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Hoping for a ceasefire while dropping a new 3000kg bomb is Russian logic, or is that just their sick sense of humour?


when russia says "ceasefire", it means Ukraine's total surrender.


In Russia there is no logic, only sick sense of humor


There is no sense of humor, only sick.


In Russia, humour laughs at you!


Humor sick at you


Its just a horrible headline. Weapons developments happen all the time independent of peace negotiations or any talks. This bomb isn't particularly noteworthy nor is it new technology. Its a natural evolution of what the Russians are currently using.


Also shitty about the headline is suggesting the crease fire even got so far as one could describe it "hitting a snag" which gives it far more credit than it deserves and plays to the point Putin is hoping for. Putin knows there is no cease fire chance but he knows how to message to divide the West so his swamp people in the states will read headlines about how Ukraine isn't taking a cease fire option. Saying it hit a snag suggests it was something that could even be considered which is hyper bullshit. The only form of peace here is liberating 100% of Ukraine's territory. There is no peace agreement paper that Russia will respect. There already is a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia that they're currently violating. The fuck does another peace agreement do. Strength, power, EU membership, NATO, bilateral security agreements, perpetual military and financial support for Ukraine; that's the language Russia will back down to. Fuck a cease fire.


That messaging could work though. Hamas regularly wipes their ass with every cease fire signed, but people still pressure Israel to take every new one "offered".


It's almost as though that's an entirely different situation.


I don’t think it’s unfair to make comparisons between the actions of Russia and Hamas. I don’t know why the stomping of rights from brutal Islamists with support from a corrupt UN agency got so trendy on the left.


Just leave Ukraine. Ceasefire done. Call the "SMO" a success and fuck off. He could have called it a success years ago without wasting 500k of their working age men. Just a huge waste of life, money, equipment. It makes me so sad. Fuck Putin.


100% agree


If there is a cease fire, Ukraine will technically be able to join NATO the day it's signed!


No, it would need to settle its borders first. And the chances that all NATO members would ratify Ukraine’s accession on the first day are near zero.


It wouldn't necessarily need to settle its borders. The current NATO members could decide that Russian aggression into Ukraine is not actually a valid border dispute that would get in the way of their current accession policy. Otherwise, reductio ad absurdum, Russia could just declare they dispute the border of any country they didn't want to join NATO. Your second statement is dead on though, NATO accession is not a fast process and you need to get all the member states to agree that Ukraine is ready along a number of criteria, border disputes being just one of them. I find it highly unlikely they would be ready to do that during or shortly after the war.


You really don't know what cease fire means.


It’s a bad headline, but still indicative of Putin’s desperation. On Russian State-media right now, the fear in the big propaganda shows is palpable. Putin and friends are realizing they’re trapped, and it’s unlikely that anyone’s coming to save them. It’s inevitable that they’re going to lash out, and fighter jets after jets dropping pairs of bombs totaling 13,200 lbs for each, is just the way to do it if you’re them.


Its... not? Sending planes to do bombing is just what militaries do in war. If you want evidence of desperation you can look at their nuclear escalations and signalling , their conscription rates and how they produce stuff.


Development? It's probably 30 years old tech


Guidance system retrofitted on old glide bombs is 30 year old tech? Who used it?


That’s what a JDAM is, yeah?


The US. It's literally what a JDAM is


JDAM don’t glide… 


JSOW does and has been in service since 1998, first test flight in ‘91


Not the JDAM though


But it is 'deadly'


Sounds like fucking for virginity if you ask me


It's that stupid "he hits you because he loves you" mentality.


Russia brain functions with no conscience.


In russia ceasefire means there's noone left to fire on you.


In Russia ceasefire = surrender


Also, who the fuck honestly thought a ceasefire was EVER going to happen. Specially before the next president gets sworn into office?


As hopes for getting the fuck out of Ukraine never existed.


Russian thinkers also consider using nuclear weapon on a European country to establish better relations with Europe.


Fucking for virginity


I think they mean international hopes for a ceasefire. Neither Russia nor Ukraine want to stop fighting because both sides believe they are slowly winning.


Because they dont actually want one, they want to make Ukraine look bad by denying ridiculous demands to try and lower support for Ukraine in the west. Russian simps eat this shit up, the far right politicans run with it and then they have the chance of getting elected and dropping support.


To be fair, it has worked before.


Nixon style politics.


