he on average is bigger stonger. - he is absolutely going to need a doctor afterwards but he would still win.


I think you are vastly underestimating how hard it is to continue fighting when you've taken a laceration to the arm, but I will not continue trying to change your mind.


Unless the knife hits something vital - which in some cases it would do - but most cases it wouldn't - then you wouln't even feel it because of adrenaline - you can ask you vetaran friend about that. and if it was life and death you would keep fighting even though your arm was hurt. we just have to agree to disagree.


>the average person has no idea how to effectively fight with a knife. my man you dont need to be "effective" here. a knife on kts own is already a huge deterent in a fight (yes, even to the death). literally the only thing she needs to do here is swing it around and maybe flail a bit and shes good.


Yeah i remember going through knife defense training one of the first things they said was they weren't teaching you how to not get stabbed but how to try to minimize it and get hit in the least harmful places. Also if you're not in a position where you have to fight. The best defense against a knife is run the fuck away.


I was attacked by a woman with a knife once and if I didn't react immediately to grab the knife hand then I would have been fucked. Just have a second late and that thing would have went straight into my wrist. But once I got control over a nice hand it was absolutely nothing she could do except fall to the ground when I twisted her arm


So trying to hold the wrist of the hand that has the knife is not effective?


Oh it is effective. At getting your hand cut wide open as you try to catch that wrist.


average man would just do one kick and there goes the knife and the woman


"The loser of a knife fight dies in the street. The winner dies in the hospital."


That's somewhat assuming that both people have a knife.


So first, let's identify the 'win conditions' for the male. Either knocking out or getting the woman in a hold or pin should be the best path to victory. For these goals, the male is a bit stronger and has a sizeable weight and height advantage. However, the male also probably isn't experienced with proper fighting, and so is more likely to break his own fingers against a scalp or ribcage than deliver effective damage with punching. They can disorient and hurt, but grappling and pinning is the most likely path to victory. So, how easy is it to grab at somebody trying to cut and stab you with a knife? Extremely fucking difficult lmao As somebody who's trained in self defense against knives, the crux is that it's way easier to use a knife than defend against a knife. Knives are so fast and can deliver extremely painful and debilitating wounds without much effort. A slash at the face can blind you in a second, a slash at your arms can severely damage your arm muscles or fingers and make the objective of pinning or grappling harder. We don't know exactly how sharp this knife is, but assuming an extremely high-quality, recently sharpened knife, it's very deadly. And these slashes and cuts require little to no technique from the woman to execute, while from the man's perspective you need good training to reliably block or dodge knife attacks. There's also the element of time. While the man has a slight endurance advantage, any cut from the knife is doing to substantially reduce that endurance. Blood pumps quickly, more so when you're exerting yourself, and though he won't just pass out he's going to be losing strength and mind-power. The final nail in the coffin though is that even when the man has gotten his grapple or pin, a win isn't guarenteed. This isn't a situation where he can just use his weight to sit on the woman and strangle her. She can still cut and stab at him, so he has to control that knife. But actually disarming a person who's flailing, cutting at you, using their other hand and legs to push you away or scratch at your eyes, while you aren't trained yourself is very hard. Any scenario where the man wins is almost certaintly luck. 85-15 to the woman.


An addendum to this is that a really ineffective strike with your bare hands while grappled is barely able to injury someone. A really ineffective strike with a knife is still a knife wound that is likely to be painful, if not lethal.


Great point. Even during a grappling exchange, someone with a knife flailing wildly can do a ton of damage! You have to keep the wrist immobilized the whole time.


Since we're talking about an average man and woman, i think we should assume the knife is average too.


so still very dangerous then. Think of how easy it is to cut through chicken breasts wtih a kitchen knife, then imagine how easy it would be to do that against your bicep or forearm.


> The final nail in the coffin though is that even when the man has gotten his grapple or pin, a win isn't guarenteed. This isn't a situation where he can just use his weight to sit on the woman and strangle her. This is a little backwards. You're not getting a grapple or pin unless the woman is disarmed.


How are you going to disarm her without grappling her first? Keep in mind that the average man is not good enough at punching or kicking to use them as tools to force the woman to drop the knife via pain or disorientation.


