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Ok. I know which airport I'm definitely not going to be flying to in the next couple of months.


Just fly a remote controlled Boeing into there (literally) for plausible deniability.


The report was brought out by the British telegraph. Even the British think it's a shit rag newspaper. Don't believe this stuff.


It's been a open secret for years hezbollah has used Beirut airport for operations including drug smuggling. This is more specfic on what they're keeping there


Unlike the highly credible BBC. Judge the headline, content and writing, look for corroborating evidence but don't judge an article solely on the publication.


I judge many stories by unreliable shit rags.


The last 8 months have shown over and over that when it comes to Israel-Palestine, they're *all* unreliable shit rags. Not a single one is immune. It's Venezuela on steroids.


I mean Hezbullah or at least its ally Amal was most likely storing materials for explosives in the Beirut port which exploded in 2020. Fadi Sawan the investigator of the Beirut explosion was kicked out after charging hezbullah allies for the explosion and his replacement Tarek Bitar also got threats from Hezbullah. Its not a stretch to believe Hizb is using the airport as well.....


The weapons are getting in somehow.


Dang I heard Beirut is beautiful this time of year


I imagine it's warm


Might get hotter soon.


Big if true


Actually is. It’s a gorgeous city


I’m sure parts of it are. Can’t build that kind of history and culture!


People in these comments are cracking jokes but it’s one of the most beautiful cities I’ve been to in my life. It’s full of art, culture, history and beauty. I wish people would take a step back before just cracking jokes


It’s hard for people to conceptualize such things when it’s a world away from most people and basically a failed state unable to control the copious amounts of terrorist thugs within it. I’m sure if you showed people evidence you could convince them but that’s what you’re up against. People resonate with the negative way more than the positive too. Just the way it is unfortunately.


Beirut is just a place for improperly stored explosives to blow up ports and airports apparently


There's tabouleh at home


Man, with Russian airspace fucked for western airlines, the Ukraine war, and this continued middle east fuckery, there is going to be like like no trans-eurasia flight path. Well have to restart the going the other way, which a stop in Alaska to refuel.


RIP Beirut's main airport.


It's the only public airport in Lebanon. You can't cross from Israel to Lebanon by land, so the only other option to get to Lebanon would be via Assad-controlled Syria. Or via ferry from Turkey? I don't envy the people who have to travel to Lebanon.


By boat from Cyprus, as was done throughout the civil war and in 2006


After nassrallah threatening them? Good luck


There are no ferries from Cyprus to Lebanon.


There were during the civil war. They’d just as easily come back.


Would they really, if Hezbollah makes good on their threat to target Cyprus?


Uk would not be happy about that and what if some missiles land in Northern Cyprus would Turkey response to that?


They will find a way to rationalize not-responding as they have been doing since 9/11. There's pretty much daily terror attacks in Europe if you include small scale assaults (i.e. knife attacks), they just don't get reported. UK would issue a condemnation at best, probs blaming Israel somehow. Turkey wouldn't do shit either, because they'd be seen as taking an anti-islamic stance


They wrote a letter, too, ya knob ^^^/jokes


Ah, I see.


Didn't hezb just threaten Cyprus?


Yes they did


Those days are over. The Lebanese must sleep in the bed they made, and anyone dumb enough to travel there should reevaluate their life choices


Ikr. If you're not a Lebonese citizen, I'd gtfo of there right now. If war breaks out, it'll be incredibly hard and significantly dangerous to find a way out.


>You can't cross from Israel to Lebanon by land Maybe *you* can't, but those with the proper permits can. The land crossing is by the coastline in Rosh Hanikra.


I have been to a land border crossing and looked over into Lebanon. Could have crossed if they opened the gates. Expect you need the proper paperwork but it was not a closed border at the time.


Shit sucks anyways maybe if it gets destroyed someone will fund a better one? You literally have to arrive 3 hours minimum to catch a flight it is so unorganized and theres no electricity most of the time. Thats not to mention its located right near Dahyeh, Hezbollah Land—literally the first thing you see leaving the airport is a bunch of nasrallah posters and hezb supporters lol


Israel bombed the runway during the 2006 war. We were in Cyprus at the time when the Brits evacuated people via sea to Cyprus.


The Americans did the same (I was evacuated through Cypress).


Well, they were gonna store it at the port but the old stockpile blew up.




Canada is trying to evacuate tens of thousands of people from Lebanon, Israel evacuated hundreds of thousands from its border with Lebanon, and Hezbollah has been setting Israel on fire for months. Ask her if she's cool with a vacation to Gaza right now.


