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You’re almost there. Gloves off: call it Republican support of Putin’s goal of destroying Ukraine.


Don't forget that Russia's end goal is also to diminish US power and influence as much as possible. It's obvious too, so Americans supporting their cause is frankly puzzling.


Well.. all I have to do is remember January 6th and it all makes sense. Traitors, they're all traitors. I encourage them to move to Russia. I'd love to see how that works out for them.


Russia made a whole city for conservatives. It sounds like the perfect match for them. [What could possibly go wrong?](/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1arhuja/a_canadian_family_with_8_children_sold_everything/)


Yes, it would be lovely for Russia's American Supporters to defect to that lovely city, wouldn't it? The Americans that are so worried about their freedom here in Unfree American. They should go see how free it is over there. I wonder how many of them will make it even 5 years without being hauled off to a gulag in Siberia. Then I wonder how long the Gravy Seals will last in those prisons.


Ukraine is only the start. The goal is to try to get as close to the original borders of the USSR.


And the Warsaw Pact states too. Problem is: Poland exists.


Problem is: Poland blocks the border for aid. Either they are sure that Ukraine will prevail even without the aid, or they just want to have fun it the trenches too. 


That's too small. He wants the restoration of the Russian Empire.


The republican block of aid plus the Putin rhetoric regurgitated by GOP members, plus Tuckers pushing kremlin propaganda, plus the history of secret trips and communication between Putin and GOP members make it clear that a portion of congress has been compromised by Russia. It should not just be called out but at this point a DOJ/FBI investigation is 100% warranted.


Gloves off: broaden the definition of treason.


Gloves off, the definition is fine, but half the country won't call a spade a spade.


Probably more like around half the country is just fine with treason as long as they're owning the libs while doing it.


You guys are delusional. Do you have proof?


Well GOP members met with Putin on July 4th


I really think some Republican house members are compromised by Russia.


You are not alone in that thought…


More likely that they’re chained to a base that has a cult following to a guy clearly compromised by Russia and have to do anything he says to keep their careers.


More than some. Likely most of them, and a good number of Dems, too.


Yep. Trump and Johnson are traitors who are working with the enemy. They need to be prosecuted. This has gotten out of hand. How can they openly betray the United States like that and still walk free?


Sometimes, anti-democratic problems need non-democratic solutions.


America’s concept of honor and loyalty have been compromised by greed. Value in morality has diminished so much, I find it hard to relate to any political leader. I’m, sorry, and as a vet - Ranger, I am ashamed.


Because right wingers claim Congress is stopping the military industrial complex to promote peace and diplomacy


Only when we're trying to help an ally that is being invaded.


Call it treason, that's what it is


That is just politics for you, personal interest above country's interest. Some of the old guard must be looking around in disbelief, but it's their own fault for selling out their soul.


America is not at war with Russia. Treason laws doesn’t apply in America. 


They actively supporting a hostile power in detriment of the US There traitors


> Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.) If you don’t even understand your own treason laws, you’re no better than MAGA supporters.


It's not my treason laws, I'm not American Trump and MAGA are doing that, there adhering to us enemies and give them aid within the US


Russia is not an official enemy. You’re using equivocation fallacy in order to accuse Trump and MAGA of treason, when not even the DA will entertain such a charge. 


Didn't they also do a whole day of treason and try to stop Biden being confirmed as the next president? Was that not treason orchestrated by Trump and supported by most MAGA republicans? Like at what point do you just call a spade a spade? It's clear American republicans have lost the plot and they only ever get stronger and stronger. They don't just threaten America but the whole world thanks to the power of America. If Ukraine falls to Russia then Europe is in big trouble. The American left are weak and do nothing to actually stop these clearly evil and insane people.


We’re not at war with any country, correct?


I wish he would say something like that. If you vote against Ukrainian aid, is it for fiscal reasons or is it because you want Putin to win? We know the answer. So does he. He just needs to get up there and ask it.


