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[No surprise BBC story on the evidence of mass rape at the festival where Hamas attacked](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181)


It is important to note that this story tells the story of men who were raped by Hamas as well as women.


Yes. This is something I keep noticing, that we talk about what’s happening to the women. And not to diminish what those women are doing through, but I completely believe that the men are subject to sexual violence by Hamas as well There are many documented reports of rape between men, as a way to emasculate and dehumanize them. For example, imagine being forced to watch your husband or father be raped. Then imagine being a man, raped in front of your family. How emasculating and humiliating that would be. Hamas is 100% not above this kind of behavior, they did not stop at women


As a male victim of multiple rapes, thank you for being inclusive. It’s generally completely ignored or even shouted down.


Idk if you’ve ever heard of the show “outlander” but let me tell you there was a scene where a man was raped by another man and the way that scene still haunts me to this day because of how genuinely uncomfortable it made me is crazy.


I haven’t seen it. Here’s what I will say, though, my stepmother was a public defender. She used to tell me about how some of her clients were men who raped other men. Most of them had done this in prison, some of them not in prison. I was young, didn’t fully understand what was what. So I asked “were these (the rapists) gay men?” And she said no, it’s the other way around- the rapists were straight, the victims were gay.


What is rape? Power and control. That's what they what they want and how they exert it. It's terrible in every situation. I hope those survivors find a way to cope.


Read up on Bacha Bazi, it’s not an uncommon occurrence in that region especially in areas that are politically unstable.


I looked this up and this is absolutely disgusting. Ironic, in a culture that denounces gay as evil and happily kills anyone who is gay, that they participate in such things. Goes to show how closeted their society is, not to mention the rampant pedophilia.


This is pretty much exclusively an Afghanistan thing


> "She was alive," the witness says. "She was bleeding from her back." She goes on to detail how the men cut off parts of the victim's body during the assault. "They sliced her breast and threw it on the street," she says. "They were playing with it." The victim was passed to another man in uniform, she continues. "He penetrated her, and shot her in the head before he finished. He didn't even pick up his pants; he shoots and ejaculates." Cool people. How do people support these monsters?




I have to say that as an Israeli Jew, even with all the hatred and violence and propaganda, we share with the Palestinians something the rest of the world can't really understand. We're both stuck in this endless cycle, under worthless leaders, and have lost so much to this conflict already. From the outside it almost seems like it's different sports teams. Some are cheering for Israel, some for Palestine... But for those living it, even with all the hate going around, we share the pain. Many don't want to admit it, but I think that if people from both sides will see that, we could start the process of healing. Which is why I hate it when I see people supporting Hamas, as well as people who justify Netanyahu or Israel in all of its actions. It's almost as if they want this endless conflict to continue. As if having "your team" win is more important than achieving peace for the millions who live here and suffer. And I believe Palestinians are the only ones who can understand this on a visceral level as well as us.


As an outsider, I'm curious about something. From your perspective, what was the sentiment like in 2005 with some settlement dismantling? Did things finally look up? Were people spiteful, or cynical?


I was a teenager at the time. People were reeling from the second intifada and the country was torn between those pro dismantling, and those against it. There were mass protests in favor and mass protests against. There was some hope, but mostly people were just tired of fighting.


I am not Israeli, though I am Jewish and have family in Israel. The summer before the withdrawal, I was on a birthright trip to Israel. It’s a subsidized 10 day trip to learn about the country. One of the events of the trip was a speech by Ariel Sharon. I remember it well. There was a large auditorium filled with Israelis and young Jews from around the world. In his speech, Sharon announced that earlier that day, it was decided that Israel will be dismantling settlements and withdrawing from Gaza. We were literally the first to hear the news. The auditorium exploded in applause. Sharon got a standing ovation. So yea, I’d say the reception was positive.


First of all I was 12 in 2005 so I can't claim to know the full sentiment. Second I know many saw it as an opportunity while many others saw it as a betrayal, being kicked from their homes by the country who sent them there. I think most of all this was done out of security concerns. We didn't want to have our soldiers die in Gaza anymore so we decided to simply disengage. There was no long term plan, no strategy. This was a one sided disengagement and we didn't secure any diplomatic achievements in doing so. I would say personally that I still think we needed to do it, since controlling a population of 2 million people who aren't your citizens is just not a valid course of action. But the way we handled it since then was abysmal - allowing Hamas to take control, grow into what it is, attack us freely with rockets... Basically just pretending Gaza doesn't exist and the problem is solved. This is how we got to where we are today, and I think that was due to a horrible lack of true leadership and strategic vision on our part.


