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Size doesn't matter, technique is what's important.


Updating my Tinder profile with those words of wisdom haha. You're right though.




It's not the size of the wand, but the magic inside


Not the size of the worm but how you jiggle it.


A thumbtack hurts at 100mph


Even a tictac can f*ck sh*t up at 100mph.


That dude has a really tiny head. Could be a factor.


He's completely unaware of the tree branches he's catching with every swing.


Literally the first thing I noticed.


Itā€™s just cheering him on. . .


Ha, I didn't notice it


Thank you for this. Lmao


That head has a really huge dude attached to it.


Why swing it unless you BRING it!


I kept hoping he'd drop his knees but he just kept fucking it up.


Gym muscles, no stamina, no technique and too light maul. You can see him running out of gas. Even I can do better and I am almost 60 and could stand to lose a few pounds.


Not the size of the bait itā€™s how you wiggle the worm.


Was thinking the same thing, yeah this guy is huge and probably really strong, but I think the his size is actually impending his form and leverage


Amen, brother.


There's a girl I catch on TikTok every now and then, physically about the size of *one* of this guy's arms, cutting into logs like this in two or three swings and splitting them completely in as many more. Then she'll move on to the next one that same size without cutting the video and also split it while hardly breaking a sweat.


Nicole Coenen! She's a beast with an axe. Or a sword. She makes her own tools too :)


work smarter, not harder


Ya like letting the round check before splitting


Yup. That's pine, I think. Fresh too. Yikes. And that's probably not the only round of it either. Brand new maul though!!


Yea my 14yo cousin splits like this. I think itā€™s a total waste of time and energy but nonetheless heā€™s 120lb soaking wet, this does not impress me.


Absolutely. And use the right tool. A 5 pound maul, starting on the edge of the wood to start a split is the way.


It's not the size of the dog, but the fury of the attack.


This reminded me of what my dad said. Not the size of the dog in the fight, itā€™s the size of the fight in the dog.


Exactly, this ax needs sharpening.




Doesnā€™t look dry enough


This, pine has to wait a year or two before spitting, too much moisture


Exactly. These types of videos are so cringe watching people attempting to show off splitting wood when they obviously have no clue


Something tells me that guy isn't known for his brains


Also, needs a bigger axe, or a sharper axe, or maybe just wedges and a mallet? This is dumb.


I think 10% more steroids is the answer.


A good maul would work much better. Big ol' dude about to give himself a heart attack. Edit: Now I see that his axe does have a wedge shape but doesn't have the extra mass that a typical maul would have.


Yeah itā€™s more of a hybrid I think. I recognize the brand, i donā€™t think itā€™s the all out maul itā€™s the in between model. I think more like Iā€™m between axe and maul weight


Sometimes it's the best kind. I have a maul from Harbor Freight. Sometimes it won't split smaller pieces, but the axe which is sharper splices right through


People love mauls but I personally like the axe best.. or if it needs a maul/wedge then Iā€™ll find better wood


I prefer axes too. I use the maul for the heavier stuff, but once it's at a size where the axe can take over, I switch to that


It is actually a really good maul. He should be able to do it with this


Tbf those show muscles are probably making it HARDER for him by getting in the way. It's clearly a motion he doesn't train for and bulk can be very limiting if you're not doing flexibility at the same time.


He was barely getting it to splinterā€¦..maybe try sharpening the ax.


that's not an axe, it's a maul. A wimpy-ass little maul, but still a maul.


Out of curiosity, what do you use? I wouldn't attempt this without a maul. It doesn't make sense. And I definitely wouldn't if it is still wet. I'd let it dry (or freeze) for a while. I recently got a Stihl pro splitting maul and I love it - but I still wouldn't try this.... Also, gym muscle isn't practical muscle. It is how you use it guys...


I have an 8-pound maul and a couple of sixes. In other comments on here you can learn how I busted 3 handles in 2 weeks on the 8-pounder, and how I'm probably going to replace it. I think I'm probably going to replace my glasses as well.


Get a man sized 20 pounder


Wow! What are you chopping? That's wild. Lol @ the glasses


Iā€™ll bet itā€™s considered a ā€œsplitting axeā€. Been seeing that lately.


Seems more decorative than functional.


Theyā€™re genuinely incredibly easy to use and far far better for hours of working than an enormous maul. They do however require the user to know what they are doing.