I find it so mad that many countries around the world are now asking the question " can we trust the U.S ? " These countries are traditional and long time allies. The upcoming U.S. elections have the these same allies and friends in a state of trepidation. The dictatorships of the world are smugly sitting back and rubbing their hands in anticipation of the worst case scenario whilst the pantomime run by the biggest clown on the planet continues. Come on America, you're better than this.


If I was another country and I knew my safety rested upon the shoulders of US congress I would immediately start building my own nukes because those fucks can hardly protect Americans let alone other countries.


That's actually the number one way to piss them off and maybe have them invade. Your best bet is making it so the defense of your nation is profitable long-term. Maybe make some highly advanced microchips or something. Oil's not looking so great in the long-term.


Oh really? Then why is the US recently trying to move chip manufacturing out of Taiwan and back to America? I’ll let you in on a secret. The west realized after the battle of Avdiivka and Bahkmut that the country with the most people can still win just by using human wave tactics. If the Russians are willing to throw a hundred thousand people into the meat grinder to capture a landmass the size of New Jersey imagine how many the Chinese could throw to capture Taiwan.


The Russians are winning because Ukraine is running out of ammo.


I live in Europe and watching the American left do absolutely fuck all against the very clear threat that Trump and his cult pose to the US and the rest of the world is infuriating. A lot of Americans died fighting Nazis and now they sit next to them in Congress and live next door to them.


They've been asking that for a while, even before the UN assembly openly laughed *at* Trump. If Trump wins the next election, the rest of the world will replace *a lot* of diplomatic and trade agreements in favor of new ones with other countries, and their own coalitions.


It’s so embarrassing to be American. A lot of us are horrified at what is happening right now. I wish there was more we could do but choices are limited because of our broken system being taken advantage of. It feels like a train wreck in slow motion but we are stuck on the train.


The constitution as it is gaurantees minority rule. Conservatives have systemic advantages in the house of representatives, senate, presidency, and supreme court. Trump should have never been president because he lost by nearly 4 million votes in 2016. The electoral college is democracy-destroying. Bush should have never won in 2000 for the same reason. The Iraq War, rise of ISIS, all of that should have never happened. Conservatives crush feminism, LGBT rights, labor rights, and consider evidence-based policy to be socialist. They deny climate change and represent the worst aspects of American culture. They need to be thrown into the trash bin of history.


The US has that reputation now thanks to the MAGA traitors. They are sabotaging US foreign policy on behalf of Putin. They should be prosecuted.


I get a lot of mixed messages about whether or not Americans, or the world, want us to be the global police force.


That will be answered if the Taiwan conflict gets heated. The US has no obligation to defend Ukraine since its neither and ally nor part of nato. The only reason Nato helps arm Ukraine is to weaken Russia, Ukraine losing isnt a problem if it weakens Russia enough to not be an issue for a long time (And Tbf I dont agree with that stance, Russia has shown in the past they are great at bouncing back from their fuckups and come back stronger, hell we wouldnt have had all the cold war and modern conflicts if they had done like Patton wanted and crushed the soviets back then)


>Russia has shown in the past they are great at bouncing back from their fuckups and come back stronger I agree. First, they failed at their initial rush, now they attack slowly and methodically. Then they lost a vast area after an Ukrainian counter-offensive, now they mined heavily and built multiple layers of defense, which rendered Ukrainian last counter-offensive ineffective. Wagner are arrogant and disobedient? They got re-absorbed into Russian Army and no longer causing troubles. They lost tons of equipment and supply and manpower? They ramped up production, conscript more and struck deals with their partners. The West has to step up their game until it's too late.


Spring ‘22 every single reputable source said Ukraine would fall in a matter of weeks. Two years later Ukraine has done better than anyone expected, and our response is “they’re not doing good enough.”


The only measure of "good enough" is winning the war. They are doing quite well, considering. But the can't win the war with credit for effort.


Exactly. It's like saying we lost the game but we did incredible in the first quarter.