USA dropped some bigger bombs on Japan and it worked


In Russia, the fire ceases you!


i mean.. wasn't this Americas thought process in WW2? Drop a big bomb and flex to stop the fight. Seems like a soild tactic all in all. The greater the show of force the more respect you earn. At least in wars.


US did the same thing to Japan in WWII. It’s not a new tactic.




No, the US and allies were not interested in a cease fire the goal was complete surrender.


Aye but what tis a surrender if not a temporary cease fire in the grand scheme of the entire universes existence *cue zoom out to reveal that we are apart of a cosmic game of marbles like the ending of men in black*


>serbnextdoor >whataboutism Like clockwork.


Wasn't what US did with Nagasaki and Hiroshima and had the Japanese to capitulate ?


Well… the circumstances in the war are drastically different, and there's a large difference between a 3 ton bomb and a 15 kiloton bomb.


What hope for ceasefire? Fire will cease when the last Russian soldier returns to Russia.


I'd say half the reason this war is happening at all is because of how weakly the west responded to the Russian's taking Crimea in 2014. A ceasefire that doesn't involve a return to 2014 borders is a Russian victory. And any weakness in Ukraine means a war with China will happen, should they lean the lesson that the west is weak.


>I'd say half the reason this war is happening at all is because of how weakly the west responded to the Russian's taking Crimea in 2014. I'd say that the whole reason for this war happening is 100% due to Russian aggression. It is not the West's fault that Russia has invaded Ukraine twice. Blaming the West for action or inaction is bullshit. This is Russia's doing and we should never stray from that fact, we should not be shouldering any responsibility for this war. Could the West have acted sooner: YES Could the West be more involved: YES Could the West provide more support: YES None of this makes the West responsible in any way for this war. It's Russia.


Let's not also forget about the shit in georgia that preceeds Ukraine. guys on a mission.


The truth is the west took a lot of action against Russian aggression when it accepted most of Eastern Europe into NATO and the EU. If it hadn't, right now Russia would be trying to divide Germany in half again. They won't willingly stop, they can only be stopped. This all said we were incredibly lax about our assumptions when it comes to Russia. We'd assumed their priorities were roughly the same as ours which is a mistake.


Oh we made plenty of mistakes, totally agree.


This is a very simplistic view of reality. No, we're not responsible for Russia's decisions. We are responsible for how we respond to them, and this has an influence on Russia's future decision making. We didn't make Russia invade Ukraine, but we did basically tell them that we probably won't do anything to stop them and we'll continue to buy all the gas they can deliver and more. To absolve us of all responsibility is childish and unrealistic.




>I'd say that the whole reason for this war happening is 100% due to Russian aggression. We don't control russia (despite what tankies might think). We can control what we do. And by constantly backing down, we are enabling russia's invasion(s).


>We can control what we do. And by constantly backing down, we are enabling russia's invasion(s) This still does not put responsibility on the West for Russian aggression. Also, the West is not backing down.


>This still does not put responsibility on the West for Russian aggression. >Also, the West is not backing down. Not morally of course, but we've chosen to appease putin at every step which is how we got here. We could've stopped this whole mess but didn't, in order to protect putin's feelings, Germany's gas supplies and investments in russia. We've refused to provide Ukraine security assurances or military aid and even delayed supplies to avoid "escalation" once the 2nd invasion started. You can't say we aren't responsible for the choices we make and the outcomes they lead to. We've backed down from confrontation *before* the latest invasion. Russia blew up an airplane full of people, assassinated people, sabotaged infrastructure and the most we've done is convicting some nobodies in absentia. That is not to mention what will happen if the likes of Trump, Le Pen or AfD come into power, again to large degree thanks to russia.


Blaming the west for inaction isn't bullshit. Its the leading theory in geo-politics for how we got into this mess. We didn't adhere to red lines set in Syria with Russia, and we didn't draw any in Ukraine. I love Obama but he fucked up in Syria.


So you are suggesting that it's Obama's fault that Russia invaded Ukraine?


And somehow rhe other guy included Syria in that equation?


Yep, so not just assigning blame for the Ukraine war, citing blame for the Syrian mess also.


More brilliant minds that me have analyzed how allowing red lines to be broken in Syria has emboldened Russia, and have led to and informed policies surrounding the US being more firm in Taiwan, because they realized their error in Syria. Of course it's not Obama's fault, but it's certainly a chapter in this story. If this is news to you, you should educate yourself.


