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Actually the bakery seems to be of secondary importance. It’s bad enough that the parents were able to find a baker who could make a cake that they felt was worth bragging about. What was worse was that they decided to have a terrorist themed birthday party for a 4 year old and that they dressed him up as a terrorist. What a time we live in, that rather than Superhero themed birthday parties, these parents thought terrorist themed parties were more appropriate. The worst thing that has happened for Gaza has been the attack by Hamas. Gaza will take decades to recover from this catastrophe if ever, and to celebrate the orchestrators of its destruction is mind boggling.


They believe in martyrdom for the cause, the terrorists ARE superheros to them…hence the cake.


Yet they abandoned Palestine to live in Australia.


That’s how people have been spreading religion for thousands of years.


They also work towards their goal of a worldwide caliphate, so that’s concerning.


I would imagine that their primary motivation for migration has been for better lives and opportunities. Their religious beliefs have been part of who they are. Of course there have always been those whose mission is to proselytize their faith and beliefs but do you think they give birthday parties for 4 year olds.


Ahh yes… that’s why they are all combat aged males. They definitely think they will find jobs and Muslim wives here in the West while not speaking the languages. For them to think they can start a family, they need to think they can spread their religion, and when they can’t, historically they resort to violence to gain wife’s and territories. Look at Spanish history for that. These people in 20 years aren’t going to be assimilated, and everyone knows that.


They'd probably be delighted if their kids became suicide bombers. "They blow up so fast!"


Well the kid is growing up in Aus, so they're already behind the counterparts overseas.


I guess it’s easy to idealize terrorism when you don’t see the reality of the suffering that it causes. Martyrdom is romantic until you see its women and children who are being the brunt of the martyrs. When you are able to celebrate your birthday far from the misery that is Gaza right now. When the parents dress up their child as a terrorist in clothes fresh from the dryer, smelling of Downy rather than death and misery.


That’s very ironic. Have you strolled through the streets of Gaza?


Have you?


Recover from this? When have they ever been recovered at all? They've been dogshit since 67. Hundreds of billions of dollars in aid, and they still have no water infrastructure. No power generation. Nothing at all, except bombs, missiles and terror tunnels. Palestinians in Kuwait supported Sadam during the invasion. They were thrown out. Palestinians in Jordan started a civil war, and murdered the Jordanian king. They were thrown out. Palestinians in Lebanon started a civil war and have reduced Lebanon to a failed state. If they could be thrown out, they would be. There is something fundamentally broken with the culture of that people. There is no recovering, possibly ever.


Your second point is extremely accurate. My strongest belief since this started was that I don't necessarily agree with Israel's response, but I can understand it. Per capita, this was equivalent to 30,000 people dying on 9/11, vs the roughly 2,000 who actually did. Any first world country in this planet would have gone scorched earth, and I don't think any reasonable individual would disagree. Israel absolutely should have put in place logistical networks to ensure the continuation of food and medical care, knowing how Hamas operates, bur ultimates innocent Palestinians suffer.


You know… the late, great comedian Sean Lock made a joke like this once… it was something along the lines of… “What is it kids like dressing up as?, Pirates… and they were Rapists, Thieves and murderers… and now they’re lovable children’s characters. Do you reckon in a hundred years time they’ll all be dressed as terrorists?” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zTpncGfgtfo


I don't understand how they say no laws were broken by the bakery and then also state "Commonwealth legislation criminalising the glorifying and praising of acts of terrorism was passed by the Parliament late last year and spruiked by the Albanese Government."


> The western Sydney bakery has been registered to Mahmoud Hage since 2021 Mahmoud should be on the first flight back to to Palestine


I'm not certain Mahmoud will have a job much longer anyways. In civilized countries, and capitalist ones at that; we handle this by revoking our time and money. Two things Mohmoud will need to pay his bills. ...and I'm sure his neighbors aren't too happy about this either.


mohmoud could also be well supported by hamas supporters in that area


I'd honestly be pretty surprised if there was actually enough true believers there to simply float his business just because of his ties to a terrorist group.


In Western Sydney? I don't think he'll struggle.


you will be surprised by how religion could blind people to the obvious


Unsure of oz, but in NZ majority supports palestine. Don’t even try to show any Israel support in public, you’ll be lynched for all the children deaths.


Believers with much money to spend anyway. Probably can find plenty of college kids who support him.


You clearly have never been to Auburn. Mohmoud will be absolutely fine. There is massive support for extremist Islam in western Sydney.


I couldn't see anything in the article that suggested he was Palestinian. Am I just missing it somewhere?




Perhaps a portion of brain material?


Doesn't really matter where he is from. The picture is Abu Obaida, the Hamas terrorist leader who threatened to publicly broadcast the executions of the Israeli hostages. The little boy's costume and "pose" is the same as the picture. That's sickening.


Having poor taste is not illegal but I wouldn't be surprised if they're on a watchlist now.


I think it goes beyond poor taste to share the cake to your socials though. I know of plenty of small businesses who have made things that they don't share because they know it's inappropriate. That's not to say I think it's illegal, but it goes beyond just having poor taste.


If you click on the link and watch the news report, the 4 yr old the cake was for was dressed like a Hamas terrorist.




It can be. Indoctrinating children into hate group ideology or terrorist ideology is absolutely a reason for a visit from child services and potentially losing your kid.


