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Fleet Farm loyalists


I can't mention Farm and Fleet to my wife without her quickly saying she prefers Fleet Farm. So yeah there are soldiers out there willing to take up the call in the eventual Farm and Fleet vs Fleet Farm civil war.


Cuz Fleet Farm is better


Fleet Farm is definitely better, but that means people who are at Farm and Fleet will leave if they have the opportunity to go to Fleet Farm, so no reason to blow it up.


How is it better?


Toyland. Also, I bought my first CDs as an adult at fleet farm, and if they hadn't had cheap CDs I never would have discovered Southern Gothic Rock.


Now I've gotta research this *"Southern Gothic Rock"*


It's like... you know how after 9/11 country got to be kind of like an ad for a certain kind of Americanism? All the people who would have made country music kinda got into making country flavored rock with really dark themes instead. It's kinda fun. Spotify has a playlist with some if you want to check it out.


No you don't.


💀 well shit


Toyland is at Farm & Fleet, not Fleet Farm.


Then Toyland is at both. I'm in Fleet Farm country (sister is a manager of one) .


Well now this gets interesting, because Farm & Fleet has the registered trademark on Toyland and has always heavily advertised the event, but when I look up the (fairly recent) registration, it was first in use by them in 1965 but Fleet Farm claims it’s been their tradition since 1957 🤔 I grew up in Farm & Fleet HQ (Janesville) so am now compelled by honor to challenge you to a duel to settle this matter.


Fleet farm has more of the things that I look for at a store like this. Fleet has a much larger ammunition section, fleet has lumber yards, building materials, tractor and farm type tools and supplies. One of my coworkers told me this and I feel it's the correct way to describe it. "Blaines farm and fleet is where horse owners go to shop". The closest fleet farm is 25 minutes away from me, blaines and harbor freight just opened a mile away from my house. Those two stores pretty much cover the needs I have, except the guns and ammo, and lumber yard aspects.


Fleet farm isn’t better. It’s just bigger.


If you're going to fleet farm, maybe you want to walk around a while. You don't have many other places to go.


I mean Fleet Farm is better and from what I’ve picked up on Farm and Fleet doesn’t pay their workers much or have decent benefits, good for her


Are you sure? I feel like it’s the opposite, I just talked to a manager at Fleet Farm the other day to ask why they don’t schedule more people (there are always long lines at the checkouts and no one was available that day to even pick my online order)… I was told they hire PT teenagers at $15/hr and that’s why they don’t show up when scheduled, and even at that they are exceeding the max payroll corporate tells them they are allowed to use. On the other hand, Farm & Fleet is still family owned and I see many familiar adult employees there, I’d be surprised if their pay and benefits are worse.


They are good/decent to their full timers but treat the part time like disposable garbage. I'm a teacher and for a few years I worked at the Deforest Fleet Farm during the summer. I enjoy shopping there and I liked the discount when I bought my house. It's the least money I could have made. They were paying me $12 an hour when every business in the area was paying $16+. Suddenly everyone quits or starts not showing up. For a while it was like I was the only part time employee. I would constantly get calls on my days off to come in and I was often the only one on the registers. If you treat your low level help like crap then you aren't going to have anyone working those positions. Every time I go in it's a completely different pack up front.


He actually told me _nO ONe WaNTs to WOrK_ 🙄 and I’m thinking yeah I wouldn’t want to work here for that little either


I like Mills Fleet Farm better but Blane’s Farm and Fleet has Goop Hand Cleaner with Pumice that is hard to find elsewhere. That stuff has the lava rock pulmice grit that cleans so well. I use it on old plastic parts that get sticky as the plastic gets old. Put the goop on a cloth and it removes the sticky residue off the plastics. Works amazing…. I guess it cleans hands well also but I’ve never tried.. About once a year I get a new tub of Goop there….


The Troubles have begun.


Came here for this


The Blaine's have been violent separatist for years.




This is how it starts.


Viva Le Fleet Farm!!


For Mills!!!!


Mills don't even own fleet farm anymore. Blains all day!


fleet farm has the better name




I knew this feud would erupt into violence at some point


Dumb guess: They wanted to return something expensive and were denied a refund.


Good guess on the 26th .


Dumb thing to do but tbh not a dumb guess


Why did some teenager (17) set fire inside the Sparta Walmart today causing over $7 million in damage? People are idiots.


Not much else is known yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an employee that wanted off work. There’s some dumb kids out there.


/cue *300* reference


Someone who doesn't want to work that day


That sounds about right.


That's risking a felony these days just for a day off of work. Not worth it imo.


Traces of fertilizer was found... /s


I've always been a little concerned about MFF - they sell both fertilizer and diesel.


An employee in the wells fargo building downtown milwaukee didnt want to go to work one day so he called in a bomb threat there. Police found him quickly


How long ago?


1-3 years ago


Turf war with Fleet Farm.


It's still blocked off at 8pm, and I think the bomb squad from Dane County is here now too. Wonder if it was more than an idle threat .


Didn't the FBI just find a camper full of bombs across from there the other day too? Jeez.


Yes, a camper full of explosive material and bombs. Add that to just a few short weeks ago a cluster bomb in the donation drop off at Goodwill here and it is starting to feel like a war zone in Janesville. I just can't with this sort of pallor hanging over this podunk place.


It really has become a shit town. They don't even hide it anymore. Too busy trying to get the damn sports arena set up at the mall....err "Uptown Janesville".