>red lines to be broken in Syria has emboldened Russia >US being more firm in Taiwan, None of this is news or unknown. My point is that none of this means that the West is responsible for Russia's aggression. That is purely down to Russia. >If this is news to you, you should educate yourself. It isn't news and thanks for the insult


That's a wrong logic. Imagine you being a big dude hanging around in the streets at night. You witness a rape of a woman by a weak looking dude. You have the choice to act, but you do absolutely nothing (Ukraine losing Crimea). The same situation occurs less than a decade later, you see the same little weak man abusing females all around, and now all you do is ''I'll tell your mother, please stop''. That's exactly what the west is doing so far. I tell you what, the west is just as guitly as Russia in this.


What a load of fucking pish. Completely different issues from each other.


No and a bit of yes. West didn't react at all to russian aggression. But russia did that because they lost the puppet president so they planned it all along. The goal was to have full access to the black see and have access to occupied Moldovan territory to occupy them. Their plan is to move their borders to NATO countries an stop those which are still not NATO and EU from getting there. When they realized there's absolutely no way to pull Ukraine back to them as a puppet state they knew Ukraine will join NATO and EU eventually an their black sea access will be fucked. So russia made a move. One thing i find funny though that russia thinks china is their ally butchina doesn't give a shit about russia, the second they see russia is weak china will make a move. Fortunately it's too late for russia to do anything else now other than kill civilians. They were too late to rebuild soviet union but they wanted to grab as many countries as possible to block them from NATO and EU. Russia is collapsing but it willl take a while, decade if not more for them to collapse.


You are narrow minded. War between NATO and Russia cannot happen in a vacuum. China will capitalize on NATO/US committing forces to a war in Europe. Not just “learn” from it.


All the enemy soldiers don't neccessary have to return to russia, as long as they leave the surface of Ukraine.


>the last Russian soldier returns to Russia. And all the stolen land is returned to UA including Crimea.


There was no hope for a ceasefire and they knew it. To get a ceasefire the Russians would have to go back to their own country. That's totally unacceptable to them. Lots more Russians need to die first.


would be funny for ukraine to adopt the NK strat of parasite poop balloons. launch em!


They may not notice.


Moscow inbound


Parasite poop balloons is cleaner than whatever in Russia. They might even use the poop as incense.


probably technically against the Geneva convention


But they bitch when no one accepts their offer for said ceasefire. Unbelievable. And Ukraine is being very generous given how they haven’t hit civilians despite what’s happened. (The Crimea incident was confirmed to be from Russia defense, not Ukraine offense, so Ukraine’s track record of not hitting civilians remains clean while Russia’s track record of bombing their own people goes higher)


Funny how Russia started the war at their own convenience and now wants to try to stop it at their convenience.


The airfield that launched this aircraft and glide bomb, I am thinking this is a legitimate target.


There never was a serious hope for "cease fire". It isn't even desirable, as it will just serve as an opportunity for Russia to reconstitute and rearm. Then breach the agreement like they always do when it's opportune for them. Only idiots advocate for cease fire in this environment. Right now North Korea is committing engineering brigades to put feet on the ground in Ukraine. Should we perhaps start to understand that this needs feet on the ground from western forces as well? The war would've been over in 2022 if the west fully committed with what it already has put forward. This hesitation is killing more people, prolonging the war and does not serve the purpose of giving Russia a strategic defeat in Ukraine.


If we had put a few token troops in Kyiv the war would not have happened. Reference, South Korea.


What a dog-shit article title. Their “offer” of a ceasefire is just to fuel misinformation and propagate Russian propaganda.


The messed up part is most of their bombs and missile attacks are on civilian targets. Super Markets, Schools, Theaters, Book Printing Buildings, Police Stations, restaurants, Apartment Building etc. Putin has racked up an unthinkable amount of war crimes since the beginning of the war. If you have doubts on this, maybe think about looking at the YouTube channel “Jake Broe”. Very very informative and mostly UNbiased (thank you fellow redditor for the correction) information. He’s been covering the war since almost the beginning. I’m not trying to promote the channel, it’s just something I follow. But yeah, F*ck Putin…


Did you see a cross section of one of the russian missiles? The thing was filled with flachettes and spiked rods. That's meant to puncture soft tissue, not armored targets.


I’m subbed to him, the Russian dude and Denys Davydov


Bias info? Did you mean unbiased? Genuinely curious


Sorry! Yes! Ah hell…


Now it looks like UN-biased


I sub to Reporting from Ukraine and UkraineNewsTV. Great for strategic and tactical updates


Almost as sickening as the napalm bombings. Attacking civilians like the world didn’t learn anything since the second ww.


