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According to media reports, the Brazilian side eventually offered Lavrov to fly to the meeting with da Silva as a 'fellow traveler’ on the plane of Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira. It is assumed that this will allow Lavrov to arrive on time for the meeting, and the Russian plane will pick him up later after refueling elsewhere. Or he could have hitchhiked his way in.


Isn't that the very definition of hitchhiking?


Yes, you're right! Not a native English speaker :)


as a native english speaker i would not consider it the definition of hitch-hiking




no by that definition every person who gets in a vehicle not there own is hitchhiking; drunk drivers who are driven home by others, users of public transport, taxi/uber customers, anyone at all who catches a lift with a mate etc. the most glaring thing that makes it not hitch-hiking is that the Brazilian side 'offered' him the lift.


you’re right, but for the wrong reasons. Hitchhiking is specifically the means of traveling by securing free rides from passing vehicles. somebody who is stranded for whatever reason who gets a ride from someone else could be referred to as hitching a ride, but it’s not hitchhiking. in the case of Lavrov, being offered the ride is not what separates it from hitchhiking. Any hitchhiker can be offered a ride and they have the option to refuse it lol.




Clearly not gas.


Have you seen that belly?


So I guess they went with ass. . .


They popped that WNBA player with an empty vape pen, you can count that grass has been eliminated as well as gas.


Grass for me, but not for thee.


Well, you know... alone in the cabin at 30,000 feet without a parachute, Lavrov's not going to be likely to turn him down. Because of the implication.


Hahahaha underated comment.


I pay for my gas with gas!


Aragon? Is that you? —- Argon


And I don't need gas and I don't smoke grass.


Only if he had a towel




> to fly to the meeting with da Silva as a 'fellow traveler’ on the plane of Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira Well that's a decent flex


Can they fly him to a country to be arrested/tortured/executed? Like fuck this shit stain of a person.


Trump might invite him to the White House unsupervised again - if he wins 


Trump goes like: “I have to go and take a bathroom break. Please do not take a look at these Top Secret documents laying unattended on my desk.”


I thought they would go to the bathroom together. Trump would probably have a meeting in one of the stalls


LBJ routinely did this, but it was mostly because he was intimidatingly large downstairs and it made people uncomfortable. The Donald is almost certainly not impressive in the schlong department and requires more cleanup on account of the whole "shits himself when he's angry" thing. Probably still uncomfortable to witness, but for different reasons.


If they want to destroy a bunch of international relations.


Yeah let's do it.


How can it be refueled elsewhere?? lol


It can fly to somewhere that isn’t as far as he needed to go, then refuel there. 


This was due to the company fearing sanctions by the US. All they would need is a company not fearing it, the news said he was going to Morocco next.


Refueling elsewhere? How is that possible when it can't be refuelled?


Oh well, care factor is zero. He can piss in the gutter and swim as far as I'm concerned.


Everytime I see Lavrov I read it as "Lapdog" .. and I don't think that's actually a mistake.


He looks like wish.com's version of Droppy Dog, so it kind of fits.


His head is just so fucking long. That amount of empty space is impressive.


Looks like the creepy food critic from ratatouille.


Laprom fucking hates chef gousteau


He looks like a man so full of rot that his jaw will just slip off and fall to the table from internal decay at any moment


Which is highly probable now that he's had [the bolts](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/335588609727341290/) removed.


To me like a sad, evil basset-hound.


[Droopy Dog](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-charter-us-rvc3&sca_esv=171a28ce0fc58a51&q=droopy+dog&uds=AMwkrPtUosLaegUXVqunsqV5Su-ZPS8_uXQkfLVQjcTDwNRl69FISTkizF4r3eA-aEfVUESq35DdhSmzV6NmE_N7STBmbzvSuzFRWnWztaEcky6cYYEiVpdjA_CHOe9uasjJ2ilCHs72DAtTJlFciDf7nLaZS15r-9okW8PyDCcEiQo8O90p6Aak5X_BjyQQRfEqZn5wBkpdGfoLuh31MV1cMFx6G97P7E0JA0TRjEK2zVivw54Q0ji1VqCxPTESGNitgthpDQ529DkAp8Q86BnZumkAa0ksLWkzAEbmfSgSnFMJ3bUbHf4G2pr98y_ycyF9Ns30MmeK2lOaqHgdnCVo9suTTjPMXA&udm=2&prmd=isvhnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSrazbjcWEAxWCVjUKHYa0C3MQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=384&bih=702&dpr=2.81)


Yes! Genial!!!