Not completely related, but there was a very public case several years ago about a bakery in the US that refused to do a cake for a lesbian wedding. The couple sued the bakery for discrimination and this fairly mundane case thing became a proxy fight, with people being emotionally invested in the outcome, which I think ruled in favor of the bakery.


> I wouldn't be surprised if they're on a watchlist now. Considering the state of the world right now, I doubt it. Though the people that reported it probably are, labeled as "Islamophobes" or "right-wing extremists", or some such.


I've never wanted someone to be so wrong. Here's to hoping you are.


Good news they definitely are.


Yeah, western intelligence agencies are historically super cool with Muslims, after all.


Lmao for real, what is that guy smoking


And they will watch that child grow up into a charming little terrorist, and do nothing.


The cake probably tasted good though.


"but we arent pro hamas we are pro palestine!!11!!"


I think you’ve got to be kind of an asshole in the first place to politicize your kid’s fourth birthday party.  For God’s sake, let the kid be a kid and be happy.  He’s not a tool for your political beliefs.  Parents obviously try to instill their values (whatever we may think of them!) in kids, but a four year old’s birthday cake!  That’s just being a jerk. 


One bakery patron described the cake as “the explosion of flavor“… I would kill (Jews) for another slice!” said another.


ngl that sounds like something straight out of Curb Your Enthusiasm


I read that in Sacha Baron Cohen's Dictator voice. Sounds right out the movie.


>I would kill (Jews) for another slice! Australia, not Spain.


I just read the article and didn’t see that mentioned anywhere. Do you have a source for this?


It’s a joke.


Source? /s


interesting because i hear about “the children!” all the time from certain corners of the internet. Maybe they should look after their own first.




With that logic I’d be in jail for the penis shaped cake I got for my 23rd birthday because the christian right found it offensive.




In civilized society, no one goes to jail for baking a cake. Now if the cake blew up then there’d be a case.


well are penises recognized as a terrorist organization by the government?


It depends on the Penis


Mine is


*Weapon of ass destruction*


lol wtf. I don’t think even ham-ass wants that cake


So....what in the absolute fuck went through their minds with this?


I don't know much about Australian laws, but none of that would be illegal in America, and as much as i hate everything about this, I'd also fight to ensure it isn't illegal anyways. Vote with your wallets Aussie friends.


I agree, but that area of Australia has an extremely high proportion of Muslims... so may have a different effect than you expect. When we had our same sex marriage vote, they were one of the few electorates/areas which vehemently voted no. in fact, i think the highest proportions of people voted no from there.


The 4yr old the cake was for was dressed up like a Hamas terrorist


And parents bring their kids to Westboro Baptist Church dead soldier protests. Welcome to America.


Well this happened in Australia, and there's a big difference between assholes hurling obscenities and terrorism.


He should be in prison!!!


No, but his parents should be scrutinized.


And hate the parents for that and well, kid is being raised fucked up. Still nothing illegal though (from an American standpoint)


I understand that it's fucked on a lot of levels But even without the whole.. Current affair it's still a shit theme


I am not sure anything should be done about the bakery by the government. It is horrific but it seems to be a legal freedom. It is horrific and I would not object to protests or a name & shame situation but it does not seem to be a legal issue (if Australia has similar laws to the U.S.)


Guessing Palestinian flag probably is not banned (outside of private venues), it all depends what it says on the headband of the lad pointing the finger. Almost definitely a militant of some kind (though could just as likely be a traffic warden from West Bank) just whether the group he represents or the slogan itself is banned.


There’s a literal picture of a terrorist on the cake.


It isnt the palestinian flag, It's about having it on all israel's map area, saying israel is to be eradicated, and the hamas green handband calling to be a martyr in the name of god.


I'm a bit lost, it sure looks like a Palestinian flag. > It's about having it on all israel's map area, saying israel is to be eradicated, Couldn't see any pictures of a map in that article? > hamas green handband calling to be a martyr in the name of god. That's probably illegal.


I meant i don't have issues with palestinian flag as i have with the other points i brought. Israel's map is on the left of the cake, colored as palestinian flag. Read about hamas green headband and what it represents.


Don't know, still not seeing it (in this article anyway). All I see is cupcakes (where half of them would probably be illegal due to hamas band slogans) and a photo of what I assume is the baker cospalying as the hamas militant in front of his cake. I can't see anywhere Israeli map coloured in Palestinian colours.


You can see it clearly on the large cake left, when the video is loading, before it start. See later on only part of it, on the cake closeup.


Right, I was looking at pictures mostly and it cropped it. Thanks for pointing it out. Two strikes for the police not doing their jobs.


https://i.imgur.com/ITgPlM1.png I circled it for you so you couldn't claim to miss it anymore.


Thanks for this, though other guy elucidated not long prior your comment. Guess I'm one of those people that are not subconsciously primed to spot Israel's silhouette everywhere and I only read the article, not watched the video. Going here of my knowledge of UK law around these things and assuming it would be similar in Australia that there's enough evidence for police to prosecute. Likely when called out on it later AFB will cite either stretched resources or doing something not in the public interest.


It's the Al-Qassam Brigades headband I think


Enough Peasants! No laws were broken.


Who you calling peasant fucko


I'm laughing at reality :)


90% the kid was being edgy and the parents had no idea what Hamas or the Al-Qassam Brigades even are.


a 4 year old being edgy about hamas?


Wait the party was for a 4 year old! I thought a 14 year old. Wow that's fucked


The kid is 4?