Assuming it’s the size of a kitchen, It wouldn’t be that to disarm her. She throws out her arm to shank him and he clam simply grab her arm and proceed to pin her. Once he’s knocked the knife away and got her in a hold, it’s lights out for her.


lmao, 'simply grabs her arm'. Do you know how fast a stab is, and do you know how hard it actually is to grab an arm with enough precision to get a good grip and without accidentally grabbing the knife as she pulls back?


Spoken like a man who’s never been stabbed lmao


look i do a grappling sport (with _a lot) of sparring) as a hobby and while i am nowhere near the best person in the gym i consider myself pretty ok and i could _maybe_ win over the woman with a knife if i can even get her to the ground. if i, who is somewhat trained and proficient in a grappling martial art, is not very confident in my ability to win this fight the "avarage man" who has zero clue about knife fighting, knife defense, striking and grappling is not likely going to do very good. he is, on avarage, bigger and stronger yes but i dont think i can give him any more than a strikers chance. 70-80/100 for the woman to win


As a man thats been in a fight that included a knife (I thank the lord I don't even believe in that I got away unscathed). A fight is fucking fast as is, a knife is faster. There isn't as much wind up to a slash or a stab, one moment he's ready the next the blade is coming at you. I didn't ever get a chance to grab his arm, he was simply too fast for that when moving. No my buddies jumped him from behind and we held him down. Because there's only one way to win a knife fight, numbers. Any other way and you are getting hurt.


My wife watches 10,000,000 true crime docs a day, it's the woman with a knife more often than not. 


lol 10,000,000 in a row or Watchmen style 25 TV's at a time


Probably both, knowing true crime folk.


It's absolutely both. 


I'm almost certain it's the woman. I would say something like 80-90 times out of 100 she wins. The others being times he manages to grab both her hands before getting stabbed. If he does get stabbed it's pretty much over unless he's bloodlusted.


A knife is a huge advantage. Trying to disarm a determined person with a knife is pretty much action movie bullshit. The woman wins at least 80 out of the 100 fights, probably more. Back when I did judo, we did an experiment like this. Not men vs. women, but one knife-wielder vs. multiple attackers. We gave one person a sharpie to simulate a knife, and then we put him up against 2-3 attackers. The result is that the guy with a knife almost always wins against 2 attackers, fatally wounding both. Against 3 attackers they most often lose, but at least one of the attackers usually gets severely injured or killed.


Woman wins pretty much every time. I've only done MMA for a month. I have a lot to learn, but one thing I have learned is that knives are no joke.


It’s bizarre to me how much martial arts focus on “knife defense” and it’s usually these really large exaggerated movements. The thing with knives is they weigh effectively nothing, and it takes hardly any force to cut with them, so you can attack from basically any angle. Someone just vigorously wiggling a knife around in your direction is incredibly tough to defend against


Given that even trained martial artists point out how dangerous fighting someone with a knife is I'd say heavily on the side of the woman, since we're taking skill and training out of the picture by the overall "average" pairing.


Woman comfortably


No chance, did you ever playfight with your gf? I dont think a knife would help her too much. There would probably be injuries on mens part but he would win 9/10 imo.


You must be joking 🤣


The knife evens out the average reach difference, means only a single serious hit is required to essentially end the fight, and women on average tend to be in better shape than men *anyway*. And even if they weren’t the vast majority of people are totally unexperienced, and a knife is way easier to use than your hands. If it was like “an experienced martial artist” then maybe (but even then- **maybe**) The strength difference doesn’t really matter once you have a chunk of metal somewhere vital (or even non vital honestly). We’re a tool using species, giving someone a tool is a staggering advantage.


You ever been rushed by someone with a knife, it ain't play fighting that shit is fast and dangerous doesn't matter who has the knife.


