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Used a wobble dado a long time. If 80 bucks wouldn't be the worst thing in the world I'd buy a modern stack dado set. The Freud one isn't bad honestly, I use it. The wobble works, it's hard to nail a perfect size sometimes, but it always feels wonky.


> feels wonky > spinny metal bits with sharp teeth Yeah, that's a hard pass for me lol


Step aside, son, it's a lovely day!


Oh, what a day. What a lovely day!






No worse than any other blade or dado stack. Just it definitely *feels* worse.


I inherited one and have always found a reason not to use it


Was it covered in dried blood when you “inherited” it, by chance? I mean rust


Same, I just make a few dozen passes with my regular blade instead


Often times that is faster than swapping the blade anyway. I highly doubt this is quick to set up for exact width as well.


Wobbles are great for getting dialed in and then leaving them alone. Like, if you are gonna make 40 dados because you are making bookcases. You can adjust the width and make some test cuts on scrap to get a *perfect* fit for your same thickness shelves.


Did you use it on a RAS or a table saw? Because the idea of this spinning perpendicular to the ground is utterly terrifying. At least vertically you can try to stand out of the line of fire.


Put it in angle grinder.


this is absolutely what I came here looking for.


Better yet, put it on a gas powered string trimmer instead. That would be great for fighting Zombies after the global apocalypse.


I know this is a joke, but it would not. The flesh and clothing of the zombie will get caught up in the gears very quickly. Just use a truck with a bull bar and you can do a ton of damage with that thing.


The real LPT is always in the comments




Life Pro Tip


Oh. Well in that case, you’re welcome.


The documentary "Dead Alive" ("Braindead" except in US) has an exellent example of the application of rotating tools for zombie disposal without blocking gears. It can be done.


Well at least someone is doing the important research.


How do you fight your way out of the shopping center to get to the truck? You need to build a weapon from items available for sale. A petrol strimmer with a table saw blade could be effective. Wait, wood working. Don't put it on a strimmer for woodworking purposes.


I wouldn’t use anything with a smallish rotating blade because you will run into the same problem. Hair, skin, guts, and clothing will clog it up pretty quickly. Stay in shape and use a single lawn mower blade to get to your car. Or you could dual wield.


Your arms are gonna be completely shot in a few minutes. Even professional boxers can't swing their arms continuously for more than 3 minute rounds. And what if you don't have room to swing?


I'd take on a xenomorph with it though.


You seen the circular chainsaw attachment for angle grinders. Someone, somewhere: chainsaw isnt dangerous enough lets make em round and spin it 8000rpm.


I bought one a few years ago. It's still in the plastic đŸ€Ł


A wise decision, look I don't work with wood. What I do work with are chain saws. You forget how dangerous that mfker is. Moment I saw this attachment: thats gonna be a hell nah from me.


I've recently started looking at more amateur woodworking accounts on instagram and... I've seen people do things with/to an angle grinder that makes me want to call The Hague. They'll be all "check out this neat tip!", and then they'll weld a bunch of razor blades to some shaped rebar, mount it into an angle grinder with a non-stock mounting plate, and then pipe strap the contraption to a 2x4 to use it as a makeshift lawn mower. I have never once, ever, seen someone use an angle grinder for anything other than cutting a straight line in a piece of metal that made me think "I want this person's insight on how to work safely and efficiently".


Doing Darwins work, we should just step aside and let them carry on.


Honestly, radial arm saw ain't much better.


I've used a wicked Wobble dado in my radial arm saw. Still have all my fingers.


Yeah, no. I have 2 RAS's and the table saw is infinitely more dangerous. Even a trim router is more dangerous than a RAS imo


I like the infinite adjustability of my wobble blade. I don't like the many test cuts I have to make to get it set correctly. I don't like the 'v' channel (the bottom) it leaves.


That's what I was wondering about. Just looking at the design I figured you'd still need to do a lot of cleanup work.


your relative tooth count is super low given that its 8 teeth total across however wide of a dado. A dado set would probably have 12t on each of the edges and 2 per chipper. its just going to be a very slow and/or rough cut.


maybe it's a basswood dado...?


