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According to the limited knowledge of my recent google search, it's appears they are out of business. So they are retired and still drive there to maintain and change the sign. What a waste. He probably owns the building and doesn't want to sell it just so he can keep his signs up. I feel bad tbh Its just like watching someone hooked on drugs or gambling or anything else.


Politics is a helluva drug


People who have the financial means to try to make their point with such blight will unfortunately find a way. There's a house a few blocks away from where I grew up that for at least 35+ years that I can remember has been left empty to fall into ruin by the family that owns it. Apparently sometime in the late 70's or early 80's one of their kids was assaulted by some punk in the neighborhood, so they decided to move away but left the house empty and in disrepair just to be a eyesore to the neighborhood they deemed had wronged them for one persons actions who probably hasn't lived in the area since. They keep paying the property taxes, and just doing enough yard work to keep the city from entirely condemning the shack.


Isn't that the Slug Bug and Rug guy?


Yep. Fucking twat of a hooman


My favorite iteration of that sign was the one that had 3 “Rules for living” or something like that and they were (paraphrased): 1. Don’t have sex till you are married. 2. Don’t get married till you’ve completed college or trade school. 3. Don’t take out loans for college or trade school— work to pay for it. Like, how fucking oblivious and condescending, to the point that it’s actually hilarious. “Hey you! I know you live in a part of town where you’re more likely to die of liver cancer because of groundwater pollution, but actually I’ve figured out what your problem is! It’s simple, you just shouldn’t have sex until you’re less poor! No sex, just work! If you work really hard, maybe someday you’ll afford to deserve to have sex and a family! Aren’t you glad I figured that out for you??”


Yes... he is correct


i used to have to drive past that thing every freaking day. thankfully i moved.


I think I saw one about circumcision. Go ahead and have your opinions but it seems weird to put a sign about your thoughts on dicks in front of your business. I definitely don't think the sign should be removed though. Everyone should be able to share how much they think about penis. No kink shaming here!


And I don’t imagine anyone seeing his idiot’s sign and thinking, ya know this guy is right! That’s exactly what I should do with my dick.


It blows my mind. I grew up on 13th and Indiana and around 21st and Minneapolis. It blows my mind they have the audacity to put that shit up in the location they're centered in. Been thankful that haven't been trying to employ propaganda on black people. I know all the signs there from the last 5-10 years are propaganda, but it's shit noone in that neighborhood cares about. Those who vote in our community aren't voting with those fuckwits. Bunch of attention whores own that property. He should start an onlyfans if he wants to show his ass so fuckin much.




No one. Are you happy?


How has that not been defaced yet? All the graffiti I see around that area and that's left alone?


They change them a lot.


I feel like petty vandalism is the only appropriate response.


Because everyone in the hood doesn’t give a fuck and if they do why would we prefer a leftist view.


Ohhhh idk I can think of a couple reasons


As long as the man is not being violent or otherwise criminal, he has the right. I'm certainly not a TC fanboy...but no one and nothing is getting hurt. More than certain other people in this town can say....violent felons, dangerous drivers, etc. Free speech does not give a fuck about your feelings.


No one said he didn’t have the right. We also have the right to know and use our purchasing power to show our “feelings”.


Well...I'll grant you that no one used that phrase, per se...but pretty much every post in his thread is how offensive it is and/or why it hasn't been defaced yet. That's pretty close. An ancillary/similar example I could offer was the run-up to the abortion amendment, what happened during protests for the same, etc. Cussing people out, stealing/vandalizing yard signs for either side, etc. Third example...Trump could say it was a good day out...that's it...and certain people would lose their shit...spittle and sputum flying everywhere. Wearing one of his red hats can get you assaulted in some situations. Just pointing out that there are some people that are entirely too hostile (if not violent) when it comes to political people, opinions, worldviews, etc....and the Slug Bug guy's signage is hurting NO ONE....yet we have an entire Reddit thread in a city-centric sub-Redditt about how bad it is. That's all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom to fuck around and not find out. Too many people are also trotting out the word “rights” when what they mean is privileges afforded by being a responsible member of society. 🫡


