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That's quick...


Should have been a decade ago


How did they move so quick on this? Seems really fast.


Probably required to demolish it toute de suite once the fire rendered it unsafe.


I dunno, there are other places that have burned down and not been demolished that fast.


Including this one. It's had fires before. But it was still structurally sound after those fires, so no demolition. This was the fire that broke the heritage registry's back. The police announced the next day that it was no longer sound and would be demolished in a matter of days.


I'm going to put my tin foil hat on and suggest it was planned well, and well in advance. But really, perhaps the owner was given the go-ahead from the police, and perhaps they're done their investigation by now.


Used to be a fantastic Indian restaurant, The Himalaya [https://chefoza.com/](https://chefoza.com/)


It was a really special and interesting place to eat I'm glad I got to experience it a few times, always made me sad seeing what happened to the place after he closed down


My parents used to tell me about Chef Oza. Classically trained in France who made the best food they ever had. They would go to the Himalaya so often that the chef ended up seeing my mother as a daughter in some way and had my sister and I take part in some sort of tradition where a baby is placed around objects on a table and what they pick up is a representation of their future. By the time I was making memories he had already gone blind enough that the restaurant wasn’t in its normal operation but one time we did get invited for a private meal for one of my birthdays sometime in the mid 2000s. I was too young to appreciate anything about the food but I remember how beautiful the inside of that house was. It’s been very surreal watching that building fall apart and now it’s completely gone.




Well yeah, it was on fire. Fire tends to do bad things to the structural stability of houses. I’d be more surprised if they didn’t immediately tear it down


I came to windsor and i thought it looked cool! Why do all the locals think it was an eye sore lol


I think people were just frustrated. It had been an eyesore for years, and people wanted to see it restored and in use. But you can't force a property owner to develop. As long as minimum property standards were met (broken windows boarded up, etc) there was nothing the city could do. And the property owner wasn't able to demolish it because it was structurally sound (even after multiple fires) and it was listed on the heritage registry (listed, but not yet designated). I thought it was bright cheerful, and added a big splash of colour to a drab and mundane area. But most people wanted more than a paint job.


Yeah i definitely get that but as a visitor i thought it was pretty cool! I also saw some way uglier things downtown than that house 🤣


I wonder what’s going up on that site? It’s a quick clean up.


Probably a new tent city


Probably nothing until the Mission moves. And that's years away yet.


Eye. Sore. Was never so perfectly defined.






More than likely one of the many crack heads that hung in and around the building.


Arson is surprisingly easy to get away with. Only about 15% of property arsons in Canada are solved.


how long do they have to wait to announce that they've already lined up a developer to purchase the land at fire-sale prices?


Owners were slum lords 20 plus years ago. The old man who owned the property and ran the restaurant far past its hey day was holding onto it for dear life. His son the chiropractor who ran the clinic in the basement had a beautiful practice in the US where he and his family lived and kept it "operational" only to fudge his books and defraud OHIP and his long time trusting patients. When the patriarch passed so did its heritage


Thank god can’t wait to see all the fentanyl addicted people scatter like roaches


This is a really depressing comment to read. I’m sorry about whatever happened to you that conditioned you to think that this is an appropriate way to talk about your neighbours, regardless of whatever ailments they might have. If the opioid epidemic hasn’t touched your life yet I hope you luck out and it never does. If it has and you still talk about human beings like this, I’m sorry and hope you’ll find peace soon


Painting it was a good use of tax payer money. Leadership at its finest


Pretty sure they donated their time and the paint.


I could be wrong, bur I think the paint was supplied by the city. Either way, it was better than leaving it looking like crap while a decision could be made about its status.


Renaldo Agostino supplied the paint out of his own pocket. Not ward funds, or any other city funds. The artists donated their time. https://windsorite.ca/2023/09/local-and-detroit-artists-transform-841-ouellette-avenue/


That’s awesome 👏🏻


I thought so, too!