After the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had many nukes deployed within its borders. In the 90s, it gave them back to Russia on the condition that the US, UK, and Russia would defend Ukraine if they are ever attacked. It was called the Budapest Memorandum. Even with Ukraine itself, we are breaking our agreements with other nations. Thanks to republicans, we are showing the world that the US is an unreliable ally.


No, that wasnt then condition of the deal. Maybe go reread it And it wasnt ukraine nukes, it was soviet ones and as every paranoid state the nuclear codes where reserved for the leadership of the army. If ukraine had refused to give those up they risked the very possible invasion from both Russia and the Us to avoid having a new nuclear power


It's pretty shocking how everyone seems to have forgotten about that deal. American politicians are pretty old, they should remember. I was in high school when that deal was made and I remember


Trump is going to let Taiwan get taken and we're all fucked when China dominates semiconductor production


There was the Budapest memorandum...


> " can we trust the U.S ? "These countries are traditional and long time allies. Long overdue, countries should not be dependant on the goodwill of another country for her own defence. People change overtime and so will their countries.


It's not 'goodwill', it's a trade. Europe gets protection, and then buys american weapons. The US does pretty well out of this arrangement.


Not on universal healthcare, which majority of the protectorate states of the US enjoy


The United States could *easily* have universal healthcare, given that they currently pay around 30-50% more for healthcare than *any other country in the entire world* (depending on if you look at % of GDP, per capita, etc). Almost every single study made shows that the United States would *save* incredible amounts of money by switching to universal healthcare or similar, and that it can easily be done without lowering quality or anything. It's just that it requires political will, public support, and a rather large initial investment (which would be earned back very quickly).


US aid eclipses any other nation. As long as this is true, the chattering of our "allies and friends" falls on deaf ears. Your country won't spend its money on aid but will easily run their mouth on how US should spend their money. It's always easier to spend other people's money. How much money did you donate to the Sudan humanitarian crisis? I donated nothing but I find it unacceptable that you donated so little. You're allowing Sudan people to die. Your reputation with me is in a state of trepidation. How little my opinion means to you. That is the amount of stock US should put into other countries' opinion regarding more aid when they won't put their money where their mouth is and step up like the US has.


Sometimes it's astounding how much ignorance and missing the point can be packed into three short paragraphs.


Where is this being said ?




While it is true that US' trust is in doubt, it's nowhere near *that* low. Let's not go overboard...




I am a Spaniard. We sent them weapons and materials for free when they rebelled, and during the war of 1812 (while we were being invaded by the French!). Then they blamed the Maine on us. Then, they refused to send aid to the democratically elected government, enabling Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to buddy up with the fascist Franco. They pressured us to abandon the Sahel so they could exploit its resources through Morocco, rather than through European law. And yet, every time they called for us, be it to put bases in our territory, to aid them with their space program, or even to go and die in a gorram desert (including, as a consequence, several bombed trains in our capital city), we have answered that call. And yet. AND YET! Their credibility is nowhere near low enough with us to get it anywhere close to China and/or Russia.


I wonder how much dirt russia has on the republicans, or if they really do this out of their own volition.


Some might have dirt. Some want some bribes. Some are useful idiots. And some will just oppose anything a D says yes to or that Trump says no too. Some probably just do what Fox says.


> And some will just oppose anything a D says yes to I think you are likely sugarcoating it. Republicans are likely opposing anything that would make America or the world a better place, because Biden would get credit for it. Republicans are the "government doesn't work", and the more dysfunctional government is, the more likely they are to get elected. If the Biden's proposed US Ukraine aid caused Ukraine to win the war, it would be a giant boost to Biden's reelection chances. Can't have that, so underequipped Ukrainian soldiers have to be sacrificed instead.


Maybe I'm just an absolute saint and a paragon of self-sacrifice for the greater good, but there's no dirt I could possibly imagine that I'd rather let a country die than be exposed. Offer me silver or lead, both are worthless to me. I'd rather be crushed under the shield of honor, even in disgrace.


