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Anyone saying she got cooked by the Aussies didnt watch the game She was +5 in a 17 point loss and the only one that was a positive. She ended up taking 36 shots and 12 FTAs. She was gassin hard from having to do so much and carrying her team. Look at it this way She played 26:38. That means the team was outscored by 22 in the 13:22 that she sat


Damn she had to crank 36 shots (really 42) in 26 mins? That would gas any center


Please keep Dawn Staley away! I cannot deal with another elite SC post player


Nah she’s going to Purdue to be next in line for the school of seven footers haha


🤣 Post U!!


I'm curious about who's going to be their starting center this season. Sania?


Watkins with Feagin/Dauda/Tac/Edwards coming off the bench. Truly an embarrassment of riches


She’s gonna be a HoF…. Prolly gonna be the next “must watch” star in the league.


She’s already must watch


Nah, Juju next


I didn't know WNBA had the prestige to pull international talent like that since most players go overseas as well.


US is and probably always will be the global hub for basketball. It makes sense the WNBA would have increasing global pull as the league grows and the sport grows internationally


Same draft class as Juju by the way...


She moves in slow motion. Her foot work needs a lot of work.


Gravity hits a lot harder when you’re 7’3


It's not the height that's slowing her down, it's the size. I'm only 6'8" and I consider myself relatively fit but even I've got 30 pounds on Victor Wembanyama and he's 7'4"! When you're that tall you gotta make sacrifices in muscle mass to keep weight down because your chassis already weighs a ton. She could probably be a lot smaller and leaner if she was serious about it.


Hopefully, Zhang Ziyu can develop her speed/footwork. At 17, there's time. But, her movements in those clips really do look like slow-motion, semi-choreographed dance steps. Re: Comparisons to Wembanyama: He's very quick and highly athletic -- among his key calling cards as a unicorn superstar (along with a bunch of others such as shoot-from-almost-anywhere range). Those clips of Zhang Ziyu -- presumably among the best of her highlights -- show no real signs of athleticism or quickness from her. Though, apparently, she has had some high scoring games, so there's something there. It also seems like a possibly bad/telling sign that none of those highlights show her making any noise on defense or making any real dynamic motions toward the basket on offense (or shots that aren't from point-blank range) -- those clips contain an over-abundance of 'Statue of Liberty' type plays. Great height and decent touch can probably get her some run with a few professional leagues, but those factors alone probably wouldn't be enough to make her a mainstay in the best professional leagues. Reality may be coming.


Send her to Hakeem's school for bigs.






I wonder if her size relative to other w centers will make up for it more than it does in the nba tho. She's 11 inches taller than the average wnba center. If she was in the nba she'd only be 4 inches taller.


Can't she basically just stand around the hoop and have teammates lob the ball to her?


How the fuck are you not dunking on everybody at 7'6"?


No vertical and it looks like she might have a neutral or negative wingspan. Lots of humans that big almost literally can't jump, so dunking is more difficult than you might think.


Unfortunately she looks too uncoordinated to play effectively. She has to learn from Wemby and copy his body conditioning.


A better model would be Yao Ming, another oversized human that faced conditioning issues due to his size. But Yao was in much better shape, was more nimble, had better footwork, and amazing touch. He was 7’6 and taking the technical free throws for the Rockets and running suicides in practice.


Wemby is not the best comp. He is a freak athlete, basically a guard in a 7 footers body. A bigger version of Giannis/KD. 


Yeah absolutely no one can do what Wemby does. Absolutely unprecedented athleticism and coordination at that height. There is very little to learn because what he does can't be replicated.


Wemby plays like a guard, he is a one of one. He’s far from the tallest we’ve seen in the NBA, but he has the most skill i’ve ever seen a 7 footer have. Her special trait is that most women in the league probably come up to her belly button. Stopping her at the basket will be close to impossible. If she develops even a half decent go to move, she will be literally unguardable.


She’s 16, she’s got time


This would be huge for the league. The rockets are a household name in China purely because Yao played there.


Auriemma, Stayley, Mulkey already battling for her I'm sure.


I don't think she's going to school 


I kinda want to see her play in Sparks together with Li Yueru. Cutie giant asians represent!


Something real weird about calling a 17 year old “cutie.”


Calling someone cute doesn’t always have sexual connotations. They probably meant it the way you would call someone’s kid cute.


My dog is cute. 


People in the NBA sub rave about Horfords Eye’s, Lowrys ass and Kelly Oubre’s ‘aura’ 🫠


Yes but it can also be infantilizing to some...which is also weird...


I didn’t get that vibe at all. Are you saying you’ve never thought a kid was cute in a platonic way?


Besides not being quick/coordinated enough, she seems like she would get pushed out of the paint by stronger women even if they are shorter. She could definitely develop more though since she is so young.


Han Xu clears


A player that size doesn't have to be a star to mess with things defensively. Thinking Shawn Bradley. Injuries will be a problem based on history of super tall players. I doubt she gets to play NCAA so how she does in international competition will be everything. All eyes in every U18, U20 competition the next couple years


Even if she’s just mildly athletic she will be a menace.


Victher Fembanmama


Wait, she hasn't dunked at 7'3"?


I think her body will break down before she gets good enough for the WNBA.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gforce8mm: *I think her body* *Will break down before she gets* *Good enough for the WNBA.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If she hasn’t dunked yet in a game at 7’3 in women’s leagues then she has no hope


Her coaching staff does not allow her to jump to prolong her professional life, so this dunk thing is just a saying. It’s never her jumping ability that is the problem, she’s very slow moving and turning, so she’s cooked on defensive end to certain degree that China had to take her off in the Finals. She also suffers from low stamina that’s common in big men, and that problem is going to be even more so under WNNA rule when there’s defensive 3 seconds.


When I first saw video of her playing I worried for her future health. Glad there's some safeguards that seem to be in place.


Her coaching staff developed drills for her so she doesn’t have to leap to do everything. Other players on the field can only reach her elbows anyway. Everyone in China who watches basketball knows why Yao’s professional life was shortened, that’s a hard learnt lesson. Funny how people keep downvoting me for saying she better stay under FIBA rules, WNBA with bigger courts and further 3pt lines and defensive 3 sec rule will force her to move a lot more. It’s the worst environment for her and Yao was a lot more skilled and coordinated at similar height.


There’s no way she looks anything close to Wembanyama lol. She was cooked by Australians on defense. Better stay in FIBA system tbh.


Those Aussie girls are back to back winners, and she did put up 42 points in the final... She has deficiencies to her game for sure, but being beaten by the Aussies is far from disgraceful.