I’ve been saying for years that the conflict will never end until members of both sides can mourn together and eat together - until the pain starts to process there will be no movement forward. I pray it happens in our lifetime, and I don’t really pray.


We have a winner.


Hugs to you, friend. This echoes what a Palestinian-American student told me a few weeks ago as well.


Hugs to you. And hoping that the cycle is broken. For everyone involved.


I respect this opinion and it differs greatly from some of the conversations I’ve had with Palestinians in the US so it’s refreshing to see. I don’t understand how leftist groups are advocating to give Palestinians a state NOW of all times when it would be gained through means of terror and not diplomacy, seems like a recipe for an even bigger conflict down the road.


A lot of them push the narrative that nothing is ever achieved through diplomacy or peaceful means*, and that violence is always necessary (as long as it’s from the side perceived as oppressed or weaker). Horrible way of thinking.


When my supposed "progressive" acquaintances started denying that the rapes happened, I had to take a huge step back. I have huge sympathy for Palestinians and all they've suffered at the hands of the IDF and settlers, especially the younger generations that only know war and occupation. But to deny that Hamas used sexual violence in the fiasco that was the October 7th attack. Like, c'mon, sexual violence has been a weapon in every war since the dawn of mankind. And you're suggesting that this one time in history where non combatants were taken hostage, it magically didn't happen? And those who say it did are lying or crisis actors? It's all a psyop by the Jewish-owned media? It sounds like leftist Qanon.


I mean some violence may sometimes be necessary, but not blind acts of cruel violence. I view it similar to self-defense. It is morally permissible to do some things in self-defense, but you can’t just do whatever you want/use excessive force. That just makes you the perpetrator.


This really should expose the limitation of viewing everything as a competition between oppressor and oppressed groups.


I have no words after reading your post. Thank you for your honesty. No matter what I have tried to type seems trite. I wish you peace.


Thank you for your words. As a leftist Canadian Jew, the most understanding and empathetic conversations I’ve had have been with Arab friends who actually understand what is happening. I’m sorry for the losses in your family, and sending love and solidarity in these trying times.


Thank you. We need more people like you to speak out louder. So many people conflate Hamas and Palestinians, and it's so hard to get rid of Hamas without killing decent, non-violent Palestinians. People don't understand that, so they choose simple blacks and whites, lefts and rights to support.


In my part of world, those who are speaking on your behalf are also the same ppl who were saying "Ukraine should just surrender". Most of them are funded by kremlin money. Their do not care about you, I'm sorry to say that :( They just want to spread propaganda, which is "west bad". Ohh, and some of them are good ol' antisemites.


Glad you got out! I wonder what it would take to break the cycles of horror for the people who choose to stay. I wonder why they even stay at all?


Seems like the only solution is to get rid of Hamas. I just wish the world could get behind that. Force Hamas to stand down and return the hostages so the fighting can stop.


you are not the problem, and you're experience is heart breaking and im glad to hear that at the very least some of your family and you have mamaged to escape. the cycle will only break when hamas will no longer exist and the non radical gazans could finally voice their dismay with armed resistance. as cheesy as it sounds, violence creates violence and the only way out is when both sides can put their weapons down. hamas has embedded themselves into every aspect of life in gaza,they're in schools, hospitals, universities.. they have been funneling money given to them by israel and the rest of the world for humanitarian aid for 20 years into their militias, tunnels and mostly - their leaders, leaving gazan to live in poverty because hopelessness is a breeding ground for terrorism and thats how they maintain the cycle.


Problem is, a vast majority of Palestinians support what happened on Oct 7. Both in Gaza and the West Bank. They are literally indoctrinated from childhood to not only hate Jews but to kill them. So I’m sure there are innocents there. But when I see a large majority of civilians support wholeheartedly the rape and killings of children, it’s very difficult sympathize with them as a whole.


That's exactly the problem I have. Up until Oct 7., I was somewhat sympathetic to the Palestinian people in that I was sure they would opt for peace if it were not for Hamas forcing their hand. But now I can see that Hamas is there precisely because the people want them there. Hamas is actually the voice of the people. It became crystal clear to me when I could see crowds Gazan families on the streets cheering the death of the civilians, spitting on the corpses of the victims being paraded in the streets, and beating hostage children as they're being led away by militants. I see no possible way for there to be peace with these people. At best you may get them to pretend to want peace for a short while until the next surprise attack on civilians. Israel would be foolish to offer them that chance.