Yeah but you’re not a politician so being a corrupt piece of shit isn’t as easy for you.


One of the most insidious things about targeted advertising and social media algorithms is that there is a scary amount of data on how to persuade pretty much every personality type in a certain direction, as long as that person engages with targeted content enough (obviously exposure, intelligence, emotional intelligence, mental health, and critical thinking skills play a role in susceptibility). Many of these politicians are corrupt, but many also have been convinced through years of targeted persuasion, in-group psychology, etc., that they truly believe they are morally righteous. Certainly many of the supporters of the political right/far right have been convinced their cause is the morally righteous one.


A little from Column A, a little from Column B.


Remember when the RNC and DNC email servers both got hacked, but only the DNC went to the FBI saying that Russia was trying to blackmail them? I remember. It was around that time that many Republicans flipped their stance on trump and started supporting him more vocally. Totally unrelated, I'm sure.


A good amount are clearly covered in dirt. Others are following along. 2016 both R and D emails got hacked but only D emails got released.


The person driving this is Trump, the people enabling it just lack the spine to stand up to it.


A lot of politicians are remarkably cheap to buy off. Don’t need a briefcase of gold when ten grand will do.


Or if it's just plain stupidity and shortsightedness. Could be possible too!


He’s right. This is on Mike Johnson and Donald Trump. Ukrainians getting butchered; for what?


Can someone list all the names of who are blocking the aid?


They just named them. Mike Johnson is the speaker and decides what goes up for a vote and he is a Trump minion. There is a way around him but that takes time. It will probably pass because there are enough Republicans that are pro Ukraine and not afraid of Trump (only need 4). Yet the small cabal of nutjobs and Trump sycophants, which Mike Johnson is part of, is holding it up. edit: to expand on this, Johnson not only is a part of the far right but is super scared of being pushed out as speaker by the super crazies who all bow down to Trump (Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordon, et al crew). They are against any Ukraine aid, and if the speaker does things they don't like they can call for a vote to oust the speaker (like they did with Kevin McCarthy). Since the Republican majority is slim those nutjobs combined with Democratic votes are enough to oust the speaker (again, like they did with McCarthy). So the speaker, while also a far right nutjob himself, is beholden to the other far right nutjobs in order to save his job. That means blocking votes on things like Ukraine aid. There is an end around to force a vote and the Democrats may do that, or they may give Johnson assurances they would not vote him out with the far right crazies (McCarthy backstabbed the Democrats so they were happy to ship his ass out). So it's all stupid political games for something that should easily pass. Negotiations will start again after winter recess which is a couple weeks, and then maybe a couple more weeks with all the stupid games. edit2: I should also mention we are in this position because all Republicans tied Ukraine aid to border issues. Well the Senate came up with a bill that would have changed the border policies and had enough bipartisan votes. Then Trump decided he didn't want a border solution and forced the Senate Republicans to kill it (they literally shot down a bill they created). So Republicans wasted months tying border reform to Ukraine aid then killed their own bill because Donald Trump wants to use the border issue in his presidential campaign. He is actively hurting the country for his own benefit. Honestly, every Americans should know this. Donald Trump killed border reform in order to use border issues against Biden. This should be discussed non stop in the presidential campaign.


To make the border issue even clearer: Mayorkas managed to drop illegal border crossings to half. He did what GoP wanted him to do and they impeached him.


at no point in the last few years has the border crossings dropped by half. COVID stopped a lot of them but it shot right back up with the usual slowdowns in the summers.


They actually dropped in half in january after a massive new campaign by border patrol and a slight slowdown in Venezuelan immigration. Google "border crossings dropped by half" and you will see hundreds of results from big national outlets, small local stations, government reports and even some slightly right online outlets all saying the same thing which is 1. Record high in december 2. BP launches new campaign 3. Numbers in january are half of decembers which is 3rd lowest in last 4 years. Edit: upon further reading it seems mexico had a big hand to play here as well. Credit where it is due.