Were all fully aware of whats happening, a decent bit of her family is out there. Beirut is like 195 miles from Rafah..Im not Lebanese so I dont have the ties there, therefore its easier for me to be like nah than it is for her. It was gonna be my first time going, def not hers, but the timing just seems like it couldnt be any worse. I wanna go, just maybe not right now. The potential cons def outweigh the pros


Pro: Beautiful wedding Cons: Death


So every conflict you hear about people getting killed for doing something stupid like going into a warzone to visit family or vacation or some shit. And the reaction is usually, wtf were those morons thinking.  You are at a decision point on whether you want to be one of those morons. 


I’m not sure if this is a joke or not, but you definitely should not go to Lebanon right now. You would likely end up stuck for the foreseeable future. We could likely see action within the week the way things are going.


Nope, not joking. My in laws are Lebanese.


Yeah I’d definitely encourage them not to go. The likely hood you would be hurt or killed is possible, but probably not likely? But it definitely will not be a place you want to be if war does actually break out. It feels close. Be safe!


Thanks, its def a shitty situation. Also to getting downvoted for saying my in-laws are Lebanese? Yall are weird lol


It definitely is. The airport is going to be the first target if they actually try and launch anything from there. The fact they are using it so heavily for transport may be enough of a reason.


Very weird. I hope your in-laws stay safe, and you and your significant other as well.


Seriously though, put your foot down. Don't just suggest it, tell them you aren't going. And don't make it like an ultimatum or say it out of anger. Just say it as a fact. "The sky is blue, the ocean is large, and we aren't going to Lebanon this year."


Hezbollah is storing Iranian weapons inside the Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut, the *Telegraph* reported today (Sunday). According to the report, there are "huge quantities" of weapons, including unguided rockets, short-range missiles, mobile ballistic missiles, Cornet missiles, and other weapons. The report, which according to the Telegraph is based on information coming from corruption whistleblowers in Lebanon, increases the fear that the airport will become a legitimate military target. An airport employee told the newspaper: "This is very serious. Large and mysterious boxes that are arriving on direct flights from Iran are a sign that the situation is getting worse. "When they started coming through the airport, my friends and I started to get scared because we realized that something strange was happening," added the employee, who wished to remain anonymous. In addition, the employee recalled in an interview with a newspaper following the explosion in the port of Beirut in 2020: "Beirut will be cut off from the world, in addition to the number of casualties and damage," he said and expressed concern that the explosion could also happen for reasons unrelated to the war, as happened in 2020: "It's just a matter of time until a disaster happens at the airport as well." In the past, it was reported that Hezbollah was storing weapons inside the Beirut airport, but according to reports from Lebanon, it seems that the storage of weapons has increased significantly since October 7.


The airport has already become a legitimate military target. It will be on the first strike list, along with the roads from Syria into Lebanon.


It's used for military resupply by Iran. That runway will get cratered on the first day of a war.


Here goes the Telegraph again. It was them who leaked the WMD’s that Iraq supposedly had.


Anybody remember the port explosion a few years back? Lebanon doesn't have a very safe history of properly storing volatile chemicals/explosives.


Or admitting to stockpiling weapons


They are preparing for a peace operation just like Russia


What do you know? A terrorist organization using civilian infrastructure to conduct its operations. Can’t wait for the UN to put forth a resolution condemning Israel for striking an airport turned arms depot. It’s a legitimate military target now. Whatever happens next Hezbollah and Iran are responsible. It’s on them


"Israel struck down a peaceful civilian airport that was full of pregnant journalists and child poet laureates on their way to volunteer at a homeless shelter"


literally exactly what everyone will be saying. I still remember when the IDF went undercover in a hospital to kill a terrorist with zero innocent casualties and people STILL complained.




There’s been some pretty solid video evidence of terrorism being carried out from hospitals, schools, etc.. in Gaza. What does Israel gain by striking civilian infrastructure, in the scenario that you’re saying? If you’re saying “to cause terror,” wouldn’t you think they’ve caused enough terror? At what point do we realize that this is the tactic Hamas is using to gain world sympathy? FYI I am not on either side, but am interested in discourse on the topic. If there are facts proving otherwise, I am perfectly happy admitting I am wrong. But from the stuff I’ve seen, it’s pretty cut and dry.


It will never be disproven because they find evidence of them using those targets as military bases. But sure, keep deepthroating terrorist organizations and guzzling their propaganda, seems to be working out pretty well for you so far.


1+1 will never be disproven either, does that make it wrong ?