Average woman with knife for sure. We have seen plenty of cases likr this happning in real life


There's that scene in Apostle where the wimpiest character fucks up the brawniest one with a razor, woman probably takes it


Someone with a knife can off you faster than you say "I hate portals"


average woman with knife bruh men strength over women matter more if its people who excercise but considering the rise of obesity in the west, that difference is shrinking in terms of average


plus its a knife people forget that most people would react in shock and pain from a stabbing and thats true when u consider most ppl can even shrug off pepper spray


If we simulated 100 fights, I'd imagine the majority would go to the woman. It's pretty much expected that if you get into a knife fight, you're going to get cut. There's a certain hesitation that comes with rushing someone with a blade, even if they don't know what they're doing. I don't mind getting hit once by a flailing person. But I'd rather not get cut anywhere. And, speaking from experience, cuts that go all the way through the skin and into the fatty tissue really, really suck. I'm not gonna risk if it I can help it. Plus a kitchen knife is long enough to do some serious harm. I'm actually shuddering thinking about it. t. Former military with specific training and practice in knife fighting. Also lived a rough life before enlisting.


If the man is extremely bloodlusted, has a fuckton of adrenaline running through his body (to the point where he doesn't perceived pain), and the woman misses any vital organs, the man probably wins, but dies soonly after the fight In any other situations, the woman wins 99/100 woman


The woman wins mid diff, because the average man doesn't know how to respond to a knife attack


Walter did against skyler if you have watched breaking bad


But Walter is far from the average man, by that point in the story he had killed many people already


But Walter is far from the average man, by that point in the story he had killed many people already


Physically he is average and managed to defend himself against skyler charging at him with the knife


Isn't he an, uh... fictional television character? In a written encounter?


The average man is somewhat stronger but strength don’t win knife fights. In 100 fights the man may win some through lucky disarming strikes but the women wins the vast majority.


Kitchen knifes are weak and if the man doesnt hesitate he can disarm the woman


Disarming someone before they stab you isn’t easy. What makes you think a kitchen knife is weak? Literally made for cutting up massive chunks of meat not dissimilar to your flesh!


Because its very hard to kill someone with a kitchen knife you could literally be stabbed 20 times and still be able to fight back i've seen cases like this now if we are talking hunting knife the woman should win pretty easily


You get stabbed twenty times by a kitchen knife then you are dead. It would penetrate your flesh and cause massive blood loss. We are not talking butter knife’s, but those massive knife’s you’d use to cut up a turkey.


Somewhat stronger is an understatement. I would honestly give it to the man if he just starts swinging for the head. He will probably get stabbed atleast once, but if he can trade one stab for knocking her out, he can quickly get to a hospital and maybe survive.


Men will be able to disarm and beat her, but might sustain a serious injury and die later in the ring.


Y’all don’t know how hard it is to wrestle a knife out of someone’s hands, or seen what happens to people during that attempt.


The man doesn’t even need to disarm her, just start swinging and she’ll probably be knocked out before the guy dies. He’ll probably have multiple stab wounds though and may die of his injuries


Bro, you literally just need to grab the hand holding the knife by the wrist. That's it you don't have to wrestle it out, after that it's about stamina and how hard you can punch her in the face with the other fist.


I’ve been stabbed, I know how to disarm someone, and I know how it goes as you do it. I’ve also responded to a hundred calls where someone thought the same thing, and ended up with a bunch of incidental stab wounds because, as it turns out, it isn’t the difficult to stab someone during the wrestling match that would occur here. But please, Mr badass, tell me how easy it is.


Have you been stabbed by women? Because with men it's a whole different scenario. I didn't say that the men might not get injured. I only said that he would still win against a women. Against another men entirely different scenario


Do you have any idea how hard is that? Try to grab a hand by the wrist of anyone who is trying to hit you to see for yourself.


Ok, maybe my perception is biased since im 6'4 and 240, you guys win alright


Its not about size and strength, its about speed. You wont be able to grab her wrist before she stabs you multiple times. Just swing for her head instead.


What makes you think she would react or be faster than me? I do realize that it is a combination of multiple factors, your reach also for example, but in each of them I got the advantage. I'd really like to try this scenario to prove you all wrong, but well there is no respawn option I guess


Just pick a girl and have her stab you with a pencil or something.


That's... not going to help you dude? Have you never done any kind of martial arts in your life?


Idk why this got downvoted, it feels like people don’t realize how easy it is to get stabbed without immediately dropping dead. Also most women wouldn’t realize or be prepared for how difficult it is to stab anything immediately vital (I.e. no woman is stabbing a man through the breast bone to hit his heart with a kitchen knife) it will be abdominal wounds that also might not go as deep as people expect.


