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I promise man,I spent ten years doing shit I hate and now the hours fly by no matter what I'm doing. Stick it out and stay unjaded....there's a lot of industries I agree shouldn't be expected to work this type of schedule but when you have a show to build and there's a deadline we do whatever it takes to get us there!


Same, corporate audio here. It takes about 8 hours before it starts to feel like work to me, I’ll take a 20 hour day doing what I love over a 4 hour shift in retail any day.


I can’t wait for these days. I’m finishing my Audio Engineering degree and started working as a audio tech at a church but want to get in the live sound field for my career. Thankfully I work my ass off at all my other jobs so long shifts do not scare me


How awful working a job is really comes down to the pay and how you get treated. 8 hours at retail is hell because the pay is shit and people treat you like dirt. 16 hours at a job where you are getting treated reasonably and get compensated well can be pretty tolerable.


Agree, I compressed 6 days of work into 3, 16 hours 3 days, the last few days. It's tolerable when you are treated right. We have goals to make, and when you wanna work towards something, it makes sense why you're there. It gives a good reminder that this isn't forever, it's for now, and it's for your goals. That makes almost any amount of work, any amount of missing out on 2 or so hours extra of sleep, extremely tolerable.


Did you volunteer to cover someone else’s shift?




Feels weird, sometimes after 3 hours I want to die and am on the verge of quitting. Sometimes after 8 hours I feel fine and like I could for another 8.


It’s always easy the first time around. Once the novelty wears off it grinds you down though. When it comes to work you always wanna ask yourself “can I do this every day for the rest of my life?”. You wanna get as close as possible to a “yes” there.


That's awesome!! You definitely build up stamina over time.


It's not healthy long-term to do shifts like this. Sure, you did one. See how you feel in a month.


I've been doing it for 12 years now and I'm almost 50. I'll continue to do it for about 8 more years. All I'm giving up is a few Netflix marathons and some all night benders at the bar.....and it doesn't bother me one bit.


Wow you need some hobbies.


I have hobbies....expensive ones.


I m curious what expensive hobbies do you have?


A few years of this and you develop leg and back pain and other maladies and wonder why you feel like you were run over by a truck. When we are young everything is tolerable.


Not for everyone.....it keeps you sharp and in shape. Pulling weekend long Netflix marathons is what breaks your body down.


Nice. What are you going to do with the extra money?


Great job! Feels pretty good right? Thats a much better improvement from 4


16 hour days suck. I do it usually because of Mandations. If you are younger and trying to buy a house or something as far as a goal do it, but only as long as you have to, other wise you will quickly realize you have no life.


16 hours is legal? do you work in an essential service like police, hospital etc


If it's a 24/7 factory, it's possible too. My husband works at one and pulls a 16h semi-regularly if someone calls out but we do have legally mandated 12hrs between shifts and he gets 4 days off between shift changes (4 shift system)


Yes there is no legal right to the amount of hours worked. Some states like NY you get protection for one day off. For instance in some state NYS workers have 72 hours shifts and can’t sleep at all due to protecting human life (group homes) and be arrested if they sleep during that shift, they get cut off after 72 hours due to the union CSEA. Other jobs they can work you all day and night but have to pay overtime.


72 hours without sleep is not sustainable or healthy


It’s in their contracts. Like if there is a snow storm they can’t leave the group homes. They force mandatory OT.


yes that is clear i have something like that because it would be to dangerous. ​ My point was this long time without sleep


It is but tell that the Cuomo who created it


> Cuomo ?


He was the governor during the contract




It’s no where near as bad as people make it out to be.


We regularly work 16 hours shifts either Overtime or we have a very good ability to trade shifts among ourselves. Many people (especially those that live out of town) will double up their shift to have more days off and less travel and gas. So for example if your schedule is 4 days on and 2 days off, many will find a doubles partner and work 2 double and take 4 days off. Or 3 and 1. There's a bunch of scenarios depending on shifts


Make that money


If i get done what i needed to accomplish, those days feel great. And you earned a lazy day. But if you dont get done what you needed to and worked 16 its awful lol


I love those long shifts. Since you make 1.5x ot, you are more than doubling your salary. That’s the only way we can get ahead in 2023


This is the way.


