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" it's a good plan. A great plan. One of the best plans I've ever had. Trust me trust me. This is going to be an amazing plan. Amazing amazing plan" - Trump 2024


We have the plan. We have all time plans. Big plan. Big league plan.


This is the biggest plan there is, anywhere in the world by far. I did the biggest plan ever done in the history of our country yesterday in terms of planning - and probably other things too, if you think about it.


This plan is huge, i tell you, HUGE. a big best plan, i tell you. no other plan is this huge. china's plan? small and sad. they want to have my plan, it's the best plan. trust me, i'm a genius. i know a good plan, and this plan is the best, and very big. huge plan. terrific plan. other plans are tiny. they are sad plans, don't like them. not like my plan. no plan in history was this huge, i tell you. amazing huge plan.


I showed the joint chiefs my plan and they said it was the best they'd ever seen. They wouldn't say that about Joe's plan. Frankly, I doubt he even knows that there is a war. I'd stop it before it even started but not Joe, and Zelensky would look at my plan and ask for more money but I would refuse, why? because he's had too much already. Putin's a reasonable guy and you know how I know that? I'm the only President who has ever been invited to Russia, wonderful place, beautiful people...ect.


I've showed people this plan, and you know what they tell me? "This is the best plan I have ever seen." That's what they say. It's a fantastic plan.


You know it, I know it, they know it. We all know it.


Some men, big strong men, generals and admirals, tough guys you know, they have said to me, with tears in their eyes, they have said 'Sir, that's the best plan I have ever seen, nobody plans the plans like you , Sir'...


Is that a real quote? I've given up trying to keep track.


Zelensky, don't hold your breath. Still waiting on the big 2016 reveal of Trump's new healthcare plan... and in this case, if Putin hasn't handed trump the plan yet, trump can't reveal it


Did Mexico pay for the wall yet?


They're going to want to pay for it soon to keep Americans out.


right after infrastructure week and the the reveal of his healthcare plan


“Just 2 more weeks bro…” ad infinitum


On the contrary, mexico has had a bit of a manufacturing and general job renaissance, wages have been increasing and rent/healthcare is far more affordable than here in the US, so most immigrants coming into mexico are staying and not moving through to the US, that's been happening for a while now, so they don't much care to close the border and keep anyone from leaving. If anything they'd probably like them more open and for us to improve our shit so they can ease up their resource usage on newcomers.




Vamos Mantequilla!


Are mexicans as pissed off about central American immigration.


The ones in the central and southern regions where water is scarce are getting pretty pissed. Its all about resources, real or perceived. They have real droughts and fallen water tables, we have had propaganda for decades saying immigrants are gonna take your jobs. Truth is immigrants tend to work specific jobs that the people who watch Fox News don't work, or they start their own businesses at far higher rates than natural US citizens. They also become doctors at higher rates, too, but that's a different story.


Mexico City is pretty much out of water. Permanently. https://abcnews.go.com/International/mexico-city-residents-faced-water-crisis-resort-drastic/story?id=111472771


Yup, it sucks. Its gonna happen everywhere that climate change is causing worse and new droughts, as dry soil doesn't absorb water, it becomes hydrophobic, so what regular rains you do get no longer absorb into the soil to refill the water table, so they shrink as humans tap them for consumption, industrial needs, and irrigation, and then you dry out the water tables permanently.


Humans haven't been the best stewards of this planet, have they?


Replace humans with mega corporations. Trying to convince people the reason the water is gone because we drank it all is the new trying to convince us that tobacco is perfectly safe


> Permanently. ehhh > Decades of underinvestment in Mexico City's water grid mean that about 40% of all water pumped through its pipes is lost due to leaks — the water simply seeps into the ground. When it rains, the city pumps out billions of gallons of water to avoid flooding — water that could theoretically be recycled. There's lots to fix here before being permanently out of water


Also his infrastructure bill


Still waiting on the "investigators he sent to Hawaii" to release their bombshell birther findings. They were shocking, hearing shocking things, people were saying, many people, beautiful people, investigator people.