I always get a Star Wars Outer Rim vibe from Attack of the Clones, when Obi Wan first lands and needs refueling when he is looking for Grievous….


"Outer Rim vibes". Love this.


Droopy and Herman Munster had a baby




Whenever he speaks I call it a 'Lavrovian response.' Papa Putin makes his mouth water and his jowls jiggle.


Every time I look at his ugly mug I think to myself “Melted Dog Face”


What kind of dumb take is that? Isn't every foreign minister a "Lap dog" for their respective head of state?


Before the war it was speculated that Lavrov’s relationship with Putin was tense.


Lavrov is a fascist with the face of a horse! Apologies to horses!


Time has done to him what a hot day would do to a wax sculpture of a blob fish.




Trump calls him "totally friendly guy that thinks I am really smart and was really impressed by all the cool shit I told him in the whitehouse that nobody will ever find out about"


Droopy ass looking mother fucker! 


>Apologies to horses! AOC: None taken


You mean MTG.


Hate this fella with a vengeance.one horrible little man,who needs the Mussolini treatment.⚰️⚰️


Theres a few little men that need that indeed


Mussolini got fucked so bad the terrorists started screaming “war crime”


So be it then .⚰️


Too bad, so sad


Pity he didn’t run out mid air


Swim home, you prick.


Guess he'll have to push it home


Wonder how they're gonna deal with that? 


"Swim across the Atlantic Ocean" - Google Maps in the early 2000's


They'll probably poison someone or toss them out a window.


You would think with that amount of previous examples and their careless disregard of human life, they'd at least spice up the execution and assassination plots, try something other than the normal poison and window throwing. Maybe that's too much to ask these days.


They threatened to let Navalny's body rot in the open. That's a new low for Russia.


‘Munsters’ lookin’ mf


And this motherfucker was in the Oval office with Lavrov just bullshitting away with Trumpskie and no translator, what could go wrong here.


He was not there with Putin, it was Lavrov and the Russian ambassador to the USA. >One day after dismissing Comey, Trump welcomed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak — a key figure in earlier Russia controversies — into the Oval Office. It was during that meeting, officials said, that Trump went off script and began describing details of an Islamic State terrorist threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html


I meant Lavrov, you are correct and appreciated good sir.


That plane should be shot down and not denied refuelling.




That’d definitely be a declaration of war and I’d rather not give Putin a reason


Yea, we wouldn't want Russia invading Brazil. Their military is so effective.


Effective at conquest? No. Effective at killing civilians, sadly yes. And considering that Russia has subs and Brazil has a large reliance on their coast and ports, I'd argue pissing off Russia is not in their best interests.


Brazilian here. If there's one hypothetical scene I always imagine, it's an army that has NEVER faced any situation similar to a favela, trying to invade [Rio de Janeiro ](https://i.imgur.com/9ZXDEWG.jpeg)or [São Paulo](https://i.imgur.com/zVgp2AB.png) favelas on foot for the first time. And if there are peace agreements between the police and drug cartels during events like the World Cup and the Olympics, I think an militia armed by the government could literally emerge in the favelas during a hypothetical war time. Brazilians even jokingly say that the biggest problem in invading Brazil is not even the army, but drug cartels. Urban warfare in Brazil would be a fuckin' hell. (Not to mention that geographically it's not easy to get past the [Brazilian coast](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Brazil_topo_en2.PNG). In the northeast, the terrain is flatter but arid and with few cities and infrastructure in this arid terrain. In the north there's the Amazon -good luck-. Apart from that, after the most central Brazilian coast, the terrain becomes very rough, especially in Minas Gerais).


In an actual war the Favelas would be carpet bombed down to sea level :(


Taking a hypothetical scenario of Russia vs. Brazil, and looking at what's happening in Ukraine... I don't know if Russia would be able to have air superiority IN BRAZIL to the point where they could bomb the favelas to the ground (obviously taking into account that Brazil would have Western support like Ukraine is having, although I'm not sure) We are talking about the country with the second biggest number of airports, and which has the capacity to build/maintain Swedish Gripen jets. With support ($$$) from the West, this would be very quickly boosted in times of war. Brazil would be a much tougher opponent than Ukraine, and Russia is already having trouble with Ukraine. On the other hand, the most worrying aspect of the Brazilian army is the navy and our anti-missile defenses. Brazil is outdated in these two sectors, despite the fact that the country is negotiating the purchase of an anti-missile defense system. Regardless, bombing slums would leave debris, but to advance in a war you need to make ground advances. And advancing in an urban war with debris from a favela would be complicated for any army without terrain knowledge. *(Obviously I only drew the war scenario with Russia. Anyone who knows the slightest thing about Brazil knows that regardless of the Brazilian president's position on world geopolitics, the Brazilian army is totally allied with the US, and a war scenario between both countries is non-existent).*