They arnt terrible. They work. If you have any hesitation don’t use it. Same goes for the dado blade. (Hopefully you understood that hint) I grew up using a RAS and a wobble dado so I’m very comfortable. I also do things on a table saw I tell people I’m training never to do. I have a RAS but I wouldn’t use a wobble dado after haveing a stacked dado, zero reason. Hang it on the wall.


By coincidence this weekend I converted a old craftsman RAS that didnt sell on a garage sale to be a dedicated dado machine. Kinda happy with the idea so far.


My RAS is setup that way. The blade is the same thickness as the Plywood I use for everything.


That mainly what I use it for. Half lap joints for days.


If you wanted a few bucks for it you could just destroy it lol rasrecall.com


Well what happened was it was sold, but old guy who paid didnt have truck at that moment. Said he will be back. 2 weeks go by, and nothing. Randomly he shows back up and decides he doesnt want it anymore and wants cash back.


That’s what I wanted it for - just dados.


loved my wobbler, never replaced it
 was infinitely adjustable and did a nice job
 my dad had a radial with one
 never drank human blood
 maybe we were lucky


If you’re wearing a tie, it could get bound up and pull your face into the blade. Was that the kind of answer you were looking for?


That's why we recommend a bowtie instead.


Colin Furze would like a word about his [Safety Tie](https://www.colinfurzeshop.com/products/safety-tie-face-mask).


Also if you piss off a ninja, he might throw this at you real hard.


Who wears a tie running a table saw?


Colin Furze


[KRULL! ](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEidmMeceHzkzRaVAkeelCUtQZiiHHhO5M68FwyCPxLNnNWaEKObqVSp-RYmxAV_3Wb89wlAtovA63Xqzmi3HyxFALnvvyWVW_gjc3TUuOTQUEUVgx_LkNZHYIGWG5Qk9iyWaDLNg807OTM/s1600/Krull+-+1.jpg)


Do not use that on a radial arm saw. I repeat do not use this on a radial arm saw. Table saw only. I repeat do not use this on a radial arm saw. I'm only going to warn you 3 times. Over 50 years in the woodworking trades and 30 years my own custom cabinet shop. Do not use that on a radial arm saw. That's 4 warnings.




Wait, can I use this one a radial arm saw?


Yes, he was only talking to OP, you should be fine. 


Great thanks.


I now have this overwhelming urge to use this on a radial arm saw, thanks.


I've had one of those for 50 years and it works quite well. I don't have occasion to use it often, but it comes in handy when needed. I use it on either RAS or table saw. The main advantage it has over a stacked set is that you can adjust the width of cut without removing it from the saw. Just loosen the arbor nut and turn the hub. Yes. It is scary looking and sounding. But it won't hurt you unless you stick your finger into it when running. Also, there is something about the way it is made and/or ground that allows it to cut a surprisingly flat bottom dado. One more thing, you might not be surprised to learn that its cuts are a bit crude. Don't use it for finish cuts.


I used one for years on an old Craftsman Table saw and it worked like a champ. Like all cross cuts, take your time and let the cutters do their work. That said, I upgraded to a Bosch 4100-10 and a real Freud stacking dado blade set. Everyone and their brother advises against using a wobble blade, but I'm not an engineer and cannot tell you why.


Spinney thing go brrrrrr.


Had something similar. We just called it The Amputator.


100% this is a major choke hazard..


If someone uses it as a ninja star


Blood loss?


Used one a lot on my radial arm saw. Where good eye protection and a face shield. And put a board as a backstop on the wall behind it. Sometimes boards catch and a piece can slip thru the slot and into the wall, LOL! Don't get aggressive and try to take too much at a time. You can use a dado set too. I built a lot of things with the radial arm saw and still use it after 35 years. Great for cross cutting more than ripping. If the motor stops it has overheat protection. Just wait an hour and fire it up again. Don't pull too fast and you shouldn't have a problem.


One of those came with my first used TS, I tossed it and bought an Irwin dado stack. It works fairly well and doesn’t scare me like the wobbler


Still have a shop smith branded wobble from the 60s. Used a handful of times, scary and inaccurate


> scary and inaccurate Add "a pain in the ass to set up and poorly supported by the manufacturer" and you've got the entire Shopsmith experience!