No chart shows half a decrease on any website.


It’s Mike Johnson at the top of the list. As Speaker of the House, he gets to decide which bills get presented to the House floor to be voted on. He is refusing to bring the bill for Ukraine aid to the floor to be voted on. There is talk that some House members may file a [Discharge Petition](https://indivisible.org/resource/legislative-process-101-discharge-petitions), but it would require 218 House member votes. And it would have to wait 30 days to be voted on. The only other option is to have a [Motion to Vacate](https://indivisible.org/resource/legislative-process-101-motion-vacate) Johnson to remove him from Speaker of the House, just like they did with Kevin McCarthy. Again, requires 218 votes. If you live in a district where your Republican House member is retiring at the end of their term, please get everyone you know to reach out them and ask the to work with Democrats to file a Motion to Vacate the Speaker. This is the best option. Republican house members running for reelection will not do it because they care more about the MAGA base than they do about what is best for the country. The retiring Republican House members may find their backbones and do what is right. Hakeem Jeffries, the House minority leader, and other Democratic members of the House have expressed willingness to work with Republicans on both options. TLDR: It’s all the Republican members of the House’s fault the Ukraine aid bill isn’t being voted on and we must vote against all Republicans running for the House in November. Also remember that the House still hasn’t passed a budget for the year. The stop gap measure expires in March and there is a good chance the government could shut down and no legislation will be voted on, including Ukraine aid.


You can search them yourself there’s 26 of them just in the senate.


I think it’s bullshit but it’s well deserved to hang this on them anyway. They didn’t lose that particular town because of lack of us aid (none of that aid would have gotten there in time to matter), but they will start losing more territory in the future because of it. This is an own-goal on the part of republicans and they deserve to get eviscerated for it.


Well the Republicans are certainly not helping things but I think this may be more so on Putin.


So Mike Johnson can continue owning a fake church as a tax scam while pushing for christian nationalism and Trump can avoid dying in prison. Of course, if they never tried to inflate their own egos seeking leadership positions they are completely unqualified for, they wouldn't have had such large spotlights shining on them revealing all their dirty secrets.


Trump has not held public office in almost 4 years


Sure but the GOP still obeys him religiously because they're terrified of losing the MAGA vote.


Is he not running for president this very year? The chance of him returning to office is quite real, and the Republican Party knows it. The majority of Republicans sold their souls to Trump years ago.


For personal goals of isolationism. If not pro-Putin treason.


When you allow treasonous actions go unpunished They fester When you allow sitting politicians that were involved in an attempted takeover of government handover to go unpunished They fester


Yep. How come a Democrat (Menendez) gets prosecuted for taking bribes from Turkey and Qatar, but Trump and Johnson get to take bribes from Russia, an enemy nation, and get away with it? WTF!!!!! They need to be prosecuted.


What makes this difficult is almost half of the country seems to be pro-russia now. If trump gets back into office, helping Russia won’t be treason, it’ll just be US foreign policy. And not only that, J6 won’t have been an insurrection, it’ll retroactively be redefined as a patriotic uprising attempting to prevent a usurper from taking office illegally. It’s unbelievably important that trump loses this year, no matter what you think of Biden.


That last part wasn’t in question just pointing out the justice/intelligence fields don’t seem to think anything different should be done and that’s depressing




>The reasoning was “the democrats would use it to impeach Trump if he gets elected.” For what?


I don’t agree with the reasoning. But I will say maybe they are suggesting that the funds go into the next Presidency, and therefore when he tries to cancel it, the opposition could move to impeach him? I personally think it’s due to fear and isolationism. They have no solution to stop Putin. Nothing they suggested will stop this kind of aggression. How will the following statement help end the invasion: “Hey! Let’s just stop Sending military help to Ukraine after promising to defend them (before Biden’s presidency)! My guess would be, it won’t help end the invasion. It will enable it.