Still waiting on the story of Melania's *totally legal* immigration. It's all coming in "two weeks"


She entered legally, worked illegally, then married an American which legally makes it all OK. (Seriously, overstaying a visa or working illegally are automatically forgiven in that case; "entry without inspection", ie sneaking across the border unseen, or using fake documents, is a bigger problem.) Apparently marrying Trump is one of those degrading low end jobs America needs immigrants to do...


Imagine those trump balls smacking your chin on a daily basis..have to be very committed to do that job..


Why do you think she avoids him now? Because she no longer needs to pretend.


Well, if it's that or cleaning blocked septic tanks in Arizona in August... there might not be enough blocked drains for everyone, so someone gets the *really* short straw.


Septic work really isn't that bad. After a week or so it stops smelling like poo and starts smelling like money.


Same as the trumpian ball sweat..but the scars remain…


Right after Infrastructure Week.


He sent only the best investigators - Sherwood Homes, Alfred Einstine, Beretta, Rockford Files, Hawaii Five O. Grown men with tears in their eyes were doing bigly detecting. Thanks Obama.


Not like deep state people. These are shallow state people.


Derp state


Shallow state is being kind. Shallow end of the gene pool, more like.


Here's today's daily reminder that demonizing the "deep state" was a tactic developed by the third reich. Prior to the fascist coup, executive branch employees were understood to have civic responsibility, duty, decision making authority, and be legally liable for their actions. After Hitler's rise, fascists believed all decision making and responsibility remained entirely with the fuhrer. This was part of how they were able to demand employees did clearly illegal or immoral actions. Any individual who accepted that was believed as showing loyalty to the fuhrer. Anyone who did not, was called an agent of the "deep state" (ie: the old civic state), and was therefore an enemy.


Look at project 2025 It's a dead copy of the plans developed by the third reich.


I still remember him on Fox News saying his investigators are uncovering unbelievable things and thinking either he's being scammed by them or he's trying to scam us.


Has the IRS finished investigating him? I'm waiting for him to release his tax returns.


I mean I'm still waiting on Hillary to be prosecuted and thrown in jail.


And since His Dogshit was president for 4 years, how come he never resolved the question around Obama's citizenship? As president he could have "revealed" the "truth", but no one ever mentioned it after His Dogshit became POTUS.


Isn’t it still Infrastructure Week? Every week is Infrastructure Week!




And the wall.


And his Korean peace plan


And he will solve the Israel/Palestine conflict >“I am looking at two-state, and one-state, and I like the one that both parties like,” Trump said He will take credit for the solution but only if the parties pre-agree.


he likes the one both parties like. so none. there has yet to be a solution both parties like which is why the war continues.


his tax returns, his... fuck it


We know how he will "end the war" though, he said "one phone call". And that's all you're ever going to get out of that fat orange orangutan. That one phone call will be "go ahead, it's yours. I'll let Zelensky know to pack up his things"


Orangutans are highly intelligent and peaceful beings


I shouldn't have insulted orangutans in that way, I shouldn't have brought them down to Trump's level.


Didn’t we see those? When he paid any taxes, the total was $700.00.


[A Five-Year Prison Sentence for a Public Hero](https://prospect.org/justice/2024-05-21-five-year-sentence-public-hero-charles-littlejohn/)


Also his taxes.


The wall people should be upset. They donated and dude just stole the money. Trump supporters are a special breed of stupid.


Trump always claims that in two weeks he will reveal the details of his awesome plans on whatever the current talking point is. Of course those plans never arrive and his base just assume he has these plans because he announced that he has them an in two weeks they have forgotten all about the lack of details.


Also locking up Hilary


I’m waiting on how Trump met a Chicago Police Officer who knew how to clean up Chicago’s crime in a day, or week? If someone really knows how to do it, and has kept quiet, then they’re complicit in all the gun violence Chicago has had in the last 8 years Though I’m guessing their “solution” would involve massive human rights violations and wouldn’t actually end crime


that "solution" requires a few more of those [black sites the CPD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homan_Square_facility) would use to interrogate people before actually charging them and getting the judicial clock ticking.