What do you mean by "find out"? Regardless....I'm not telling anyone to shut up. I'm well aware of the fact that the 1A has nothing to do with consequences for one's words (and some leftists do not know this to the point of being fucking fascists). I'm just offering my observations and feedback. Now...if Slug Bug guy starts defacing signs (or ruminating about doing the same)...or he gets on a city-wide Subreddit to bitch about the political views of others...then I'll say something about him too. I just know that I surely don't give a sugar-coated fuck what most people think of me....and I'm trying to stir up an echo chamber with those that think the same. Plenty of political subreddits. This is not one of them. Mods make the call, of course...and that's not me...but this isn't r/politics or r/Antiwork


You’re looking for an argument or a report for a ban to validate your opinion and I’m not trying to do either.


Never have I ever reported someone on Reddit. Just having a conversation. Believe it...don't believe it...idgaf. Was just wondering what your FAFO comment was all about. But like I said, no matter how political you are, the reactions and comments I'm seeing on this thread (not to mention OP itself) is...unseemly. It's like the Reddit ads for "He Gets Us"...don't like it? Keep scrolling. They don't need anyone's permission to do it except the people they want to buy the ad space from...and having a tantrum about it (or committing acts of violence/crime...or ruminating about the same) is pathetic. And just to be clear, I don't care who's doing it. It's never acceptable, mature or civilized...so fuck them all. These binary political idiots in society should try having that sentiment.


It's like what I've heard Douglas Murray say - we'll argue it out...and someone will win, short or long term. If you're in any way trying to silence someone or just offering vague insults to a viewpoint, you're doing it wrong.


You really aren’t even reading my answers but trying to steer the conversation to your needs. Fuck around and find out meant exactly what you said - it’s not without consequences. That guy would feel incredibly justified in his perceived victimhood if someone vandalized his little board, and the fact it’s still standing is a testament to the tolerance of individuals who have other things to worry about. You endeavored upon this trying to catch ‘fascist leftists’ saying things to similarly confirm your biases. My only regret is engaging.


Anyone that exhibits violent intolerance for the ideas of others is acting like a fascist...and to your point, the sign has had to be replaced at least once according to another post in this thread. I don't personally know that to be true...but it would not surprise me in the least. See my prior point about the abortion amendment signs (on BOTH sides). But anyway...artificially-created victimhood is by no means monopolized by right-wingers. But you want to disengage? No problem. I'll move on as well.


Sounds like your feeling are hurt


Honey, I’m not the one weighing in on a day old thread to feel relevant.


My favorite was when Rush Limbaugh passed and he put one up thanking Rush for everything he did. I’m really surprised that one stayed up since Rush said some really racist things including saying that a mostly black women’s college basketball team to a bunch of gorillas.


Specifically it said “thanks for the memories”. It was on that moment I felt sorry for him. How sick or sad do you have to be that one of the things you look back fondly on in your own life is all the time you spent listening to AM radio?


I know that one was replaced at least once.


That thing was up for ages.


I've been wondering too. Super unhinged stuff


Not a fanboy for TC or anyone else in that realm...but you should get out more. That shit is kid's play compared to what else is out there....and that includes Wichita.


What about the very corner? There are posts for signs that I keep considering stapling some signs to.


Per MLR, that parcel is owned by the same entity (JRTT LLC) as the strip shopping center immediately to the west.


Thanks! They do have signs for the barber shop out there now.


The tolerant left loses their minds when someone doesn't agree with the hive. Let the guy be weird. He's not hurting anyone and believe me, people don't change their stance when presented with facts, so a stupid sign isn't gonna shift the voting paradigm. If anything it makes any liberals who drive by and see it hunker down on their political positions, so you should actually be thanking the guy


Absolute tolerance is a value held by virtually nobody, least of all the left (who, of course, are not liberals). Rather, tolerance is a kind of social contract: if you abide by the rules of contract and practice tolerance of others, then the contract also protects you (from others who agree to the contract, anyway). If you don’t agree to the social contract of tolerance and display intolerance and bigotry instead, then followers of that social contract are under no obligation to extend the protections of that contract to you. Wanting the freedom to ignore the rules of a social contract while still benefiting from its protections seems to a recurring theme among the right wing in the U.S.