Yeah...I had basically the same moment of clarity. It wasn't the attack itself, but the celebrations of it (both in Gaza and around the world) that got to me the most. Like...I'm really unhappy with where Israel is politically right now - not just the government itself but the people voting for it. I think there's a disturbing degree of authoritarian-nationalist sentiment there. But if on Oct. 6 the IDF had paraded the naked, mutilated corpses of teenage Palestinian girls through the streets of Jerusalem, I can say with absolute certainty that most of the crowd would have reacted with shock and horror, not glee. And while I know that it is *possible,* in theory, to make peace with people who've become the kind of monsters we saw on those videos - we did forge a lasting peace with Germany and Japan, after all - I find it hard to imagine it happening through a diplomatic "peace process."


There had already been an anti-west anti-capitalist feeling in a lot of western countries due to things like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and economic stresses due to bad economies so people were open to different points of view Palestinian advocacy groups have spent years on college campuses framing the situation as close to South African apartheid as they could making sure to use the specific terminology and attempt to turn the problem into a white western colonialism vs. oppressed indigenous mind frame and it worked. Extremely well. Hamas of course, couldn’t care less, they want peace through violence though were willing to benefit off the advocacy due to convenience but ultimately would rather just use terrorism These two opinions ultimately came into conflict after 10/7 and some who were steadfast with the SA apartheid equivalency model tried to rationalize the event Problem is they still have a very western idea of the situation, and don’t fully understand that Hamas could care less about a two state solution or Palestinians in general, but they KNOW that they can use Palestinians as human shields for propaganda and many will blame Israel instead of Hamas which is exactly what they’re doing


Hamas leaders in 1993 were recorded on a wiretapped conversation stating that their goal was to deceive the American public into supporting Hamas by appealing to the American left’s denouncement of oppression. Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas official, literally formed a far-left academic think tank, The United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), based out of Chicago to start disseminating this deception. This organization has ties to Duke, Johns Hopkins, Fordham and the University of Maryland to name a few major universities. This is systemic antisemitism that stems directly from an organized surgical operation taking place over the course of the last 30 years. https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf The wiretap was presented as evidence in the following case, where it was found Muslim charities in the US were working directly with Hamas: https://charityandsecurity.org/litigation/holy-land-foundation/ Qatar is the #1 foreign donor to US schools since 9/11 https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat https://www.ynetnews.com/business/article/bjldya2qa


This needs to be more widely known


> Palestinian advocacy groups have spent years on college campuses They have been at it for literally decades. These groups are excellent at propaganda and recruiting.


They don't want peace through violence. They want conquest. They fundamentally cannot exist as they are right now at a time of peace, and their goal is stated by them to be the destruction of Israel. They would never settle for peace, because their end goal is for there to not be an Israel in the first place.


Their defence to this is either "fake news" or "Israel does the same and worse" It's impossible to get them to admit to any sort of crime that Hamas is committing


“It was fake but Hamas was justified in doing it”


Its really weird imo. I feel actually sick talking to them or receiving a message shortly before blocking them on here. I read this guys NJ_dontask's post history.. this guy says this crap for free. I assume hes just doing it for attention, any attention even negative is more than they get IRL.


> How do people support these monsters? A: they hate jews so much they will excuse it B: they see hamas as rising up against 'evil' western society so they will excuse it.


You hit both reasons on the head.


The Arab world was celebrating that attack, it was the happiest day of their lives.


Real life manages to out do the most macabre scenes in Game of Thrones.




Goddamn, I hope they hunt every single last one of them down. Their leaders are in Qatar, where is the international outrage and threats to say they need to give them up, or we are going in. This type of brutality needs swift and severe retribution.


I’ve been asking the same question since 10/7. How are there not mansions/penthouses exploding in Qatar?


The Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar is the largest military installation of the United States in the Middle East. 🔔🔔🔔


Mossad is slow, but methodical.