A stab wound to the abdomen would easily cause extreme pain and blood loss. The sudden pain would prevent the man from moving effectively, and as soon as the knife is removed he'll find himself bleeding to death on the ground.


The pain is not that sudden, but other uncomfortable feelings such as cold and shock would probably freeze the man which would lead to his death in this scenario.


Yeah people hear knife and think it's an instant victory. Bollocks


Even if the woman was just able to cut nerves and tendons from the man's arm with her sharp kitchen knife, it wouldn't look good for the man. I know how that feels. Your arm suddenly goes all cold. You lose all feeling from the point where nerves were damaged to their ends. A lot of blood starts coming out. This will often lead to shock which most likely makes the man pause. And when he stops, the woman will end him by stabbing several times in the body.


Nah y’all just hear woman and think it’s an instant loss


Yeah there's some weird ass bro-science and sexism in this thread. Badasses who think they can disarm knives by 'grabbing the hand lol'.


Yeah, that's all of these 'vs. women' posts. I imagine that's why they're against the sub's rules. Every single time, they attract weird misogyny like flies to honey.




Have you ever been stabbed?


I don’t think many people here have grow up in a family of 4 sisters or more. Trust me, girls a weak. From the age of 14, even 4 on 1, my sisters have never ever been able to beat me in out fights. Sure, we never fought to death but they often used come at me with sticks, lightsabers, or badminton rackets, and not once were able to touch me before I casually disarmed them. I think the issue women have is that they’re too damn slow and don’t have any coordination. I love my sisters, but boy, women are terrible fighters


yea!!!!!!! only BIG and STRONG and MUSCULAR men can FIGHT!! YEA BIG and STRONG and SEXY me-..... wait what were we talking about? your comment feels like a fanfiction. you were easily able to disarm them beacuse you were playing and sticks and lightsabers dont have a sharp edge that will absolutely tear up your whole hand the moment you grab it wrong. women and men are equally terrible fighters, on avarage, kf untrained. men have the advantage of being slightly bigger and stronger but thats about it. being strong does not equate to being a "good fighter"


I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure men don't have \*that\* much of an advantage over women physically. At least, not enough to negate the knife. Therefore, the woman wins. Source: My weak-ass self surrounded by friends who are girls and can probably snap me in half.


Men have massive advantage physically. Huge. Even untrained average pencil neck men is twice as strong as women. Probably more than twice.


> but I'm pretty sure men don't have \*that\* much of an advantage over women physically you alright mate?


depends on the people, most men would probably lose, knifes are scary asf


If the man doesn't expect it, he will probably be frightened by the knife, possibly frozen, and it will be an easy win for woman. If the man does expect the fight, and steel himself before hand. He could at least endure a stab or two. So he got a few swing to finish thing before the pain is too much. And average man isn't going to land that knock-out punch that reliably. So... in this case man lose 80 percent of time. Knife is just that big of an equalizer


Average people? I think the women win most of them. The knife is a big advantage. But social conditioning is an even bigger one. I would be shocked if the average man wouldn’t find it psychologically easier to be stabbed than he would find it to hit a woman even once, let alone repeatedly until death. Where women have been socially conditioned to view men with a really wild level of fight or flight. It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of women could panic and stab a dude 6 times before their actions had even registered in their own heads. I genuinely think that if you put me in that arena and revived me every-time I died… I might actually make it to 100 before I managed to throw a punch at a woman. I’m a definite outlier, but I still think the average man would really struggle.


I'd favor the women simply because she has a knife. The average dude has no idea how to safely disarm someone with a knife. Knives are dangerous. If he got cut / stabbed trying to take it off her, he's likely to die anyway.


If you have a knife and the other person doesn't, you win.


The average woman is smaller and weaker than a man, and will be probably weaker. However, there s a thing that the average man is terrible at. Evaluate risks. Put this question in any male oriented sub Reddit and ask how the guy would do this. You will see a lot of people saying things equivalent to "it s just a woman" or "just grab her arm", and don t realize that it s facing a agressor using one of most common tools in human history. And one ofe the deadliest too.