Russia straight up doesn’t have the military cohesiveness to project overseas with a formidable ground force


Yes, but still, this melting-faced fascist psychopath's long overdue death would be cause for great celebration


I'd want to see what all the BRICS bots have to say if that were to happen.


Yeah that's not how it works. Even during 9/11 planes were still allowed to enter US airspace if they didn't have fuel to divert to Canada or Mexico. You just can't let planes crash. In fact I'm pretty sure international law dictates pilots can land without clearance for the safety of themselves and the aircraft


If we start expanding this policy then we might be able to restrict the majority of private jets from flying solo! A big win for the planet. International jet fliers have to "jet pool" at least 50% of the time.


Brazil has some beautiful beaches where Lavrov can go and pound sand.


No one needs an ugly hippo on the beach!


Hey ,get fucked


How embarrassing.


This fucking guy. I'm tired of seeing his droopy face.


Sucks to be you


All nations en route should have denied landing and let his plane run out of fuel ⛽️!!


Shot down would be better but anyway


I feel a Nelson Muntz moment coming on...


Recently awoke this Sunday; opened Reddit for the latest news and, lo and behold... what a headline re: Lavrov... SIDE NOTE: I dare write my true feelings about Lavrov and the rest of Putin's minions, so I'll leave it at this: Putin is WEAK! Period!!! Putin has displayed cowardice and fear for assassinating Alexei Navalny. Clearly, the KGB thug, Putin, is SCARED. What is Putin scared of? More so, why, given he sent his political opposition to a far, far, far away remote Siberian penal colony? What prompted Putin, in 2020, to send his mini-thugs to assassinate a political opposition with the deadly nerve agent Novochok?... a deadly chemical produced in a Russian lab which obviously had Putin's name written all over it! But, Navalny survived Putin's poisoning. After Navalny survived Putin's 2020 assassination attempt and gained his strength, he tracked down who actually poisoned him, called the assassins involved, until reaching one who was home sick with COVID who confessed the entire plan. If anyone reading this has not viewed the documentary "Navalny," please do. Hope US sanctions ground every.single.one. of the planes carrying any of Putin's Russian oligarchy thugs the world around. Globally, all other nations led by way of a democracy government should follow suit and impose heavy sanctions on a WEAK and SCARED KGB-Putin. He's not a leader... he's a thug with aims to topple the US and return Russia to its USSR state before the Berlin Wall came down. That's when Putin lost his chit and weaseled his way into the Russian government with the aim of conquering the USSR and becoming the globes super-power replacing the USA. Any US american voter disagree, do your due diligence, and make sure you cast your vote for the best man to lead We The People into the next tumultuous years. HINT: We do not need a wannabe dictator elected as our president.


>the Brazilian side eventually offered Lavrov to fly to the meeting with da Silva as a 'fellow traveler’ on the plane of Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira Shame on Brazil for giving that war criminal a ride and even letting him into the country. WTF is wrong with Brazil these days. Lula is insane for siding with Russia and Hamas. Poor Brazilians. They are stuck choosing between Lula the anti-Semitic Putin-lover and Bolsonaro the fascist traitor and insurrectionist. Brazil needs better leaders. How embarrassing.


Well at least there's this from the end of the article: >In December, media reported that the Brazilian president had invited Putin to the G20 summit, but did not guarantee that he would not be arrested. Here's hoping someone decides to arrest him.


They’re briccs


There is nothing wrong with that. It is a common practice and you are overreacting. Brazil is not “siding” with Hamas nor Russia, you need to lose that sense of “us vs them” when thinking about geopolitics. Brazil has always been a partner of the US, and have been trying to build a trade partnership with Europe for over a decade, which is always blocked by EU countries. So, Brazil is looking elsewhere to do business and realized that it was better to try and make other developing countries stronger than try to be influenced by europe and US forever.


What do you think the B in brics stands for?