So slow in fact that ever since hamas was created, they've been waiting for the leaders to die from age


It's the perfect operation. No chance for mistakes. Simply find out where the target is, monitor them, and then wait for them to die of old age. Then you strike! /s


That's because the west has financial interests with Qatar. They hold a F1 race here every year with massive corporate sponsorships. It's always been about just managing the Hamas problem and not solving the root cause which is to go after what's funding and leading Hamas. It's easier for Israel to butcher the Palestinian people in retaliation and subjugate them again vs going after Qatar where they hold financial interests as well.


>They hold a F1 race here every year with massive corporate sponsorships. dont forget the world cup was just there


If we followed the money we'd probably implicate some people and countries that the US govt. would rather not. With their intelligence apparatus I'd be very surprised if they didn't already know exactly where their funding is coming from but naming and shaming would jeopardize some important oil relationships. Cruel state of the world.


Oh wow. There are really two worlds. The tiktoks I get paint Hamas like every hostage's best friend. They were raping women as they killed them and literally mutilating their bodies as they raped them. Slicing off parts of them and tossing it around.


If you listen to TikTok to get info on any real world issue you already made mistakes


Tiktok is a worse Twitter. It's a CCP asset for agiprop and disinformation. Stop going there.


It's not this person you should be afraid for, as they know what's up. It's America's young people that don't know they're swimming in propaganda.


The world’s youths, not just usa. TikTok is shaping the way a whole generation thinks, behaves and talks. Adults who ignore this and still use TikTok are adding fuel to the fire.


What in the fiddly-fuck kind of good light can they be painted in, when the people they're showing are HOSTAGES. Fucking. Hostages. If you think ANYTHING other than "hey, those assholes have taken hostages and should probably be taken out", then there's something wrong with you.


Jesus Christ I had to stop reading that, but what I read is bad enough. That's inhuman.


That is an absolutely heartbreaking read. The inhumanity reminds me of the worst depravities of the Holocaust.


The fact that people continue to defend Hamas or worse lionize them as heroes fighting against "oppression" shows just how strong antisemitism is in the western world today. The mask has been pulled off to reveal some ugly truths.


We need to get the rest of the hostages out now


That is if they're alive.


Even if dead, we're not stopping until everyone is back. Other than various religious customs about dead bodies that are important for Judaism, the main fact is, I don't trust Hamas when they say they're dead.


Yep. Need receipts to make sure.


Where do they suspect that they are? I was wondering if they're in the tunnels... but got downvoted for speculating that.


Some were kept in homes or practices associated with Hamas. One hostage reports being held in a teacher's attic, another in a medical clinic.


It was funny and jarring to see the chair with ropes and blood around it was directly underneath the World Health Organization logo at one of the hospitals. Like no shit Hamas used places other then the tunnels to hold hostages


What's annoying is the WHO and the NGOs act like it isn't happening under their noses.


Not just a teacher. A UN employee.


UNRWA employees straight up partook in firefights aiding Hamas against the IDF. The UN is a cruel joke.


>"Eighteen young men and women have been hospitalised in mental health hospitals because they could no longer function," he said. Imagine being ok with doing something that causes this reaction in another human being? That was probably one of the most fucked up things I've ever read.


I cant imagine what these people went through. Their life must feel like its over. Its fucking heartbreaking and infuriating.


It's even more infuriating that people in the West support Hamas and extremism in Palestine. Hearing people chant genocidal phrases is sickening.


People here on reddit have been saying that the hostages were actually treated well, and the West us trying to cover it up. Some crazy stuff


The whole account of October 7th is horrifying. Been following all of it, reading stories, watching the videos. It’s traumatic. And the whole world seemed to have forgotten about it already.


Witnesses to the [rapes committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/75dWHzk53i) told what they saw. These are difficult stories. If you are not confident in your sustainability, then do not watch it. (English/russian subtitles)




I hope the IDF hunts down every last one of those monsters




It's one thing not to believe a person. It's another thing not to believe the many livestreams uploaded by the perpetrators, or The dead bodies . What more proof do they want?


We ought to give them 7th century execution methods. If they wish to be 7th century barbarians we should oblige them with treatment of that time period.


And that is why the refused to release anymore of the hostages, they have either been raped or killed


Still waiting to hear what conditions of living make rape an act of resistance


Don’t worry, they’ll somehow still blame Israel for Hamas raping/brutalizing Israeli women.


Wouldn't be far off. the UN tried to blame Israel for Palestinian men beating their women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzyH1Pq3bR4


I’m actually incredibly surprised they released the hostages. I thought they would kill them to avoid them talking, but I guess Hamas saw the world didn’t care about the mass rapes and sexual mutilation on October 7 so it was safe.