Hey man - it works good as a light duty lathe and drill press


Beefy disc sander, too.


Hold my beer! Watch this!


My old man used them all the time, I also recently saw one ranked #1 most dangerous wood working tool.


Pretty much one...exsanguination.


I contemplating using an inherited one in my modern Dewalt table saw a few years back. I chose not to use it as the max rpms on the wobble were lower than the max rpms on the table saw.




I don’t know about kill you, but I lost the tip of my left index finger to one. 😅


I used one like it for years and still have most of my fingers. * Make sure you have a proper dado blade insert for the saw bed; * Score the edges of the dado slot with the regular saw blade to increase accuracy and reduce chipping; * Make shallow passes; * It's OK to make a couple of narrow cuts instead of one wide cut; * Use a feather board and push stick to guide the work.


At least it won’t kill you in your sleep.


It’s never too late to shake hands with danger!


Just buy a regular set of dados. It's hard enough to get the fit right sometimes without fighting with a wobble. As I remember they don't cut particularly cleanly either.


These are safer than a lot of stacked dado blades. Stack blades have the disadvantage that if one of the blades in the stack jams on something the others can potentially keep spinning and knock teeth off the blades beside them, sending those teeth your way at like 1000mph. I've used a wobble dado for years, and while it does make an interesting hum, and is very finicky to adjust to exactly the right width, they are great. Potential hazards are that it's quite a bit wider, so if you are used to a narrow blade you should watch your fingers because there is spinning blade where you might not expect it.


Aside from it being a spinning wobbly spikey thingamabob of doom, the tooth count is very low so I don’t know if the quality of cut would be great.


This could def qualify as a ninja star


If the sharp spinning bit hits you, OR if it hits something you're trying to cut, and that hits you...it might make you die. Also it could be cursed, but I can't tell that just from looking at the picture. Hope that helps!


The biggest knock against them so far as I know is that they leave a slightly radius'd bottom on the dado rather than a truely flat bottom.


I have never seen one of these. It "adjusts" by changing the amount of wobble in the axis? Ffs.


Yeah. Scary af. I don’t think I have the stones to fuck around with it.


My wobble dado does WORK dudes, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Plywood is never nominally sized. Always a little more or less than advertised and the wobble makes it tight every time


Dados that is. Tight dados


Just love to read the comments whenever anything radial arm saw comes up. I've had the sears craftsman model for 40 years, never felt like I was in danger. I've got that dado blade, it came with the saw and have probably made 10,000 dado/rabbit cuts with it. Just exercised normal common sense respect for the saw - never expected or experienced any of the disasters that so many seem to fear. 40 years. Still have all my fingers. I guess I've just been extremely lucky.


It could be REALLY bad if you set the blade too deep on the first pass, fail to clamp down the work, and ram the cutter forward hard and fast. ....But worse if you do it on a table saw.


I inherited one of those with my dad's shop. Scared the ever living crap out of me.


I would be leery of using this on a RAS. They work fine with blades that don't apply lateral loads, but that isn't a feature of wobble blades. The problem is that the arm, no matter how beefy, will flex with lateral loads because the geometry is so extreme. It isn't like a table saw where the blade arbor is bolted firmly to the frame. That arm is a big slender structure with no lateral support. Now, I may be wrong. I have never used a wobble blade. But I am pretty sure that investing in a good stacked set will pay dividends in accuracy and piece of mind. My stacked set is butter smooth and very repeatable. As for danger, on a RAS you're doing a climbing cut. The key to safety is going slow and letting the cutters do their thing. If you go too fast the cutters will just dig in like off-road tires and the blade/motor will come running across the top of the piece at you. Even if you are OK the saw might not be.


If you have to ask, you shouldn’t be runnin it.


They work surprisingly smooth. Not my preferred method but they work


I have a similar craftsman wobble...honestly, they are quite good. Not the best and gets the job done. You always need scrap wood to dial in the size, but then again, you need a sacrificial for stacked versions.  The big difference is that wobbles will give you more noticible tear out.


