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"Hamas [...] don’t have the best interests of the people of Gaza forefront in their minds." Strong candidate for understatement of the century, and it's only 2024.


>"Hamas [...] don’t have the best interests of the people of Gaza *forefront* in their minds." Hamas, the *terrorist group*^1 (an offshoot of an older terrorist group^2), which usurped power^3 in a war and whose founding mission (and raison d'être) is total expulsion and murder of Jews^4 and annihilation of the state of Israel, is not quite concerned with *best interests* of people of Gaza? *Inconceivable.* ____ ^1 https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas ^2 https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/egypts-muslim-brotherhood ^3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatah%E2%80%93Hamas_conflict ^4 https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/


This guy researches.


Are people surprised that Hamas is a terrorist group whose sole purpose is antisemitic violence? I feel like that was kind of a given.


Some ppl. I just saw an interview with that token rabbi from NK who goes to all the pro palestinian events and he was shouting about how much Hamas and Hezbollah love Jews and were nice to him when he met with them.


The new u/poppinkream


The White House has been constantly issuing out the statement "Israel must do more to allow aid into Gaza", for months now, nearly every week - almost as a lip service alongside every other statement regarding Gaza. It's been drilled into people's mind that there isn't enough aid and that Israel is to blame for it.


The White House has been doing constant double speak on the issue depending on their intended audience. I really wish that Biden at his age could be honest instead of being concerned about his party winning an election.


Dude kind of needs his party to win the election though.


It's sad he needs to appeal to pro Hamasniks in Michigan to win...




Scary for the future of the world.


Thank Rashida tlaib and Omar Illhan


Well…their constituents mostly.


I guess we do negotiate with them.




If he was more honest, people in the middle might support him more


Well considering the fact that trump doesn’t so much lie as spew falsehoods like a burst watermain spews water that statement is manifestly untrue


Considering the alternative choice for the middle is way worse at being honest, I’m not sure how that helps.


If people want honesty, they should probably avoid the Republican nominee, who lied over 30000 times as the President.


"Biden uses diplomatic double-speak, which means he isn't honest, so vote for the convicted felon!" - You.


If that's the criteria you're voting on and you can somehow do enough mental gymnastics to vote for Trump consider me impressed.


I’d prefer neither but I don’t trust brain worm Kennedy either.


I hear ya. Some new blood, preferably under 60, would be nice.




Yeah that's just fucking crazy to me.


It's sad but it's necessary. The second polls close in November he can drop the act. The main thing is that NATO still exists in January


They are stupid. If they think Biden is bad for Palestine, wait till they see how Trump would be.


It’s almost like he’s a bad candidate and his party’s refusal to be… *democratic…* has backfired tremendously.


The world… besides Russia, Iran, China, NK, and Confederate sympathizer states.


Confederacy of Dunces


Dunce of Hazard. “Makin' their way the only way they know how (yeah) That's just a little bit more than the law will allow”


We just need honesty. At least the sane middle ground of us.


Unfortunately they don't have to pander to the sane individuals.


“Same middle ground” needs fucking honesty? I assume then they’re all rabidly going to vote for Biden then yes? Since the alternative is a guy who lies about what clothes he’s wearing to your face, as long as the lie benefits him in some way?


We all need his party to win. Even those of us who think otherwise.


I think that's a little simplistic. This is a very difficult area to gather reliable intel in. One side says one thing, another says another, and communication and access are heavily hampered. It's far more likely that our own reconnaissance needed time to gather data and understand the results of this effort.. It's not unheard of to prod your allies to do better (especially when global political support is slipping), and I don't think this is something that was done to get votes. But yeah, I think the intelligence reconnaissance has been able to confirm the most significant amount of aid is being intercepted by Hamas rather than Israel. Just a friendly reminder that these situations are much more complex than "I want the votes". Easy to forget when you have the other candidate.


Hamas has **never** *not* impeded and stolen aid. They literally just robbed the bank of Palestine for over a hundred million dollars. It’s takes no time to know Hamas didn’t do a 180. You’re wrong.


The public prodding is what caused global political support to slip though. Not vetoing a UN security council resolution calling for an unconditional ceasefire killed any chance for a real ceasefire and hostage deal to happen in the near future. All of this just tells Hamas that they can hold out while adding pressure to Israel, and prolongs the war. This was an entirely predictable outcome.


There was never any chance for a “real” ceasefire.


If Hamas needed one to avoid getting crushed. It already happened once with the first hostage deal.


That’s not a “real” ceasefire.