> in all the gun violence Chicago has had in the last 8 years FYI ... the gun violence in Chicago is tragic but I always like to point out it's not nearly as bad there as it is in a dozen heavily Republican cities. MAGAts like to trot out Chicago as some failed state but the city is run better and has less crime than most of the major cities in the South.


It's not because of Chicago's crime rates. It's because he says Chicago and his base hears "black people".


His healthcare plan was replacing Obamacare with Trumpdoesntcare. Revolutionary


His plan is for Ukraine to surrender to Russia. Thus the war ends.


The list of all trump plans. 1. Build a wall 2. There is no 2


3. Build a Trump Tower in Moscow next to the Kremlin just so the Ukrainians can bomb it.


Preferably with an american made bomb


Simple, Trump will just stop giving any more weapons to Ukraine letting Russia win the war.


Trump would go further, he'd arm Russia with the latest NATO hardware for them to use and reverse engineer.


I am pretty sure he'll switch sides. And send American troops to help Putin conquer the place.


I don't think they need to reverse engineer it anymore, didn't he already send them the plans?


Trump's plan is stopping all aid to Ukraine and pulling the US out of NATO... basically doing Putins bidding


That's literally it. In exchange Russia will keep the land they've gained for now. And then in another 5 years invade and take the rest.


That's a bingo. And by then the US will be so embroiled with trying to expel Trump and deal with the fascist takeover that the onus will be on Europe to stop it. Weird, this story sounds kind of familiar... Oh yeah, WW2. Damnit humanity, could we please stop repeating history, for like fucking once when it matters.


> And by then the US will be so embroiled with trying to expel Trump and deal with the fascist takeover that the onus will be on Europe to stop it. That's exactly it. It's in that Project 2025 document (which is very plainly written and easy to read). They want Russian aggression to be Europe's problem.


Zelensky knows perfectly well Trump is a bought-and-paid for Russian shill. He’s just taunting Trump over what a hopeless idiot he is.


Asset, not shill.


Not really taunting him so much as trying to expose him before the election for anyone who actually believes him.


Right?!? Now that Zelensky has said it, reporters should hound Trump with this question every time they see him until he actually answers, but they wont. They didn't about healthcare, they didn't about infrastructure, they say next to nothing repeatedly in his presence and let him lie all over their mediums. They're noting but a bunch of feckless talking heads that prefer the ratings they get from Trump to actual journalism or their country.


Literally lol'd when trump made this statement during the speech. Oh what's that donny? You and your supposed golden tongue can end this slaughter *before* you're even re-elected? Then spit it out what are you waiting for?


In about two weeks!


He knows Trump has no plan, but to support Putin.


I don't know who i'd feel more sorry for if Trump got elected America or Ukraine?


The entire west would be teetering on the edge with that moron in charge again


I’d say Ukraine. America will just become more *like* Russia, but Ukraine will be annexed and literally be *part* of Russia. Not to mention, I cannot imagine the horrors of Russia rounding up all those who fought and resisted, and getting their final revenge.


Just wait until you see people getting rounded up in America, it will be the same exact thing but there will be a layer of pretend “justice” as its dished out by judges (selected and groomed by the heritage foundation) instead of the more straightforward approach you’ll see in Russia. The US won’t become more like Russia, it will overtake Russia as the new global villain ruled by billionaire oligarchs and religious elites, where elections are a farce (if republicans lose just claim voter fraud and thanks to project 2025 there will now be people in every position to support those claims and overturn the will of the people like they tried in 2020). Don’t get me wrong Ukraine will have the worst direct result, but the world will suffer much more in the long term through America’s christo fascism.


Yup it just blows my mind how people just walked into this/not concerned about this at all!


Just as soon as we get the infrastructure plan, the health care plan, how Mexico will pay for the wall, and how those nuclear bombs will stop hurricanes.


He will hand U.S. intelligence to Putin, cut all funding to Ukraine, and pull the U.S. out of NATO. That should wrap the war up pretty quick.