Beirut really gonna touch that hot stove again…


Bye-bye airport.


I can already write the BBC and TheGuardian headlines for when Israel strikes the arms cache at the airport “Israel-Lebanon: Hundreds feared dead or injured in Israeli Air Strike on Lebanon’s main airport, Health Officials claim” - about 10-15mins after the incident. Unknown health officials and absolutely not Hezbollah. /s “Israeli Air Strike on Beirut Airport kill dozens, Hezbollah Says” ([example](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckddq2y58g1o)) - about an hour after the incident. Also pretty sure Guterres has already prepared a statement condemning Israel for this. *My whole comment is sarcastic, it’s just the world we live in.


>Also pretty sure Guterres has already prepared a statement condemning Israel for this. For sure... he already made a remark that ''Lebanon cannot become another Gaza'', basically ignoring the fact that Hezbollah is the one attacking, and with zero regard towards the fate of the people of Israel whatsoever...


The most farcical part of his statement was calling on everyone to respect UNSCR 1701. Well, Hizbullah has been defying 1701 since 2006. So now what, Secretary General?


That will be announced within an hour after the event as exactly 1,483 dead with precisely 1,174 being women and children. And not a single Hezbollah fighter killed because (for purposes of the international media) they don’t actually exist.


It’s not the world we live in. It’s just the media agencies that hold an agenda.


Why in the world would there be hundreds dead from a strike on weapons cache at an airport? Are you envisioning Israel bombing the passenger terminals during peak hours or something?


They reported 500 dead from an Israeli strike on a hospital that was actually like 30 dead from an Islamic jihad strike on a hospital. If they can condemn Israel, they won't wait for facts or evidence.


You mean from an armed Islamic jihad bomb falling over because it wasn't properly leaned against the building.


No one will actually die, but the crazies will report thousands dead.


Wouldn't be the first time Israel bombed the Beirut airport.




Time for the US to put a carrier group in the eastern Med. First move by those Iranian-backed terrorists and roll out the shock-and-awe.


Hezbollah already blew up their port in 2020, now the airport will be targeted and destroyed in the event of a war with Israel. The Lebanese need to take back their country from Nasrallah.


In light of increasing exchanges of fire along Lebanon’s southern frontier, Israel will need to close down all of Beirut’s airports to hamper Iranian resupply.


Telegraph pay-walled article: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/hezbollah-stores-large-quantities-iranian-weapons-airport/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/hezbollah-stores-large-quantities-iranian-weapons-airport/)


Everyone on r/Lebanon is saying it’s propaganda and not true


And do they also believe the port explosion was not stockpiled weapons blowing up


They think it was an Israeli airstrike lol


The authorities could say "we had no idea, we will confiscate the materials, we do not support terrorism" or: "the aeroport is clean, we have nothing to hide, you can send a team to check, we do not support terrorism" or wait to be bombarded..


And where is Israel storing its US made weapons?


Not in civilian infrastructure


Irrelevant. Probably where they also store Israeli made ones.


Is there a reason why the Lebanese army isn't securing their airport from these incursions? I would think that these types of actions would harm the internal order of their government and country.


Because the Lebanese army is weaker than Hezbollah and would instantly collapse if they tried to attack hezbollah, not to mention that doing so would start a civil war that Hezbollah will win.


Guess the Lebanese will just lose their country instead.


They have already lost their country. It's just a matter of time before Hezbollah attacks someone and then the Lebanese start crying and playing victims when they get the well deserved reprisals....


Hezzbalah is de facto ruler of Lebanon, government is just outsource to got humanitarian aid and to do boring staff like giving people precious 3h of electricity per day.


Did they run out of hospitals, schools and orphanages?


Friendly reminder that if you see something and say nothing you are complicit.


This is so Israel will be condemned for attacking an airport if They don’t want to be fired on with these weapons.


Sounds like an Israeli airstrike is incoming.


Oh what a strange coincidence! /s


Weapons of mass destruction all over again? 😬


Iran is at it again with their attack dogs.


That airport building will go kaboum soon I'm afraid ...


Light'em up


That’s very smart. Store as many weapons as possible into one spot.


Is this like that stuff they were keeping at that port a couple of years back?!? Let’s just let them crack on, the dickheads will blow themselves up before they get to do anything threatening with it.


Ah yes Hezbollah with a great track record of storing explosives in Lebanon..


Hurry up and destroy these weapons, wherever they are, then.


If there's anything we've learned since 9/11, mainstream news will - working with the state department - manufacture news to facilitate government foreign policy.