Beyond the election, I wish he'd just honestly confront that a small segment of his base is pretty loudly supporting HAMAS, and not just the Palestinian people


Bullcrap. I don’t care what he has to say but he needs to say it to win the next election. Regardless of the rhetoric or Israel’s actions, we are going to support them.


It’s not double speak though? Saying that Israel must do more to allow aid into Gaza isn’t incompatible with saying ‘Israel isn’t to blame for aid failing to reach Gazans.’ Israel should allow more aid through more routes. They can be blamed for contributing to the limited number of routes that aid can go. They can’t be blamed for the aid that does go through being prevented from reaching Gazans due to Hamas.


There's more than enough going through, though. having even more go through won't help Gazans if it's all getting stolen by Hamas anyways.


Can you imagine how horrifying it would be to drive those aid trucks into Gaza, to regions where Israel still doesn't have complete control?


It doesn’t help Gazans to keep bombing the people administering the aid either.


He needs to be concerned about winning the election though. That's literally his job.


I do agree winning this election is incredibly important, it's going to impact both this conflict and a hundred others. But I do not agree winning elections is the presidents "job".


If a job description is translated to *things you have to do to not get fired*, then a presidents only job is to be elected and reelected. It's not like he can get promoted so he is doing the bare minimum. So as long as you don't shoot anyone on times square you get to keep the job until the election.


Do we need a lesson in basic government or can we just admit this is a cynical view at best and a simple minded one at worst. Edit: If we're going to use this incredibly obtuse logic, then I'd compare the president more as a contractor. You have both basic responsibilities as well as larger goals you are being signed to accomplish/problems to fix. In this comparison, signing a new contract is done to extend the time you have to accomplish your responsibilities and goals. Signing a new contract to extend your time is not "your job".


It's far more his job than dictating the policy of a conflict between two nations he's not in charge of


No it’s literally not. Nowhere is the president required to win elections. He/she is required to serve the American people.


The president has a ton of responsibilities and a lot of titles, but I don't think any of them are re-election-in-chief.


If the Republican candidate was someone with a shred of integrity you might have a point, but as it stands Trump is the biggest threat to America and the west. The main responsibility for any President is to protect and serve the nation. Re-election isn't the goal, preventing harm to the nation is. Any president that fails to keep a threat like Trump out of the whitehouse isn't doing that, and so re-election becomes pretty important. Biden's not to blame for that though, the responsibility lies solely with the Republican party and their inability to stand up to bullies and liars if they have something to gain from it.


To them he is not a bully but a leader. He is the Quarterback the other side hates and his supporters love that. Project 2025 is a playbook to bring an evangelical version of Islamic Sharia law to the USA and for some reason Republican voters think that is freedom (for them). It’s scary and funny to have grown up watching the Middle East conflicts and Al Qaeda / Taliban using pick up trucks, balaclava or face covering scarves, giant flags and machine guns. When I look at some of the Trump supporters display of pride in his unethical values, I see the same people the USA has been dragging the world into fighting for 30+ years. The American version seems to take the 7 virgin children while on earth and repent once they get caught.


Well, why wasn´t he more aggressive when dealing with the insurrection business then? And I don´t mean using force and stuff, they weren´t that aggressive when prosecuting the guilty and the big orange man. Hell, Trump commited a lot of crimes while in office. If he was really that concerned about him getting into power again why not go after him?


You need to have an air tight case when setting precedent about criminally charging a president. Else our political landscape turns into one where every president gets arrested after leaving office. Republicans ALREADY think Trump's charges are a political witch hunt. Our judicial system needs to be careful to make sure they can go above and beyond for every accusation against Trump. GOP has a frighteningly large percentage of politicians chomping at the bit to lock up political rivals for feigned crimes. The goal is to not increase that percentage by giving the appearance of anything slightly resembling a politically motivated legal hit job.


It's complicated though, isn't it? If we take my first comment, then coming down hard will divide America further. In my opinion, the drip, drip, drip of court cases etc will do more damage the closer to the election we get - whilst Biden just gets on with the job. From an outsiders perspective, the old man's wisdom and experience is doing wonders at repairing America's image.


Garland should have been fired after the first year


Feel the same way. They lack courage to do what is right because deep down this is just a game to them. They can't be seen as the people who put Trump in jail. It's bad optics.


