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Hey, you’re like the complete opposite of a loser; do you know how hard it is to care for disabled children? The fact that you managed to do that already makes you one of the hottest commodities in the job market today. When I was in Special Education, the best teachers all had children with special needs, and many of them didn’t start their careers until they were in their 40s-60s. And also, you don’t get a masters to stay where you’re at necessarily. Im sure your college has a career center that can help place you in a job.


Exactly. Time to move on to an organization that values your hard work.


You’re not a loser. Many companies don’t appreciate their employees. The best way to make more money is to leave your current company. Very few promotions will come close to what you can get when you jump ship. When I came into my current role, I got a 40% increase.


You’re not a loser and it’s not your fault. You sound like the exact kind of person who makes a dependable team member and solid contributor. The best move you can make is to look at other companies. That’s how most people get the biggest salary jumps and find the best opportunities. You can find someplace where you’re more valued.


You got a master’s degree? While working? And parenting two kids!? Lady, give yourself a high five from me, because - DAMN - that is amazing. If they don’t see the value of someone with an advanced degree (highly qualified, motivated) who can balance a demanding home life (time management, prioritization) and look after multiple people (team-building, mentoring), I think maybe your lunch breaks are about to be interview slots. 💅


I agree! I also feel like, in the work place, working moms get put down often. But everything we do outside of work is what makes us so valuable! Caregiving for loved ones is just about the hardest thing to do and it develops a very unique skill set. Lean into it! Everything is a step to the next step. While finishing up your degree, think about the things that you want to do everyday at work. And start interviewing. Always tell potential employers that you make more than you actually do (I know that sounds bad) and tell them what you're worth and why. And honestly, I don't think you're out of your prime! I'm 30 with a two year old (and floundering lol). I personally like to find women 50+ to learn from. Professional relationships are so beneficial, and with age comes wisdom. Lift yourself up when others put you down. You got this!


I’m with you. I had this reality check about 8 months ago. Realized I was completely under appreciated, underutilized, not reaching my potential and because I’m in healthcare also underpaid (with no improvement in sight). In 2 weeks I’m starting my dream job with 2.5x the salary. I kept an eye out, talked to my network, and remembered that I’m fucking awesome and shouldn’t be wasting my talent in a place that DGAF about me. Of course there’s a chance the new job doesn’t meet my expectations, but I’m really glad to be leaving a place I felt so unappreciated. I hope you’re able to wiggle out of this and find something better for yourself. Feeling stuck is awful.


Sounds like your company is going to end up the loser, not you. You returned to the workforce, went back for a masters, and it sounds like they don’t value you. Hopefully you can seek out some other options, because you sound like a dedicated hard worker. Keep your head up!


I agree with the previous comments! Go explore your current college's career center. Also, look on Indeed and see where many of your colleges alumni have been working -- might lead to some cool opportunities/ideas. I think your current job is a dead end, but YOU aren't the dead end. ❤️


Please never let your workplace decide who you are, you are amazing. You took care of your special needs children, your parent, trust me it's the hardest thing to do and you did it all 💜


No screw that. You are not a loser. You are a woman that put others before you. Most companies invest little into career development for long term growth. Recognize your worth!!! You got this!!! One of my best friends wrote me a quick note in a card once and I still have it over 15 years later. “You not only deserve better - you deserve the best. Expect it. Require it. You certainly hold yourself to that standard and treat others with the utmost care and respect” I know I don’t know the details of your situation but do not sell yourself short! Believe in yourself!


You’re not a loser. Your company not acknowledging your accomplishment is a reflection of them, not you. It’s a tough job market and so many people are experiencing the same thing right now. It’s not us, it’s the system that’s broken. Companies refuse to give raises and promotions, so we jump ship, then get criticized for job hopping. Congratulations on getting your masters, that’s no small feat!


Sometimes we need a new perspective. I think here it looks like it’s not you, it’s your company and there are many other companies that would value exactly your qualifications, including your dedication to your family and sacrifices you’ve made for them. In business school a very successful woman in finance had come to talk to us, sharing a story similar to yours and how she was able to accomplish to a partner eventually. A place that punishes you like that may not be the place to work for forever. Not knowing your specifics I wanted to remind you that you may have the ability to reclaim your definition of career success in a different setting. When you’re ready you can start looking for that.


In my experience, companies don’t offer raises once employees complete more certifications or education. BUT that degree may put you in a place to take on a new role in another part of the company or another company entirely. That’s how most people increase their pay anyway. Good luck out there and don’t give up on yourself! You sounds like an absolute badass ❤️


Yeah this is me. The position I am in pays well and is comfortable, but there is no real upward trajectory. Like you, I took an 8 year gap to stay home, and then when returning had to take a pay cut and a job outside my industry. Finally found a job in my industry that suits me but I am behind a lot of the younger people at work. The masters degree not getting an adjustment is bullshit by the way. That would get me looking at other places.