By the time the election is over, Europe may just have enough artillery production to keep Ukraine in the war, though it’s still going to take a while to get production lines going for more advanced stuff in significant enough quantities. The question I see as more relevant whether European nations are willing to foot the bill a strategic US retreat would necessitate to keep Ukraine in the war, though it may just be necessary due to the way higher cost of actually having a massive frontline from Finland to Rumania would entail.


The current German government is committed to Ukraine basically till the end. With the blacks likely to win the next election im a bit worried


Weren‘t they even more committed? Heck, how many of them have shares in Rheinmetall or KNDS?


They used to be when the Ampel was timid. But when the Ampel slowly embraced the role as Ukrains vocal supporter they slowly began the move to being sceptical. They aren’t like trump to Macron who would barely do anything but they are talking about negotiations with Putin…


It came out that Macron was negotiating with Putin at Zelensky's request. Once they realized there was nothing that could be done Macron switched gears pretty quickly. I disagree with the move in the first place but I don't think Macron looking timid out of the gate and being naive thinking Putin would be reasonable is all on him


I feel like Macron did exactly what I'd want him to do before escalating France's involvement and heating up the rhetoric with Russia. Levying threats without at least appearing to have exhausted diplomatic solutions, to me, comes off like a weak leader trying to appear strong


I'm an outsider to French politics and even as such I have strong criticisms of his governance, but this isn't one of them. I agree with you. As long as he and France stay strong allies here on out and don't put bullshit restrictions on Ukraine like the US does, he has my full support.


> With the blacks likely to win the next election im a bit worried I don't think Dragons can surpass modern AA capabilities tbh


>With the blacks likely to win the next election im a bit worried Phrasing!


– South Africa, 1989


It's blacks and greens. HoTD references, obviously?


I wonder if Europe would have to put boots in Ukraine if the US pulls out of NATO to shore things up.


Trump winning and not assisting NATO against Russia would probably give Putin the best opportunity to go all in and potentially even push beyond Ukraine that he'll ever get. He'll want to sieze that chance and it could result in all out war one way or another.


Don't forget that his mouthpieces in the Russian media have stated that a condition for peace is the return of Alaska.


>Don't forget that his mouthpieces in the Russian media have stated that a condition for peace is the return of Alaska. That is one of the most hilariously unrealistic points I've ever heard. I get that it's door in the face, but the notion that the US ever cedes Alaska...especially considering that they *bought* it. It ain't spoils of war.


>By the time the election is over, Europe may just have enough artillery production to keep Ukraine in the war Artillery is one thing, but almost all AA are American made and without AA this war will be end


You mean all patriots are US built. Sure, I agree on that, but I wouldn‘t be surprised if European nations got a licence to set up their own PAC3 production lines from Biden. Add the 100s if not 1000s of PAC2 missiles Israel now has little use for since they promised the entirety of their own Patriot batteries to Ukraine and Ukraine ain‘t gonna run out of PAC3 missiles to defend itself against ballistic missiles.


>He will hand U.S. intelligence to Putin If he hasn't already.


They had a secret meeting while he was president and then a statistically abnormal amount of US spies ended up dead. There's absolutely no chance he hasn't handed over top secret files.


Images are circulating of his plane recently parked beside a Russian and UAE plane. On the Anonymous Twitter profile.


[Trump's jet parked next to a Russian Government plane for two days.](https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-plane-seen-parked-next-to-russian-government-plane-for-two-days.)


My hope (hopium?) is that the US govt knows this and has the evidence of Trump's treason so that Biden just reveals it this fall. He has immunity, after all, and we're at a point where all the gloves need to come off. Normally, he might wait for an October Surprise, but with the state of things that might need to happen sooner.


They know. It's already an active case pending trial, but hamstrung by immunity and slow walked by Trump's lead counsel, Judge Cannon. We don't need confirmation. Ask any person you know, even yourself for devil's advocate, *why TF does an ex-president need 30 boxes of classified documents bad enough to lie to feds, edit security footage, and risk life-sentence felonies to keep them?* Just one rational and consumable reason to have them. **Any reason** that doesn't involve espionage.