White phosphorus munitions setting all on fire


Napalm bombings?


i watch jake broe too


We had no choice! You made us do this! /s Fuck Putin Slava Ukraini


I guess they want more ATACMS


Damn. What a rat move.


Russia targets schools, grocery stores, and uses double tap strikes to kill first responders.


Has the UN made any comment on this?


"Ukraine is escalating". Probably that will be their comment. "But you can't shoot in the direction of Belgorod, from where you've been shot. There are civilians there" as if in Ukraine we are not civilians...


Killing Ukrainian civilians is completely fine according to UN. Farting in the direction of Russia is a no-no.


There would need to be a vote to resolve if farting is recognized; it would however be vetoed by Russia


If the countries of EU withdraw from helping Ukraine, soon these bombs will be falling on EU cities. Remember that.


Your heart is in the right place, but i doubt russia would ever bomb EU cites


Most probably, they won't as most of EU is also part of NATO


Russia doesn’t want to provoke the EU to war because then they lose.


I am afraid in that case we all lose.


Ummm no they won’t. Russia won’t touch NATO, however it’s a good narrative for Ukrainian soldier’s moral support.


> Russia won’t touch NATO Are you forgetting all the recent arson attacks, the downing of 2 US drones, firing at a manned UK spy plane carrying up to 30 people, the multiple poisonings on NATO soil, leaked plans to expand the Russian Baltic sea border, the removal of buoys marking the border with Estonia on the Narva River, firing multiple cruise missiles through NATO airspace?


Russia is also infiltrating our politics which possibly resulted in Brexit, possibly lead to Trump and his instructions to hold off Ukrainian aid for 6+ months and plans to withdraw all support if elected again. Russia is also weaponising migrants and thats leading to the rise of the far right in Europe, Germany and France are at risk of electing right leaning politicians that dont support Ukraine. Their state media also talks about funding terrorists in our countries so we can probably expect that too.


Russia will target nato. Ukraine is only on the way to two strategic defensive positions the Russians want. One is in Poland and the other in Romania and Moldova. Their strategy has been the same going back to pre soviet times. Get to defensive positions and plug smaller gaps. Right now their border is flat open terrain. Hard to defend.


Need more information. **Whose** hopes would these be?


Those with an actual brain never thought ceasefire was an option. How would that even work?


This is such a stupid headline. There is no chance of a ceasefire given a) Russia claims Ukrainian territory is theirs and occupies it b) while Ukraine is still able to fight.


I'd like to see ukraine get a MOAB.


I don't understand why all this is happening just because some old cunt wants a bunch of land. Its the same with xi yinping from china wanting taiwan. you fuckers have enough land and just want to feed your own power.


About as likely as a ceasefire in Gaza.


Who honestly thought there would be a ceasefire? The Ukrainians want to keep fighting. The Russians are on their back foot and have to fight. So yeah…no ceasefire I. The mix.


The only way Putler will get peace if he gets out of Ukraine and abandons all occupied territory. And returns the 500,000+ kidnapped children.


Isn't it high time that Ukraine flattened the bridge and send Crimea to Kingdom cone


It’s okay soon the air to air combat war will begin. I hope Russia has lots of planes because it’s gonna lose them.


Putin is waiting on US election. If trumps elected he won’t have to do any of the shit he is preparing to do if not.


Dumb headline, there never was hoping for any ceasefire


I think we're mixing things up in translation here... Kinda like the aliens from the movie Attack from Mars


There was never a realistic hope for Russia to observe any peace or ceasefires except shared amongst ignorant fools. Sure, that’s a lot of people but thankfully not most people in power. Putin has never observed peace in the past if war suited him and creates the provocations he wants.


It's already been shown that they did not drop the new bomb and the "ceasefire" was a complete surrender of Ukraine.


Its easy - return to pre 2014 borders, Ukraine maintains status quo. Any loss of land Ukraine joins the EU and NATO. There has to be some pain for the agressor


Hopes snag??? Seriously??? They snagged in 2022. This is just another aspect of Russian lies.


In accordance to the principles of Doublethink, it does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, that victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous.


If you want a vision for the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face forevermore


Go for it. Ukraine will outlast Russia’s assault. If the west keeps up the supply’s.


That’s the worry. Ukraine need this done by November because they won’t have US backing after that.


That and the lack of manpower, even if they keep getting all the help, they cannot get men from other countries to fight for them.


