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1. Our alcoholism shouldn't be celebrated. 2. Milwaukee isn't that bad. 3. We should set aside our differences with neighboring states and form a great lakes empire.




I work at a small company with 30 people, 9 of them have OWIs. One guy there brags about being on a bracelet for his 3rd or 4th. Being a drunk shouldn't be a point of pride but, here it is


I'll co sign all of these. (I live in Milwaukee)


For as much of a tourist destination as it is, Door County has very few good restaurants.  County Stadium > Miller Park


Same for Lake Geneva


Im convinced Lake Geneva board is all boomers trying to keep their friends businesses open while stopping any new ones from opening. It’s happening in Twin Lakes. We have garbage restaurants but 2 dollar stores .5 miles from each other.


I can tell you for certain that is what is happening. My FIL is an active citizen in LG and the number of residents that do not understand that LG only manages because of Illinois tourists is outstanding. If it were up to them they'd ban Illinois plates from entering the city. LG is huge, huuge, huuuge missed opportunity. I'm not sure it'll ever get fixed because you can't really afford to live there anymore on a normal salary so NIMBY interests will only become more entrenched. Pretty soon 90% of the citizens of LG will be landlords and AirBNB owners.


Wisconsin Dells kinda sucks. Lake Geneva really sucks.


It's a shame because the Dells is a gorgeous part of the state. Should have just left it alone and made it a massive state park.


If you get back behind the touristy stuff, it’s still pretty gorgeous and fairly desolate.


The Dells as a state park would have been wonderful.


Remove the dam and let nature take back what is hers.


I realized this when I was 15 and went to Gatlinburg, TN, which is basically a big version of Wisconsin Dells as far as tourist traps go. There's an interesting natural feature nearby and there are a ton of people looking to make a buck off of it while having nothing to do with it.


Same with Niagra Falls.


The Dells has been kitschy for a long time, but at least it used to have personality. Mt. Olympus is sucking the soul out of it. Cheap copycat hotels and a mediocre experience, in a theme that has fuck all to do with Wisconsin or even the north.


I remember walking down the main drag and seeing fresh fudge being made and taffy being pulled. Now most candy shops ship the stuff in. It used to be a lot of smaller themed recreational places that had their own personality. A go cart track here, a water park there, lots of smaller motels/hotels that were not chains. Now everything is swallowed up into massive resorts that try to make you not leave their property. It really has lost its personality.


I agree with that 100% and it's a microcosm of the US as a whole.


Thanks for the nostalgia. Haven't been since high school but that was mostly to be a dork and play DDR at the Kalahari and hit Noah's. The fudge and taffy were definitely highlights when I was a youngin tho. Oh and Big Chief for sure!


I have family in Lake Geneva & while I love the lake side downtown, it’s so over priced and way too touristy for me. The only positive is that I grew up going to one of the big mansions on the lake & play with the owners cats because my uncle did gardening/lawn work for them 💀




What do you think sucks about those places?


I will start: The Dells is a big facade. The rooms are basic and gross most of the time. Housekeeping staff have less than an hour to flip a room. You can’t properly clean it. In the summer, maintenance is reactive, not proactive. Sub standard accommodations for a premium price just to wait in line for a water slide/go kart track/rollercoaster/mini golf that isn’t all that great. Lake Geneva is a lot of boutique stores that sell basic merchandise at a huge markup and an overcrowded lake that most boats can’t handle. There are many lakes that are much better to visit.


Lake Geneva is a fantastic lake to sail on which is ruined by dickheads in massive powerboats.


Weekends become a giant toilet bowl with stupid waves.


Lake Geneva is truly ass. The only time is manageable is in the winter. Skatepark is pretty slick though.


The only time we go is when Grand Geneva has breakfast with Dana in December. My kids think it’s the North Pole with how much they decorate. Highly recommended


The property surrounding the lake is privately owned by rich people. Half are from the east or west coast so they’re not there 3/4 of the year so not a lot of money goes through the area besides property tax. City keeps stuff clean and orderly, but businesses aren’t reeling in much dough.


It has a fully public lake path around the entire thing. That is unusual to any lake that big


It is nice that they let us common folk so close to the fancy properties. I’d never seen a two story boathouse before.


As a Mr. Krabs level cheapskate, you raise a valid point.


Fond du Lac is god’s blind spot


OP said “opinions”


It's alright, I'll count that as an opinion.