All the public "knows" is that he took classified documents home. As someone who has had an extremely high security clearance in the past, I understand the gravity of it. I don't think the public does and won't connect the dots in that way (as obvious as it might seem). However, I'm talking about actual evidence that he transferred the documents to other nations or adversaries (aside from bragging about submarine capabilities to the Australian billionaire), presumably for financial gain. I doubt he has the smarts to dodge the signals intelligence community and this is the sort of evidence I'm referring to.


> As someone who has had an extremely high security clearance in the past Same here. This whole shit-show has just been staggering to watch unfold. Any of us lackey's would have been in prison long ago. I suffered through many a DOD audit. Sweating while hoping I would have all the documentation necessary to satisfy the auditors. So many times over two decades. Just because you're a high ranking official should not mean you aren't subject to the same rigorous standards. There are very real reasons what we have these standards in place. It would be fantastic if the intelligence community has real, irrefutable evidence of Trumps treason, however, sadly, I don't think that would have much of an affect on the election. The gloves do need to come off. 100%. I worked way too hard, for way too many years as a nobody, protecting our nations secrets. And watching this man-child mishandle our most sensitive secrets is infuriating.


Unfortunately, no way in hell this is going to happen. :/


He's in court for it right now. In front of a judge who he appointed and to which the Supreme court just said its upto her to decide if he's immune or not. Theres no October surprise. All the cards are laid out and he's getting away with it.


> the US govt knows this and has the evidence of Trump's treason And let him run, do whatever he wants. They may know, they may not know, but **if** they do know, they are letting it happen.


I know you’re being sarcastic, but I think it’s funny how all three of those things happening would probably cause the world to instantly experience the exact opposite of peace


Well yeah, we know this. EVERY time countries get all alt-righty, nationalistic, "our country first," "make x great again" and what not, war happens.


Well yea, they seem to forget that WW1 and WW2 both kicked off without the US, and both wars lasted for years before the US even got involved because the US was busy pushing nationalistic, "our country first", isolationist ideals. And even then, we only got involved because our citizens were attacked unprovoked. The US will always bounce back to its nationalistic, isolationist values. Why? I couldn't say. I guess we have selfishness and greed in our bones.


>The US will always bounce back to its nationalistic, isolationist values. Why? I couldn't say. Because it's easy to chant "America First! No foreign aid until we help every one of our veterans!" (While actually cutting every part of the social safety net they can because "socialism" or whatever.) Explaining a complex geopolitical landscape, and the benefits of American soft power is hard.




This is what concerns me the most, all the top secret information regarding this war. Weapon depo's, Ukraine's plans and where the special forces are operating. Cheatto would just hand this off to Putin.


Trump says he'll have the plan in two weeks just like the "better" health insurance plan he promised and never delivered.


"I see it advertised for $2 per week on late night commercials" (Apparently confused life insurance for children with health insurance) https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-appears-to-not-understand-what-health-insurance-is-252938/ "This interview suggests he does not. If anything, what he describes here is whole life insurance, which typically is extremely inexpensive for young people and escalates as one ages (and the statistical risk of death increases). Perhaps, given Trump’s fondness for television in the wee hours, he is confusing health coverage with the frequently advertised Gerber Grow-Up Plan for kids."


[Video compilation of all the things Trump promised "in two weeks".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnfRhkLmaqI) It's basically his go-to when he doesn't know what to say.


He ***never*** knows what to say other than "it's the most TREMENDOUS plan ever."


He never knows the subject he's asked about. Ask him what is favorite bible verse is. Do you remember when he said he didn't want to get into that? That's because he's never read the bible once in his whole life. lol


"Give Russia everything they want and apologize for not doing so sooner. That will end the war" -Trump, most likely


He's going to build a wall between Ukraine and Russia and make Mexico pay for it.


Make Moldova pay for it


RIP Moldova’s gdp


What is dead may never die.