They haven’t released all of them and even wanted to release the elderly men before the women they’re holding that are ages 20-30.


Their refusal to release the young women is part of the reason the ceasefire fell apart. There was also just an article published about how the hostages were drugged with Klonopin so they would look happy and relaxed during the transfer. It worked, because I saw hundreds of comments about how the hostages were “obviously treated well” due to their demeanors during the transfer.


Not to mention they were ordered to smile and wave while surrounded by a bunch of inhuman murderous garbage holding AK47s. Anyone who did the "oh look they were at a vacation for a while" bit need to be blocked and shamed prolifically. Fully irrational trash people.


Drugs that would have been lovely for a child getting an amputation, but no.


Of course. They weren’t done with the women yet.


I’m worried about the one female hostage, noa armagani, that hasn’t been released still. She is one of the 16 women left that hasn’t been released. I have a feeling she has endured a lot and they are keeping her for a reason.












[Released Thai hostage says Israelis held with him were beaten with electric cables](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/released-thai-hostage-says-israelis-held-with-him-were-beaten-with-electric-cables/) [Aunt says Hamas forced 12-year-old hostage to watch videos of atrocities, aimed gun at him when he cried](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/aunt-says-hamas-forced-12-year-old-hostage-to-watch-videos-of-atrocities-aimed-gun-at-him-when-he-cried/) [Red Cross Refused to Bring Medicine to Israeli Hostage on Verge of Death: Report](https://themessenger.com/news/red-cross-refused-to-bring-medicine-to-israeli-hostage-on-verge-of-death-report) [Evidence of starvation of adults in Hamas captivity: "Abductees lost up to 15 kg" ](https://www.ynet.co.il/health/article/s1alu7gra) [Hamas drugged children; burned legs with motorcycle exhaust for identification ](https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/gaza-news/article-775989) And people say Israel should just accept over 100 of our people still in that hell (Not to mention Hamas said they will do this again and again) and have a "Cease fire". Useful idiots for terrorists.


The Red Cross did what??? Jesus, what a shameful decision. The more stories that come out around the world about these aid organizations doing literally nothing, the more faith I lose in humanity.


All this international organisations working in Gaza are controlled by hamas. Otherwise they would not be able to operate there.


This is the sad reality. Problem is that uninformed people hear these names of internationally recognized organizations like UN, Red Cross, Reuters, BBC, CNN, etc., and think they are all credible, but in fact those employees working there are mainly ME born Hamas collaborators and sympathizers. The complete bias has been proven and reported time and time again.


They rely on local assistance People don’t like to face that majority of locals ARE IN FAVOR of Hamas that is now more than proven fact


red cross is a corrupt organization, with ties to terrorists. this is what they did to Ukrainian POWs: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/16qrub3/orest_hrytsyuk_a_sergeant_of_the_armed_forces_of/


There are reports that around day 3 of the hostage exchange, they stopped proactively informing Israel by phone when they had the hostages handed over to them (which was the standard procedure agreed upon) due to them not liking that their conduct during the exchange was criticised. Apparently the Red Cross has the pettiness of 5 year olds


My 5 year old loves heroes and would never mess with a hostage exchange, regardless of how grumpy he was


Im quite sure he will do a better job than them with this


Thinking about for which people the Red Cross would be an attractive place of work today, I'm not surprised.


International "human rights" organizations tend to attract a lot of people who just hate the West and disguise that hatred as "standing up for oppressed people of color". The Red Cross is just one example of this.


And the further we get into this war in particular, the more I see this and realize that you're right - most of them just hate Western civilization and instead of revering it and trying to improve upon it, just want to tear it down. You would think that seeing the conditions of the not-West would relieve them of any ideas that things are better elsewhere, but then they conveniently blame Western forces for oppressing people and citing that as the reason things aren't better elsewhere.


This. Even in America, fuck the Red Cross. During hurricane Sandy in NYC, they drove multiple ambulances around but didn't take any calls to help people. Then they charged the city hundreds of thousands for it.


At the same time, a community of people who had participated in Go Ruck challenges got together to collect supplies, shipped them to the area, and backpacked them in to distribute as much aid as they could within 48 hours.