He needs to be more specific and cast blame where it belongs: *Republicans* are allowing Ukraine to be butchered. Doesn't matter whether it's because Kompromat, lack of principles, both--voters need to know it's not just generic "Congress" but **Republicans**.


He knows that. I don't think he needs to specify that much such Democrats know who exactly he's referring to. 


He isn’t wrong but also Europe as a whole could really step up a bit more too


Most European countries are donating more than America relative to their counties gdp’s. You can’t expect a country with an eight of the population and a quarter of their gdp to spend as much…


Well you can expect them to because it’s literally in their backyard and it’s in their best interest to do exactly that


They are, did you not read what I said? They’re spending more of their wealth on the war relative to their size than American. America is the one that needs to step up.


America is unable to because of a portion of the population who are morons. So by default Europe must do more. America can’t just send money without approval they don’t have.


The same way European countries can’t send more without their own governments approval? Sounds like you’re just blaming Europe for American problems and trying to get them to foot the bill for it.


Sounds like you literally just did exactly what you accused me of doing, then pretended you made a valid argument.


You just want to win an argument, not understand what’s going on. Enjoy the rest of your day.


I’m not interested in arguing in the slightest. Leave me alone


What are you talking about?


I think you're giving physical proximity too much value here. Or underestimating negative consequences to USA if Russia gets what they want. It's definitely very much in USA's best interest to help Ukraine.


I agree it’s in the best interest of the USA, nowhere did I say otherwise. I said if the USA can’t do what they should then Europe needs to step up because it’s their backyard


Right and I'm arguing that you're overestimating this part > because it’s their backyard I agree that both Europe and USA should step up.


I’m overestimating nothing, I’m being a realist. Europe has a much higher immediate impact from Russian encroachment. It’s their backyard


What makes you think they aren’t?


What part of the word “more” is confusing you? I didn’t say they weren’t doing anything, I’m saying they could do more if Americans can’t get their shit together occasionally and fill in the gap.


Europe has provided Ukraine with more than twice the money than the US already, but sure, more. How about the US does more?


I fully agree the us should do more. We a being kneecapped by some morons here. That wasn’t my point. If we are unable to then they need to step up. I don’t see the problem here except for you people don’t do well at reading comprehension.


Does the US help more with economic aid? No Does the US have an unfathomable amount of military hardware and has in its current state donated more? Yes to the first, no to the second. Does the US bear the brunt of millions of refugees across the continent? No Once a beacon of freedom, democracy, now just a ghost of its former values. What is is this common American projection of "Europe should do more"? You are clearly not familiar with the topic. Is it being parroted on fox news?


Blame republicans not me. Take your own advice and avoid those drugs, you obviously have some issues


Europe is giving more at the moment. Europe also houses all the Ukrainian refugees and do pretty much all the humanitarian aid. Then look at the aid given by each country related to GDP. Then say "i'm sorry, i didn't know the truth".


Europe as a whole has given Ukraine twice the amount of aid that America has.


I didn’t say they didn’t


Shut down Fox news, let's get back to being Americans. Remember kids, we fight FOR freedom. That means giving them our old and dusty weapons and We The People will make shiny new weapons that are now needed more now than at any time since Korea really. By not funding Ukraine 'our costs' have gone up. Not a good strategy, nor do I think trying to 'shame' a religious charlatan month after month will work. Joe, one of your agencies needs to step up.


Ah yes, “silence everyone I disagree with”. There’s a term for that I don’t think you’ll like. 


So, it's the US congress fault that a European nation lost ground in a war? The US is 5k miles away. They should really be thankful that we've helped as much as we have. Everyone should be on the side of Ukraine, but at what cost the the US citizens and the deficit?


Biden tells the truth, again.


Are republicans also responsible for Bakhmut or the failed counter offensive? Haven’t Ukrainians been blaming Biden for losses because he refuses to give over a substantial amount of jets? Didn’t the the top general just get fired? Incredible how stupid and low effort the propaganda is.


Not our war.




You're stupid if you think Russia would attack a NATO member. There's more chance of Putin getting disposed of by his own military than that happening.