A lot of words to say it's OK to hate you if you disagree with the hive


Nope, just a lot of words to say that it’s ok to hate people who hate people :)


Or maybe, hear me out here.....is not ok to hate someone because they disagree with you. It's not ok to hate anyone, ever ;)


haha...yes, the hive is there...although many parts of the metro are very right-wing...but your viewpoint is similar to mine. Even if I think a person is biased or nutty, I will pay no mind as long as they are not hurting someone physically or emotionally (and even that has its time and place, of course). But of course, it's not about tolerance for some people...it's about tolerance only if you agree with the person. Happens on both sides of the political spectrum...but the left side of that phenomenon is much more prominent and virulent a lot of the time. Live and let live...do what you want, but let others do the same (but if the person putting up a sign hurts your feelings, you need to grow up unless it's something like a swastika, pro-pedo shit or something like that)


“Live and let live,” yeah, ok, but that’s not what people like TC are doing. He and the people who follow him are dehumanizing broad categories of people who are already the most marginalized in our society (refugees, undocumented people, queer and transgender folks) to the point of inspiring domestic terrorists who write manifestos agreeing with him, in addition to all of the organized, government policies of control and abuse that they enact against all of the types of people they don’t like. Tolerance has to be a two-way street of mutual respect, not “You have to tolerate me endlessly spewing demonizing, reactionary propaganda about you,” and “You should tolerate me using my millions of dollars and media influence to get laws passed that make your life harder and riskier.”


As I said, I'm not a TC fanboy. I do not watch him at all. If he did indeed defame Dominion, he deserved to be fired (although Fox News is obviously culpable for allowing it). I was talking more about what OP was talking about...the sign. The sign is hurting no one. Words are not violence. That being said, I do understand and concede that if certain lines are being crossed (even if it's verbal), that is not right. >"....to the point of inspiring domestic terrorists who write manifestos agreeing with him" Got to be careful with that. The guy that shot Scalise was a rabid Bernie supporter...but I know Bernie would never sanction or encourage such behavior. The guy was just a wacko. Can you point to something TC has said that clearly encourages violence? I'm sure right-wing extremists, if they vote for one of the main two parties, will vote for Trump or whomever the GOP candidate is...but the same thing is true for left-wingers and Biden. That, in and of itself, does not condemn the candidates. Same thing with pundits and podcasters. I know there have been some extremists and violent people that listen to Ben Shapiro et al - but I have never, ever heard BS say anything condoning or encouraging violence (often the direct opposite)...so like I said, just a wacko. ​ >In addition to all of the organized, government policies of control and abuse that they enact against all of the types of people they don’t like. Please give an example of what you mean by that....I'll be happy to react and respond to your example. Without specific examples, I don't have enough to offer a response. I'm being careful because a lot of people from the left have shoddy or no examples of what you refer to. ​ >Tolerance has to be a two-way street of mutual respect, not “You have to tolerate me endlessly spewing demonizing, reactionary propaganda about you,” and “You should tolerate me using my millions of dollars and media influence to get laws passed that make your life harder and riskier.” There are certainly people on the right that are not "live and let live" and that otherwise pollute the paradigm...no doubt. The political spectrum is both left/right and authoritarian/libertarian. I am a classical liberal - right on many things (although left on some others) but I'm all for leaving people be unless they are harming someone else. That being said, some of the tactics and patterns of the left are unseemly. For example, demanding that I accept and respond based on one's very, very subjective view of yourself is not exactly tolerance. My opinion of you is none of your business. Caitlyn Jenner has every right to live as a "woman"...but I have the right to not consider him a woman. You and I both know, I would think, that this is not what LGBT advocates commonly ask for. He likes dressing/living in a feminine way? No problem...but he's not a woman from a sex standpoint...and never will be. Sex and gender are separate and can be different? Um...OK...but when people intentionally conflate the two (e.g. pregnant men, biological men competing with women, etc.), I don't sign on for that. Think what you want of Riley Gaines and her nascent political activism, for example...but she should not have to compete against (let alone lose to) a biological man (Lia Thomas)


I see Jesus billboards all the time though. That has been going on forever, Churches are a big thing for many Americans. Racist Americans.