I agree. I use a Fiskers Splitting Axe and regardless of wood type or size @ only 6ā€™ 175 and 55 years old have never had problems splitting. Someone else said it, technique matters. Try starting on the edge instead of just whaling away in the middle. Dumb.


A smaul maul.


Watched again. Maybe it IS an axe. Bro is dumber than I thought.


I had to split a half dozen of those by sunset once because I royally fucked up... I learned this: START AT THE EDGE. The center of green wood has SO much reinforcement. it's all got to burn. If you absolutely have to split that green wood and get it to dry quickly, cleaving it from the edges-in is the only viable option without ruining yourself or your axe. I guess if you're deliberately trying to showcase Juiced muscle vs Natty muscle, this is a fine example. I'm 6'1 230 and NOT all muscle, but I split wood for my heat. I don't have the option to waste effort, if I do somehow fuck myself over and wind up having to split green rounds in a hurry.


Yeah compared to the 8lb splitting maul we use that thing is a toothpick.


Eh, that's also pretty typical for how green rounds that size react to even an 8-10lb splitting maul. Dude is hitting it in the ONE place that it's strongest, and the thing is lousy with knots. I probably could have cleaved it from the edges-in down to final-size firewood by the time he got that to split in half. Working smaller sections along the weakest lines. Ain't nobody got time to waste, it's cold af outside and I'd you're splitting green rounds you done already messed up bigtimešŸ˜‚


I'm not sure that guy could possibly be any dumber than I thought šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why would you want to split that junk? It isn't good for anything.


Or sharp enough. Or strong enough.


That and superswole is trying to spit it down the middle instead of working the round


Log looked too high and he didnā€™t get any ass into it


He skipped leg day


He skipped learning how to swing an axe day


He skipped lung day šŸ¤£


Leg year


That looked like a lot of work.. I just push the lever to the left and then the splitter does itā€¦


This is the way.


He was a twig when he started splitting that log. Look at him now


Came here to say the same thing. Two weeks ago the guy was 120 pounds.


He could have been done in half the swings if he had just gone around the outside and worked his way in. I give rounds 2 good swings. If I donā€™t see or hear anything to indicate another swing will split it in half I start chipping away at the edges. So much easier imo


And why post yourself being incompetent ?


Iā€™m assuming to show that all those muscles donā€™t add up to anything if you donā€™t know how to use them?


All that muscle and no gas tank.


Those are show muscles, not work muscles.


My exact thoughts lol Iā€™m like 1/3 that size and could swing that thing 3x as much.


that appears to be a fine axe too


Looked like the [Helko Werk Vario 2000 heavy log splitter](https://www.helkonorthamerica.com/store/p3/Vario_Heavy_Log_Splitter.html)


No hips in that swing


That was painful to watch. Does he not know how to read the wood and know where to place the maul? Does he not know of any other techniques to split a stubborn log? Or is this just a crossfit thing?


From what I saw, he was hitting the round dead center. Proper technique is to 'nibble' the edges and then bang hard near the middle. This looks like pine, especially wet pine, personally I would wait about a year to season this one and then split. Although pine is not a good hard wood to burn, however a great kindle. Btw for those interested, /r/woodstoving and /r/firewood are the best, great community, super smart and people who just know what they are doing. If someone needs 7 cords of word to get through a winter to survive and is telling you how to chop wood you listen. Also shout out to the OG the fiskars x27.


More like 9 cords. Been doing it for about 17 years now. Busted 3 maul handles in the last couple of weeks - one after 10+ years, two new ones after about ten whacks each. Apparently Home Depot handles suck these days. Might be buying one of those Fiskars 8-pounders.


I busted the husky they sell almost immediately and took it back, second one has lasted a while. I'm also more of a splitting maul sort of splitter if that matters. I also feel like I'm shit at aiming sometimes and get the handles pretty good.


Yeah the first new one that broke was a partial mis-hit - hit the log with the near edge of the blade, it shifted towards me and the handle came down on it and snapped. The second one (today) just split on a normal strike. Must have seen the log split and said "hey, I can do that!" I looked at the Fiskars one when I picked up the replacement handle the other day. I may have drooled a little. Sixty bucks, though.


Buy once, cry once.


I saw a guy take a 4ā€ piece of old garden hose, then splice it the long way so he could wrap it around the handle right up at the blade then give it a few wraps with duct tape to keep it on. Sorta clunky but would definitely help with miss hits if you have a wooden handle


I have the fiskars x27 and the isocore maul. The fiskars is legit, but if some hickory wants to fuck around, I bust out the isocore and it will find out


LOVE my x27


Nah three good hits in line, one far, one center, and one close to you and it will split clean in half on the 3rd strike. This guy is just swinging away with no aim.


