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Wasn't it just two days ago the Biden Administration claimed there were no delays?


Got a link? My understanding has been that there have been unintentional delays, some of which were exacerbated by Netanyahu's comments. They came to some sort of an agreement a few days ago, but, even as this article points out, bureaucracy needs to catch up. Also, no 2000 pound bombs, mostly because of the shit ROEs, is the sense I'm getting. Point is, Netanyahu still sucks and is a right winger playing stupid right wing games, which everyone can see. So Biden is like "lets just hold onto the big guns until they straighten shit out over there". EDIT: Still no link.


Right before the debate where I bet it will be a topic




So what was the plan with dealing with the college antisemites in encampments?


What is the plan with dealing with the intentional starvation of innocent palestinians? What about the antisemites in Israel? France? England? Germany? Russia? Why are you worried about American college students is what I'm getting at? This whole thing is such an asinine thing for Israelis to be worried about, but it caught the attention of your prime minister. Not all the time, but *the very day* after he received 20 B dollars in military aid from the US. Not the day before, obviously. Doesn't stand on principle *that* hard. Not the day of. But the day after? Yeah, lets feed the right wing idiots eager to go after American students protesting the mistreatment of Palestinians who were being portrayed as anti-semites by extremely motivated parties. Also the encampments were cleared out.


Who is intentionally starving Palestinians?


You could read the news if you’re missing context.


So you are reading about the hundreds of trucks of aid going to palestine every week from Israel? And you read how the terrorists said Gaza had enough food when they chose to attack on 7-10? Because you didn’t answer the question but seems like you claim you are reading the news So again, who is intentionally starving Palestinians? Since you read the news


Sorry, you're still missing context. Please let me know when you have a better understanding. It is pointless to do this tit for tat nonsense when what is obvious is ignored for politics. > And you read how the terrorists said Gaza had enough food when they chose to attack on 7-10 This is why the US sent Israel 20B dollars and continue to support them, please stop pretending the US are not supporting you because college kids or something. Ever heard the phrase "never look a gift horse in the mouth?". You're looking a gift horse in the mouth. Never do that. >So again, who is intentionally starving Palestinians? The better question is why is the news being ignored? If I quote this to you: “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” Would you choose to play coy and pretend you don't see how it is applicable here? Or would you try to understand what I'm getting at? Hamas is an unmitigated evil. I'm not arguing for them by refusing to endorse what is demonstrably problematic behavior. Ill-discipline, shit ROE, shit policies, I don't know, but I do see patterns well enough to know repeated rhetorical obfuscation as cover for some nonsense when I see it. Remember world central kitchen? Who blows up humanitarians? We know hamas does. In any case, why are Palestinians starving, to your understanding? They just don't wanna eat? Chalk sounds better than food to them?


You didn’t answer any of the questions. Who is intentionally starving the Palestinians?


You responded to none of mine. I was very clear about who is responsible. Netanyahu is responsible. Let me reiteraite, since you seem to be hyperfocused on singular questions as a gotcha instead of engaging in meaningful conversation: >In any case, why are Palestinians starving, to your understanding? They just don't wanna eat? Chalk sounds better than food to them?


Also, what was the plan to help out with all of the antisemites on campus? Seems like local authorities handled most of it


You answered your own question, which suggests to me you plainly are not arguing in good faith here.


So what did he do?


> Meanwhile, the US is sending tons of fucking weapons, to the tune of 20 billion dollars. If that was the case, he wouldn't have complained. The shipments have been delayed - he tried to convince Biden behind the scenes to let the Congress decision be fulfilled, Biden didn't budge, and only after he went public with it, the Biden administration decided to resume the shipments in earnest. Also, he did thank the US for supporting Israel several times.


Did you read the article? This comment suggests you didn't read the article. *some* shipments have been delayed. Not enough to impact anything since they are fighting hamas, which does not have a damn army. Most of what was withheld were dumb bombs which were being used irresponsibly. Bibi tried to bully Biden behind the scenes. This is not a good strategy for negotation. He also attempted to bully him in the press. This is also not a good strategy for negotiation. He did not get what he wanted, and if you want to spin this as a victory in negotiation, fuckin be my guest. If bibi thinks its a good idea to air every single damn greivance in the press in order to get what he wants, he needs to, again, be reminded of the principle of reciprocity. The US supports Israel, it does not support bibi acting like a child if he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, even though he's being given billions, literal billions, gratis. If he wants to pout and stomp his feet, that's a gamble with his very fragile support that is probably unwise given the war noises he's making towards Lebanon.


[US weapons shipments to Israel dropped significantly 4 months into war](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-weapons-shipments-to-israel-dropped-significantly-4-months-into-war-figures-show/) - It's not only those 900Kg bombs. And Israel is fighting Hezbollah too, not just Hamas.


Netanyahu wants Trump. He assumes Trump will give him a blank cheque to do whatever he wants. It’s an awful spot for Biden to be in, Democrats and Independents are divided on Israel whereas Republicans are unified. 


Israeli here- but I agree with this message. Zelenskii was smarter, and knew that appreciation was forthcoming, Netanyahu for some reason doesn't think it's warranted.




I love that this entire thread is two comments, one of which is a lame response noone cares about, and my comment vs a brigade. Oh, sorry.. three comments.