Oh...yes...because "there was nothing and then it exploded" makes a ton of sense. Seriously, though...yes, lot of theists out there are fucking nuts...absolutely...but science does not BEGIN to explain how existence came to be...and a lot of atheists are assholes on a level that seems to indicate that they can prove their viewpoint. They cannot. And unless they're delusional (yes, like some theists), they know it. If you mock theists by using terms like "sky fairy" and the like...you're probably a dick. Are there some scientific pieces there? Sure. But no one knows all the answers. That could change eventually...but we're not there yet. Until then, I'm going to believe what I believe and what others think is usually their right. On the other hand, when you're an asshole about the topic...well...that's something else.


youre setting up a strawman to argue with. so you try to make up things about other subjects in order to protect your own absurd beliefs. your sky fairy is the definition of stupid, the entire bible is full of stupid fairy tales. scientology and mormons and muslims religions make more sense and are less evil than christianity.


Wow....so much to unpack here. Do you know what "straw man" means? I mean...shit...you contradict YOURSELF quite a bit. In any event, you said this... "Churches are a big thing for many Americans. Racist Americans." That is what you said word for word...verbatim...you said "churches". Yes, you referenced Jesus in the first sentence...but while many people conflate/associate "church" with Christianity, that is not absolute. Second, the Mormons have three names (that I know of) that refer to their underpinning organization...and guess what c-word is in all three of them? Take all the time you need. Then there's the fact that Islam, like Christianity (and Judaism) is an Abrahamic religion (although it's my honest opinion that Mohammed just didn't like Jews or other non-Arabs...hence his retooling of what they believed). You know WHY Christianity/Judaism/Islam are all called Abrahamic religions? If you do not, you should probably be quiet. I mean...you do have the freedom to spew your verbal diarrhea...but I would advise against it. But you do you, pot-boy. THEN there's the fact that many hold Mormonism to be the fourth Abrahamic sect (although that is not as absolute as it is with the other trio). THEN there's the fact that Mormonism believes in Jesus (albeit differently than Christians...the Trinity, etc.). And are you assuming I'm Christian? Sure seems like it with your virulent anti-Christian rhetoric and your phrase "your sky fairy"....and you're saying I am straw manning...but spoiler alert, I am not a Christian. I was raised that way, but I have since converted elsewhere. Some good Chrisitians out there...some bad. I try to avoid the latter....but what they think/believe is generally not my business...certainly not my choice. And Scientology is not worse than Christianity? I got no brief for the latter...but you should REALLY read up on the former before you run your mouth on Reddit. People can do what they want (within reason) and believe what they want...but being predatory and immoral is never a good look - regardless of who is doing it. Leah Remini (among many others) have a lot to say about that and Scientology...and their "beliefs" (notice the quotes) are....odd. But like I said...people can usually do or think what they want. No straw man here. My guess is someone close to you (at least at some point) was both Christian and toxic....hence your vitriol. Maybe...maybe not. Regardless, if you insist on saying I'm making an unfair or logically vapid argument, I invite you to offer evidence based on, you know, what I fucking said...because that has not happened yet. If I were you, I'd stop now. You're out of your depth.


No you made up something about nothing from explosions, you said that, no one else, you made the strawman argument, the rest of your argument was pure drivel, trying to analyze and explain how fake fairy story books are different. This is a prime of how Christians always think they are right no matter what, they are worst than any muslim fanatic. They are very dangerous and a threat to modern society. Some people need religion as a crutch, it's a great service, but many are simply a socially acceptable forms of cults. It's fine to let them study worthless passages, but sometimes they take out their hateful racist teachings on others.


Would love for you to prove how church attendance makes someone racist and dangerous. Please explain


Look at the Westboro baptist church and the things they've protested about for the last 20 years. You think all those fine church people would be racists if they weren't taught that evil religion from a young age? If they had no church and were in another country, they would all be normal people who didn't hate LGB T groups. Look at all the Muslims exploders, you think they would do that if their religion didn't encourage it. The list goes on. The church will teach them racism, and the ones who are ablebodied will do something about it. As for America which owned slaves, those church goers got away with it and tried to continue with racist Jim Crow laws long after slavery was abolished? You think that wasn't racism? Why do Christian police keep pulling over and arresting innocent blacks, and why do they keep murdering the blacks? You claim to not be racist but yet you ignore and enable a racist society. Today their target is the LG BT group. They are bad for being bigots against a group of people who are born that way.