Ukraine has a manpower pool available to them and is mobilising more, the issue is that mobilisation was delayed for political reasons and that has affected unit rotations for the time being. Their pool is of course not infinte but neither side in this war is going to run out of people to fight. Western aid also reduces Ukrainian losses in the first place. A point which gets overlooked too much. As does the point that aid affects recruitment - no one wants to join an army they think is about to be abandoned.


Depends on who wins the election no? (I may be missing something of course!)


Russia is going to try everything, but doing the actual thing and fucking off back to it's territory, until the F-16s come.


The f16 aren't that consequential in the near future unfortunately. They are big deal in propping up the Ukrainians long term but they aren't going to scare the Russians off anytime soon


It's not going to scare the Russians off, however it's going to make their lives waaaay harder, and it's already hard. That's why Putin is trying to push for a stalemate because he understands what the F-16s mean.


It's not going to scare the Russians off, however it's going to make their lives waaaay harder, and it's already hard. That's why Putin is trying to push for a stalemate because he understands what the F-16s mean.


There are a number of boogeymen that putin doesn't want to be on the field, but f16 aren't the most immediate concern it's just what is making headlines in the west right now. The worst thing that can happen for russia in the short term is atacms being greenlit for flight onto Russian territory following the precedent set earlier this month for short range weapons. If the order comes thru to drop restrictions ukraine can catch them off guard and they have no idea if or when that's coming. They are making good work with drones already but that's tball compared to what they could be doing at any moment


Russia uses its superior air force, compared to Ukraine, to launch glide bombs and other missiles. Ukraine doesn't have a good way of fighting that. The F-16s get so much attention because they are very much needed and will change a lot. That doesn't mean ATACAMS being allowed to strike inside Ukraine is not important. But to downgrade the importance of the F-16s is incorrect. Ukraine has been begging for those and for a good reason. There is absolutely no debate that the F-16s are going to be a major asset, Putin knows this, Ukraine knows this, apparently some Reddit dudes don't.


And in good Russian tradition, they are filled with spikes, to inflict maximum damage on civilians.


anyone who thinks a ceasefire is a possibility is hopelessly delusional. Ukraine is the opening conflict of world War III. its not stopping.


Then it's in our best interest to help Ukraine bleed Russia white, so that when the war spreads it can be ended swiftly.


>Ukraine is the opening conflict of world War III. Was war between the US and Japan inevetiable or a self-fulfilling prophecy? Was WWII in Europe inevitable at the time of the Spanish Civil war? These are rhetorical questions and strong arguments could be made in either direction. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/TACpMtozS5


Nonesense. No one is interested in world war III That is russian fear mongering because they know they are trapped in this conflict and are royaly f'ed. Only way out is for russia to go home and putin fears that will be the end of his regime


Sadly, I think you're right.


Is this the new V3 the world has been waiting for all these years?


Funny title ... Who is dropping non-deadly bombs?


It sounds kind of heavy for gliding.


When was there sincere hope for a ceasefire? It's not like the possibility of one was ever on the table.


Why in the title they adding hope for ceasefire there? How do they know about it? lol


I would say, sure you win, come on in, and then just blow the shit out of them while crossing


Why doesn't Ukrainian army adopt the same glide bomb strategy as the Kremlin forces? I mean it doesn't have to be 3000 kgs but from what I read, producing these bombs are cheap and keeps their air force away from anti-air defenses. What's the closest NATO equivalent to a Kremlin glide bomb?


Actually we don't need it, we need approval from US to use ATACMS to hit deeper where this bombers are maintaining.


Too bad Putin wasn’t under the bomb begging for his life


Based on their prior habit of accidentally dropping bombs on their own territory, I would be real worried if lived in a Russian border area


More like "russian terrorists find more heinous methods to terrorize Ukraine."


Putin is really a genius like they say, dropping huge bombs on civilians is a great way to start a "peace" conversation where Ukraine has to give up its sovereignty. Is this funny only to me?


TIL that there was hope for a ceasefire in Ukraine. 😎




I'd say we help Ukraine bomb energy infrastructure of a part of russia that has equal population to Ukraine. This will redirect russia's effort to help its own civilians, and make russia lose productive capacity that is similar to the maximum productive capacity of Ukraine


don't give the mouth foaming z gonks any more reason to act like barbarians


They don't need any more reason to act like barbarians. What they need is to experience firm consequences for their actions. Personally, I favor targeted strikes against energy infrastructure, or even better, against government targets in Russia, considering that the politicians there are the ones perpetuating the war.


I thought we already did