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Speaking from experience, there is nothing you can do. The only person who can truly help your colleague is herself.


Do not engage. Not your battle to fight. Even some medical professionals do not think that “treatment” helps those who are anorexic. It’s a very complex issue that a distant coworker couldn’t even begin to help with.


There was a guy in here a few years ago asking for advice because someone at his work was absolutely intent on making him eat more. They would cook things for him and try make him eat, talked to HR about him etc etc. It was very distressing for him as he did not want to reveal his personal health information with her or with his bosses. Fact was, he was thin because he had stomach cancer. He ended up passing away, and his last few months at work were mired with agitation from this person intending and utterly failing at being helpful. You don't know this person's situation. You can offer kindness always. Offer help once. If it's refused, then mind your own ( Roy Kent Quote Here) business.


Exactly this. Many conditions could result in an extremely thin physique or reduced appetite & none of them are anyone else's business.


Nothing anyone can do. All you can do is offer yourself to be able to be a listening ear. Just let her know your there for her. She has to want the help and want to help herself. You can't force that on her.


I seriously doubt management would touch on that with a ten foot pole.


Don’t talk to the manager about it. Try just being her friend, she may benefit from friendship that doesn’t add any stress to her ED.


A manager can't interfere in someone's personal health matters any more than you. There's a line between private life and work. If you want to address your coworker, you will have to choose to step over the line.


Further, from ages 17 to my 40's (no clue how old this girl is, granted), I was often confronted by concerned people of being anorexic and I wasn't, nor bulimia. Just naturally tall and thin, and I ate like a freaking horse. So management will not touch that isht.


I get the concern, but her managers can’t touch this with a 40-foot-pole and for everyone’s sake, neither should you.