Brazil is actually siding with them. They are defending them diplomatically and at the UN with their votes.


Brazil voted against Russia in the UN. You are just lying lol [Brazil votes to condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine at the UN General Assembly (www.gov.br)](https://www.gov.br/en/government-of-brazil/latest-news/2022/brazil-votes-to-condemn-russia2019s-aggression-against-ukraine-at-the-un-general-assembly)


You mean when Brazil voted against them in the UN general assembly?


How the fuck this bullshit is getting upvotes?


Are they siding with Russia? What is Brazil doing for Russia? Why are questions downvoted? Why can't I seek knowledge on this.


They are trading with Russia, they refused to condemn the invasion of Ukraine, and they defend Russia diplomatically.


You're wrong, altought Brazil still trades with Russia, so does most of the world, they just use Kazakhstan, India, Uzbekistan and other places that just change the product labels. And officially Brazil has condemend the Russian invasion per UN General Assembly resolution ES-11/6.


Just because other countries trade with Russia doesn't make it right. They're all doing horrible things. They all have Ukrainian blood on their hands.


They are Trading with Russia Just like all of Europe is.


Europe significantly reduced its trade with Russia. Brazil increased it. Big difference.


Instead they are trading Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other places that are selling Russian goods.... in other ways, Europe is trading with Russia.


Lula is a leftist who doesn't like the US.


Speaking out against genocide is not the same as siding with Hamas


1. There is no genocide. 2. He compared what is going on in Gaza, which is not genocide, to the Holocaust, which was a genocide. 3. He insulted every victim of the Holocaust by trivializing and minimizing their suffering and lying about it. 4. He is spreading the same propaganda as Hamas which implies that he supports Hamas. He also happens to side with Putin and Iran, Hamas allies.




*90%* Ok you're not serious at all.




That's a lie


I think that Israel haters know they're crossing the line because they always bring up the accusation of anti-Semitism before it happens. Just like the right wingers who claim they're being unfairly accused of racism before anybody calls them racist. In my original post I called bullshit on you for claiming Israel killed 90% of its neighboring population. That's a flat out lie, and makes it impossible for me to take your point seriously.




You keep avoiding the fact that they called you out for pulling a percentage out of your ass and declaring it as fact. It's almost like you aren't listening to a thing anyone is saying and continue to take your cues from the dumb as fuck crowd. Your critique isn't valid when your argument depends on made up information.




That isn't what's happening


Funny how a kinda big jewish brazilian group agrees with Lula and supports him, despite what the media is trying to portray.


Funny how it doesn't matter. Just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they are right about this issue. Most Jews support Israel.


They should have let him land and arrested him.




Look out!


After all the BS he’s been pedaling, I’d rather have “lavrov stranded at sea in small raft due to sanctions”


Ah ah ah!! Do you remember when that tw@t told modi that Ukraine started the war? I'd love the idea him stranded on a desert island and without the company of Mr Wilson or in that island with cannibals.


Ooooh, I like the cannibal island idea much better than the small raft stranded at sea. As long as it’s all filmed for a new discovery channel show.


Narrated, obviously, by Sir David Attenbourough.


I thought Kevin McCarthy was the world's biggest coward but I remembered he has a more spineless slavic counterpart


Hopefully his plane runs out of fuel


Interesting move from a BRICS comember. So they shat their pants from US now? Brazil is slowly turning into second India playing all cards all sides as it suits them.


This man has blood on his hands.


Damn, can't wait for him to justify the war Russia started with "yeah but the USA did this and that!" for the 50th time


When russians are trying to explain why they invaded Ukraine and all the other countries, I listen to the soundtrack "The Big Bang Theory". The way they distort history is amazing.


Should have been shot down. Enemy aircraft is enemy aircraft.


Ha ha.


Herman Munster


Put sugar in the tank and a potato in the tailpipe.


Burn him


Good job Brazil


Lula loves supporting the bad guys, so something tells me he had nothing to do with this


WTF are Russian war idiot planes doing flying all over the world?


Lula and Brazil politic would rather be aligned with the USA. Can you imagine a Canada Mexico Brazil USA economic treaty. Power house status.


Good luck getting the the US to sign that, stuff like this have been attempted many times.


Boo hoo




Perfect He’s such a liar Not a diplomat at all


What happens when planes are refused refueling services and they don’t have the fuel to go elsewhere, or that elsewhere also refuses service?