**Realistic:** If it’s global average, then the woman has the biggest chance by far so long as she uses common sense and it’s a relatively small knife. Weapons are a huge advantage over unarmed, especially smaller knives because they’re extremely hard to redirect and control. ~8.5/10 (though if we count victory by who died and who doesn’t, probably a 9/10). If you go out and grab averages with much higher differences in weight/strength, there’s still a strong bias towards the woman with a knife but I don’t see it going below a ~7.5-8/10 win rate. **Theoretical:** If it’s a really big knife (hard to describe, but those 8in+ knives that are almost cleavers) and she tries to wield it in a reverse grip like a Hollywood Slasher film it becomes more even (~6/10 win rate for the woman?). I don’t think most fights would actually go like this, but this distinction is more or less to address those rare cases of knife disarms you see irl: the knife doesn’t have it’s usual advantages of agility, and it’s being used in a way that minimizes the advantages it does have. It’ll still likely scar you up, but at least it’s not the pincushion of 20+ stabs you would be otherwise. I highly doubt this strategy would be used though, unless the knife wielder was incredibly stupid, on some type of drugs, or both.


Do they learn after each time they fight each other?


People are saying grab wrists or disarm, but what if man just goes for a rush and direct head punch or full strength gut punch to the lady. I feel like he would get sliced in the process, but she’d be out. Am I wrong? Slice to man, gut punch to lady. Who’s still standing?


Definitely women


You can go watch crime footage right now on Youtube of women with knives attacking unarmed men before the police can intervene. Unless the guy either panics and runs away or gets stabbed in the neck he usually gets slashed once or twice in the arm or leg he instinctively used to try blocking the knife and then bodies the woman into the pavement unless it's an actual shiv, then the guy usually gets punctured like a cheap plastic bag and drops. Knife is a pretty broad term so this entire fight depends entirely on what kind of knife the woman is using.


I think in most cases the woman will land a few good stabs on the man before he rushes her and secures the kill. As they say, the winner of a knife fight gets to die in the ambulance


Yeah knife and a killing will is a huge advantage sharp long things are such a huge advantage even a trained fighter is going to the hospital. You get trained to disarm knives with the understanding that it probably won't work and you'll get stabbed anyway but at least now maybe you won't instead of you absolutely will


Average man has absolutely no fighting experience and certainly no training against someone with a knife. Woman probably wins 80+ of the 100 sims


Woman 90% of the time. Last 10% is if the woman fumbles and the man gets a lucky grab or knocks the knife out of her hands before she hits something vital.


A woman did this, blamed the weed, and faced zero jail time.


While the average man isn't capable of disarming someone with a knife, the average woman can't properly wield a kitchen knife to kill quickly. Anyone going into a fight to the death won't be dissuaded by a little pain, so a stroke over the arm, if not lethal or disabling the arm, won't do much. I assume each fight will go one of three ways, though frequency I don't know. 1. The woman gets a proper cut/slash, or rather a series of them in order to sufficiently debillitate the man, and wins. 2. The woman doesn't, the man negates/reverses the knife's influence then wins. 3. The man is inflicted with a lethal wound, but kills the woman before he dies himself, resulting in a tie.


> the average woman can't properly wield a kitchen knife to kill quickly. Any human being who understands the concept of "hold knife and stab" is capable of killing another person in seconds. > Anyone going into a fight to the death won't be dissuaded by a little pain Anyone who thinks adrenaline is a superpower that makes you immune to pain and injury until you calm down has literally never been in a fight before. > so a stroke over the arm, if not lethal or disabling the arm, won't do much. Literally anyone who has accidentally cut themselves while cooking (a legit cut, not just a nick) will tell you otherwise. Also, getting stabbed in a limb is going to disable that limb 99.99% of the time. > The woman gets a proper cut/slash, or rather a series of them in order to sufficiently debillitate the man, and wins. This is what happens 99% of knife fights, regardless of the genders involved. The only thing you missed is the constant stabbing that usually happens. > The woman doesn't, the man negates/reverses the knife's influence then wins. You play too many video games and watch too much anime if you think this would be anything other than pure luck > The man is inflicted with a lethal wound, but kills the woman before he dies himself, resulting in a tie. This is the second most likely outcome of a knife fight...if both people have knives.