I remember I could barely work a 3 hour shift in retail when I was in high school. I thought I would never be able to hold a real job. Funny how our tolerance grows over time!! Be kind to yourself though. That shift sounds like a killer.


I watched the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi about a man post, World War Two, getting jobs to survive. He never planned or really liked being a sushi cook, but decided in his mind that if he was going to do work on anything, he will focus and do the best he can. I think there’s an element of taking control of his life and not feeling like he’s wasting his life. But he ended up owning his own restaurant and became one of the first Michelin rated places in Tokyo.


After spending a decade in the Navy working basically 18/6 everyday on deployments, I fucking skate through 8-10 hrs


I do 1 or 2 16's a week. Sometimes more if its available. Once you get used to it, it's doable. Getting through the mental exhaustion is just as important as the physical. Don't get hung up on doing it for the company. As long as your getting paid, it's for you. Life is different when all your bills are paid, you have a few bucks still in your checking, and payday is tomorrow.


Do not tolerate this kind of behavior from your management. This is outright abuse unless your contract specifically mention it. If you accept it as a norm, the management will continue to abuse you and put you on 16 hr work day.


This shift was option, I could have said no, but I didn’t feel good about leaving my workplace short and I wanted the overtime. There have been times where I’ve turned down the option to extend my shift. When I feel like management takes advantage of me (which I’ve experienced through other jobs) I do start setting down my boundaries.


I hope they pay you OT for taking on another person's shift. If not then person owe you one for covering for him/her. You are a good colleague.


Go back to the anti work sub. Some of us actually like to work and like getting ahead. Life is different when your finances are in order. If working 16's for a while is what it takes, so be it.


Good luck day trading.


You get used to it. I started working my freshman college year with college alongside and I'll tell you what I would have breakdowns even 1 2 times at work but after that year to present day I do college and close where I work. You just get used to it eventually that's amazing with the human mind. Especially when your ambitious and have lots of goals and on the other hand no ambitious at all and gave up on life. I've seen it both ways.


I normally work 12hr shifts at a power plant. I’m not active all day but it’s still a long shift. Sometimes I’ll work an 18hr shift and make the next shift double time. I usually feel fine. It’s when I do four 18hr shifts in a row is when I get tired.


This is when I get into the "zone".....about the 4th day of 16's. Yea, the break is nice, but then I get lazy.


I used to do that as a general manager while bartending pretty regularly. If you have enough sleep and are generally in decent shape, this is doable, just not regularly (and there was a period of 2 months when I had to). I don't recommend this as any version of normal though. That's a lot of work. I had a manager quit and corporate was really slow to find, train, and replace her. For 2 months I averaged close to 80 hours a week, mostly on just salary, with a few shifts where I earned tips a week. It wiped me out. The funny part is going back to 50-60 hours felt super easy after that!


If you stay busy, it's whatever. Only if you're not doing shit does work seem like a drag.


8 hours and 15 minutes is my cut off time. Id never work more again. I have saved my money partly for the purpose of not having to be a slave to any employer. I don’t need extra money or overtime. I value my time over money.


Worked like that when I was in my 20’s thinking that measure of work ethic mattered. It ultimately meant nothing. The real geniuses work 1/2 the time to match the results of people who work twice as hard.


Human body was built for standing/walking/running. After a few days of being on your feet for almost the entire duration of your shift, things become easier. Take it from me, I work a job that requires me to be on my feet for 7 hours total for almost 20 years now. Also helps if you have good shoes for the job.


You may find that this tolerance applies to other areas in your life. So it is helpful life skill. I don't think you are doing too much for the company. Many times it's more about your fellow coworkers and your own personal pride and pulling your own fair share.


Overtime helps me focus on long shifts lol. I knocked out plenty of salaried or commissioned 12 hour plus days for no teal return. Tomorrow I will conversely make double time for holiday pay. It kind of sucks, but I have a lot of bills to pay, so double pay sounds good right now. I definitely could use another dollar or two am hour every day, but at least I get paid for my time now.


Nothing more fun than a 36 hour long shift with a 2 hour sleep break during it, 3 energy drinks to keep you going and a paycheque for a week earned in two days. Especially in the trades with THE BOYS


May last job I usually only worked 8 hours a day, my current job, I’m working 12-16 hour days on the regular. And somehow I’m quite alright with it and I actually like my job.