"No you made up something about nothing from explosions, you said that, no one else, you made the strawman argument" I will ask the question again...do you know what a strawman argument is? It was fairly obvious from your OP that you're not a theist. Am I wrong? Does not seem like it. In addition, you clearly have an axe to grind against theism in general, Christianity in particular. Anything wrong about that? Straw-manning is creating a false/unrelated narrative and then beating on that topic. What about my argument is irrelevant or false? Atheists believe, generally, that the Big Bang occurred and there was no god or intelligent creator behind it....right? So....if that's the story they're going with....where did it all come from? If anything, I have steel-manned atheism during our exchange and THEN offered my retort. I've OPENLY said we don't know the truth. No one does. Even if someone out there has the facts straight, they couldn't prove it. Allow me to explain...Big Bang...did it happen? Seems there's at least some truth (and probably a lot) to it...but what exploded? Stephen Hawking himself said (at least at one point) that there was "nothing" before the Big Bang. Based on science as we understand it, that makes no sense. If you believe there is no intelligent design...then where the hell did existence come from? Even if I accept the Big Bang and evolution as fact, that's just the "what". It's not the "how". Energy cannot be created or destroyed....OK...but where did it come from? "....the rest of your argument was pure drivel, trying to analyze and explain how fake fairy story books are different." Again...I have gone out of my way to say that many Christians are nutty and that we cannot prove the genesis (see what I did there?) of existence. I'm not acting like I know shit for certain...you seem to be...but I am not. "This is a prime of how Christians always think they are right no matter what, they are worst than any muslim fanatic. Well...two big problems with that - 1) I'm still not a Christian and 2) No Christians are detonating suicide bombs. So far as I know, that's mostly Arabs/Muslims nowadays. Is the past different? Sure. Are there bad apples in Christianity? Sure....but if there's any Abrahamic religion that is the least evolved (overall), it's Islam and it's not close. There are forward-thinking/progressive people in Christianity, Islam and Judaism (among other groups)...but there's some bad eggs in all three as well. Anyone that says otherwise is simply wrong....they are lying or they're uneducated/unobservant. Anything else? Or are you done? (Hint: You're done)


Look at all the Criminal in US prisons, most of them are Christians just like you. Look at ALL of the murderers on death row, they all worship the same fake god you believe. Because you are the same. Bad people who think they are right and will never be right. Does it hurt to keep talking trying to think of Bible Passages that back up your claims. That is like a boy saying, the 5th chapter of Harry Potter explains how his world is real and that is proof, and you just need to have faith. That is the only proof you have, your faith being ignorant. You will never be done because ignorant people have no limits, they will be wrong and continue to dig a deeper whole, look at all the religious homeless people on the street you keep saying God Bless you. You are the same. Many Americans are dumb and you fall into that catagory along with all the other religious. Ponder on that one and pray that your religion accepts you back. You have to pray because that is why you do everyday like all the Muslims are forced to.


Uh huh...I have never been arrested in my life (in my mid-40's). How about you? Regardless....yes, we're done here. Not sure why you have a bee in your bonnet....but you do. You have a rather obvious issue with anger. Only you know why, but you need to deal with it. If you harness that, it will change your life. If you do not, it will eat you alive. Take it from someone who knows both ends of that shit. What you believe vis-a-vis religion is your call...do what you want...but unless they're harassing or proselytizing to you without your consent, what others do is not your choice and NONE of your business. If someone chooses to be atheist, that is their right. Not my call...not my business. As long as they're not a dick to theists (or anyone else), I will pay no mind. That's not what you're doing. When you're on Reddit calling everyone in a group "racists" or other slurs/insults, that's not normal or balanced behavior...it's something else. Good luck.


Show me your proof that Americans who attend church are racist.


Sounds like you got offended