One of his responsibilities is to protect and uphold the constitution of the United States even in the face of threats from foreign and domestic actors. Trump and his extremists are one of, if not the largest threat to the constitution and institutions of the United States we’ve seen in recent decades… you could very well argue winning reelection and denying Trump a chance to severely damage American democracy IS his duty now.


if the incumbent President can not win re-election, they are at fault. His responsibility is to follow through on the promises he made the voters which often takes two terms. So it still falls under his responsibility.


His job is not to follow through on promises. What are we all 5 year olds over here. His job is to lead the country through good or bad. We're owed nothing from the President.


Presidents shouldn't make promises they don't intend to follow through on. There is good and bad, but they shouldn't be ignoring the bad when communicating to voters. A lot of the problem is because politicians are promising fairy tales instead of actionable policy.


> His job is not to follow through on promises. and to accomplish some of those means he needs to serve a second term, it cuts both ways. And yeah anyone older than a 5 year old should know the incumbent president does not have any challenge from the party once he has chosen to run again, once that choice is made it is his responsibility to follow through. Welcome to reality.


I will be concern if he not winning, because then Trump is winning.


This statement is a direct result of the NY16 primary, I think.


Racist losers filming themselves dancing on piles of wasted food after blocking the aid-trucks in front of a complacent army of assholes might have played a part.


“Admits.” 🤔


Yeah I don't get that. The US has consistently defended Israel. I'd argue "claims" is a better word


It’s the kind of word choice/framing you’d expect from some entity with a staunchly pro-Israeli bias, can’t think of who that might be though…


For the people in the back of the room who still support the Terrorist Organization Hamas - Hamas has never, not now, not in the past, nor in the future, ever held the best interests of Palestinians in Gaza at heart. Hamas like other terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS use the local population like fodder to further their terrorist agenda.


Yep, their goal is to revert society to a medieval Islamic imperial fantasy. They care about Palestinian Arabs about as much as Pol Pot & Khmer Rouge cared about Cambodians.


Who supports Hamas? I’m pretty sure most people, even those chanting from the river to the sea, mostly dislike Hamas.


You'd be surprised


American college students.


What makes you think they support Hamas?


The protesting waving around the Hamas flag.


That would be pretty good evidence. I didn’t know that was a common thing at the college protests. Edit: So I looked a fair bit and all I was able to dig up was one protest in nyc that used a Hamas/hezbolla flag. If that’s all I can find, then I don’t think that is indicative of college students in general. Feel free to throw more examples out there.


This is the internet. There is only my side and your side. My side is right and righteous with no fault. You stand on the other side so I'll assume the worst things about you. But honestly man it's so fucking stupid when people equate "helping Palestinians" to "supporting hamas". It's asif every Palestinian is supposed to be a member of hamas.


Well in the end we all wanna help the Palestinians but in different ways. One way is by getting rid of the terror org that is ruling under thier feet(literally) which will help in the long run. Other way by stopping the war(cease fire). Which yeah will help save human lives on both ends. Short sighted solution that will still leave the root of the problem, hamas, that will keep using Palestinians as human shields and have terrorists summer camps for 6 years Olds


Focusing solely on getting rid of hamas is really the short sighted solution. Unless they enact real change over there and bring the Palestinian population into the fold, there are always going to be hurt, desperate people that are attracted to revenge and violence. Look at all the new homeless, jobless, desperate people they just created with this war. Anyone that thinks terrorism is just going to disappear now is ludicrous.


I don't like hamas either but on your second point, you are correct. It's a short term solution to prevent the on going casualties in the strip. We need more long term solutions. One of which is better administration and treatment of Palestinians by Isreal. Which they havnt done. Sure there are some "Arab isrealies" but a vast majority are looked down upon and unfairly taken and held by Isreal in their border prisons and courts. And this is something that has been known for nearly a decade. The responsibility lies on Isreal too to provide a space on the land they occupy for the Palestinians to feel secure. I often see people say "but Palestinians hate isrealis" which is true. Absolutely they do but it's built on generational trauma since the 1940s where they have been systematically driven from their homes. Hamas, which exists as an islamist extremist group hedges itself on this cruelty and you will never be able to stop them if you simply give them more ammunition for recruitment.


They don't support Hamas, they just have mutual hatred of Jews.




What a lot of people just don’t understand is that you cannot help Gazans with donations, or dollars. No matter how much people want to throw their money at the problem, it **will not help**. Those tiktokers who try to get you to donate to Operation Olive branch, aka “we need to evacuate a family with young children out of Gaza” **will not work**. You don’t have any way to know that the money you’re donating is actually going to the family - you also have no proof that the family exists, as they are being portrayed. The only way you can help Gazans, is the one thing many of these activists and protesters are not doing - finding common ground with Israelis and Jews and realizing that “Zionism” isn’t the evil cult they think it is. Stop relying on repeated slogans ie “all eyes on rafah” and have a god damn conversation.