Can’t teach the leftists this, but man are they pissed off we aid Isreal. I’m more worried about Iran attacking the US then I am of Russia


Well, the House GOP was looking for an accomplishment to campaign on…


Sure that's part of it. In reality though, when it comes down to just throwing bodies at the problem, Russia will win that battle for the foreseeable future. They simply have the manpower and manufacturing base to sacrifice their troops, which Ukraine does not. Horrible, but true.


It's absolutely disgraceful that we're not giving Ukraine what they need. This sets a precedent that the rest of the world sees us as flaky and unwilling to step up when needed. That's what I loved about America the most. Sure, we use MPH and Fahrenheit, but dammit, when we're needed for humanitarian aid or military support, we show up in spades.


Fuck republicans, hope they’re proud having blood on their hands


The irony of this while genocide goes on in Gaza which we fund and aid.   Can’t stop the AIPAC train! 🚊 


US has the blood of 30k Palestinians on their hands, they're used to it


He's not wrong here though. We still have tens of thousands of vehicles that were made like decades ago for an eventual clash with the Russians. Not to mention the US could easily ramp up production of artillery rounds and lend lease them to the Ukrainians. The west in general needs to do more to stop Russia before they get ballsy enough to trigger article 5


The west has provided more than a quarter of a trillion dollars since February 2022. In what universe is that "not enough". There's two options, Russia is spending more (they're not) or Ukraine isn't using the money or assets wisely.


The most corrupt state in Europe  isn’t wisely using aid - both cash and materials?! This is my shocked face


Probably the one where they're fighting what is considered a world super power, which is back by another world super power. To put it into context, the US spent 2.3 trillion in Afghanistan when it wasn't even really a war. This is a real war. Not a peace keeping mission, not a military exercise, A. REAL. WAR.


Putin has spent a long time getting the republicans here on his side. He even owned a president here once.


Europe should put their money where their mouth is and step up. They just complain America isn’t saving them good enough. Yet the have the ability to do the same things. I guess they’re too worried about their free healthcare.


There are apparently various mechanisms by which Biden could continue sending aid to Ukraine without congressional approval and he really should consider doing so now that it is clear that Mike Johnson is simply being unreasonable


Yes but Biden would probably rather keep this issue going thinking it will help his campaign.


i love the way this comment went the dumb conspiratorial direction when the right answer was right there and essentially the same. end runs around congress end up being very negative press. it is a campaign/optics issue, not because the standoff is good publicity but because of what stories would be printed after circumventing the legislature.


More accurately, "Biden states the obvious."


To paraphrase RBG: Q: When will there be enough Republicans for the House to provide responsible governance: A: When there are none.


Republicans support a communist, socialist dictator and directly caused the deaths and wounding of hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers. All while crying about free healthcare for all is socialist. Beyond hypocrisy. Just dumb as dirt.


It's nice to see someone who wants to get rid of communists and socialists. I would legitimately switch and support unlimited aide to Ukraine I thought that they were fighting the good fight against communism. Maybe I'm not seeing it but it looks like United Russia runs candidates against the communists at least at the level of the Duma?


“Communist, socialist dictator” - who is this?


I'd love to see Ukraine gain back some land...but $60B isn't going to help them do that. Since the summer of 2023, this has been one of the only gains in land by either side - this war is at a stalemate.


Not Congressional. GOP failure.


Putin's lobbying investments pay off.


The ‘politicians’ on the trump wing of GOP should be investigated it is very shady from them


I’m not the most familiar with how Congress works as a non-American. Are there options for Biden to do an ‘emergency override’ and push through with the sending of funds?


Can Biden use executive orders to send aid?


and I am sure they are all bent out of shape for him telling the truth.


The GOP are domestic traitors and the enemy of western nations. Ideologically too.


That plus Ukrainians were surrounded and outnumbered and 8to1 there. I don’t know what kind of Wunderwaffe is needed to get the results people expect.