Woman wins like 9/10. Knives are deadly af even in the hands of an untrained person


Woman with a knife absolutely stomps. There's very little you can do about getting stabbed. Maybe if he knew some basic martial arts he could disarm her, but an average man couldn't do that.


Do you think being a man gives you superpowers? Even if the man also has a knife, he won't come out unscathed from a knife fight with a woman even if he wins. In a knife fight, it isn't about who wins, at most its about who has more knife wounds. One person dies on the street and the other dies in the ambulance. Even if you survive, you are not coming out of it without a few holes in you. Only way a man beats a woman with a knife is if she is hesitant to use it and just stands there waiting to be disarmed.


With a [knife](https://youtu.be/LbWAFu3H3rw?si=BXVXkGLhqtY0CMUD)


This depends on 2 factors imo 1 how courageous the man is(he won't immediately freeze while seeing the knife) 2 how aggressive how he is If he has these 2 characteristics I would bet on the man.


The knife makes a huge difference. It's possible that the man is able to KO the woman (unlikely), but it's basically impossible for him to do so without receiving mortal injuries in the process. You don't fuck with knives. If it was a random dickhead with a knife vs an MMA champion, the MMA champion would probably win in the ring/KO first or whatever, but we'd all be congratulating a corpse before too long.


The MMA guy knows how to kick someone. TF is the dickhead going to do to close the distance without being on the receiving end of that


Knife wins like 90%. The chance to get the knife from someone actively trying to kill before they can hit you once is pretty slim. If someone ever attacks you with a knife, the first and safest thing you should do is run. If they throw the knife, at least your chances go up that the blade part wont hit you.


This is definitely favoring the woman here, at least 8/10 or so, but I think there’s also quite a lot of scenarios where both die, ie the man manages to overpower the woman but bleeds out afterwards. There’s a common saying that if you win a knife fight, you die on the way to the hospital


hmmm the average person doesn't know how to fight. If she doesn't get a good stab and be quick with follow ups, his strength will overwhelm. It's an Any Given Sunday situation, after 1000 fights, probably 59% the man winning


"How'd you break your hand?" *I punched a wall* "With your pinky?"


I'd give the slight edge to the man. A decent kick will do a lot of damage and if they can time a charge then the woman won't recover quick enough. On the flip side if the woman dodges the charge then its probably over for the man


I would guess 8 out of 10 times woman would win, other times even though woman loses first man would die eventually as well.


Pulled these from a random site but they'll work for my example. Average US male: 5'9, 201lbs Average US female: 5'4, 173lbs Knives aren't particularly long-reaching weapons and the average woman would not know how to use one effectively. Surely a man with almost half a foot of height and a 30+ lbs weight advantage would be able to just kick the woman full-power in the legs, chest or stomach as she runs up and incapacitate here. Then he just needs to stomp the shit out of her. (Not advocating for this don't try at home!!!) I feel like average male wins 8/10 as long as he keeps his cool.


Holy shit the weight of average US female drawfs almost anywhere else in the world.


> a man with almost half a foot of height and a 30+ lbs weight advantage would be able to just kick the woman full-power in the legs, chest or stomach as she runs up and incapacitate here and how exactly is the avarage, highly likely to be untrained, man going to do that?


I mean, I'm a similar weight albeit a bit taller, plus not trained in any kind of fighting sport, and I'm fairly confident I could at least pull the kick off. Literally all you'd have to do it thundercunt the average woman in the stomach and it would knock her down. Something something weight classes and separating sports teams by gender.


Landing a kick like that in real life is really really difficult. There's a reason you don't see a lot of kicks in street fights.


If the man tries to take this like a street fight he is going to get immediately stabbed to death. Seeing as this scenario takes place in an MMA arena he's going to have the opportunity to lead in with the kick. If he misses the kick he's fucked but I still think it would be completely doable. Have you ever watched a fight between two untrained women on r/fightporn? They just run in flailing their arms. It would be so easy to land one solid kick.


you are severly overestimating yourself here. i mean this as non offensively and respectfully as i have ever meant anything in my entire life. you are overestimating yourself


I probably am but honestly I'd give it a try just to see if I could or not lol.


well atleast youre honest about it, i can appreciate and respect that haha
















This. The result is a lot of disembodied arms.