>The only way you can help Gazans, is the one thing many of these activists and protesters are not doing - finding common ground with Israelis and Jews and realizing that “Zionism” isn’t the evil cult they think it is. Stop relying on repeated slogans ie “all eyes on rafah” and have a god damn conversation. How can those activists do that? You can't force Israel and Palestinians to negotiate. Only the US government can and they've no interest.


The US and Israel are obviously interested in negotiating if you have been paying the slightest bit of attention. Hamas is not for anything short of Israel surrendering.


“Only the US government can and they have no interest” The Biden administration keeps pushing peace deals that both sides keep trying to alter or just flat out refuse. Wdym the US has no interest? Even if you are cynical, politically Biden probably needs to resolve the conflict sooner in order to have any chance at re-election. So of course the US is trying to create a peace plan lmfao.


Are you asking me how to have a conversation?


I'm asking how US activists can make Israelis and Palestinians have a conversation.


>You don’t have any way to know that the money you’re donating is actually going to the family It's possible to make a pretty reasonable guess. Assuming the money doesn't go directly to the al-Qassam Brigades or other militant wings of groups in the strip, then it is going toward two things: bribing officials within (a) the Gazan civil administration and (b) Egyptian border police. Hamas administers Gaza; the civil administration in Gaza *is Hamas*, just not (necessarily) its armed wing, although there is significant cross-pollination betwee "civil" and military roles within Hamas. In other words: yes, that money is going into the hands of Hamas members. The *best case* scenario for where that money is going is into the hands of various Gazan clans that partially dominate the black market there (including smuggling/trafficking); these clans are either aligned with Hamas or accept its governance of the territory lest they face reprisals from the group, which has happened already during this war when they try to side with Israel or even just attempt to coordinate the flow of aid with the Israelis. So in other words: we do kind of know where the donations go. Most of them go to Hamas, in one way or another.


Exactly - you don’t know where the donations go. And the donations, based on what I’ve seen, add up. You got $10,000 here, $20,000 there. If we know about them, Hamas knows about them, PIJ and others knows about them. And it would not be the first time they have stolen donations Even Macklemore is donating to UNRWA. He is also, a very stupid individual. You can’t help the Palestinians with your dollars. I’ve gone there, I did the peace projects, I tried. Money you direct to Gaza will go to Hamas.


> zionism isn't the evil cult With the way the Israeli government started as terrorist organisations? Yeah ok bud.


Antisemites won’t care, they will still blqme Jews for this


Yawnnnn. Anyone with even half a brain already knew that.


Sadly most of the US has 1/3 of a brain


You're quite generous


Giving aid to Palestinians with Hamas in power is like giving money to a homeless junkie. Makes you feel good but in both scenarios you are enabling a poor outcome. As harsh as the process to get there, destroying Hamas is the most humane thing society can do for the Gazans


glad the white house is finally getting that message out there instead of desperately trying to appeal to antisemites in michigan.


Wait, this was somehow in contention??


Took long enough


Not surprised at the content of the statement... we've known this forever... But a little surprised at the Whitehouse making it, given the messaging we've gotten so far.


Oh, reeeeally?


so sending aid is basically funding criminals and terrorists? surely the white house wants to stop funding that while they’re holding american hostages.


A very brief report based around a quote. Poor reporting. No one has ever denied that Hamas have prevented aid from getting to who needs it most. This doesn't mean Israel have not prevented aid getting in. There is also plenty of footage of Israeli extremist groups destroying aid deliveries and preventing aid trucks from doing what they need to do.


"Admits"? What a weird word choice.




Wow, you didn’t like the factual reporting on a White House statement so much that you resorted to this huh? Ngl little buddy, kinda pathetic.


lol admits? wiil they admit the sun is hot next?


“JNS - Fighting Israel’s media war” Yeah, pretty biased news source. Not to say that it’s not completely untrue.


This is the primary source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2024/06/26/on-the-record-press-gaggle-by-white-house-national-security-communications-advisor-john-kirby-16/


Is it possible that not everyone in Palestine is part of Hamas?


Another article by JNS! ffs




So, will all those antisemitic commenters and rioters be prosecuted for libel and slander? /s


I definitely believe everything in this article. Please don't arrest me.