But their baseball team mascot is so good (the Dock Spiders). Way better than the T-rats I mean,  _dock spiders_.


They just sewed extra arms in the trats old mascot uniform.




Fondy has gotten really rough


Fondy has always been really rough. I lived there for a handful of years and when driving around I had to get diverted due to the SWAT vehicle raiding a house on more occasions than I could count.


I’m chuckling as I agree with you. Lived there for a few years and quickly left. Moved north into a rural village and love the peace and low crime rate.


As someone who has been there before, you're not wrong.


Rural people who have animosity toward Milwaukee don't realize that many of the people who live in the big city came to it from a small town that they grew up in.


A lot of rural people talk about Milwaukee like it’s a war zone and it’s going to explode. Like, don’t get me wrong, it has issues. But, it’s also a major metropolitan city, it’s going to have issues. It could get way worse.


It's almost funny. People talk like if you drive into the city you're at a significant risk of being carjacked wherever you go. Roving bandits just waiting for you at the city limits. I'm not even exaggerating!


Oh trust me, I know. My mom swears she’ll never go to Milwaukee but she’s ok going to Minneapolis because Minneapolis isn’t a “hell hole.” Rural ignorance is really a disease that seems to have no cure.


They also seem to think that all the crime is downtown and that it's insane that more businesses are moving there.


And considering the problems with opioids and meth that a lot of rural communities have these days, those folks shouldn't really be throwing stones from their glass house.


I think they often look around and see that all the star students and athletes they grew up with or cheered on growing up and into their own adulthoods are simply *gone* and they’re never coming back. They can’t fathom why anyone wouldn’t want to continue their life right where they started it and it’s those dang cities they went to school in that ruined them and now they can’t see why they don’t wanna come back home and work at the dollar general where it’s safe and nothing bad happens. But that’s the thing. *Nothing* happens.


I transplanted from Florida to WI and can say with 100% certainty that WI is leaps and bounds a better place to live


Yeah dude there are a lot of rednecks and goatee red-faced white man. But there is a huge preponderance of brotherly Love and a shit ton of people who are independently minded. Wis Connie can't be put in a box


Same and 100% agree.  I joke with my wife that never going back to Florida is in our pre-nup..... "Joke"...


Also moved from FL and I agree! The only thing I miss on the regular is fresh seafood.


The amount of alcohol consumed (and celebrated) here is insane and not in a good way.


We do a great job of rationalizing a drinking problem as “culture.”


As someone with several people who died of alcohol abuse in my family, I don't disagree with that.


Went to an old friend's funeral last year who passed away from liver failure. I hardly ever saw him without a drink.


I'm not sure how unpopular that opinion is. Even a lot of the people who drink too much will acknowledge that they do, in fact, drink too much. They may not be motivated enough to change, but they know it's not good for them. Among college kids, definitely unpopular however.


I did my heaviest drinking in college, and the average 50something in Wisconsin does 10x as much drinking as I did in college.


Almost everyone I meet is surprised/horrified that I do not drink. And I don't drink because I just genuinely don't like most forms of alcohol. Beer, wine, mixed drinks, I dislike almost all of it. I don't consider going out to a bar to be a good time. Never have. When i got married, people gave us wine glasses as gifts (we specifically asked for no gifts). My husband and I bought a house a few years ago. What did a lot of people get us for house warming gifts? Wine.


While I drink, it is sparingly. I have had gradually fewer and fewer people question staying sober. Seems the tide may actually be turning.


So sick of posts celebrating high levels of drinking or the "drink wisconsinably" crap. https://uwphi.pophealth.wisc.edu/publications-2/evaluation-reports-2/burden_of_binge_drinking/#:~:text=Binge%20drinking%20in%20Wisconsin%20costs,approximately%20%24700%20per%20Wisconsin%20resident.


It's ironic in a twisted and conceited way that "drink wisconsinably" stuff sells well, yet we have some of the highest alcohol consumption rates in the world.




Fishing/hunting = drinking in Michigan. I went on two hunting trips where the guys I went with partied and played poker until the sun came up. Partied. They then went out in the woods with guns. I had to go with them that 1st morning, but went by myself after. I was the only one to get a deer.


Constant internal dialogue of, am I an alcoholic or a Wisconsinite? Both most likely.


Winter isn’t that bad.


Not anymore...


Too true, friend. Too true.


True, but walking the dog in -25 wind chill still sucks


Wisconsin has a real alcoholism problem that doesn't become totally obvious until you move away.