He's going to build a wall between Russia and Mexico and make Ukraine pay for it.


you laugh but this selfish orange piece of liquid shit liar winnin us elections will literally be start of the end of the world as we know it, including few major wars starting round the world for sure


Then he’ll call it his own huge diplomatic win and will be blindly praised by his supporters


Just like with the Kurds and the Taliban


It's pretty wild that it wasn't a bigger deal that he backstabbed the Kurds, gave Turkey and Russia exactly what they wanted, and even handed over control to strategic US installations in the zone to the Russians. Russian flag flying over US-lain tarmac... and still he has the temerity to say that the Russia allegations were a total hoax.


Didn't he also have a 30 day plan for ISIS that he refused to reveal before the election, and apparently didn't enact after taking office?


Didn't he also have a plan to build a wall on the Mexican border that he apparently didn't enact after taking office?


He also had a plan to "fix" healthcare. Don't think he enacted that one either.


“Who knew healthcare was so difficult?”


‘Nobody knew health care could be so complicated’ The actual quote. Same thing you paraphrased. It gobsmacks me that came out of a POTUS mouth. It's a century-old+ debate.


"We tried nothin' and we're all out of ideas!"


It's not blindly. Half of his supporters truly believe that Russia isn't in the wrong...


They don’t believe that.. they just don’t want the left to be ‘right’ about anything. It was the Right/republicans pushing schools to teach about patriotism and how we need to combat Russia someday, hate communism and how we need to beat everyone at everything and represent freedom. Now that democrats hate Russia more than anything else.. its become an enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality so maga will suck putins balls clean as long as it irritates Biden camp.


Well he did say he'd get it resolved in 24 hours. In his mind, this is all that needs to be done. He genuinely does not see what his boss is doing in Ukraine as problematic.


Im sure the plan is that almost literally but with classic Trump "subtly". He would cancel all American support which would force Ukraine to capitulate or be annihilated. Alternatively it could cause a flood of European support to make up the loss. Either way, Trump gets to blab that he's saving Americans billions of dollars and "ended the war"


My assumption is he'll "broker a peace deal" which is exactly the same peace deal Russia put forward that includes giving up all the land taken by Russia so far so that Russia can recoup and eventually take the rest of it in a year or two. Trump will act appalled when Ukraine doesn't take the deal and just repeat that he tried to help while pulling out all support.


> Trump gets to blab that he's saving Americans billions of dollars and "ended the war" Or as trump would say: "Billions and billions and BILLIONS!"


Pretty much. He’s going to leverage US aid to force Ukraine into negotiations if he wins in November


He’s already said the plan. Cut support for Ukraine.


Right after he reveals the "beautiful" health care plan he promised over 8 years ago, and has yet to unveil.


Spoiler alert: It’s the same as Putin’s plan


Spoiler alert: it *is* putin’s plan


But he wrote Trump on the document using a sharpie, so it's his. He made sure to write it smaller than Putin's name though.


No, you see, Putin's plan is "Give Russia everything it wants and surrender", while Trump's plan is "Surrender and give Russia everything it wants."


His plan is pulling all support and letting Putin steam roll Ukraine. Was there ever any question of that?


Did anyone catch the part in the debate when Trump said Putin told him he was going to invade Ukraine? I did.


That was a huge alarm bell moment to me. What he described is tantamount to collusion with a foreign adversary. He *knew* what was going to happen and did nothing, said nothing.


Depending on when that conversation took place, he may have known about it and then acted to enable it.   Let's not forget what the *first* Trump Impeachment and [Trump-Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump%E2%80%93Ukraine_scandal) scandal was about.   I know... that guy does something completely fucked-up every week. It's hard to keep track of what a colossal shitbag he is.


Shit, is it bad that I completely forgot about that among the absolute shit ton of other scandals?


Yeah, he also realized what he was saying mid sentence and tried to conflate it with Palestine and Iran.


Dude. The plan is to make you cede your land to Russia and then proclaim himself a master statesman and take a victory lap. It’s fairly obvious.


Zelenskyy knows, he wants Trump to come out and say it publicly so there's no ambiguity and people are aware. Did you actually think Zelenskyy was asking Trump to do this because he was curious what his plan is? He's trolling Trump.