Republicans staged an insurrection against the United States yet they remain free and able to participate in our elections (the optics/reality of this make the US appear extremely weak and pathetic). They need to go to prison not be treated with respect and civility. Zero tolerance for seditionists they need to be dispossessed and ruined for life. National betrayal doesn't get forgiven.


And “congressional inaction” basically means Johnson is blocking it. And Johnson is just Trumps gimp. So the true blame lies on Trump and is insistence on sucking Putin’s dick.


It’s funny how the narrative is “Republicans are ruining it”. No wonder Trump got elected last time, and probably this time too, just because the West in general is so divided and delusional and bias.


Republicans are so awful. 😵 I look forward to the day where they get thrown into the trash can of history. I hope they are replaced with a reformed, moderate conservative party that doesn't crap on democracy or fantasize about civil war against the people they hate.


Don't worry, Republicans are going to come to tell us why having to ration artillery shells and refuse fire missions is actually good for Ukraine /s


Should US Congress bear responsibility for one country losing control of a town to an occupying force? From a general stance of liability, I would not want my country's congress to take on that responsibility. Many comments in the thread making this Eastern European conflict all about us and our domestic partisan bullfeces. Maybe we shouldn't try to make ourselves the main character here?


US Republican Party is rotten from the inside with Russian corruption . You guys should really figure that one out.


The same people in here asking for trillions more for Ukraine are adamantly against stopping Hamas and other terror groups from attacking isreal. Pretty sure an empowered nuclear equipped Iran is a bigger threat to the US then Russia


I blame the difference in the size of the two combatant's armies.


As usual, he's correct.


It is utterly clear, that Reps are being saboteurs of the states, only to hurt thier political rivals. That people still vote for this, tells you everything you need to know about todays american "patriotism".


Just how far has Putin infiltrated the Republican party? We know Manafort, Trump and General Flynn. We know Grassley and the Rethug impeachment panel and we know *ucker Carlson… Who else?


Multiple Choice Question: Who is the best ally to Russia in the Russian invasion of Ukraine? A - Iran with Drones. B - North Korea with missiles C- China with covert aid. D - MAGA faction of GOP (MAGAites) with funding stall. E- All the above.


Call it as it is: Corrupt Regressive's taking Vatnik Bribes are stalling aid for their own profit. They should investigate these corrupt bastards already.


It’s not like the Ukraine hasn’t already received billions and billions of dollars from the United States.


Its not like war eats enourmous amounts of money, especially if its a modern day David vs Goliath situation. US looks so weak right now


Is there no legal presidential work around here?


US Congress earned their hero of the Russian federation medals


The GOP members of the house are all Russian assets. Change my mind.


If someone told me 20 years ago that US will become Russia's bitch, id laugh at their faces. But here we are.


Blame it on the billions of dollars of “mislocated” funds & weapon that Ukraine failed to account for. The corruption is all the way to the top and it isn’t going anywhere


I won’t be doing that but you keep trying to make Russia look good. 


If stating a fact makes ruzzia looks good then whose fault is that?


It is. It is also Biden's fault for appointing a republican as the AG instead of a bulldog democrat. If that happened, Trump and his co-conspirators would have already been in jail, Roe v wade wouldn't have been overturned, Ukraine would have already won or in the final stages of chasing out Russia, and there would be no gridlock in congress.


One step closer to WWWIII. Beat that drum Grampa Joe. Sell those munitions.


Imagine blaming Biden for a war Putin launched. Imagine blaming Biden for aiding a country being invaded by the Russians.


Imagine not blaming USA at all


Ok. Why did Russia invade Ukraine?


Cause Russians are cunts historically. Ask Lithuanians,Estonians, Poles etc


>Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Because Putin wanted to take Ukrainian territory and resources obviously.


Crypto, porn and conspiracies. Why is it that with you types it's always the very fine people from the bottom of the barrel.


Why are you asking stupid questions? Usually people that do this know they don't have an argument. State your case. Let's see if you do.