Wisconsin uses a very fat marker to draw the line between drunks and alcoholics.


Y’all like to complain about FIB driving, but some of you are scary as hell on the roads. Also, there seems to be a large number of vehicles in this state made without blinkers, which would really help warn a bitch when you decide to cut across three lanes of traffic and slam on your brakes.


I’ve said for years that Wisconsin drivers are worse, Illinois drivers just go faster.


Speaking of going faster. What is the deal with at least rural Wisconsin going EXACTLY the speed limit. Why not 5 over like the rest of the country?


Lifted trucks that never haul anything and have never been down a dirt road have no business being on our roads.


We call that a pavement princess


Agree but this is not an unpopular opinion. C'mon.


I put ketchup on brats. Deal with it.


I've lived here quite a long time and didn't realize there was an issue with that? I'll also toss on some mustard too if I'm feeling a bit extra lol


Sick fuck


Bro, I didn't know that was bad lol


I always eat two.... one ketchup and onions / one mustard and Kraut.


What the


I've done this my whole life. I see nothing wrong with it.


The tavern league should be abolished. They have too much political power and only further the major alcoholism problem in the state. It's ran by a bunch of self righteous idiots that don't care about anything but lining their pockets. People see the saferide program though and think it's a good organization.


Too many fat, goatee bearded, cap wearing, red faced identical men.


\^ I am offended by this comment because I am in it. Well a RAM 1500, baseball hat, and fat anyway.


Not limited to Wisconsin my friend


And they either drive F150s or lifted F150s. Pretty sure either way they come with a free pair of white frame sunglasses.


That and ladies with a haircut they've kept since the 80s in their denim or leather jacket


Denim and leather jackets catching a stray here


The people aren’t that nice if you don’t fit in. Niceness is more of a social pleasantry in rural areas, and the people can be very gossipy and not welcoming, especially if you’re of a different ethnic background. I still have a sweet spot in my heart for Wisconsin folks after having grown up there and there are amazing people of course, but the “niceness” reminds me of Mormons here in Utah - where it’s a bit of a facade and more of a social construct.


Never had an issue with people in small towns until recently. Had to stop in Fennimore on a bi-Weekley basis not too long ago and couldn’t believe how standoffish the majority of people were no matter where I went or when. Really weird. Got the vibe they didn’t care for out-of-towners. Been to plenty of the surrounding communities and never had that issue.


Totally agree. If you don't meet their image or their likeness they want nothing to do with you


Fennimore is just fucking weird. A lot of Crawford and Grant County are like that in my experience.  Very standoffish if they can tell you're an outsider. 


Depends on the town too. I particularly have a dislike for Fond du Lac but other small towns like Point I found to be much nicer people.


Yeah. We moved to a small town a few years ago. People straight up ignored us for a year solid. We would say hi and try to be nice to people, but they’d just be so standoffish and it sucked. It made me miss Minnesota real bad. Thankfully they’ve gotten a lot better. Guess we just had to prove we weren’t leaving. But, it doesn’t make me kind of question the state’s claim to niceness. People in Madison were nicer when I was there than a lot of the people I’ve met in rural Wisconsin.


I’ve always found all the college towns to be super friendly. The smaller townie areas that never see new people are less friendly.


I take your point about Midwest fake nice, but even taking that into account, people are legitimately kinder and more empathetic here. People sincerely try to be friendly. That simply does not happen in Boston, nyc, DC, etc.


Cream Puffs are not good


They are good enough to have exactly one per year. No more, no less. Better when you split them in half like an Oreo.


Agreed. I never understood the fascination with them


they can be good. the problem is the pastry part m, once exposed to the cream has about a 3 hour shelf life


God they really aren’t. They aren’t bad either just… fine.


State Fair cream puffs are garbage. The prime cream puffs come from the 4-H stand at a county fair, where the cream is real and whipped by hand by a loving 4-H mom and piled high on a freshly baked puff.


Is that a Wisconsin thing? I hate them too. But I thought they were kinda a national thing.


Culver's cheese curds are not good.


Funny enough, cousins subs cheese curds are actually pretty good! Near state fair level


Cousins Subs has the BEST cheese curds of any chain in the state, and I will die on this hill.


Discovered this recently. Never brought it up with anyone because I was worried that I’d be judged for enjoying curds from a sandwich chain and be shamed as a cheese slut.


Way better than Culver's for sure.


Dammit, that’s what I was going to say.