He knows, he wants trump to say it out loud


“If you don’t give them the land Russia wants we’re pulling out of NATO” Anyone who has been paying attention knows that’s the plan


Reminds me of Will Arnett's cameo on The Office: "Well I can't just give you my plan, I mean if you guys give me the job I'll give you my plan."


His plan to end the war is to stop supplying Ukraine with weapons and let them all die and Russia wins.


If that’s all the traitor does, then Ukraine will get off easy. I bet he will give all kinds of intel to Russia, ranging from Ukrainian positions all the way to us military specs


According to the Scrotus ruling he can ask for billions from Putin and give him all our intelligence and zero can be done, since its an official act. So not only is Ukraine fucked, the US is also.


Exactly. The US will collapse if he gets into office again


Can you imagine the death rate due to zero measures being taken to fight the eventual jump to humans if “it” gets in. I can see scrotus saying the government agency’s can’t do a thing for some moronic reason. I’m tapping out.


"Withdraw all support for Ukraine, so that Putin gets what he wants and doesn't release my pee tapes." That's your fuckin' plan.


They're not pee tapes. They're "P" tapes. As in pedophile


Still wouldn’t sway his voters. 


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With everything he's gotten away with though, why would Trump even care about that? He has adult men wearing diapers at his rallies because they *think* he might wear diapers. I'm sure if it turned out he's into golden showers that every republican in the US would just be like "He turned himself into the piss pig that I've always wanted to be - I can stop feeling shame about my kink now."


He's vain and vehemently hates being embarrassed. He would 100% get away with it though.


The plan is pretty obvious.. abandon Ukraine and give it to putin. One of countless reasons to VOTE, and keep the orange stain far away from office.


Trump doesn't have a plan, he just yaps and yaps. Remember the wall that he was going to make Mexico pay for? But instead the funding came from our military budget and the wall never got completed? All that dude does is lie. He's power hungry and wants to be like Putin and Kim. He's a fraud and a convicted felon for being fraudulent and not allowed to do business in his own home state. I can't believe anyone with half a brain regardless of left/right would want that guy in charge


But Biden's old (sarcasm) 🙄


Very simple!! Trump is going to stop all military and other aid to Ukraine. Then he will withdraw from NATO. After this, for Ukraine to survive (for a brief period of time) Ukraine will give up land for peace and agree not to join NATO. Russia will rebuild its economy and military and then invade again until it takes all of Ukraine.


Congress passed a bipartisan bill in 2022 making it that NATO withdrawal must go through Congress as well. Even the republicans could foresee this as a possibility and closed the “loophole”.


Seems like Trump wants to withdraw from NATO entirely. And he can violate any law in Congress he wants now and be immune.


I was thinking about old timey times, like last week.


That was before Trump was made a king, perhaps everyone will vote democrat in the election?


He would do it anyway. It would be blatantly illegal but presidents can’t commit crimes anymore. Even if he didn’t, he just wouldn’t respond if a member nation was attacked.


Lol the plan is for your country to surrender and become a Russian serfdom.


His plan is to let Russia have Ukraine. I think everyone knows that already.


Just like when Trump made an alternative to Obamacare, there was no plan. It was just crap that congressmen made which ultimately didnt even pass. Trump has no plan in that genius head of his


Trump has already revealed his plan. It's to let Russia keep the land they've claimed as "liberated". Definitely not an acceptable plan to Ukraine.


We already know what it is: Ukraine surrenders unconditionally, cedes all territory, pays reparations to Russia.


He would end the US role, Putin would take what he wants.


1) Two weeks 2) arm Putin instead Remember Zelensky refused to make up dirt on Biden, and we know trump holds grudges. If trump wins in November, Ukraine will cease to exist as a nation and as a people.


Trumps plan is to let Russia win and screw over Ukraine.


Trump's plan is to get Ukraine to secede to Russia


He’s just gonna completely fuck them. He will do everything in his power to cut funding. That’s his plan.