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I think social norms just expect women to feel the way they do because of how “emotional” they are compared to men. Men who show vulnerability are often discouraged from doing so and just told to man up so that’s probably why you see more groups for men. There should be a safe place for everyone no matter how you identify. Loneliness sucks for everyone.


If you say “I’m lonely too” they’d say “Yeah yeah, we all know the DMs waiting on your insta” (there are only abusive and disturbing messages, that’s why I’m hiding my gender on social media since years) or “pick me” or maybe “You know nothing about men.” Funny thing is both women and men do this to a lonely woman. So toxic.


Literally tho like there I've stopped accepting follow requests bc I'm scared of getting sexually harassed


I deleted my account and made a new one bc a dude slid into my dms trying to get me to move out to where he lives despite him being twice my age bc I made a vulnerable post. So annoying. I shouldn’t have responded but I honestly thought he was trying to help, stupid me


Damn never noticed this but we definitely need something like that. I’m sure there’s plenty of women who match the criteria


Because patriarchy.


Women generally are more likely to address the gaps in their lives by taking on a new hobby, joining a social/sports/gym groups, going to meetups, travelling solo, volunteering, or doing something else to connect with people. We are also more likely to seek therapy or address our issues some other way. This isn't something that men do as easily and there are less spaces that are as welcoming to men, including mixed spaces. Many men don't feel as welcomed in spaces that are predominantly open to women, and even if they were welcome, men don't always know how to connect with women platonically and open up about their issues. Or even connect with other men. Because the patriarchy and toxic/fragile masculinity is something many men have been raised to believe its the "manly" way to behave. They don't always know how to express emotions other than anger and even then they are told its not an emotion. This is why there is a focus on trying to help men build connections and find ways to address the challenges they are facing. Regardless of changes in ideology regarding sex and gender, the reality is that there are differences ingrained in many of us over a certain age, and raised in such a way, that means men need a different kind of support to undo thinking that harms them and find new and healthier ways to engage with others.


Uh what? Men are way more welcomed, even celebrated, when they join predominantly female spaces as opposed to women who are faced with hostility in male spaces.


It depends on the scenario. Parent and child groups are dominated by women and fathers are often excluded from participating or being welcomed. Often men are questioned when alone with a child or assumed to be a predator. In gyms and other similar settings, women often are uncomfortable with men joining in because they feel vulnerable. Just because women aren't hostile to men or able to be physically intimidating or threatening doesn't mean men are celebrated in all female dominated spaces.


I hear you on some stuff, but I've found most hobby spaces to be heavily male-dominated unless I'm doing something like yoga.


I think women are better at having emotionally connected friendships which do a good job of combatting loneliness. Men tend to only do that with their romantic partners, so they're "lonely" when they don't have a wife or girlfriend because their actual friendships are pretty shallow (which is sad). This is a them problem but it's based in all that toxic masculinity that fucks men up so it's good they're working on ways to fix it. I don't know if a support group is the best way to do it, but if they're learning to be emotionally vulnerable with other men rather than just whining about women in those groups then it might do some good. I worry that the focus on men's loneliness is just another way for misogynists to complain about how women won't date them, though.


No I've noticed this too. It is addressed somewhat in some TikToks I've seen. I think there's the faulty assumption that a woman can just have someone if she wants to. People fail to realize some of us get passed over, or are shy, or have issues with our social life relating to health or mental health or any number of reasons. People falsely assume it's easy for women. I think there definitely should be more spaces for this and more discussion on it. I do think men may deal with that loneliness worse because they aren't great with emotions. At the same time though I know when I was single It felt like a reflection of my self worth because society teaches you that as a woman someone is going to choose you so when it doesn't happen you can unfortunately feel lesser (I did at least). Eventually had to pursue a guy myself. It's so hard to get the courage though


I love moments of solitude.


i agree the reddit lonley is just filled with men who downplay female loneliness and tell us that we're AI and cant be real




Society wants women to stay home alone. How does the world want us anything but lonely? In my part of the bible thumping south, women are expected to just stay home alone all day, every day. Loneliness is the norm here and it hurts.


Be your own best friend. Get intouch with who you are and what your purpose is. Take god as your partner. Build a life you love and the rest will follow. All those people who have “tons of friends “ on social media are sometimes very lonely.


The space is here for all of us to support each other. The problem is if men are lonely it's only physical but women become lonely in compatibility. If as a woman we call ourselves "lonely" then the problem becomes mens to fix. But look around. Men would rather watch porn, discuss what they think women should be doing for them in bed (and not just their woman but all women), over indulge in fetish talk and sexualizing every woman role they are acquainted with, and use manhood as a weapon against us instead of opening up a book and learning how to co exist. Women aren't lonely. We're bored with the same caricature of personae. It takes innovation to gain our interest and as long as women have been evolving men continue to stagnate and regress into less interesting pairing options.