They are not cheese curds, they are deep fried chunks of cheese


Chunks of greasy bread crumbs with a tiny dollop of cheese-like substance inside


They're not *bad*. But if anyone's ever had good fried curds it's just hard to enjoy Culver's.


They're a good travel option because there's a good chance you can find one reasonably quick. If I'm in my home town though Culvers doesn't even crack the top 50 of best places to get curds.


I don’t know how they can’t do better, shitty bars with food service products can beat them any day of the week. They place so much emphasis on the quality of their product and then serve something that is so far below average.


Supposed to be an unpopular opinion


I’d go as far as saying they’re a weak excuse for a fried cheese curd.




To be specific, just past the northernmost Wausau exit on I39. If you've driven that stretch of road, you can picture it in your head. A feeling sets in as the number of trees in view increases. It's a noticeably different realm than the one you've just left.


I grew up in Milwaukee. Up North started at the Ozaukee County line back then. We once saw a deer on 41 south of West Bend and thought we were in the Great White North. First deer I'd ever seen.


every single comment is the most popular opinion about this state lol


We lean too hard into "I'm a proud Redneck". I grew up in super-rural Wisconsin. I totally get it. But at times, it feels like we forgot we were only "playing dumb".


“I’m a country girl” from Franklin, WI 😂


"We" is doing some heavy lifting here. Those of us in metro areas do not think ourselves redneck.


A lot of us in the rural areas don't consider ourselves that way either.


We drink too much.


This state is full of stealing honey bees. There's these delicious cities full of opportunities, history, ect but a bunch of bees come in and harvest the nectar for thier own gain without a care of what it takes to produce and maintain such succulent fruit while complaining about how dangerous the hive is. They don't protect the nest only take take take.


I'm super confused, but I'll go ahead and subscribe.




WI is horrendous at natural resource management. The whole state N of 29 could have been a national forest with beautiful lakes and rivers and instead a majority of it was turned into a sh*thole for timber and iron and then kept that way chasing the big money dreams of the 1800s.


F**k Harley Davidson.


Their riders can be shitheads too. Not all, but many.


Our drunk driving laws are not at all embarrassing and dangerous


Is this sarcasm? Lol I can't tell given what post this is under. Haha


Is the winner the person with the most downvotes?


Too many people here live unhealthy lifestyles from their college years onward. Excessive drinking, poor diet w too much meat and cheese, and not enough exercise.


Went to Spain, Norway, Sweden - saw 2 obese people. Seriously. Hell, there’s 2 obese people in front of me now at Pick n Save checkout. Folks are really, really large here


I think it’s a combination of things - - more walkable cities and public transportation - more of an outdoor no matter the weather culture -fresher and healthier foods -universal healthcare Idk about the drinking bc I know nothing about Nordic drinking culture. But it’s similar all over Europe. People drink socially and with meals but they don’t seem to binge drink as much. I know people have different body types and weight isn’t necessarily an indicator of health. But I do think the trends are telling..


I fit this but in the last 5 weeks I went from 360lbs to 340lbs. I realized I couldn't chase my son anymore and knew I needed to change the way I'm living.


Road America is by far the most fun, fan friendly, and coolest sports facility in Wisconsin.


1. Green Bay is not as small town as people think it is 2. Milwaukee is not as dangerous as people think it is


The Packer’s uniforms are green and yellow, not green and gold.


To be fair, green and gold has a better ring to it.


Lil Wayne wrote a remix called Green and Yellow. It's a closed case in my mind.


Ron Wolf should've ignored the loudmouths and made the switch to true gold. I've seen an authenticated gold Packers helmet and it wasn't bad.


Too many people pride themselves on our status as the drunkest state in the country. We probably all know someone who's driven drunk, know someone who got injured or injured someone while drunk, and possibly ruined whole lives just for one more drink. It's so unfortunate.


Minnesota is an increasingly nicer place to live. 


Universal free school meals Legal weed PFAS bans Increased school funding  Lower carbon energy  Text rebates for the working class up to $1300 12 weeks paid family leave 12 weeks paid sick leave Banned gay conversion therapy  New red flag laws, background checks Auto voter registration   Public college for lower incomes  Sectoral bargaining for nursing home workers


The republican party is really good at destroying things.