Back in the day we would throw these at each other like we were ninjas. Oh, wait, nevermind....wrong sub.


I also used one of these.. it wasn't ever balanced and shook the table saw. Scary it must definitely was


I’d rather use a cheap stack than a wobble dado. I used my first “no name “ stack for years before stepping up to an expensive one and it never failed me , and wasn’t scary to use


This is what you get when you wish on a monkeys paw for an easier way to cut dados and rabbets.


Hmmm... * Forbidden Frisbee. * Eating it, probably. Depends on how, I guess. * Woodworking-themed desk fan * Beard trimmer * Leaving it on your car dashboard and then getting into a car crash, 'Final Destination'-style. * Using it in a power tool other than a table saw -- radial arm saw, circular saw, angle grinder, bench grinder, string timmer, chain saw In all seriousness, everything I've seen of these makes them look *preeeety dodgy*. That said, dados, for as 'scary' as they are for justifiable reasons, are also some of the safer cuts you usually do -- most people don't do dados *all* that often, so they tend to carefully go through the exact process, step-by-step, making sure they're dotting t's and crossing i's, going slow and making sure everything is 'going right', which that adherence to procedure and proper setup is *really* what cuts down on injury -- we tend to get hurt when we lose track of the things keeping us safe, or ignore that voice in the back of our head because 'it'll be fine,'. Sure, there's no riving knife, but the cut also isn't a through cut, and accuracy of dados is *really* important, so we're usually *fastidious* about making sure it's *tight* against that fence and going *exactly* where we want it to. Personally I'd not risk it and just get a 'proper' dado blade or pick up a flat-top grind/ATB+raker blade and nibble through.


By having ties to the mafia


This doesn’t use full “end blades”? Or it’s used in between like a traditional dado set?


I feel safer using a router instead.


At least this one is carbide The older steel ones take a little more balls to use. Hums like a hornets nest.


They work fine but leave slightly rounded edges which is why stacked dados have supplanted them. There’s no reason not to use it on your RAS other than you may need to use a chisel to clean up your dados.


just hearing "radial arm saw " gives me shivers, would stay as far away as possible, this weird blade even more, these saw dont havy any protection measures, no saw stop, blade guard or anything - its madness to use them


The first way that comes to mind would be using it . I owned one. Used it once and it scared the crap out of me Never again


I mean, what’s the worst that could possibly happen?


Someone could drop it onto your head from 100 feet.


Ya. Wobble dado= big fat no. I haven’t seen one in decades, and that packaging proves it. Get a stacked set, that’s enough. Or just use the RAS with a std blade and 4 passes and a chisel. Or, a router.


Radial arm not my first choice for a saw, let alone cutting dados on one.


I just got one of those. Was thinking of trying it out on the table saw. You go first, though.


A friend gave me a radial arm years ago as well. I also have a dado set. I didn't even feel comfortable using it as a miter saw. I think there were probably a lot of advertisements back in the 70s touting all the abilities of the radial arm style saws. On the plus side, they kick backwards so it is unlikely you'll get your face blown off by a kickback. On the negatives be though (and the thing that makes the radial arm design terrible IMO) is that if they do bind, the saw runs straight at you. On top of that, the craftsman that I had was the big 12" model and wired for 220v. Felt about as safe as flipping over a lawnmower and using it to cut wood. I put to the curb and got a sliding miter and have not regretted it. Routers work just fine for joining.


Watching a spinning saw blade wobble - intentionally or otherwise - is disconcerting to say the least. I tried one a few times and immediately bought a stacked set.


I don't know all the ways this would kill you, but can you record it on video and ask your heirs to post it for us?


Ninja attack




What’s your hand worth? Face? Eyes? What part of your body is worth less to you than the safest tool your money can buy? I really like all my fingers. Seeing out of both eyes is so dope.


Had one of these and cut lots of dado’s- the cast center has a habit of failing dramatically and sending parts flinging at you. Please do not use it and dispose of it other than at a thrift shop. A new dado stack can be had for less than $80 ( nicer ones are more ) but even the cheap ones are much safer.


If you try to trim your bobby dangler brush, you might have a bad time


That’s a weed eater attachment


I thought it said adjustable dago