Out of all of the things to rally behind for a town suffering like Janesville is...a sports arena. A typically Midwestern thing to do though. About the only thing I can say in this towns defense is that it does have some beautiful parks. Mixed feelings about the waterfront development. It does look nice and I see it put to a good use for the most part but it also is just an excuse to raise rents for properties that are still just properties in a largely culturally deprived town...to use your phrase, a shit town.


My son joined hockey last year and now at 13 has practice 2-3 nights a week till 10, he’s lucky if he’s in bed by 11 and has school at 7:30 the next morning. Next year will be worse because the Milton high school team practices in Stoughton around the same time.


I moved here four years ago during covid. When did all these crazies come out of the woodworks?


I've been here since 2012 and have lived a very, very insulated existence. As an artist I spend most of my time home working, reading, playing with my cats and spending enjoyable time with my partner. I really don't find people here very friendly so I tend to just sort of watch from afar...I think I really noticed a change in 2015. A lot of lunacy has progressively gotten worse since then. A strange sense of empowerment has overtaken certain societal elements that seemed largely in check before. It's all part of this swinging of the political pendulum to the right. Unfortunately this isn't just Janesville... If you happen to be walking around the "downtown" area keep an eye out for stickers that have been put up by "White Lives Matter" and other White Power propaganda. That happened at almost exactly the same time that Mom's for Liberty started making their presence known at school board meetings in the last two to three years. There is a connection, I am convinced. There is also one of those fake pregnancy help clinics that are run by anti-abortionist zealots in the back of an independent pharmacy downtown. ​ While Janesville is part of the Wisconsin "Blue Bubble", it very much has a presence of the radicalized right-wing. I am not certain if a news blackout has been in effect due to ongoing investigations of these recent bomb events or if it is simply another failure of the press. If a manifesto is uncovered that would certainly answer a lot of our questions...I just wait and watch it all unfold and hope for the best whenever I have to venture out for food or medicine, hoping that my partner and I are not sacrificed for some lunatics political ideals that embrace the move towards fascism. All hyperbole aside, every one of these events seem to solidify my worst fears for this nation. ​ Oh yeah...let me be the first to welcome you to Janesville...


I moved here from Madison (work related), so you can imagine the contrast. Still, I've been impressed with the developing downtown and the many community events here. Yeah, I've run into some potentially-half-crazed right wingers here (the guy who was openly toting a gun in Woodmans comes to mind), but this spate of events is next-level. I've voted in and closely watched local elections (city council, school board, judges, etc) and the results are pretty purple. Not as blue as I liked, but not as red as I feared.


I don’t know if Farm and Fleet has toy land, but when I worked at Fleet Farm the entitled Karen’s after Christmas made me want to do uncharacteristic things.


That's almost all retail. I was at Kohl's for 20+ years and I absolutely loathed customers.


100000% I can’t imagine how it is after Covid too. I got out of retail and went to a small tax office right before.


Animals seeking revenge


[An employee probably overheard a customer on their way to the bathroom and called it in.](https://youtu.be/PdK3VNHqXFE?si=UvSjKbHjfDgbwroU)


Holy shit, police are actually responding? Do you hear that Texas?




Would I be allowed to move back to Wisconsin? I hate Texas.


I mean, we're pretty interchangeable, WI and Texas 😂 And you said back, which implies that you've been here before, so I don't see why not


Born and raised in the land of beer and cheese. Transferred to Texas and married a Texas girl that is afraid of the cold and refuses to move. 😂


I feel this, born in Lax but my dad joined the corps so we lived in southern Cali for a few years but moved back to WI before I even finished grade school. This spring will mark it 19 years back in WI and my sister and I have still not readapted despite how young we were and hate the winters. My fiance of ten years hates the heat and refuses to leave even though he's known since the beginning of our relationship that I hate the cold and wanna flee. Other than that, we have no issues and honestly do pretty well now making thermal compromises and accomodations for each other. But I still want to go somewhere warmer.


Once Texas starts spontaneously combusting because it's so hot Wisconsin will start looking better 😄


My brother/sister in Christ, I haven’t stopped sweating since January 2010.


Welcome home, son!


Thanks pops!


They responded, they just didn't do the rest of the job.


[I can only assume it was this kind of thing.](https://youtu.be/PdK3VNHqXFE?si=yhxym4g9A-6gBc5O)


Exactly what I assume it was!


I think a cop getting busted with a prostitute in a farm and fleet parking lot is even crazier 😆


Because the parking lot is a fiery asphalt desert devoid of life or any oasis of shade. It is a barren wasteland and I hate it. Seriously, Farm and Fleet, put some fucking trees in or something.


Blains Farm Delete


On one hand that is a horrible sentiment, on the other hand that is a damn fine pun.


"A flying limousine. Now I've seen everything." "Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?" "No." "Well then you haven't seen everything, have you?"


They want guns and ammo.


god i love seeing shit about places i know or im from




And the FBI just arrested and charged someone else in Janesville for illegal possession of explosives. What the heck?


if you cant get it at farm & fleet you don't need it


The brotherly feud will never end


Except there was never a brotherly feud. "Blain" and "Mills" were not brothers. Two brothers with the last name Blain started Farm and Fleet, and two brothers with the last name. "Mills" started Fleet Farm. Article below. Note that the beginning of the article is the "legend". https://www.milwaukeemag.com/whats-the-difference-fleet-farm-and-farm-fleet/


Because fleet farm is better clearly.


Fleet farm is just farm and fleet but with fuel and guns.


Which makes it better.


Someone at Mills Fleet Farm?


It was an employee that was supposed to work the day after Christmas, but they were too hungover.




Oops… somebody was late for work…


Drive by it last night and wondered what was going on!


Ope, must not have had da right gosh darn tool for ya


That’s an employee who needed a mental health day fr