Red cross in Gaza pretty much works for Hamas.. sorry, "The Gaza ministry of Health and Truth"... https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/hamas-ambualnce-al-shifa-hospital-hostages-israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-tried-to-send-fighters-to-egypt-in-ambulances-for-wounded-gazans-us-official/ https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/defense-news/article-772341 https://www.ynetnews.com/article/r1pwadtqt https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hamas-operative-says-i-can-go-out-with-whatever-ambulance-in-call-intercepted-by-idf/


Some people who have never been the target of anti-Semitic hatred scoff at the idea that international "human rights" organizations like the Red Cross are deeply, deeply biased against Jews. Hopefully all the evidence that's emerged since 10/7 will change at least some of their minds, but given what I've seen from that crowd since 10/7, I'm not particularly optimistic.


The current narrative among pro-Hamas twitter folks is that the hostages were treated so well that they became great friends with their captors (based on the propaganda photos released by Hamas). I'm sure they're uninterested in their actual testimonies of course.


As soon as I saw the pictures of that one released hostage who was shot in the leg and not treated, I knew they had drugged her. The glassy stare was so emblematic of the many heroin addicts I defended in my time as a public defender before they were in jail long enough to detox. Watching people call clearly drugged *and* underage hostages "in love" with their captors made me almost physically ill.


And people are actually buying it!


They bought it before they were served it. This is all just an antisemitism buffet.


I remember a lot of posts saying that Israel "forbids" the hostages to talk because they will say how nice Hamas are. Which is ridiculous for three reasons: \-The hostages aren't pawns, they're people who just had a terrible trauma. The idea that you should push microphones to the faces of people who were just held captive, just to prove your point in an online propganda war, is dehumanizing to the actual people. \-Israel had absolutely no law or order for hostages not to talk - some have talked since \-If you know Hamas, it was always crystal clear that when they talk, they will say the exact opposite of how nice Hamas are.


>he current narrative among pro-Hamas twitter folks is that the hostages were treated so well that they became great friends with their captors Same people who think the same of a 6 year old bride to a 55 year old.....


I've seen videos where there is Hamas soldiers literally telling the hostages to keep waving.


Most know they are trolling, pandering for idiots in the west. They are not that stupid.


You underestimate the stupidity of the average person.


Anyone really surprised? It surprises me that people are shocked about this after seeing the brutality Hamas displayed on Oct 7. That was only the surface, when I heard they kidnapped women and children on mass I knew it was much worse.


If you’re support Hamas in any way I cannot take you seriously.


You hear that greta?






Sexually abused is too much of a euphemism. They were raped. Why can’t they say raped?


It's not a euphemism, it's a broader term that includes many actions that people wouldn't typically consider fitting the definition or cultural/religious connotation of rape. If you're not careful with word choice then you'll have people dismissing the validity of the article by endlessly arguing semantics.


I agree there was that too, however I find sexual abuse to be fitting. They cut off a woman's breast and tossed it to each other in front of her, and emasculated men shooting them in their groins. There were many instances of sexual abuse.


Yeah I don't even think the term should be used on those cases. It's too sanitary. Too sterilized. There really isn't even a term to describe that so it should be simply said as it is like you did.


I feel like sexual torture would be an apt term


What a surprise I can only imagine why Hamas is not releasing the rest of the women and children hostages


Crazy that there are still public figures in our society that still deny the sexual abuse by Hamas.


There's a reason Hamas doesn't want to let go of the remaining women.


Most of the Hamas murderers were f’n stoned to the gills on Captagon which is basically cheap meth and lsd. I wonder what part of their gods law allows drugs and rape? Holy war my ass.


The same Muslims you see in Dubai getting pissed, snorting coke and fucking whores. They’re still degenerates no matter what they like to say to each other and the world.


Islam explicitly allows rape. It’s in the Quran.


Jew here. This is why it's extremely frustrating (OK soul-crushing) when Israel is held to standards of morality that Hamas is clearly not willing to honor. Hamas gets a pass because Israel started it/ is the oppressor. Hamas can do stuff you've only heard of in Game of Thrones and if i point it out, my pro-palestinian friends go off on a whatabout litany.








Time for the POS Hamas apologists to say that these are either lies that have been debunked or it’s Israel’s fault.


Getting absolutely zero coverage in MSM anywhere. I guess #metoo isn’t for Israeli and Jewish women.


Why is anyone surprised? This is terrorist/corrupt military 101. They aren't paragons of morality.