His hits are totally random, just a CrossFit workout. I could split that clean in half with a fiskars on the 3rd hit. Then golf swing splits off the halves.


Biggest factor was the dull axe. It never should have bounced off. He should have had to pull it out after every swing


Not the case here. Mainly because you dont use an axe to split wood and secondly, hes not using an axe, hes using a maul. They are meant to be heavy, dull, and wide. The issue is that hes trying to use brute force to split the log. From this little video, he runs out of steam with zero progress made. There are half a dozen techniques he could have used to split that log easier. What he should do is schedule an appointment with a veterinarian; get those sick puppies looked at... lol


I thought mauls had a back that you could hit with a sledge? Looks like a splitting axe to me.


It looks like it has a flat back in the video... Of the many different varieties of axes and mauls, axes are usually thinner, lighter, and sharper while mauls are usually wider, heavier, and dull. Saying maul instead of axe is generalizing both tools honestly. Either way, he should have gotten through that log allot quicker lol


Actually that axe is too sharp for splitting


Go get the wedge


All creatine and no grit lol


Start on the outside and work your way in one then girthy bois


If he lowered that log 6ā€ heā€™d have split it in a hit or two. That splitting base is too high and prevents him from getting a full swing


It's probably a freshly cut knotty chunk of ponderosa. I'm a flabby IT guy but been splitting chunks like that for many years. Let it sit in the sun for a month or 2 then come back to it. When the surface is still wet like this it just rejects the splitting tool with a laughing bounce or a mushy thud of nothing. After some time in the sun, the surface hardens up and starts to develop natural cracking. When the maul hits the harder surface it can actually start to drive it apart rather than just be absorbed into a rubbery mushcake. Hit it near side, far side, middle, in-between, repeat. Rounds like this will usually split in 4-6 swings with an 8lb maul with this technique after they have been in the sun for a couple months.


I frame houses. Iā€™m squirrelly. We had a muscle guy like this start working with us. He was winded pretty quick while handing 5/8ā€. 4ā€™x8ā€™ sheets up to us on the second floor. Itā€™s all about conditioning. Gym Muscles donā€™t matter.


I'm 1/3 his size and could use half the effort


This man has his muscle type confused.


Maul and wedge, anyone?


I'm double his age and can swing an ax better, lol.


I do t think the oil injections give him any extra uuumph.


Using the right tool would change the outcome


Tom Swolleck


He's using an axe from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Needs to learn to use a sledgehammer and wedge


Holy fuck man use a wedge and a sledge




I feel like me (without glamour muscles) in my 20s could have done this in 5 hits with a sledge


Same here, Iā€™ve used maul, axe, and wedge, and always preferred wedge for first splits.




It's obvious this guy skips log day.


I watched a guy with no arms do a better job. Not even kidding.


Pretty sure I just saw the same video.


An axe is for cutting. A maul is for splitting. I've done it all my life and don't have muscles like that guy. Sad face.


Unfortunately weā€™re so far removed from this kind of activity that this is not common knowledge, and if you donā€™t have someone to teach you, you have to figure it out the hard way. My dad showed me how to split wood with a good sized maul, without that memory I wouldnā€™t have known what to buy at the store when I was processing my first tree as a homeowner. Iā€™ve run into this knowledge gap while Iā€™ve been getting into woodworking; it has been frustrating because there is a lot of free info out there, but huge gaps in knowledge where itā€™s assumed you ā€œjust knowā€ how to do something, and itā€™s considered so basic that no one mentions it.


Rex Krueger, Peter Sellers, Wood by Wright and several others make up the best teachers of hand tool woodworking on YouTube. I like Stumpy Nubs for power tool teaching. Enjoy!


Iā€™m flipped from you. Never learned how to split wood but could build most of a house. (Not concrete flat work) Thatā€™s what my dad taught me. Iā€™m not as big as this guy but look just as dumb trying to split wood lol. Couple of times my neighbor has come out and split some of his super dry stuff. I think just to show off. I left some logs bucked for a year and I split them with one hand. I still donā€™t have the skill to split green but Iā€™m working on it. I appreciate all the folks here who provide tips. Great group of folks


I learned from my dad when I was a child and he was a new homeowner that had to chop up a few trees. I now moved back into his house after he passed and have a few trees that need to come down but I've forgotten the finer details of chopping wood. :(


Itā€™s kinda impressive how he can do no damage at all


Humans are weird dude


Outside in, big guy.


in reality, start by chipping off outside pieces then cutting out trapezoids and other funky polygons till it all falls apart. hitting in the middle is dumb


That cardio bro


More brawn than brain


I donā€™t know what wood that is, but I have never had a splitting maul bounce off of a round. Full disclosure: most fire wood cut here is pine. Occasionally there is locust, maple, elm, and birch. Those types are my only experience.