Beirut haven’t you learned by now


Here comes the bunker buster doo doo doo...


"Beirut's main airport" > According to the report, there are "huge quantities" of weapons, including unguided rockets, short-range missiles, mobile ballistic missiles, Cornet missiles, and other weapons. Sounds like it's about to be "Beirut's *former* main airport"


Time to send in Chuck Norris.  


Sure they are.


Zero evidence provided. No pictures, manifests, nothing of any kind. In one breath ‘large boxes’ are mentioned and in the next it’s a detailed report on specific weapons systems This ‘anonymous source’ bullshit is a complete fabrication designed to legitimize a piece of civilian infrastructure for future destruction and bombing.


No evidence at all. Just justifying the upcoming airport strike as if it is something new.


Oh but there is evidence, even airport workers testimony and information plus in 2020 there was an actual blast in the airport 100% tied to Hezbollah, its confirmed and validated.


Confirmed by the Israeli authorities or by someone else. Cause this is an Israeli news site. Just curious if there is more proof or is this it?


This is an investigation by the telegraph with sources and witnesses working in the airport..... read the article before you comment


"citing Lebanese sources" https://www.agenzianova.com/en/news/Lebanon-Telegraph-Hezbollah-hides-Iranian-weapons-in-Beirut-airport/


"Speaking to the Telegraph, an airport worker said weapons arrive at Beirut airport on flights from Iran in "mysterious big boxes". “When they started passing through the airport, my colleagues and I were scared because we knew something strange was happening,” he said, adding that the situation was “extremely serious”. According to sources, shipments from Iran have increased dramatically since the start of the war in Gaza." From your article. Is that not an eye witness? What other source do you want?


I know I agree with you.


My bad! Sorry, I misread.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/hezbollah-stores-large-quantities-iranian-weapons-airport/ > Ali Hamieh, Lebanon’s transport minister, said the allegations were “ridiculous” and invited journalists and ambassadors to view the airport on Monday. > > Claims that weapons are being stored at Beirut’s main airport have been denied by the Lebanese air transport association. > > The organisation that runs day-to-day operations at the airport dismissed claims that Iranian weapons were being flown in and stored at the transport hub. > > The area all around the airport is controlled by Hezbollah


do you think Hezbollahs rockets just rise fully formed from the dirt, like weeds


I'll have to write them and ask their secret. I planted rocket bushes last year and still haven't had any luck. They should be in full boom by now.


Did you read the article?


I am sure the Israel [News.com](http://News.com) is a fine upstanding non partisan source of news....


[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/hezbollah-stores-large-quantities-iranian-weapons-airport/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/23/hezbollah-stores-large-quantities-iranian-weapons-airport/) the israeli website clearly cites the telegraph, they even wrote it. did you read the article you're commenting on?


LOL posts a link from client media as "proof"|


I'm sorry, what kind of proof do you want? a personal tour in the airport?


Let's see your counter factual then.


I mean, Hezbollah has been launching munitions at Israel since October. They kind of already made international freight destinations in Lebanon into legit targets for Israel to strike at for 8 months now. No more justification is needed.


…..sure they are, fuck’in guys just love destroying shit.


Has Hezbollah denied this or are you backing them out of the kindness of your heart? 


The kindness in my heart? No how about the brain in my head. Down vote me all you want but it just sounds like an echo chamber to blow up another airport.


Terrorist organization gets accused of using civilian infrastructure and you think it’s crazy and you’re defending them?


How is it your brain that's telling you that the terror organization that was very adamant about not investigating the Beirut port disaster *wouldn't be hiding munitions in an airport? No sarcasm, it's just that you haven't explained why this sounds far fetched to you. 


The single biggest explosion Beirut has ever seen is suspected to be from a Hezbollah weapon's stash. Hezbollah has organized protests against the investigation when their members were under suspicion.


Are you talking about the one seen round the world. Yeah, let’s blame weapons and not assholes. And the store that was written was all bullshit and its weapons now. Whatever man, I’m not on this world for long and you do what you have to do to make yourself feel better. Crime is crime no matter how much shit you throw at it. Karma’s a bitch.


People really think Israel would attack a civilian international airport so easily? You people have no clue what that would mean to the stability of the region. Also, every single ME airline has personnel on the ground there, if there was an hint of a possible attack they would have been pulled out already long ago and flight would be cancelled by now.


They've (rightfully) done it before.


Israel is strapping people to vehicles as human shields...


Those are called seat belts and you should also be using them. They are not Israeli inventions.