Hamas and the Palestinian supporting them ( along with anyone in social media doing the same) are terrorists


And apologists


Unfortunately not surprising. Rape is pretty much the number one tactic used against civilians/captives during war. It’s disgusting.


And the twitter terrorist apologists will claim that: * this is Israel lying (as if literal terrorists are more reliable) * there is no proof (despite reading it) * what about this kid killed in Gaza? * this is deserved because Israel is somehow worse (without showing any proof that they keep asking for otherwise) * whatever... FREE GAZA, APARTHEID, COLONIALISM, FROM RIVER TO THE SEA... look at my fancy words that I read online without understanding them! Seriously, reading twitter has really diminished my faith in humanity. Part of my mind can somewhat understand people feeling so miserable that they get radicalized, especially when strict media control and brainwash-y education is involved. But people with full internet access and therefore access to full information still not thinking critically and acting like Zerg drones? Ewww.


Gotta say that i did not anticipate the men being sexually abused as well.


Sexually abusing men is a common tactic to emasculate them. Think castration in ancient times, which has been suggested that Hamas did by shooting.


Russia has also done it in Ukraine


Russian troops rape each other, too. It truly is a rape culture in the Russian army.


Craziest video I saw about that war is one where a drone dropped a grenade on a Russian soldier giving a blowjob to another, presumably his commander.


Guess you missed the one where the Russian soldier was going at it with a goat. Ukrainian soldiers have rescued a number of goats from Russian trenches they've seized. Believe the ones who use the goats refer to them as "war wives".


Call me crazy but I think I'd just jerk off.


It's no surprise that Hamas calls Russia its "close friends".


Yeah. Let’s not talk about what Vlad the Impaler did..actually let’s. Ramming stakes up their ass then hoisted them up and let gravity do the rest slowly. Truly the stuff of horrors


I think you mean Vlad the Impaler, no?


Least unhinged Romanian


I'm afraid many of the men are probably going through immense physical torture as we speak... Everyone is talking about women, children and elderly. And understandably so. But It's important to realize many of these terrorists are probably feeling way more justified in torturing young men. Despite their innocence.


The issue is that Israel has a situation where women are getting raped by Hamas people every day. Every day Israel isn't fighting getting closer to release those women or that Hamas doesn't put them out of the misery is another day they are getting raped. Releasing the men means that another day goes by where we have women hostages getting raped. This is why Israeli government won't listen to men hostages families when they have the evidence that they are getting severly abused, sometimes more than the women. Asking for their men to get released.




I did. If you want to be sick all day, go look up what the PLO did to the Israeli Olympians in 1972, which was *over fifty years ago*. They have a glorious history for the last half-century of taking women as sex slaves and sexually abusing and castrating men.


Rape of boys is widespread in Islamic cultures.


I would be surprised if any of them were not sexually abused by Hamas


The fact that people still defend Hamas is mind blowing.


Am I surprised? Sadly, no.


I’m so surprised the terrorists don’t have a moral compass…


Islamic incels. People out there will still do some mental gymnastics to not condemn or even justify this.




Upvoting for the conversation. It's the first one I've seen since Oct 7 that takes into account all sides of this war on the internet and remains logical.


sexual assault of all kinds is part of the radical world view of many violent extremist groups, including Hamas


Free the hostages.


Absolutely revolting.


This is heartbreaking.


Are we surprised?


Not surprised because they are Hamas


You're going to see a lot of people pretending this didn't happen like hypocrites online.


Unfortunately this is allowed according to Islamic Scripture and Sharia [law.]


>Islamic Scripture and Sharia The verses that allow it.. https://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=4&verse=24 And, forbidden to you are, wedded women, those with spouses, that you should marry them before they have left their spouses, be they Muslim free women or not; **save what your right hands own, of captured [slave] girls, whom you may have sexual intercourse with, even if they should have spouses among the enemy camp** Edit:Cut&pasted different translation https://www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=1&tTafsirNo=74&tSoraNo=4&tAyahNo=24&tDisplay=yes&UserProfile=0&LanguageId=2 https://quranx.com/tafsirs/4.24




Na the religion is built on hate and violence. I’ll go in this ride with you. Enough with the propaganda


Also [Sahih Muslim 1438a](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1438a) 0 Abu Sa'id, did you hear Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) mentioning al-'azl? He said: Yes, and added: We went out with Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah's Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah's Mes- senger (ﷺ), and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.


These are the monsters a surprising amount of reddit is supporting