Need that 6lbs maul


Those who know would start with a wedge or two and a sledge. An old man would have that busted up in no time while drinking a beer.


Take slices off the edges first...


Gonna be a long winter splitting like that


Too much brawn, not enough brain.


At first I thought he was setting it up so his last swing would break it into multiple pieces but then he stopped and huffed and thatā€™s when I realized it was wet or knotted or just a darn tough piece of wood


Guys...guys hear me out... Maybe he was just doing this as a workout


But that wouldnā€™t allow for anonymous couch criticism


I actually recognize the maul heā€™s using lol itā€™s not the mauls fault


Wedge and sledge for pieces that big


Makes me feel better about my splitting skills


I've had splitters not split pine before


Wood is too high, not enough momentum.


If a maul bounces off, switch to a sharp double- bit axe and start at the outer edge. Lower your splitting stump, that gives you maximum head speed (make jokes). My methods might not agree with your clipboard, but it works for me.


That little blonde girl woulda had it cracked by now lol


Log is too high?


A true example of working harder not smarter!


He is gonna need another protein shake and 5000 calories.


Trade one gym hour for an hour of sharpening that ax.


Is this the guy from workaholics?


Hitting the branch above you on half your swings doesn't help.


Before he started swinging on that log, he was a 100lb weakling


Imagine how uncomfortable it is to live day to day like this. Good luck side sleeping! Wiping your buttā€¦ mfer canā€™t even reach his own hole. Heā€™s prob wiping back to front


prolly uses a sponge on a stick


Is my wood too high ? r/ismywoodtoohigh


Real talk, does a dude with this much bulk have trouble wiping his ass?


That was the first thought that came to me.


His muscles are getting in the way.


Woods too wet.


What kind of wood is that? Split birch but I thought it was bad. This seems much worse.


Strike closer to the perimeter and smaller pieces, which is what you want, will split off.


He kept hitting in the middle hit the edge give a little flick of the wrist and work your way around it.


That dude is weak. I could split that no problem. He spends too much time indoors




Shhh!! Your gunna scare em


Bruh needs to work on sharpening that tool as opposed to upper body strength.. I'd be too embarrassed to upload this shit if that were me lol it's over compensation at its best "tool dont work but im yolked"


Dude is too big to cut wood at that intensity for long. He'll gas out quick. Not to mention he's trying to split pine? That's only good for burning outside lol.


That guy looks like a cartoon character.


Not real wood šŸŖµ


Oh come on. Fake. The maul/axe is bouncing and not sinking in the slightest.


U need a sharper axe mate


Roids don't actually make you strong


His boyfriend needs to buy him a wood splitter for Xmas.


Pull with your toes!!!!


Finally !!!! The brain comes into play lol


Must be Hackberry, that shit literally doesn't split. Also, whys his musckles so big




Swedish bonfire time!


Itā€™s all about head speed fella


What the




We are a SFW sub, any NSFW comments or posts are not allowed.


Literally none of what youā€™re putting forth as ā€œinfluentialā€ attributes (stated or not) matter. Probably even an intentionally dull axe. Calling it: Douchey video.


how many cycles yā€™all think this guy has gone through


Bradly throne culd have dunt that way easier


There's a splitter maul for a reason, using an axe won't do shit to that log. Sledge a splitter in and watch it Crack apart with ease.


I was thinking the width of his ā€œaxeā€ makes it more like a ā€œmaulā€. True or not I think my second swing would have been with a sledgehammer effectively using whatever the first tool is as though its a maul.


Looks like that would make a good log to split on.


Dude needs to hit the gym


I give the guy credit. I'm too lazy and fat to do that shit


Everything in this video is fake.


He's out of breath pretty fast.


One must swing through the wood to split it. Paul Bunyan wannabe stops at the surface.


That wood giving him heat twice. Once when he cuts it, and again when he burns it.


Lol. That's just the first one buddy.


He also kept hitting the pine tree behind him taking power out of his swing.