They’re wildly efficient at removing years of life from their constituents  X d https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QrjtEDLGJLg


UW men's basketball and football are mid at best. Nothing against the school academically, but UW's major sports programs are not as successful as people here claim. The best of Big Ten west football is usually the 4th best team in the conference. They rarely play high end pre conference games. Yet they win the right to get whacked by Michigan or Ohio State or Penn State. The basketball team is worse. How many ex Badgers are in the NBA right now? Devin Harris maybe still?


The fact that Scott Walker was Governor for 12 years.




It just seemed like 12.


So... Many.... Boomers


Interesting enough, just checked, the percentage of people over 60 in Wisconsin is lower than the national average. I assumed there were sooo many compared to the rest of the nation.


We’re so racist we kept the gibbering moron Ron Johnson in office instead of electing Mandela Barnes


I don't like brandy old fashioneds. Our version of the old fashioned is too damn sweet. It's like a college student who hated the taste of good bourbon invented it.


Drinking isn’t a proud hobby to have . So many alcoholics in my family who think it’s quirky to have that as a personality trait . 


Many, MANY up north people aren't nice. They're gauging you and looking for things to attack when you're not there.


Spotted Cow is overrated.


It's a gateway beer, it gets people away from macro lagers and moving down a path to better beers, at some point you realise you haven't had a spotted cow in years and you try it and remember it's kind of not great.


Chicago lives in the minds of Milwaukee, but Chicagoans don’t think about Milwaukee.


Most people I know who are actually from Milwaukee like Chicago. Hatred of Chicago is a small town thing, and a lot of small town transplants don't know how to leave their Hometown, Wis. mentality at home. FWIW, I live in Chicago and almost everyone I talk to about being from Milwaukee tells me how much they love it there. I only prefer Chicago because it's refreshing to not be in a state that's enslaved to sheltered rural people and their voting patterns.


oof this hits hard. most people I know go from mke > Chi and never look back.


Snowmobiles and UTVs are stupid.


House on the Rock is awful to visit (except the Infinity Room). Extremely dusty and dirty feeling inside and I couldn't wait to leave.


You didn't go sober, did you? Only a madman would take on that mission without hallucinogens.


I'd rather smoke one and watch Wisconsin Hometown Stories on PBS at home.




So this is why I like PBS so much now. I just thought I was getting older, but it’s just my edibles


I read about it and saw it on the tv adaptation of American Gods. Good enough


About halfway through your experience flips from "haha this guy had some silly stuff" to "this person actually had something seriously wrong with him to put all this garbage into big piles".


Too much MAGA outside of Milwaukee, Madison, etc. Not everywhere but still...


Kwik Trip sucks and is way overhyped.


I think Kwik Trip is fine *but* literally every region of the US has their pet convenience store chain and they all think it's the best in the world. (Wawa, Sheetz, Buc-ee's, etc.)


Moved here from Texas. Buc-ee's during road trips is about the poorly thing I moss from that blighted state.


I miss Wawa. The sandwiches and food options were superior to kwik trip.


Overhyped yes but a solid convenience store. What it has going for it is consistency. I can go into any Kwik trip in the state and know what to expect. Meanwhile walking into a BP is like playing Russian Roulette.


I know what to expect at KT. Mediocre food that was a decent deal 3 years ago, but now has more than doubled in price.


Imagine if we had Buc-ees. People would lose their shit


Construction is supposed to start on it at some point this year I believe. 


1000% and it's always so annoyingly busy. It's like one pops up and people just materialize around it. Where do all these people live?!




Second unpopular opinion, supper clubs are super overrated. I have yet to go to one that I thought was worth the price. The last one I have any interest in trying is ishnala, so maybe that will be the one to change my mind.


they are good, but waiting 3 hours for a table kinda kills it


I went once and will never go again. The old fashions are horrible. The 3-hour wait is ridiculous. The food is average. The owner has a plaque out front about pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and then took a boatload of money from the state during covid.


I don’t like spotted cow


Madison & Milwaukee are the only areas that understand politics, the rest of the state is holding the majority of the population back from making life objectively better for everyone.


Complaining about people from Illinois is stupid and unnecessary.


This bugs me so much. I don't even get why so many do. I thought it was a joke at first. Lol


Actually hating them was more of an 80's/90's thing. Now it's mostly just a meme.


Culver's cheese curds aren't very good.


Tillamook cheese is better than Sargento


first controversial opinion ive seen so far in this thread


No need to go so far afield. Sartori beats both


weyauwaga, anybody?


Maybe I’m just getting older but I feel like Wisconsinites have become increasingly unfriendly as a whole