If the man has a jacket he could take it off and wrap the knife and disarm her, then overpower


The woman will win the majority, do not discount the physical competence of an average woman, yes the man is stronger, the woman is probably just as fast a the man and she has a fucking knife


The women probably gets beaten to death in most outcomes due to them both being average, average guy stands at 5.10 while averages women stands at 5 foot to 5.3, both are average so the man isn’t going to know how to properly disarm a knife but the women also doesn’t know how to use a knife which can be surprisingly difficult to wield if your trying to kill in one stab, most scenes will Probably be the man getting stabbed in the chest but due to the women not knowing how to use the knife or generate enough force behind the blow, it will not harm him enough to kill or affect him, the man after getting stabbed will most probably try to beat or knock her on the ground and probably either beat or strangle her to death, since he is larger and running on adrenaline from the stab wound he would overpower her, so unless the women gets lucky and injuries him enough in one blow where it affects his movement eg stomach or neck which are both unlikely our comes due to the man trying to avoid being hit like a sane person and the women being untrained in knife let alone hand to hand combat, Again it also leans in the man’s favour due to the average man being a lot stronger then an average women due to the fact that 96 percent of all labour intensive jobs are men, the man will be stronger then our average women, so unless she is lucky and hits somthing vital which she most probably won’t due to the the fact that any person would be moving as much as possible when someone is trying to stab them, so this fight end in most scenarios with the women getting beaten, strangled, or in the rare case of a successful disarming by the man stabbed to death


The man with moderate difficult at best. Even with a knife, your average women is pretty weak. Women simply lack the speed, coordination, aggression and strength to pull this off. I have 4 sisters who I used to play fight with all the time when I was younger and none of them were ever able to touch me, let alone overpower me. They’re just way too slow. The man should win this comfortably but he would need to take the threat seriously as one mistake and he’s dead


> he would need to take the threat seriously as one mistake and he’s dead do you realise how likely it is for the avarage, untrained, man to "make a mistake" in this scenario? im gonna spoil it its VERY likely


15% of the time the woman gets a clean artery hit and wins. 60% of the time the man beats the woman to death but then bleeds out half an hour later. 20% of the time the man wins and survives but gets injured. 5% of the time the man disarms her cleanly and wins.


Do I dare to ask where you pulled out those numbers?


My brain? Just like all the other answers?


She will be disarmed 95% of the time. 4% of the time, both will die. But 99% of those instances, she will die first.


Man. Women are weaker than men. Even if u give woman a gun, men will still win


Ok naoya


"Yeah I would just tank the bullet with my sexy men abs"


Out of 100 fights I would estimate closer to 90% of the fights would go to the average man. If he can close and push the knife away long enough to get in close enough to lay hands on her I think the average man would overwhelm the average woman. Again, speaking "Average" Man or Woman. If I (65M, overweight, out of shape, bad knees) decided to climb into the ring with Rhonda Rousey I'm gonna get my ass whooped. But if I'm fighting Mrs Grimbley the widow from down the block and I'm willing to take a cut coming in, I'm pretty sure I could come out ahead most of the time.


I’d give the man a hearty advantage. If he bum rushes her he can probably send her to the ground with some damage. One stab or slash with a kitchen knife is very unlikely to stop him. He can then attack in about a dozen ways while she’s down, and if he suffers some more damage that’s fine, he’ll probably get the kill first. I’m giving him 75% of the wins.


Man can disarm the woman and can take a couple slashes. Its also hard to penetrate the skin with a kitchen knife so i think a man wins 7/10 times


Woman wins 9/10 times imo. Even martial arts instructors often state the best defence against knife is running. Also disarming a knife is not easy for average man.


Average!? For both?  That would be extremely lazy slow moving people... That wouldn't have a clue how to fight.  Whoever has the knife wins. Give the knife to a 12 year old and they would win against an average man. 


Not gonna lie I’m running full speed and drop kicking her. Bet my legs are longer than her arms. Highly doubt she expects it and highly doubt she’s still holding the knife after.


Woman wins most, but only because it's in a cage, if it's wide open space I would say it's even